DISCLAIMER: I don't own BLEACH. BLEACH is a property of Tite Kubo, and is not my intellectual property. There is no financial gain made from this nor will any be sought. This is for entertainment purposes only. This fanfiction story is inspired by a real life event. Any resemblance to any real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

DISCLAIMER PART 2: More like an excuse. I'm not a native speaker, so please forgive any grammatical errors. Thank you very much for reading, in advance.

June 10, 1944


"Do we really have to do this?"

Grimmjow's scowl is very eminent as he sat on the passenger's seat of an army truck that is now being driven by Starrk. His eyes glued on their windshield, scanning their way for any potential threat.

"You know that we have no choice kid. Aizen's orders. I tried to warn you about Aizen's dirty tactics before you were enlisted, but you never listened."


If it's possible for Grimmjow's frown to become much deeper, it already did. That name. He never really liked that name. His whole system is denying the fact that he is now working for that guy.

"As if I have a choice."

He answered after a few seconds of silence, mimicking Starrk's words. Starrk smirked upon hearing him.

Yes. He doesn't have any choice. Aizen chose him, and there's no way for him no say no. Because for Aizen, it's either join him, or die.

"But you do have a choice kid. I told you to not show your true strength in front of him. To never show off. But what did you do? You let Nnoitra's words get into you. You even tried to kill him. Good thing I stopped him before he managed get back at you."

Starrk's words cut through him like flying daggers. Yeah, it was his fault. But he can't just let that fucking walking stick get away easily after making fun of his mom. Grimmjow's mom is like a shining star for him. And for Nnoitra to call her names just like that, well, it's like declaring a war for Grimmjow.

A small smiled formed around his lips as he remembered that one special moment.

It was truly magical. That moment where he unleashed his inner self, his destruction. And the result, is Nnoitra losing his left eye.


That made him chuckle.

That bastard really deserved it. All those blood, all those pain. He deserved it.

"It's not because you're strong that's why Nnoitra is not killing you now Grimmjow. It's because Aizen forbids him from doing so. So quit your day dreaming. You just got lucky that time."

A low growl escaped his throat, wishing that Starrk would just stop making fun of him.

And he did.

The two of them fell into a silent moment, where the only sounds that you would hear, is the loud protest of their truck's engine as it wounds its way towards their destination.


Grimmjow sighed.

He can't wait to see what kind of people would even try to defy Germany, defy the Nazis, and defy Hitler and his minions. Or even try to defy Aizen.

For him, Aizen is like, the second Hitler. Hell, he could even be Hitler's son if only he was a pureblood German. But he was not.

Aizen's father came from a very far away land called Japan. According to some, Aizen's father is one of the most powerful in that country. He went to Germany to form an alliance, and he met Aizen's mother there. His mother belongs to one of Germany's noble families.

Heh. It is only fitting for assholes to breed amongst themselves. He thought.

After all, what kind of leader would send their men to war? What kind of leader would let their countrymen suffer and die, just for the purpose of gaining power?

For Grimmjow, this is all just pure assholesness. There's not even an ounce of power in that. This is fear. They are inflicting fear to people. And there's nothing noble with that.

That's why he wanted to meet these people from Oradour-Sur-Glane.

Because ever since he was born, no one - after being conquered by Germany -, ever tried to defy them.

Foolish, some people might say, but for Grimmjow, these people are awesome.

Too bad that it's about to end now.

Another sigh escaped Grimmjow's lips as he watched the trees flew by from the window of their truck.

Too bad that we're about to kill them.

They are now on their way to Oradour-Sur-Glane for that purpose. They were ordered by Aizen to stop the people from Oradour-Sur-Glane, and make sure that their coup will not be realized by the other towns, to avoid further damage before the fuhrer** even notice it.

Though Aizen only ordered them to stop the coup, for Aizen, the word "stop" is sometimes similar to the word "kill", depending on the context. And as Aizen's men, he was expecting them to do the same.

Another sigh.

"Stop that kid. I know what you're thinking."

He didn't answered. Of course Starrk knows what he was thinking. Starrk knows him well.

For Grimmjow, Starrk is someone that he would follow, even if it means dying.

This devotion rooted from an incident that killed both of his parents back when he was still very young. Starrk saved him. Raised him, and taught him everything that he now knew. Without Starrk, he would be nothing.

That's why he promised himself that he would do anything to make Starrk proud. And that includes joining the army like his father-figure, and killing innocent people.

Grimmjow is strong. One of those few people born to be a soldier. At the age of 17, he was already enlisted as a reserve soldier for the Nazis. And because of his superb skills, his rank rose immediately to Ortsgruppenleiter** after he turned 19. Later on, he was chosen by Aizen himself to lead a group of people. They've been travelling ever since then around the outskirts of France, ensuing order, or better, terror to people who would try to defy the Nazis.


His deep thoughts were interrupted by the irritating voice from the radio.


Grimmjow saw Starrk sighed as he picked up the mouth piece of the radio to answer. He watched him from the corner of his eye, wishing that he would just turn off the damn thing.

"Yes Nnoitra, com'in"

There's this familiar rattling from the speaker before Nnoitra responded.

"Aizen-sama said to wait for the others before entering the town. Some people might panic and hide if ever they'll see us right away, over."

"Copy that."

"And while yer' at it, will you cut Grimmjow's dick and feed it to the wolves?"

Grimmjow's eyebrows crossed as he tried his best to calm down. Nnoitra. That asshole. How dare he?! All of the soldiers under their command are listening to this frequency! How dare he make fun of him?

He clenched his fist, ready to pull that radio out if Nnoitra would keep on blabbering his mouth.

"I'm afraid I can't do that Sturmhauptfuhrer** Jiruga. I don't take senseless orders from someone that's lower that my rank. Over."

Grimmjow's eyes flew towards Starrk that just smiled towards him before returning his eyes on the road.

The radio rattled once more before Nnoitra's voice came back blarring.

"Oh yeah? Well, what are you going to do if I told you that it's Aizen-sama's orders?"

Starrk's smirk is loud enough to make Grimmjow's frown disappear. Yeah, Starrk might be a lazy ass. But he hates liars. He remembered when he once lied to Starrk. Damn. One of his darkest memory.

"Then I would have to ask Aizen-sama to say the orders himself Sturmhauptfuhrer."

Grimmjow grinned. He knows exactly that Starrk is now enjoying what he's doing. He returned his eyes on the road and rested his back on the car seat, raising both of his legs on the dashboard.

He's just going to let his old man enjoy this.

"Are you saying that Aizen-sama is lying to you Starrk?"

Oh hohoho. This is really fun. He can tell that Starrk is now laughing his heart out from the inside. Soon. Very soon Nnoitra.

"Oh, you seemed to be enjoying this Sturmhauptfuhrer Jiruga."

A voice suddenly interrupted just when Starrk is about to speak.

Well, this is a bit fast. It usually take 10 minutes before Aizen interrupts them.

"Aizen-sama, we were just-"

"Sturmhauptfuhrer Jiruga, I will not tolerate your insubordination. Sturmbannfuhrer** Coyote's rank is higher than yours, and yet, you're not recognizing that. You would have to apologize personally later. And also, please refrain from using my name on your silly games, I will never ask anyone of you to kill one-another. Do I make myself clear?"

The line was dead for a few seconds before Nnoitra answered.

"Affirmative, Aizen-sama."

Grimmjow huffed. Well, that didn't went well enough. His irritation is getting him. This is bad.

"It's okay to kill others, but never kill one another. Great. How will I ever kill Nnoitra now?"

Sarcasm is flowing from his words. Funny how Aizen would always piss him off with every words that would get out of his mouth. And even though those words were not directed to him right now, they still, somehow, managed to affect him. He hates Nnoitra, but he hated Aizen more. That control freak. He's always smiling. But you know that deep inside, he's planning something.


Starrk's voice is full of authority. He's now on his "Soldier" mode. Grimmjow had to calm down or else.

He exhaled violently, then kicked the dashboard with all his might.



Ichigo turned his head as a small girl ran towards him.

Giselle Gewelle.

She's a very cheerful girl. Always smiling, always jolly. However, she's very, very, violent.

Giselle jumped a few feet away from Ichigo, pushing herself towards him and straddling him on both sides using both of her legs.

Ichigo fell in to the ground with a loud thud, and Giselle landing on top of him with a wide grin. She thrust her arm towards the air, showing her victory pose. Ichigo just groaned.


From a far, Ichigo heard the voices of the other kids, yelling, and calling Giselle's name.

Ichigo sighed as he felt his elbows stung. Great. More kids.

"Oh! Giselle is here!"

Isshin's comical voice floated from the inside of the house. He can almost imagine his father run towards the door with his wide grin.


Giselle shouted back, a bit too loud for Ichigo, making him cringe from her shrill voice.

The screen door of their house burst open, revealing a very happy Isshin that's still wearing his pajamas.

"Good morning my little Giselle!"

"Dear, please change your clothes first before going out."

From the inside, Masaki's sweet voice called out.

"I'm completely fine my dearest wife! I just wanna greet our future daughter-in-law!"

Isshin answered back, as he slowly walked towards Giselle, who's still straddling Ichigo. Patting her head a few times before eyeing the incoming group of children who are now all shouting "Doctor Kurosaki" as they ran filling the air with so much noise on this early Saturday morning.

Isshin just grinned, welcoming the incoming onslaught with his arms wide open.


Ichigo tried to squirm from Giselle, but immediately lost his temper, so he shouted instead. The noise from the other children adding up fuel to his annoyance.


Giselle frown from Ichigo's words. She crossed her arms in front of her and turned to face Isshin.

"Doctor Kurosakiiiii~, Ichigo is saying baaaad woooords again!"

She answered in a sing-song voice as she stood to give back Ichigo's space.

"I-CHI-GOOO? What did I say about treating women?"

Isshin managed to say despite the number of children that are now clinging on his arms.

"Tch! Whatever!"

Ichigo answered back, rubbing-off the dust that are now decorating his shirt. Giselle just giggled, watching Ichigo's every move.

"Oi Giselle, your mom is calling you, she said breakfast's ready."

Another boy emerged, leaning on the fence with a soft frown.

"Oh, good morning Bazzy!"

Isshin greeted, fixing his shirt, the children now running away, pestering another neighbor.

"Good morning too Doctor Kurosaki. And it's Bazz-B, not Bazzy."

The boy answered, with a small smile. Amused.

"Eeeeeeh, but what kind of name is Bazz-B? It's not appropriate for your age!"

Isshin answered, acting like a kid with a pout.

"Tell that to my father. Anyway, Giselle, we have to go, unless you want your mother to freak out again."

Giselle pouted, but followed a now retreating Bazz-B. Stopping by the gates to look at Ichigo once more.

"Bye Ichigo, bye Doctor Kurosaki."

"Aww, goodbye Giselley! See you later!"

Ichigo just nodded. Still frowning. She's a really good girl, just take out that violent nature, and the pouncing. He's quite sure that she'd be a really nice girl.

"Oi Ichigo, soccer with the twins later, after lunch!"

Bazz-B shouted, as he waited for Giselle.

"Yeah, I'll see you later."

He answered, then watched the two walk back towards the center of the town.


A very peaceful city, right out the outskirts of France. Ichigo sighed. Must be too much peaceful for him.

And today, is another one of those "peaceful day". It's been five years since his whole family moved in to that small town. He can still remember the hardships that he had to endure learning French.

Heh. They had to move there because of Ichigo's grandparents. They're dying, and they wanted to see his mom. The whole family had to stay there for a year because of that. And when the old couple finally took their 'rest', they were left with another problem. And that is the house. In the end, his father decided to just stay there. Partly because the whole place is like a paradise, another, because the town doesn't have a doctor.

Ichigo's father, Isshin Kurosaki is a very capable doctor. And though might look like a bad guy, he's all mushy inside. He can't say no to anyone that needed his help. And so, to make the long story short. The whole family decided to stay here.

He heard Isshin exhaled loud, the sound pulled Ichigo out from his musings.

"What a beautiful day. I hope the days that would follow are all going to be like this. Don't you think so Ichigo?"

Isshin animatedly spoke in fluent Japanese. Ichigo frowned. Isshin would always speak in Japanese when there's only the two of them, or when they're just with his mom. But something's telling Ichigo that his father is being a sap today. He hates it when his father is being so sentimental. It just doesn't suit him.

"Whatever dad. Let's just go back inside. Mom's probably waiting for us."

Ichigo started taking his steps back inside the house when his father called him. He turned and saw his father looking at the sky frowning.

"Ichigo. I know that you're not happy with my decision to just live here permanently. Thank you for enduring with us."

Ichigo's frown deepened.

"What do you mean dad?"

Isshin turned towards his direction with a wide smile.

"Next week, the doctor that Mr. Lloyd requested from the capital is coming. And I already sold the house to Mr. Thoumeaux. So, I'm guessing that we will be moving back to Japan the moment the doctor arrives here."

Ichigo's eyes went wide as saucers. Is it real? Will they really be going back to Japan? Seriously?

But Isshin's wide grin is so assuring. Gosh. This is really real.

It's not like he doesn't like Oradour-Sur-Glane. He loved it here. However, this is not where he belongs. He's longing for the old wooden houses, the smell of the Japanese country side, the celebrations, and the cherry blossoms. Even though he was only 7 years old when they moved out, everything's still very clear inside his head. Everything.

He miss Japan so much. And now that they're coming back, he just can't help but become emotional.

They're going back. They're really going back.

He didn't noticed it when Isshin started to walk towards him. That's why he was quite surprised when he felt Isshin's hands on both of his shoulders, giving it a soft squeeze.

"And also, another good news."

Huh? Another good news? Isn't going back to Japan already too much?

Isshin crouched in front of him, his hands still on Ichigo's shoulders.

Ichigo looked really confused. His frown deep on his forehead. This made Isshin chuckle, straightening Ichigo's eyebrows using his fingers.


Isshin exhaled once more before looking towards Ichigo's eyes.

"My son, you're going to be a big brother now."


Isshin's grin widened.

"Your mom is now 8 weeks pregnant. Can you imagine that?"

They're going back to Japan. His mom is now pregnant. He's going to be a big brother now.

Oh my fucking-God.

"No shit Dad. You're serious?"

"Oh yes young man. And we also need to do something about that foul mouth of yours. I don't want your sibling to learn bad words from you."

Isshin stood up, ruffling Ichigo's hair and pulling him towards the house while laughing.

This must be the happiest day of Ichigo's 12 years of life. What could possibly go wrong?


"We'll block all of the entrances around town. Gather all men to the town's square, and the women and children to the church. Demand for papers. And if ever they would fight, shoot them right away."

Soldiers cringed from Starrk's words. He can really be a cold-blooded murderer when his "soldier-mask" is on. But not Grimmjow.

Years of practice.

He's been listening to Starrk's seemingly heartless blabbers ever since Starrk adopted him. Whenever Starrk would enter this state, his lazy demeanor would disappear. And a heartless killer would appear.

Out of curiosity, Grimmjow tried to anger Starrk before. To see if he would turn monstrous towards his adoptive son. And it was not a good idea. He now sports the aftermath of that night right in the middle of his torso. A huge scar that Starrk gave him. Losing control, (and partly because of alcohol), Starrk tried to cut him vertically from his left collarbone, to his right hipbone using a Japanese sword that Aizen gave him. And now, he knew better than to get to his adoptive father's nerves.

They are now gathered a mile away outside Oradour-Sur-Glane, waiting for Aizen, and his orders.

As Starrk and Nnoitra continued to give out orders, Grimmjow's eyes wondered towards the direction of the town. He sighed as a frown slowly crept towards his face.

He just can't believe that this town is planning to overthrow the Nazis.

This town's so peaceful.


He let out another sigh as he returned his gaze back to Starrk.


Starrk's eyebrows furrowed.

"Are you listening?"

"Yeah, of course. You want me to lead the group that would check and burn the houses down, as you play with the town's men. I get it."

"Ohhhh, looks like Grimmkitty's been sharpin' his canines huh. Ya' want me to train him huh, Starrk?"

Nnoitra's shrill voice filled Grimmjow's ears, making him feel more annoyed. He clenched his fist, chanting his mantra inside his head.

Don't kill him, don't kill him, don't kill him, don't kill him. Oh, mother-fucking Christ, I wanna kill him!

Everybody's watching them now. Waiting. Waiting if Grimmjow would finally put an end to Nnoitra's big mouth.

But Starrk is looking. He's watching Grimmjow.

I have to calm down.

Grimmjow inhaled huge amounts of air, then exhaled. Gaining his cool before he faced Starrk once more, donning his own set of mask.

"Shawlong, Edrad, Yylfordt, Di Roy, Nakeem, prepare our equipment, we'll move once the town's clear."

He said, emotion avoiding him. Like a mask is now covering his face, making it difficult to read whatever that he's thinking.

Nnoitra's smile slowly vanished from his face as he watches Grimmjow. A dark memory now invading his head, making him shudder from fear and boil with anger.

"Permission to be dismissed Sir."

Grimmjow said out of nowhere. His voice emotionless as well. Starrk just sighed from the display of Grimmjow's ability to control himself. His eye drooping a bit as he look at his adoptive son. He can't believe that his once crybaby son is now a cold-blooded soldier. Sometimes he's wondering if he made the right decision to train Grimmjow and make him a soldier.

"Permission granted."

He just answered after a few seconds to avoid any further confrontation. And with that, Grimmjow turned and walk off while the mentioned names immediately moved to follow the orders that were given to them.

Starrk frowned as he watches his son walk away.


I'm going to be a big brother.

Big sigh.

I, um, actually I don't know how to deal with that.

Fuck. This is a big news! I, I mean I'm too stupid for this kind of life-changing-event, I, I just want to go back to Japan!


No, no, don't get me wrong. I love it. I love the idea that my mom is now pregnant, a-and that I'm about to be a big brother, a stupid one at that. I, I just don't know what to do.

I'm not the best fucking example of an older brother. I mean, I curse, a lot, I whine, most of the time, a-and, sighs. Alright. I don't know how to accept it.

But I'm not negative about it. I just don't know how to wrap myself on it. Arrgh. Do I even make any sense?

I know, I'm already 12 year's old. It's about time that my parents would, you know, decide to make our family a bit, bigger. I-I have no problem with that. I think, that's probably a good way to get my father's attention away from me. Not that I hate him, he's just, too persistent for me.

But now, as I think about it, it's getting a bit easier for me to understand. I guess it's just me, freaking the hell out because there's just too much good things happening.

I can't help but remember that one time with Buzz B and the twins, Royd and Loyd. It was a very calm afternoon. We just finished playing soccer, I was laying on the grass beside Buzz B, and the twins sitting somewhere nearby. They were currently having fun of my French and height. Because really, after 5 years of staying here in Oradour-Sur-Glane, my French is still trash, and my height similar to that of an eight-fucking-year-old-brat. Until now that I'm 12. Damn it. Anyway, Buzz B suddenly sighed out loud out of nowhere. He doesn't normally do that when we're around. I mean he may act like an adult when he's alone, but with us, he always unleash his inner child. So I frowned after hearing his sigh.

"'Ssup Buzz?"

I asked. The twins were also looking at him during that time. He just sighed once more, then looked down before raising his head and staring at the sky.

"I don't know man, you know that feeling when, you're too fucking happy that, there's nothing that will exceed that, and that the next emotion that you will feel is a 100% sadness?"

My frown deepened.

"The hell man? You're a poet now?"

I heard Royd, or Loyd to hell with that with the twin's similar voice spoke. Then the other twin just laughed. I hushed them.

Buzz B chuckled too.

"I wish that we would always be happy, like this."

I heard him said. Then the next day, his mother died.

You get my point?

One cannot be extremely happy without paying a prize.

And right now, as I lay down on my bed, staring at the ceiling of my room, I'm worried about what that prize is going to be.

A knock from the door of my room broke me from my trance.


I answered as a frown move in on my face without even sitting up.

"Ichigo, go get your passport, we need to go to the Town Square right now."

I rose, immediately opening my door to face my dad.


I was about to ask him what's wrong, but his serious face, which he seldom shows greeted me.


Is the only word that he said before he turned to assist my mom.


Just one word, and my whole body shook with fear.

I immediately went back inside my room to look for my passport and other documents that will prove my identity. My hands are trembling as I open each cabinet, not knowing where I should start looking.

Why are they here? What do they need? What do they want?

I gripped my passport, letting myself calm down for a moment before I stood up to go to where my parents are.

What I didn't know, is that this event will change my whole life forever.


Fuhrer – Communist Leader

Ortsgruppenleiter – Local Group Leader

Sturmhauptfuhrer – Captain

Sturmbannfuhrer – Major

