"Optimus Prime's Revenge"—A TFP Story

Summary: sequel to "You Need To Laugh More". Optimus Prime gets his revenge on the Autobots, as well as the humans, and attacks them individually.

Transformers Prime © Hasbro

Lily and Kylie © Me


Optimus awoke smiling the next morning, knowing of how the day would begin. He knew Lily would be the most interesting out of all his targets. She was pretty much ticklish everywhere, and her first instinct depended on where she was being tickled. She also had a laugh that Optimus found completely adorable. It made him feel happy to hear it, as well as merely seeing her smile. He was going to have loads of fun that morning.

Lily was on high alert when she woke up. She had a hunch her adopted father would come after her next on his quest for revenge, but she questioned why he'd target her twice when he had already tickled her the day they all tortured him. Maybe he didn't count that time and had waited to target her last since she started the whole thing. Either way, she knew he was after her, and she had to be careful. She couldn't hide the fact that she was an adorable mess when tickled more ways than one.

Cautiously, she crept out into the hall and entered the main hangar where the other Autobots conversed. Seeing the coast was clear but still on high alert, Lily relaxed and headed in. "Morning!" she said and they returned the greeting. "Where's Papa?"

"He went out for a quick drive," explained Ratchet. "He left not too long ago."

Lily nodded. "So, he get all you guys yesterday?"

The other bots chuckled. "He first got the humans," Bulkhead said, "then Ratchet, then me, then Bumblebee, and then Arcee."

"And now me."

"What makes you think he'd come after you?" asked Bumblebee.

"Yeah, didn't he get you on the day we tickle-tortured him?" said Arcee.

"Yeah, he did, but I keep thinking he'll still get me because I started the whole thing in the first place," Lily said. "I don't see why he wouldn't."

"Well, you'd better keep your optics peeled today," Ratchet chuckled. "Being an expert at ambush, he knows how to jump you when you aren't paying attention. We are all victims of it." The Autobots meekly smiled and nodded.

Lily slightly chuckled, then suddenly had an odd feeling. "You said he went out for a drive?"

"Yes," Ratchet nodded.

"How do I know you aren't lying?"

The medic scoffed. "Don't be ridiculous, Lily! I'd never..."

"Oh, really?" Lily cocked an optic ridge.

"Yes, really!..."

Lily sighed and faced the others. "Okay, where is he?" They all turned their attention upwards, and before she could even think of turning around, a loud WHAM rang out behind her, startling her and nearly causing her protoform to jump out of its armor. "Yipe!" she squealed as she leapt into the air, and she felt herself being caught. Looking around, she locked eyes with—"Papa?!"

"My, everyone has been so surprised to see me lately," remarked Optimus Prime. Lily had a panicky look on her face as she strived to get out of her adopted father's tightening grip. "There is no point in struggling, young one. You are going nowhere." He grinned evilly, yet playfully. "Today will be the day my quest for revenge will be complete, finishing it off with how it all started: with you, Lily McElroy."

Lily swallowed hard and closed her optics tightly. "Just get it over with. Put me out of my misery already."

"You are not even going to beg?" Optimus asked.

"Why bother?" Lily sighed. "It's not like you'll show me any mercy."

Optimus stared at her for a moment before frowning with a whine. "That's no fun at all. Not what I expected. Well, then. If you won't beg willingly, I'll make you beg!" He then brought a hand down upon Lily's exposed stomach.

Instantly, Lily went berserk, laughing and giggling hysterically, thrashing around in the crook of Optimus's arm. Optimus's fingers dug into the plating of her belly and slid down to her sides, back onto her belly then down to the other side, each time making Lily laugh harder and harder. "HA-HA-HA-HEE-HEE-HEE-HEE-HEE! P-PAPAAAA-HA-HA-HA-HA! S-STOP! STOP I-HE-HE-HE-HE-IT!"

Optimus laughed along. "Now you're begging! Here we go!" He sat down onto the floor and laid Lily in his lap, giving her a teeny bit more room to wriggle around. He continued tickling her belly and enjoyed hearing her squeal every time he'd glide his finger over a sensitive area. "Come on, Lily," he cooed, "let me hear more of your beautiful laugh. Cootchie cootchie cootchie coo! Tickle tickle tickle tickle!"

"HA-HAAAA! HA-HA-HA-HA! HEE-HEE-HEE-HEE! NO-HO-HO! STO-AHA-HA-HA-HA-HA-STOP IT! NO MORE! PLEASE!" Lily laughed as tears began to form in her eyes.

Normally, this is when Optimus stopped, but this time he went further into it. The only time he stopped was to turn Lily onto her stomach, grab her feet and started tickling them. Not even a second after he began caressing and scratching her feet, Lily went back into hysterics, flaring her arms around as if she were trying to fly away. "AAAAAH! AHA-HA-HAAAA! HA-HA-HA-HA-HA! NONONONO-HO-HO-HO! PA-HA-HA-HA-PA! PLEASE NO MORE!"

"And why should I stop?" Optimus asked.


"Just as I expected. But it's no reason for me to stop. It's a reason for me to continue!" He then pinned Lily to the floor, slid his hands under her arms and vigorously tickled there. Lily screamed before returning to another giggly fit, swinging her legs around and wriggling uncontrollably, pressing her arms against her sides. But trapping Optimus's fingers there did nothing to stop the unbearable, torturous tickling.

"NYAAA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA! HA-HA-HA-HA! HEE-HEE-HEE! HO-HO-HO-NOOO! F-FA-HA-HA-HA-ATHER! PLEASE STOP! PLEASE!" Lily begged as tears streamed down her face.

"I would, but I'm not quite done with you yet, my dear," Optimus crooned. Then he wiggled his hands free and started lightly tickling Lily's neck, earning squeaky giggles from her. She instantly scrunched up her shoulders to try and protect her neck, but Optimus's fingers still managed to reach the sensitive wiring there. "Cootchie cootchie coo, little Lily! Come on, now, and giggle away!"

"Hee-hee-hee-hee! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Papa! Quit that! C-Cut it out! Sta-ha-hap it!" Lily squealed as she tried to shield her neck from Optimus's fingers; but when she raised up her arms to cover her neck, Optimus tickled her underarms and she'd slam her arms back down to her side.

Then she let out a quick shriek and twitched her legs. "NO-HO-HO, PAPA! DON'T TICKLE MY FEET!"

Optimus raised an optic ridge. "But, Lily, I'm not..."

"No, but I am."

Optimus turned to see Ratchet tickling one of Lily's feet while holding down the other. "If it weren't for her idea to gang up on you, we'd never had to endure your torturous revenge," the medic explained. Optimus smiled; his old friend did have a point. If Lily had never came up with the idea, then the others wouldn't have joined in, and he wouldn't have gotten revenge on them. This all revolved around the squirmy, giggly Autobot youngling held fast under his weight.

"Hee-hee-hee! U-Uncle Ratchet! Stop it! Plea-hee-hee-ease!" Lily begged.

"No way, young lady," Ratchet said, "you are getting what you deserve. Because of your idea we had to pay the price. Now it's your turn!" Arcee, Bulkhead and Bumblebee exchanged glances as they thought over what Ratchet had said. Agreeing that he did have a point, they approached Optimus.

"Permission to join in, sir?" asked Bulkhead as he wiggled his fingers.

"Permission granted, soldier," Optimus said and sat Lily up.

Lily started screaming laughter again as both Bulkhead and Bumblebee tickled under her arms, while Ratchet continued to caress and gently claw at the bottoms of her feet. Arcee knelt down and attacked Lily's sides, and Optimus went on tickling Lily's sensitive belly.

Lily's body was trembling from the unbearable tickles and from laughing so hard. Her sides and abdomen ached, she was losing strength, and her cheeks were still fresh with tears. She wondered if the others had to endure the same thing when Optimus Prime targeted them, and if he tortured them just as long. A doubting feeling shivered through her body; of course, she'd had to suffer the longest. The others were right. She started all of this. So now it was going to end with her.

Having no strength left at all, Lily succumbed to the 50 digits wiggling into her body, threw her helm back and laughed the hardest she's ever laughed.


Optimus was having a ball. Never had he seen or heard Lily laugh like this, and all just because of tickling! He couldn't help but laugh along with her; this was the most fun he's had in a very long time.

He could see happiness on her face, but also distress. He agreed that this had gone on long enough, and he and his Autobots stopped their tickling. Lily laid flat on the floor of their base, breathing heavily while letting out sob-like giggles, trying to fill her intakes with fresh air.

Optimus chuckled and slowly helped her sit up, placing her in his lap. "Are you alright?" he asked her.

Lily swallowed and panted. "I...I'm good...for now..." she wheezed.

Optimus rubbed her back gently, running his hand up and down and in circles. "Easy, Lily, breathe," he soothed her. After a few moments, Lily had calmed down enough and had some of her strength back.

"That was...some roller coaster," Lily said with a giggle.

"Yeah. Sorry for going a bit overboard," Bulkhead apologized. "We were just eager to get ya back, and it was fun."

"You just better not think about getting us back like Optimus did," Arcee said with a smirk, "or else." She ran her fingers down Lily's side, earning a yelp and giggle from the youngling.

"So, Lily, have you learned your lesson?" Optimus asked.

Lily nodded. "Never tickle torture a Prime, or else he'll pay you back a thousand-fold."

"That's right."

"And have you learned your lesson, Papa?"

Optimus blinked at her. "If I've learnt my—what do you mean?"

He felt jabs in his sides and with a yell he fell onto his back. Briefly looking up he noticed Lily sitting on his waist, and he started guffawing the second she began tickling his stomach. "If you tickle me, then I will tickle you!" Lily exclaimed. "After all, what a father does to his daughter, the daughter does to her father."

"Ha-ha-ha-ha! H-Hey! No fair! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!" Optimus laughed.

Luckily, no one had his arms pinned down anywhere, so he could easily reach out and lift Lily off of his belly. They both giggled as he got to his feet and cradled her in his arms.

"I'm not saying we should do this more often," Ratchet said, "but...it was fun."

"It helps to cheer up and lighten moods, and if you ever need a good laugh," Bumblebee bleeped.

"You're right, Bee," Arcee gave her helm a nod and smiled at Optimus.

Prime smiled back at her then looked down to Lily, who had fallen asleep in his arms. And she had just woken up recently. He faintly chuckled and excused himself, then headed for his own quarters and laid Lily down on his berth. He knelt beside her and rested a hand on her side, watching her sleep.

He then quickly checked the time. He thought it was still a bit early in the morning, so he laid back onto his berth and pulled Lily closer to him, and they both napped away, falling asleep with smiles on their face plates. That was it. No more targets. Optimus had completed his quest, and witnessed one of the cutest moments he's ever had with his adopted daughter.

Mission accomplished.