"Optimus Prime's Revenge"—A TFP Story

Summary: sequel to "You Need To Laugh More". Optimus Prime gets his revenge on the Autobots, as well as the humans, and attacks them individually.

Transformers Prime © Hasbro

Lily and Kylie © Me

The Humans.

If there was something Optimus had plenty of, it was patience. He had been buying his time, waiting for the precise moment when to strike his prey. He knew some would be trickier than others to make them fall into his trap, since they were all on edge. But of course, the easiest ones had to be the human children.

So he targeted them first.

It was the day after Team Prime had ganged up on Optimus and tickle-tortured him, discovering one of his biggest secrets, and the four humans were sitting on the couch comfortably, watching cartoons, while also keeping an eye out for the boss. While they watched cartoons, they all made bets on when they'd be attacked, who would give first.

"I bet Jack will give first," Miko laughed. "You may look and act so tough but inside you're just like a little baby, and as sensitive!"

"I am not," Jack glared. "Well, I think either of you three will give first. You and Kylie are both girls, and Raf is the second youngest."

"True," Raf chuckled. "I have been known to give after a short period of time."

"But Kyles is the most ticklish!" Miko cooed as she ruffled the tiny, quiet girl's hair, who then meekly readjusted and neatened it. "And Jack, if you give, you give me 10 bucks!"

"What?! Why would I give you money?!"

"Because I need it for a new CD!"

"Forget it. Find 10 bucks somewhere else."

Raf felt Kylie tug on his sleeve with a certain look in her eyes. "You're right, Kylie. We need to keep any eye out for Optimus, not argue over money."

"Whatever," Miko huffed. "I can escape him! I'm a faster runner than all three of you!"

"He's a 32-foot tall robot, Miko," Raf said. "Taller, stronger and faster than all four of us."


The humans all gasped sharply and jumped up, turning around to see none other than Optimus Prime standing directly behind them, grinning. "O-Optimus," said Jack. "W-When did you..."

"Just now," replied the Prime. "But I couldn't help but overhear you three talking about me. Now, Miko, why would you ever want to escape me?" As he slightly leaned in, all four kids took a step back.

"So you won't try and attack me!" the Japanese girl exclaimed nervously.

"Attack you?" Optimus asked innocently, still grinning. "Now why would I attack you? I had no intention of doing so."

"Y-You don't?" said Raf.

"No, Rafael." Optimus then smirked. "But I am still going to get you."

"Run!" Jack cried. Before Optimus could grab them, they scattered across the upper deck and jumped down the stairs, spreading out across the base.

"Running is pointless, children," Optimus said, going after the closest human then making a move towards another. "So is hiding." He saw Rafael run past the stairs, reached down and scooped him up.

"H-Hey!" Raf exclaimed.

Holding Raf firmly, yet carefully in one hand, Optimus reached down and scooped up Jack and Miko, and putting them in the same hand as Rafael. "Now, where has little Kylie gone?"

Little Kylie hid underneath the stairs, trying not to breathe too loudly, remaining completely still and not make a sound. However, the dust under the stairs made her nose tickle and she lightly sneezed.

Optimus smirked and peered under the steps. "There you are," he said and quickly grabbed the tiny human girl with his fingers, hoisting her up carefully and laid her in his hand next to Miko, Jack and Raf. "Now then...who would like to go first?"

"You said you wouldn't attack us!" Miko said.

"Exactly. I do not intend to attack you. I am precisely going to do to you what you four had done to me," Optimus explained. He hung his free hand over them wiggling his fingers and grinned as he saw them squirming nervously.

"But, we only joined in because the others were doing it!" Jack said.

"Yeah, it looked like fun!" said Miko.

"And this will be fun for me. Now, since you four all tickled me at once, it would only be fair if I tickled you all at once!" Optimus lowered his hand and began to tickle the human children simultaneously. They all burst into laughter, wriggling and curling inward as Prime's fingers danced and prodded over their bodies, getting their sides and stomachs, and Kylie's sock feet since she was the only one without shoes on.

"Ha-ha-ha! O-Optimus, stop! N-no-ho-ho more!" Raf begged as the Prime prodded his stomach, rolling around and hugging himself

"Can't breathe, can't bre-hee-hee-hee-eathe!" Jack guffawed as Optimus ran a finger along his sides, unable to squirm much for being in the middle of the bunch.

"HA-HA-HA-HA-HA! Stop it! N-No mo-ho-hore!" Miko yelped through giggles as the boss bot managed to lift her shirt up with his finger, revealing her belly and stroked it.

Kylie just squealed and giggled whenever Optimus tickled her in a sensitive area; she curled in when he tickled her sides and stomach and pulled her small feet up to her chest when he tried to tickle them.

"You may beg for mercy all you wish, little ones," Optimus said, "but since I wasn't granted any mercy when I begged you four to stop, I shall punish you the same way." He continued his revenge on them for a few more minutes. By that time, they had all began crying from laughing so hard. The first ones to burst into tears from giggling were Raf and little Kylie, then Jack, and then Miko. Optimus then decided it was time to stop and ceased tickling the humans. Their laughter gradually died down and they breathed exhaustedly, still giggling a little and wiping their eyes and cheeks free of tears.

"No fair!" Miko cried.

Optimus chuckled. "I apologize for going too far. I guess I got carried away." He couldn't help but laugh as he watched kylie try to sit up but falls backwards again, weak from giggling.

"It's alright," Raf said, breathing heavily.

Optimus smiled. "Now, since you were my first victims, you can decide who I should go after next."

The four humans exchanged looks with equal grins, and Jack, Miko and Raf said the next victim's name in unison.


so Ratchet will be Prime's next target. How will Optimus convince the medic to go with him somewhere alone? Find out soon!