I do not own Katekyo Hitman Reborn


The first thing Chrome did that morning was text her boss:

"I will not be coming to school today."

"Are you sick? Are you okay?"

Concern oozed from that one quick reply and Chrome felt guilt welling up inside her.

"No, but I have some things I need to tend to."

Chrome did not want to worry her boss but she did not believe lying was acceptable either. Instead, the art of vague replies usually quelled curiosity. Especially when conversing with her.

"Alright. I'll pick up the homework and notes for you."

"Stay safe."

It was odd how her boss knew when danger lied ahead even if it was not complete information. That last text left Chrome feeling warm as she saw her boss was still worried for her sake. Chrome sighed and then replied:

"Thank you, boss."

Chrome giggled as her boss frantically texted her back about his nickname and being associated with the mafia but Chrome knew he needed to get to school so she did not answer him. Instead, the purple-haired girl continued to drink her coffee and eat her cereal. Chrome had to be early to get to the convenience store since she needed to take the train since it was close to the European-style hotel in downtown Namimori. The silence of her apartment calmed her nerves. Meeting the Varia once was quite a trip, and encountering them twice should be another adventure. She wondered how she was going to get out of this meeting alive.

"Chirp! Chrome! Open!"

A small chirping snapped Chrome from her thoughts and she turned to see Hibird tapping at her balcony door. Chrome opened the door and the bird flew inside and landed next to Chrome's cereal. A smile pulled on Chrome mouth and she sat back down on her seat. She offered the yellow animal some cereal and it graciously ate some.

"Hibari! Meet! Train station!" Hibird piped up as it was snapping at the cereal. Chrome was surprised. Did Hibari want to meet her at the train station? Chrome did not think the loyal prefect would separate himself from his beloved school for such a trivial matter. Although, to underestimate how much Hibari hated being kept in the dark was also a bad assessment.

Chrome prodded the little bird so to get its attention. "Understood" was the girl's simple response and the Hibird took it back to its master without another chirp. It would take thirty minutes to get to the train station and it was almost 7:30AM. Chrome decided to walk now as all the dangerous people looming around her seemed to give her a larger sense of urgency than before. Chrome finished up her breakfast and left the bowl and coffee mug in the sink. She was about to leave until she sensed another person in her apartment.

It seemed another Hibird snuck its way into the flat again and was munching on some of the cereal in the box. Seeing it as no problem Chrome calmly left her apartment and locked her door.

What she didn't see was a black fedora peeking from the rails of her balcony.


Hibari looked up at the sky; there was barely a wisp of a cloud left in the bright blue plane and it somehow irritated him. If only he could disappear without a trace instead of having to participate in such troublesome affairs. Hibari sighed and wondered if he had enough sleep yet. The teenage boy was lying on the roof of the train-stop as he was waiting for his underlings to clear out the crowd that train stations usually formed. If it wasn't for Chrome's herbivore-like decision to use such a crowded way of transport Hibari would have ran or used his motorcycle to get to the meeting spot.

Although he had not specifically announced it, Hibari assumed that everyone knew he was coming as well. If everyone in that brawl last night was smart they should have expected it. After some short contemplation last night, Hibari found it important to get all information from Dokuro. At that point it was also a good idea to keep a closer eye on her; the illusionist really did know more than she let on and it was aggravating to have to deal with. It just reminded Hibari that no matter how many contradictions she held, Chrome Dokuro was still a Mist user and a damn good illusionist.

With that said, Hibari rethought if having to spend a thirty-minute train ride with the girl would still be as promising as his contemplative mind had told him last night. Still in thought, the prefect perked up to hear nervous footsteps walking under the train-stop roof. Since Hibari's underlings knew which person they were to let pass the boy knew immediately who it was and called out.


"Yes Hibari-san."

When talking to Chrome normally one tends to realize her way of speech is quite blunt. She leaves no room for lies but never speaks of any topic in detail; telling the truth but not really. However, this day was supposed to break all those barriers and Chrome was to spill everything she knew about the Noviello and their connection to Namimori, the scientist baby, and the drug ring that appeared in his district. Also, there was apparently a new weapon involved and if Chrome knew anything about that, Hibari would be happy to beat it out of her.


The train was on time and as it slowed down to a stop, Hibari waited for the school Disciplinary committee to deal with all the passengers in a train car. He wasn't worried about time either since his goons were also dealing with the driver of the train. However it did take longer than expected, some of the stubborn passengers had to be thrown out instead of being led into a new train car.

The prefect yawned as he entered the vehicle with the worried girl following behind him. He then gave his underling a wave of his hand so he could notify the man in the front of the train to stop threatening the conductor so they could move forward.

Hibari decided to take another nap on one side of the train car while Chrome sat on the other. The prefect didn't mind as long as he could keep an eye on her, and a light sleeper that he was, Chrome would be a fool to do anything at all. The only thing they could do was to wait patiently for the ride to be over.

"Next stop, down town Namimori. Down town Namimori." The squeaky voice of the announcer reminded.

Hibari's eyes struck open. Why the hell does that conductor sound so familiar?


Fran didn't really remember why he had to wake up so early or why he had to be dragged to a place he didn't know. All he knew – and cared about really – was that he wanted to sleep. The battle last night was exhausting and he didn't really want to do something like that again. However, he caught the names Annoying Skylark, Idiotic Prince, and Loud-mouth Shark come from Ken and Mukuro's mouth so he knew another battle was evident. Even when Chikusa tried to bluntly explain to him that was not the case, Fran knew these people were fighting addicts and if not for the mafia, their only job qualification would be for the Arena in Greece.

The Kokuyo gang was headed to a convenience store in down town Namimori. It was not unfamiliar, Ken got most of his snacks there and they would often bump into Chrome there as well. Speaking of the second pineapple-headed illusionist, Fran also heard her name a lot when all of his seniors were talking. She seemed to be the topic of interest for this event. Fran did not really know why but he felt almost afraid for Chrome. She had been very nice to him since they had first met and continued to be a better parent than almost anyone in his old town used to be. Sure his grandmother loved him and did things for him but she was too oblivious. Almost everyone in that village was a complete imbecile, either to his skills or anything that was out of the ordinary. Chrome was different in the fact that she was kind enough to seem oblivious but she was still as sharp as a needle through flesh.

Chrome tried to understand Fran and helped him in almost anything that he did. Although, some of that aid was uncalled for or unappreciated it always left a soft feeling in Fran's chest. He really hoped nothing today would make that part of Chrome disappear like last night.

Fran remembered the coldness inside Chrome when she was in between the brawl they had with the Varia. It was not long but Fran saw an emotion that was not like the Chrome he knew at all. Sure, Chrome could be as blank as a fresh sheet of paper, but that edge she held in her eye almost made Fran flinch that time. It was like the glare she gave him during the Arcobaleno Representative Battles except that look was filled with distress and urgency. The look last night seemed vengeful but not really, it was difficult to associate Chrome with revenge.

Fran knew he was not crazy when he thought this because everyone else believed it too. His master had tried to keep it a quiet conversation between him and Chikusa but the second they said Chrome, Fran was all ears. He caught a "What is Sawada doing?" and a "It must be that Arcobaleno's doing." From his master and while some of the words were confusing Fran could tell that he was angry. While trying to not dive too deep into the relationship between his master and Chrome, Fran knew whatever was happening to Chrome was serious since his master only ever showed great emotions when something serious occurred.

While Ken was letting Fran ride on his shoulders Fran continued to try to listen in on Chikusa and his master's conversation. Fran then heard his master say "…that Skylark planning?!" Then as if Hibari had been listening to the conversation better than Fran, a song celebrating the Namimori middle school filled the air above the gang.

Everyone looked up while Mukuro could only look forward with irritation.

"How lovely of you to join us, Hibari." The greeting held almost no familiar personality but a dense threatening tone.

Hibari Kyoya brought out his tonfa's in response however he was stopped when Chrome moved passed him. She bowed low and smiled with good cheer as if no one was threatening to attack, although with an added nervous look. Just about everyone was surprised since they could not sense her, although with Hibari and Mukuro's aura it made sense her presence was overpowered.

Among seeing Chrome and knowing she had ways to not let him fight, Fran quickly jumped towards her using Ken's shoulders as a boost. Chrome caught the apple-headed boy and gave him a surprised look.

"Oi master! I'm gonna stay with Chrome alright!" Fran quickly called out to his master as Chrome set him down beside her and held his hand. Everyone was confused at Fran's random action but found no harm in it and let it pass. Hibari however did not want to walk the rest of the way with the Kokuyo gang and moved ahead just enough to monitor Chrome but still far enough to not be associated with them.

Chrome looked fondly over this and immediately caught the Kokuyo gang's attention.

"You better tell us everything like your life depends on it, byon." Ken loomed over Chrome's shoulder instinctively making her look to him. His face tried to imitate a serious look but the feral grimace that was particular to Ken overpowered it.

"Yeah! How dare you keep this type of information to yourself! Are you even an ally to Mukuro?" M.M blasted at her with a judging scowl. Particularly, that seemed to have hurt Chrome as she walked a little faster and clutched Fran's hand tighter. Catching the flinch, Fran responded to Chrome's clench with a reassuring one of his own - and also with a sly glance, made M.M trip on her heels with an illusion of a sidewalk crack.

"Now, now that should all be water under the bridge. Especially since Chrome will be telling us all the details today. Isn't that right my dear Chrome?" Fran almost gagged as Mukuro slowed down and came a little behind Chrome and Fran to pat Chrome on the back for comfort, but was immediately halted by a gripping hand holding his neck. Mukuro's sweet smile had fooled Chrome into a good mood but his strangling hand was only observed by Fran and the mocking looks of his seniors. Or so he thought, because as soon as Chrome was done smiling at his master she stealthily shifted Fran to her other side and gently rubbed his neck looking toward him with a comforting glance.

Yep, no more oblivious people for Fran. On that note, Fran turned to look at his master and stuck his tongue out, obviously earning more than just a choke-hold when they return to Kokuyo Health Land.

This silliness lasted for a while as they all comfortably walked to their destination. While Fran was actually enjoying his freedom from his strict seniors he noticed something strange behind them. Everyone seemed to not mind it but that was to be expected of civilians who usually minded their own business. Fran stared at an old man, but not just a regular old man but a miniature one. His beard looked too white to match real hair; his green cane had a soft and waxy look to it like it belonged on some sort of animal. His eyes were huge and seemed to stare right through him…

Fran has seen those eyes before; that shade of green; that familiar height. It was on the tip of his tongue… Repo? Lee-bo? Reaper?

That last one seemed about right…

Fran thought hard and suddenly characters came into his mind and he cautiously whispered "Re-bo…"


Oops… I lost it.


Mammon really wished that Squalo didn't scream so loud. The baby also wished he had not set the meeting to such an early time as 9:00AM; he had underestimated the amount of strain his infant body would have to go through with the lack of sleep.

Mammon sighed; well it was only a few more years until he could finally regain the strength of his normal form. And when he does, all these annoying people surrounding him would already be dead, old, or easily disposable. Mammon could not wait.


Mammon looked to his commanding officer and examined his predatory smirk. It was amazing how Squalo could stay so positive after such an unfulfilled battle and limited amount of sleep. Although, dealing with the Boss' abuse, Mammon suspected Squalo was used to being an insomniac. Belphegor, on the other hand, had situated himself on a bench in a position that dared someone to prod him up and face the consequences; his earphones were on full blast so he could sleep to his music instead of Squalo's screams. Mammon glared at the blonde with irritation. That little rat had to be literally dragged from the hotel room to the store. Not because anyone wanted to bring him along, no, it was due to the fact that when they even attempted to leave, Bel would throw a frenzy of knives and complain that they were not going to leave him behind. It was like a lazy tantrum if Mammon had to name it. No matter how many people called him a genius, Belphegor was still an annoying brat.

Mammon then looked to their new party member, Lussuria. It was not a surprise that he tagged along, after reporting the events last night the feministic man sulked and pouted at the loss of opportunity to face such strong people. So of course he insisted that he accompanied them. So now he was sipping some whipped up latte and waited patiently for Squalo's yelling to subside.

That left Levi to stay with the boss. In hindsight that was a horrible idea. The only reason that Levi wasn't dragged out with them was because Xanxus was not awake to reject it. By the time Squalo, Bel, and Mammon entered the hotel suite last night, it was 4:53AM and heaven knew the boss would blow up the sun rather than wake up at that time. And now it was 9:00AM and hell knew it would freeze over before Xanxus would even move an eyelash. So since there was no denial from the boss, Levi became the unwanted guard dog.


Speaking of dogs, Mukuro's feral underling had begun a screaming contest with Squalo. The racket was enough for Bel to wake up from his nap and have him start twirling his knives threateningly. It would seem a fight was about to start between the two loud-mouthed males until a horrible irritation passed through Mammon's senses.

Immediately, the floating infant cast a powerful illusion towards the irritating being, but just as well that being dodged it with ease. World's Greatest Hit Man indeed, and that only encouraged Mammon to begin a plethora of attacks just to get one hit on him.

Unfortunately the pint-sized figure landed on something crucial to this meeting and silenced the tsunami of illusions.

"Ciaossu~!" Reborn greeted in such a casual and cute way that it was more scarring than Mammon's worst nightmares. "Quite a party you have here, do you mind if I join in as well."

Each and every one of them was in too much shock to even reply to him, and his smug look told them he knew everything that was going on. Which was impossible, but his damned face said otherwise. The only one to reply was the one already used to Reborn's antics and the one that the tiny hit man had situated himself upon.

"Oh! Good morning Reborn. What are you doing here?" Chrome was just as casual as Reborn's greeting except it held some form of surprise.

"I thought you would be with the boss." Chrome added obviously worried about how Sawada would react to his home tutor missing.

"I told Tsuna that I had some business elsewhere. However Chrome, as a guardian aren't you supposed to be with Tsuna too?" Reborn's question was not threatening but just a simple question.

"I apologize, but I had my own business as well" Chrome gestured to everyone; she seemed more used to Reborn's questions than others'. And Reborn also seemed to navigate through Chrome's blunt responses with ease.

"I see. So what is this all about?" Reborn came straight to the point, that first question was probably to test of Chrome was trying to hide anything. Mammon thought and he decided he should probably keep these tactics in mind.

"The Noviello familiga and their connection toward Namimori, the Lightening child, and a weapon that is made to combine Dying Will Flames."

"WHAT!" Squalo exclaimed in disbelief. Not just the disbelief of Chrome's direct way of speech toward Reborn but more importantly the fact that there is such a machine.

"Wow Squ-chan! You were right, Chrome Dokuro has become more interesting~!" Lussuria had stopped drinking from his coffee cup and began to look at Chrome with interest. "Please tell us more~." He crowed with what seemed like a friendly smile.

Suddenly Mammon was reminded that they were a large group of people crowded in a public space. Sharing such information like this was a mistake beyond measure. "Oi. Go inside the store, I already cleared it out and set it up with chairs so we can have a proper and private conversation." Mammon had already prepared for this and it was best for all of them to use it.

Everyone casually went inside as was told; the fuss was probably reduced due to Chrome's information and everyone's curiosity. The entire store was cleared and only plain wooden chairs stood in the middle of the floor in a circle. Mammon had paid the lady running the store a good amount to let him borrow the place for a while and the workers held no qualms about it either. Especially this one man Mammon recognized as a cashier who seemed absolutely terrified to see him again.

Illusions laced the windows to show a closed store with dark lights. It would be a bother to have people walking in uninvited; messy even.

Hibari Kyoya expectedly pulled his chair to a far corner in the room while Reborn, an uninvited visitor, sat on Chrome's lap.

"Well then, Chrome please continue about how you know the Noviello and this new weapon." Mukuro said, ready to finally know what has been buzzing in the underworld, although he seemed a bit perturbed to be receiving data on this through his most innocent counterpart.

"Understood." Chrome sat up as she looked like she had a lot to tell.

"During my time with the boss we come across many gangs around Namimori. It has always scared him so the Storm guardian, Rain guardian, and Sun guardian, thought of ways to relieve his stress." Somehow Mammon could sense a connected thought that said Sawada was pathetic pass through everyone's minds.

"Many ideas were passed, though they involved a lot of fighting and beating everyone up." Chrome looked exasperated at the proclamation and Mammon wondered if she was just another incarnation of Sawada Tsunayoshi.

"However I decided to go with my own plan." This information perked some people up. Having Chrome make the first move was interesting to think about especially since she did not seem to like battles. "Before any action was taken, I collected information about each gang in Namimori directly and used that data to ease their ways" Everyone looked as if they wanted to question that further, however, in a clash of information it is better to get the facts one came for rather than the extra stuff that pops up. "However new gangs were appearing out of nowhere from the far regions of Japan and a few in China. The data I was collecting was becoming irrelevant as I could not handle all of them at once. I could only ward them away from certain areas through things I had found out about them.

"It was only later when Hibari had told me about the drug dealings near the school that I began to piece together some of the things that were happening. For one: all the drug dealings seemed to circle around the Namimori school district."

"So? School districts have a lot of drug dealings. Kids can sell stuff much easier than adults." Belphegor challenged. Chrome did have a lot of information but she had such a soothing tone it was hard not to fall asleep again.

"Not in my school." Hibari hissed with such intensity that Belphegor now had no problem staying awake.

"That was what I thought as well until I saw which drugs people were selling. In the Namimori district, all the different dealers held a pact with one another that they would sell different things as to not clash in anyone's businesses. However, I found five different gangs that sold the same drug in the same district. Their hideouts were all located almost 3 km always from each other. After mapping it out the areas created this:"

An illusionary map appeared in the middle of the room and showed five highlighted points on it. Each point then extended to another point to connect into a perfect pentagon.

"And what's supposed to be significant about this?" Lussuria asked trying to figure out its meaning as well.

"Each gang has no other relation to the other except for that drug."

"So?" Squalo inquired impatiently.

"Well… while they do not have any sort of direct connection. When I visited them myself…"

"Chrome, you're wavering." Reborn calmly stated, however he too was also curious about what she found. Sometimes monthly updates were just too slow for him.

"Their dying wills were quite fearsome. Whether they were a famous gang or a weak one the ones who sold that drug had wills that could rival some of you. Although they were not… strong enough to conduct their wills, the raw power was impressive." It was obvious Chrome completely annihilated them, her own modesty with herself was a bit insulting.

"After collecting information from all of them, I found a place that they all had in common. It was apparently where they were supplied the drugs."

Chrome's illusionary map pointed to a place directly in the middle of the pentagon. She then showed a picture of a rundown building that was rotting at the walls.

"I stayed around the building for a while and caught anyone who came in or out of it. I was finally able to piece together the facts about the weapon after six or seven people…I lost count." Chrome's eyes went blank on that last phrase but she shook her head out of it. However, that minute action caused some raised eyebrows from her audience. What kind of questioning causes an after-effect like that?

Another illusionary image distracted them as it replaced the picture of the building and instead a blueprint presented itself to everyone. The plans seemed to be of capsules large enough to fit an eight-foot person. Tubes lined the top and the sides of the capsule. A diagram was shown extracting some sort of energy from a person inside.

"What the hell is that?" Mukuro asked in a solemn distress. The look of human experimentation haunted his thoughts again and the illusionist had to take a breath so he would not tear the illusionary image apart.

"It is apparently a way to fuel the weapon" Chrome stated with sadness, cringing as if the plans of the machine haunted her mind.

"I thought our generation was passed human fuel, especially with our advanced Gola Moscas" Mammon questioned her information. Humans left too many loose ends when they were used, for such a plan to attract even Verde, a smarter logic must have been involved.

"Well, I am still a bit unsure of what the rationality of it is but the people who are supposed to be inside the capsules are the ones who have used the drugs."

"What? But aren't these drugs being sold publicly?" M.M piped up. She thought she was getting close to figuring out what the scheme was but now Chrome's information was jumbling up.

"Well, all I know is that the people who are buying the drugs are either from the school district or the various gangs that have crossed over from far places. At this point I am still investigating the matter."

"What about the weapon. Do you know anything about it?" Reborn asked making sure to look up at Chrome's face.

"The weapon is still not describable but it seems that it uses the flames of human subjects and combines them until they turn into some sort of powerhouse flame. It is almost like combining flames but… the flames.. they seemed like they were a single entity" Chrome felt a memory of one of the scientists she interrogated brush past her mind, the screaming of people and clicking of machines made her clench her teeth.

"What about Verde?" Mukuro interrupted, though his teeth clenched also at all this talk about human experiments. If Verde had anything to do with them Mukuro would find a way to torture that brain the green-haired baby seemed to cherish. "What does that perverted scientist have to do with it all?"

Knowing the memories Mukuro had of such methods of experimentation and also his temporary partnership with the Lightening child, Chrome thought to ease a bit of her master's tension. "Some of the Lightening child's research was stolen by them. No one said it outright but some of the designs were similar to the machine used by Mukuro-sama and Fran during the Arcobaleno Representative Battle."

That's why spies were sent to Namimori, knowing Verde he probably got all pissy when his plans were taken from him. Reborn thought.

"Vrai!? Then do you have any idea what the weapon does with that flame?" Squalo inquired.

"It was not clear. No one I found seemed to have any exact information on it. It is assumed that it shoots the flame like a canon… Well, all I can say for sure is that the Noviello familiga is in charge of its assembly and that is all."

"Hm? Just its assembly?" Mammon inquired. Wording was important to catch, especially with dodgy people like Chrome. The girl sighed and looked to Mammon with a hesitant eye.

"The Noviello are known for their various victories in battles. While they are still a sly family, such a drastic change from warriors to inventors is…spontaneous…"

"You don't think the Noviello are the brains behind this scheme" Belphegor smirked. It seemed Chrome does have enough self-respect to look down on people after all.

"The Noviello are intelligent but their prowess shines on the battlefield. And unfortunately, that type of intellect can be mistaken for the sly intelligence people associate… say, Mukuro-sama with." The pineapple-haired illusionist beamed in fucking delight.

"So, a figure-head that the actual masterminds can fall back on?" Chikusa inquired.

"Maybe…"Chrome looked down mentally looking over her facts again.

"It would be a good choice." Reborn stated out-loud.

"Yeah, if people ever found out about it and decided to retaliate against the Noviello, pure hell would ensue throughout the whole underworld." Squalo added on as he continued to speculate the probability of success in their mission once more.

"And the actual people who planned this could hide behind the chaos." Hibari had said his first words from his side of the room. As everyone looked back at him, a carnivorous gleam shined through his eyes. Things were finally coming together.

After a comfortable but venomous pause, the sudden sound of a chair moving caught everyone's attention again. Chrome had stood up and looked to all of them; Reborn had hopped off before she stood up and was on the floor with his hands in his pockets.

"That is all I know." Her posture was straight and she almost looked like a solider except for her delicate structure. Chrome waited for any other questions but just received suspicious glares instead. Seeing that she had fulfilled her promise, Chrome thought it was time to return to school or to her home. As she turned to make her way out she also dissolved her lingering illusion of the capsule blueprint. It was little odd, Chrome thought they would have asked more questions. But if that was how they were, Chrome had nothing to argue with.

Without another sound, she left, the chime of the store door echoed in the room.

"Reborn." Mammon said not even looking at the person he was talking to.

"Yeah, Viper."

"You have a lot of explaining to do."

Finally posted. The story is fuzzy around the edges but i am cleaning it up for you guys! Thanks for reading and please be patient