keeper of all lore: Initially skills will be usable based on magatama equipped, but as Issei level up he can learn them permanently. The best part? He doesn't have a limit of eight skills like in the game.
BlueXtreme: he gets the skills absorbing the magatama, but training is required to use them even without the magatama equipped.
The One True Slacker: Boosted Gear double the stats Issei has at the moment of activation. Think of it like using the -Kaja spells.
MadGod666: An Issei that reached his full potential cannot be defeated by anyone in the DxD Universe, even if they work in group.
Disclaimer: I don't own the Megami Tensei franchise and/or Highschool DxD. But you already know it.
Draco (Dragon)
It has been a hour since the end of the fight with the Fallen Angel.
All the time, I keep swearing the same way every five minutes, my mind replaying that truly unsatisfying conclusion over and over. I pass by my house just to put down my bicycle in the garden. Without stopping I keep walking, just letting my feet bring me wherever they want.
By coincidence or Fate- if it's the latter, Fate has a horrible sense of humor -I find myself in a park similar to the one where my date with Yuuma ended.
At the thought of the bitch who toyed with my feelings and then tossed me away like an old sock I lean against the large and thick trunk of a tree
"What the fuck was that?!" I suddenly yell as I spin around and run through the trunk with my fist like a hot knife through butter.
I'm so angry it's difficult to think straight.
"I can't attack Fallen Angels, but it's okay when they do the opposite?!"
I dig my fingers into the wood, raise the tree in the air and slam it down on a nearby bench. I raise it and repeat the process. Again and again.
"That damn crow wanted to kill me just for shits and giggles! I have all the rights in the world to defend myself!"
Once there is nothing left of the bench to break I proceed to tear out chunks of concrete from the asphalt with my bare hands.
"But noooo, the little bimbo princess is worried about starting a war! Well I have hot news for you Gremory: I am not a Devil, you're not my master and I don't care a flying fuck about wars and whatnot! I can do whatever I want, when I want and how I want and there isn't a single man, woman, Devil or God out there that can say otherwise! If I want to kill that shithead angel it isn't your goddamn...business..."
It's like someone suddenly turned a switch inside me. The moment I recall that winged private detective wannabe the full reality of the previous events hit me.
I fought a man with the intent to kill. I ripped off his limb. I was going to keep doing it until he die.
My knees give up and I collapse on the ground. I feel the unbearable urge to puke, but nothing comes out, just spit.
Not even a week ago I was a normal sixteen years old boy.
the red of blood
Average grades. Friends to hang out. Good parents. More than healthily desires for the female body. An enjoyable school life, beatings from the Kendo Club's girls aside.
the white of bones
I finally got a girlfriend. Only to be killed by her at our first date. Everything stolen from me, just because she thought I have the potential to be a danger to her. Saved by an inhuman creature in exchange for my humanity.
the sound of ripping sinews
Not even a hour ago I almost killed a person. An intelligent, sentient being. I ripped off his arm with my bare hands as he looked at me with pain, terror and despair.
And I enjoyed every second of it.
I feel a pressure building behind my eyes but no tears come out. I roll on my back and scream. I pour out all my confusion, my fear, my guilt. In my eyes I sound like a dying animal.
Unbidden a stray thought comes to me: 'Would I feel the same if, instead of that man it was Yuuma?'
I scream even harder at the answer. I was Hyodo Issei, a normal sixteen years old highschool student.
Now I don't know anymore and I am scared shitless because of it.
I am not sure how long I stood like this, but slowly the high pitched scream subsides into a small whine. Not a sob: no matter how much I try, my body refuse to let me cry.
This little detail scares me more than everything else that happened until now, because it means I can't trust myself anymore.
"Just what...what I am supposed...to do? What...should I do?"
[As a start? Stop whining like a little bitch and get your act together, you fucking brat.]
The moment the voice I don't recognize spoke I roll over and stand up, hands clenching into fists. "W-Who's there?" Did someone see my outburst? Shit! The place looks like a bomb went off, how I am going to explain it if a cop, or worse, show up?
[No need to freak out. I'm right there.]
"Where? There's no one around me. Wait, don't tell me you are invisible! Are you a devil?"
[No to both questions. I'm inside you.]
I open my mouth, but nothing comes out. I close it and try again. "...This explains everything: I've become insane. That I'm hearing voices in my head is proof of it."
[Normally I would agree with that reasoning, but it's not the case here. I'm not a product of your delirious mind. I can speak to you like this because I'm the spirit inside your Sacred Gear.]
My Sacred Gear? Is this mysterious voice talking about Twice Critical? Now that I think about it, this deep voice with a faint rumble, I don't recall ever hearing it before...But somehow I feel like I know it. Like its owner has always been close to me...
[That's right. I'm always been beside you. But it's not Twice Critical anymore. Summon your Sacred Gear, and behold the true form of your power!]
Something happened to my Gear? Now I'm curious. I call forth the gauntlet, triggering the transformation. The familiar rush of power soothes my still aching body. But then something unexpected happens. Green light begins to shine from my left arm, hiding it. It continues for a few seconds before disappearing, allowing me to see the gauntlet changed form: now it covers my entire forearm, my fingers encased in sharp-looking metal claws. It looks like the arm of a dragon. It's very cool.
"What is this?! Why is my Sacred Gear different? What happened to it?"
[You unlocked its true form, that' what happened. You are finally strong enough to use it. I guess the last fight did the trick. But you have a shitload of questions, right? I think it's best we meet face to face, so I can explain everything properly. ]
Yeah, answers would be fucking nice right now. I'm seeing just a tiny little problem. "But if you're inside my head, how are we supposed to meet? I meditate, empty my mind, and access my inner world?"
[That would work, yeah.]
"Are you serious? Are you seriously telling me a method commonly found in anime works in real life?! Even if it's real you can't seriously expect me to pull it out at the first try! I'm not a superhero wannabe with no sense of self, you know?"
[I have no idea what you're talking about. But if you want an alternative...I suppose hitting your head with the green jewel on the gauntlet until you lose consciousness will work.]
"...Now you're just pulling my leg."
[Nope. It's very simple: the continued exposure to the energies emitted by the jewel, which act as a central node for the Gear, will create a link that, upon loss of cognitive functions, should ena-]
I don't understand a single word of what he's saying. "Okay, okay I will try." Not that I have an alternative.
I put my left palm over one of the tree still standing, lean back my head...
And headbutt the jewel.
§ § §
"Fucking hell..." I cradle my head, hissing at the massive headache wracking my brain. "It hurts dammit!"
[I can't believe my eyes. You really did it.] The mysterious voice says with mirth, this time directly behind me.
"Yeah, I di-!" My eyes shot open at the meaning of his words settle in. Pain forgotten I turn around, idly noting I'm in some sort of pitch-black void. "You fucking bastard! I knew you were ly-Uwaah!"
I fall on my butt in complete shock.
Of course. Anyone would be shocked if a gigantic monster appears right in front of them.
It has big green eyes. Inside the jaw that comes up to its ears, lots of sharp fangs are growing out. There is a thick horn lining up on its forehead, and the scales that covers its body are red like magma. Its thick arms and legs rival a gigantic tree in size. The claws look very sharp and terrifying. Finally, the pair of wings that are spread to the sides makes this giant monster look even bigger.
In front of me there is...a gigantic monster...and out of all the things I know, the thing that resembles it the most is a—
—Dragon. There's a real Dragon standing in front of me!
The Dragon lifts its mouth up a bit.
[It's nice to finally meet you face to face. I was waiting to finally introduce myself to my partner who I will be fighting along with from now on. My name is Ddraig, the Welsh Dragon and Heavenly Dragon. Nice to meet you, partner.]
The Dragon- Ddraig introduces himself.
I don't know how to react. Can anyone blame me? It's not everyday stuff that a honest-to-god dragonappear in your mind and say he's going to be your partner. That's the stuff of dreams and delusions from eighth grade syndrome.
I raise a shaky finger at it. "Why the hell there's a Dragon inside my head?! Wait, don't tell you're a representation of my soul that, now that I learned your name, will teach me to use Shikai?"
[Like I said I have no idea what's you're talking about.] Ddraig rolls his eyes. [I told you, I am the spirit sealed inside your Sacred Gear. Some Sacred Gears house the spirits of powerful creatures inside them, yours is one of them: it's name is Boosted Gear, the Red Dragon Emperor's Gauntlet, one of the Thirteen Longinus.]
Aww, no Shinigami pow-Wait a moment, what the hell I am doing? Focus my easily distracted self, focus! "Boosted Gear? Sempai said its name is Twice Critical. And what does 'Longinus' mean?"
[Twice Critical is the initial stage Boosted Gear assumes until the user is strong enough to unlock the real form. Those Devils told you about Sacred Gears in general. What they failed to mention is that among them there are thirteen unique Sacred Gears that, once mastered, have the power to kill Gods: I mean beings like the God from the Bible and Gods from mythologies like the Greek and Japanese ones. All of them can be killed with a Longinus. Boosted Gear, your Sacred Gear, is one of said thirteen Longinus.]
"Wait what!?" I stop him with a raised hand. "Killing Gods? No matter how you spin it, it's too unbelievable!"
[Figures you would say something like that.] Ddraig scoffs in amusement. [I got the same reaction many times. But it's true and there is no deny it. All Longinus have abilities bordering on miracles. Boosted Gear for example has, like the standard Twice Critical, the ability to double the user's power. The difference is that it keeps doing it every ten seconds. So, saying, if you have power equal to 1 and you're facing someone with power equal to 100, all you would have to do to win is waiting one minute and ten seconds to reach power equal to 128 and then defeat your foe.]
Are you serious, Dragon-san? I can defeat God!?
I look at my left hand. There is a mark of a Red Dragon carved into my gauntlet. Maybe it's the light, but now it looks more like a real dragon arm than just a gauntlet shaped like one, the glowing tattoos giving off the impression of veins.
What a powerful Sacred Gear...that is, if Dragon-san is telling the truth.
[That look right now, you're doubting my words.] Ddraig just grins in amusement, not the least offended. [If you want proof just use it in the next battle. You will see. Just remember that each boost consume your Stamina, and that there's only so much power your body can hold at any given time. Nothing that training can't overcome however.]
An annoying drawback, but I suppose such a powerful ability is bound to have a glaring weakness. It also prove Yuuma didn't make a gigantic blunder as I thought.
"So..." I scratch the back of my head, unsure how to approach the subject. "Ddraig-san. Why are you...sealed inside Boosted Gear?"
[Just Ddraig is fine. You see partner, I was once one of the strongest dragons in the world. I defeated a lot of other dragons that were older and more experienced than me, earning the title of Sekiryuutei (Red Dragon Emperor). As the Boosted Gear's bearer, the same title is applied to you.]
Sekiryuutei? Is this perverted Hyodo really worthy of such a cool sounding name? "Were you really so strong?"
[Of course.] He says with pride. [The Heavenly Dragon has power on par with the God from the Bible. Even all four Maou combined couldn't even put a scratch on my scales.]
"Then why are you here now?"
[Ah. Yeah, that. Well you see there was this other dragon, who claimed he was my equal but in reality he wish he's as cool as me. He was stubborn as a rock, so we fought to see who was stronger. Which is me of course.]
I smell bullshit. And I don't mean the brown matter that come out of bovines. "Uh uh. So you won?"
[Nnnnn...ot. I was about to, but during our scuffle we ended crashing into a battlefield where the Three Factions were fighting. It was still the times of the Great War. So God and the Maou came to us, yelling to stop because we were disturbing their fight.]
"Which you did. Right?"
[Nope. With a cry of 'What right do you have to meddle in the affairs of Dragons?' we attacked them. And we were even winning, but then the rest of their armies came and started to work together and...well, me and the other dragon were killed and our souls sealed into Sacred Gears.]
I facepalm. With my right hand. "You. Are. An idiot."
[I'm not an idiot! I was just...a little bit..cocky?]
"Really? So nowadays challenging, alone, the combined might of the Three Factions of Christianity, the religion with more followers in all the world, is called 'being cocky' instead of 'reckless suicide'? You learn something new every day."
[Har har. Very funny partner.] The red dragon deadpans. [But I suppose it's still better that you being all emo.]
Emo? What do he mean with- oh.
How could I have forgotten?
Ddraig's expression hardens. [No. Don't you dare start again. I can accept you being a brat, but I will not have a whining brat as a host. Are your balls only good for masturbation?]
"Ohi!" I snap back, not in the mood for being belittled. "Excuse me? Traumatized guy here! Try to have a little tact!"
Yeah, tact: with how big he is I'll bet he uses redwood trees as toothpicks.
[Traumatized? Traumatized for what? It's not as if you killed that Fallen Angel: you just roughed him up.]
[And? Never played with your food before?]
I gape at him.
[Oh right, you humans eat your meat dead right? Not that I don't appreciate cooked meat myself, but-]
I can't believe I am having this conversation. "That was a person, not food!"
He shrugs. [Same thing to me.]
[Did you thought I was a vegetarian or something equally ludicrous? Okay, there are Dragon Apples, but it was not nearly enough. My superior body required a lot of energy: usually I defaulted to cattle, but every now and then some hero wannabe tried to take on me and-]
"Stop!" I cover my ears. "Stop stop stop! I don't want to hear! You're a dragon, I'm not. So when I go all psycho and almost beat someone to death, it isa big deal!"
Ddraig lowers his head until his snout is almost touching my chest. His big, green eyes are boring into mine. [Wasn't he going to do the same to you? That makes retaliating perfectly justified.]
I hesitate. "But...it's not as I died..."
He scoffs. [Of course, or we wouldn't have this conversation otherwise. But believe me, he was going to. You heard him, he thought you were a Devil. And he was going to use his Light powers to kill you. Do you know what happen to Devils killed by Light?]
I shake my head.
[Their souls are annihilated partner. After death humans to go Heaven, Hell or Purgatory and supernatural beings reincarnate, but the Light of Angels and Fallen Angels can shatter the souls of Devils, reducing them to nothingness. Nothing remains, not even memories. It's a fate worse than death, and he was going to subject you to it simply because he thought he could get away with it.]
I feel my blood freeze at Ddraig's words. Never mind the fact I am not a Devil so, maybe, it would not have worked, but if it was someone else of the club in your place, like Kiba...or Koneko-chan...
Cold dread is instantly replaced with hot fury. "That-That bastard! What kind of cold-hearted monster would do something like that to someone they don't even know?!" The same kind of monster that toy with the honest feelings of others for their own sick amusement. "Fucking Angels!"
[That's Heaven and their fallen members for you.] Ddraig rolls to one side and scratches his neck with one claw. [Never saw any of them act on that 'infinite compassion' their human followers like to preach about so much. And let's not talk about their God. You know he hates dragons? He hates them so much he kept killing members of my race and stuffing their souls inside Sacred Gears.] The dragon's voice turns bitter. [Twice Critical? It has a dragon's soul inside. And it's a common gear.]
"...This suck."
[Welcome to reality.]
I sit down on the floor- if there is one -and wrap my arms around my legs, resting my chin on my knees. This...all of this, is so hard to swallow. Why did sempai never told me about it?
What else is she not telling me?
I dismiss that thought almost immediately and focus on something else. "...I don't feel so guilty anymore." If anything sempai should have let me finish. "But it doesn't change the fact I wasn't myself during the fight."
All that rage and killing intent, that lack of hesitation...It's like I became someone else not just physically, but also mentally. And it scares me. I want- no I needanswers. "Ne, Ddraig? Do you know what I am?"
[No. Not even I saw everything in this world. I would suggest you to ask it, but I doubt it can answer you.]
[That.] Ddraig points in the distance. I follow the line of his claw and-
Since when itwas there?
No...the real question is: how could I missed ituntil now?
Because, floating aimlessly in the pitch-black darkness, glowing with an eerie crimson aura...
Is the same monstrous worm that started everything.
I jump on my feet and point at the worm, which is half the size of Ddraig.
[It's been there since it fused to you.] Ddraig answers your jumbled questions, standing straight. [This is your soul partner, so it's probably a spiritual representation.]
It's true. If I focus I can feel the thing's presence inside me. I do it, and this time I receive two identical responses: one from inside me, and the other from the thing in front of me.
Seeing it again for the first time brings back bad memories-
-That I quickly suppress. No, not now. Never.
"Ddraig." I ask the dragon as I stare at what, like the shopkeeper said, gave me power in exchange of something of equal value...my humanity. "What...is that?"
[No idea. In execution alone, it's very similar to the Evil Pieces Devils use. Hell, beside some glaring differences like the lack of Light weakness your new body is very similar to a Devil. Only, better.]
A sudden inspiration hits me. I start running towards the worm. I am halfway there when its imagine fizzle out like static on an old TV, and it reappears further away.
Clenching my teeth I keep chasing after it, but no matter what I do it keeps eluding me. Ddraig just stands there, watching with bored interest.
After half an hour of fruitless efforts I can't keep it down anymore. "Why?!" I spat. "Why did you change me? It's your fault I have all those contradicting emotions! What are you? Answer me!"
[It cannot answer you. Right now it's in a position similar to me and Boosted Gear, an addition to your soul that extend to your physical body, but while it's undeniably alive it has no intelligent. It's more like a parasite.]
"...A parasite." I mouth with growing horror. "I have an infestation in my fucking soul. I'm going to be sick."
[I recall you trying, and failing.]
"Fuck that Ddraig." I pull out my tongue in an expression of pure disgust. "You're cool, but that is just gross. Can't I just remove or destroy it?"
[As it is, connected so deeply to your soul? I don't recommend it partner. It would be like removing a Sacred Gear from a person that is still alive. At best you die, at worst you do irreparable damage to your own soul. I suggest you find out more about it before attempting anything too drastic.]
But! But! My dream of forming a harem! How I am supposed to gather a Peerage of cute girls if I can't become a Devil?!
[Aah, don't be so down partner. It's not that bad. Look, a trick.]
Ddraig raises two claws and forms a ball of green energy. He tosses it to the worm. Surprisingly enough it manages to reach the thing, where it breaks into smoke and it's absorbed into the elongated body.
The worm twitches and twirls before releasing flowing red strands of energy. They flow in the air to Ddraig, who inhale them.
[Aaah! Yes, that's the stuff. While experimenting I discovered that if I feed it some of my own energy it gives it back in a different form, and let me tell you this stuff, whatever it is, tastes great. Here, try it.]
He repeats the process, directing it to me. Curious I extend my arm.
The moment I touch and absorb it I feel a pleasant tingle running down on my spine. I also feel good, just like the times I peep at the Kendo Club's female changing room. What is this feeling?
[See? Like a mix of good wine and adrenaline, only better.]
"...Is it safe?"
[We're still alive, aren't we?]
"Oookay, if you say so." I massage my temples. "God, this night was the worst. Can I go? I want to rest I my room, without having to worry about angels, Longinus and strange worm-things."
[Sure. Now that we're connected I can just talk directly in your head from now on. To leave you just have to will yourself to wake up in the real world.]
"That simple? Okay." I close my eyes and wish with all my heart to wake up in the real world.
After a minute or two I open my eyes, and find myself back in the park.
"Uh. I guess Ddraig do know what he is doing."
§ § §
Ddraig watches his most recent host leave the spiritual landscape with a mix of concern and resolution. [Hang in there kid. Things are going to get more difficult as time go on, but remember you're not alone.]
He tilts his head left and right before feeding another ball of energy to the worm and absorbing the red strands it releases, savoring the pleasant feeling it provides.
The Welsh Dragon chuckles.
[I think I'm going to enjoy my new host.]
Character Stat Sheet (Sort Version)
Name: Hyodo Issei
Clan: Fiend
Magatama: Marogareh
Lv: 3
Equipment: Sacred Gear Longinus-Class "Boosted Gear"