(Tobias POV)

Beatrice's mum is waiting by the bus stop. Since we live opposite each other, either my mum or her mum would pick us all up and drop us home. We were still too little to help out.

"Tobias, neither of your parents are at home today so you will have to stay at our house for a little while. Is that okay with you?" Beatrice's mum asks me.

"Yes, I would love that." I respond in my best Abnegation voice. I don't like being alone at my house. Beatrice smiles at me, but resumes her conversation with her friend Susan. Susan and Robert are twins who are in the same year as Tris and Caleb. After Robert and Susan are dropped home, Mrs Prior takes us back to Beatrice's house. We all sit around the dinner table.

"What homework do you have?" She asks us.

"Reading!" Beatrice exclaims happily while pulling out a book labelled 'My First Body Book'. I remember reading that. I wasn't too interested in science myself but apparently Beatrice was.

"Same as Bea," Caleb says. Mrs Prior looks to me.

"A page from my maths workbook." I tell her. I'm in year one, Beatrice and Caleb our in reception. They are only two years younger than me because Caleb's birthday is on 30th September, and Beatrice's is on 24th May. Mine is 2nd September. Mrs Prior takes a bag of popcorn from the microwave and puts it in front of us. Popcorn is indulgent, but the Abnegation who have children under 12 get one bag per month. Beatrice and Caleb start to munch on it happily. I never got to eat the popcorn. My dad always refused the popcorn, I got it once a year if I was lucky.

(Beatrice's POV)

Tobias isn't eating any popcorn. I push the bag towards him.

"It's for you too, you know." I tell him. He smiles, and takes a popcorn. My mum smiles, and starts reading with Caleb and I whilst Tobias works on his maths. Soon I finish reading and I look over at Tobias, who is on his last maths question.

"That looks hard! You must be so clever!" I tell him.

"Not really," he replies, shy.

"Are you ok with that? Do you need some help Tobias?" my mum offers.

"Done!" He exclaims, closing his book and placing it in his bag. "Thank you for the offer, Mrs Prior." I make a face to myself. How is he so polite to everyone? We finish our popcorn before climbing on top of the house where the vegetable growing patch was. Mum had given us the permission to pick the ripe tomatoes; it was my favourite activity.

"Tobias!" I hear a voice call. "Come downstairs!" He dusts off his robes and we run downstairs.

"Mum, can Beatrice and Caleb come to our house tomorrow?" He asks. That sounds fun! And it's weekend.

"Yeah mummy! Tomorrow all you adults can have dinner tomorrow, because we don't have school the next day!" I plead. So after a few minutes they give in, and I high-five my new friend, Tobias. We make a great team when it comes to getting what we want.

A/N-Please Review! Thanks to everyone who reviewed the last chapter. You are awesome!