A/N: I put up this story a while back and took it back down, I was really unhappy with it, but now I've improved it and here we are ^^ After I took this down I saw some fics pop up that sounded a lot like this .-. I don't know if they came up with it themselves, but I can honestly say that I made this up with no help from other fanfictions what-so-ever. Please, enjoy! ^-^


Ciel set down his paperwork on his desk and sighed, it seemed that Lady Elizabeth had arrived unexpectedly, and just when he'd started on an important document. He really did like his fiancée, but she tended to get on his nerves quite a bit, though he remembered that she only meant the best for him.

"Let her in." he grumbled, getting out of his chair and preparing himself for the affection only Lizzy could deliver.

"Cieeeel!" The young noble squealed as she swung her fiancé around for must have been the hundredth time.

Once she'd finished hugging, or as Ciel liked to say, smothering him, she turned to Sebastian.

"Oh, hello Sebastian! How are you?" Lizzy asked, her childish grin brightening the once dreary room.

Holding back a smirk at his master who was currently kneeling on the floor trying to overcome a wave of nausea, he replied with a hand on his heart, "I am very well, I thank your asking, my Lady."

The young mistress beamed and clapped her hands together, "Now, seeing as I've made everything super adorable, we'll have a ball t-"

"No, Elizabeth."

Lizzy looked over to Ciel, he had picked himself up off the floor and was brushing off his finely tailored suit.

"Ciel-" She was ready to intervene and convince Ciel to let her throw a ball, but was cut short by an angry tone.

"We are not having a ball tonight, understood?" Ciel spoke sternly, his hands clenched into fists at his side.

"C-Ciel, w-why are you so angry?" Tears started to brim in her bright emerald eyes, "I-I just wanted to make everything perfect and..."

The noble shrieked in frustration before storming out of the room, slamming the door behind her. The loud slam of the door echoed throughout the manor, leaving behind an eerie echo. Once the Earl was sure that she was gone, he let his posture slip and brought a hand to his forehead.

"She's acting like a child, honestly." he sighed, slipping back into his office chair and laying his head back against the headrest as if the whole ordeal exhausted him.

"It looks like standing your ground wasn't the best idea, Young Master." Sebastian taunted, a smirk playing at his lips.

"And who's idea was it?" The teen asked rhetorically, to which the demon simply smirked wider, "You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?"

"I wouldn't say that, Master, I was simply giving you advice," he said in mock hurt, "In fact, I'm surprised you took it, I'm honoured." He finished, laying a hand on his chest where his heart would be if he were human.

"Shut it."

"Yes, my Lord."

It turns out that Elizabeth had charged out of the mansion and stated very clearly that she wanted to be left alone. The three servants had tried to comfort her after hearing her cries and had come back in looking shell-shocked.

"She 'as one 'ell of a temper on 'er, it's kinda scary." The cook said to no-one in particular as the other two nodded their heads vigorously in agreement.

"You must understand that Lady Elizabeth has been brought up this way, she doesn't know any better." The head butler of the household stated, suppressing a smirk. Humans are so very interesting, especially one's who seem to have no control over their emotions.

Just as Ciel was about to ignore the conversation going on between the servants and open the door to the front gardens, Finny grabbed his shoulder, a little too hard. Pain shot down his arm as he let out a small cry of distress. The Earl snapped his head round to glare at the gardener on instinct, who snatched his hand away quickly with a yelp.

"I-I'm sorry, Young Master, but I don't think she would really want to see you right now." He exclaimed, ducking his head down with shame.

"Lift your head, Finny. You've done no wrong." Ciel sighed, "It was an accident, after all."

All three of the servants immediately lit up and gushed with admiration.

"Young Master is so kind, yes he is!" Mey-Rin cried, clasping her hands together.

The young Lord pinched the bridge of his nose to try and release some of the pressure in his head, which was currently being caused by the cheers of the three idiots.

"Honestly, how many times has this happened now?" Ciel grumbled to himself, "Sebastian, call a carriage for her, she'll get over it eventually."

Suddenly, the atmosphere of the room darkened as Ciel's so-called 'kindness' went down the drain.

The butler raised an eyebrow, "You're not even going to attempt to comfort her, my Lord? That's not very befitting for a nobleman, now is it?"

The two stared each-other down for a few drawn-out seconds. It looked as if neither of them would look away until the young Earl finally admitted defeat.

He growled lowly, "...Get her inside, she'll catch her death out there."

Sebastian's seemingly plastered on smirk never faltered as he bowed lightly, "Yes, my young Lord."

Elizabeth sat on the grass of the front gardens, wiping away remnants of tears with one hand and picking at the grassy ground beneath her with the other. She listened to the servants' cheers from afar, they sounded like they were having fun. Wrapping her arms around herself as if to protect herself from the cold, she noticed a dark figure loom over her, She looked over her shoulder to look at the figure and for once, she hoped that it wasn't Ciel.

"Wha-" Her words where cut off with a gloved hand that prevented her from screaming. She was grabbed roughly by the hair and yanked up before being dragged and thrown into a near-by carriage. It was cramped and dark and even more freezing than the outside. Her thin legs were forcibly pressed into her ribs as she tucked them up against herself. The capturer tied a cloth around her mouth, tightening it to the point where it hurt and did the same with her wrists and ankles.

"Now, don't go making any noise, I wouldn't want to damage that pretty face of yours." The voice that came from the man was strangely calm and almost familiar.

Whimpering, Lizzy shuffled back as far as she could in the claustrophobic space, only to have the door slammed shut and her vision cut off completely. She wanted to scream, to call out for Ciel, the one person that could save her. She wanted to break free of the restraints and slam her fists against the carriage walls, shrieking at the top of her lungs, but she couldn't. She was helpless, like a fly in a spiders web. The carriage jolted to a start and rolled away from the Phantomhive manor.

Sebastian stepped out onto the front lawn and scanned the area, but couldn't pick up any trace of Elizabeth's presence. He searched high and low for the girl, he checked every place possible, occasionally using his demonic powers to try and sense her when he was sure that no-one was aware of him, but to no avail. Upon returning to the manor, he found that Ciel as well as the servants were expectantly awaiting his return, Lizzy in toll. They'd all agreed amongst themselves that they would stay in case their master was in need of backup.

"Well, where is she?" Ciel demanded, clearly annoyed at Lizzy's absence.

"Young Master, I'm afraid she'd gone."

The servants gasped, "Gone?!"


Out of nowhere, Ciel's patience shattered into millions of pieces around him.

"You- you idiots!" He growled, turning to the worried-looking servants, "If you hadn't interrupted me with your stupid antics, I would have gotten to her in time!"

Mey-Rin, Bard and Finny stared in complete horror at their master. Even Sebastian looked slightly shocked at his master's actions, who knew such an explosion could come from such a tiny boy? His teeth were grit, his hands clenched so hard that his knuckles were turning white, he looked just about ready to punch one of them. After a few long, bone-crushing moments of silence, Finny suddenly broke out in a flood of tears, most likely at the realization at what he had done.

"I'm so sorry, Young Master! It's all my fault!" He sobbed, letting the tears flow freely down his face.

Usually, Ciel would've dismissed it and calmly given them orders to get back to their stations, but instead he stormed off to the drawing room. They'd really done it now. Sebastian left the servants to their own demises and headed towards the kitchen where an extensive smirk twisted his features.

"It looks like this has become another case for you to solve, my Lord."

A/N: You guys can leave questions for Dan and I or even the characters in the reviews. We will gladly answer them! :3
I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please review, it really motivates me to write more if people are enjoying my writing and thank you to my amazing co-writer Dan (Don'tJudgeMeByMySocks) See you in the next chapter!