Story One - title - chapter 1

The black hedgehog glared into the hot sun as the soft wind of the beach was blowing through his fur. He wore red swimming trunks, he sat on a light blue towel and had a book laying on it. The hedgehog sighed and laid down and grabbed his book and continued reading. He knew that poeple were staring at him because of his feminine figure, but he was the kid of guy that just didn't care about what poeple thought of him. Plus he liked the fact that his figure was like that. It was sometimes the reason that he got an assignment because poeple wouldn't alsways take him seriously. Apparently poeple imagined an archeologist as a geeky guy with big glasses. If he went to meet them then they would always be surprised that he wasn't a geeky guy with big glasses, but a hedgehog with a feminine body. He would be mostly laughed at, but he didn't care at all. But in the end he always got the assignment, unless someone got there before him. The black hedgehog stretched and got up. He then gathered his stuff and dressed into his clothes and walked to his hotel.

When he arrived in his hotel, he locked the door behind him and dropped his stuff and sat down on his bed and turned on the tv. Currently he was residing in a hotel in Egypt. He got a messaged a few days ago from the museum he worked for. The message was about something suspiciouse they found in the middle of the dessert. Shadow left to go for Egypt as soon as he heard about it. Tomorrow they were gonna guide him towards the place. Waiting for tomorrow was to long for him because he was so excited about it. The reason that he was excited was because he had a big interest in Egypt. The old culture of it had always interrested him. As a kid he often watched doctumentary and read books about it. Back then he used to wear glasses also, but that was for reading only. Except for that he didn't need glasses at all. And because of his reading glasses and that he was so interrested his classmates often called him a nerd, so he didn't have alot of friends. The more he thought about that, the more he thought how wrong they were. Sure he knew alot about old cultures, but he wasn't good in all his classes.

The black hedgehog sighed and dropped down onto his bed. He watched as the sun slowly began to set. He turned off the tv and laid back down on his bed and kept watching the sunset. As his room was consumed in the darkness of the night his eyes slowly began to slip close and he fell asleep.

The next morning He woke up, took a shower, dressed into a white shirt that stopped right beneath his butt with long sleeves he rolled up till above his elbow and in some black tight pants and black boots he wore over his pants. He found that clothing pretty practicall since he could move easily in it. He then walked downstairs and into the restaurant and ate breakfast there.

When he finished his breakfast he went back to his room and collected the stuff he needed and waited for his ride into the dessert. It soon came and he was brought to the place.

Once arrived the hedgehog was greeted by a fellow archeologist that he had worked with alot of times before and worked in the same museum and he did. "ah! shadow my friend, how nice to see you again." The archeologist said and took his hand. "likewise." Shadow said and shook his hand before taking his hand back. "so, what do we got here?" Shadow asked as he looked at the pillars in front of him. He walked closer and saw an opening that they had already uncovered. "has anyone been in there?" Shadow asked. "no, we were waiting for you, but be carefull when you enter." The archeologist said and watched the hedgehog walk through the opening. He walked through some halls and came inside a room. He stroked over the heiroglyphs and smiled. He kept walking and passed more hieroglyphs. As he read some of them he noticed that it was about the funeral ritual that the egyptians used. So he figured that this was probably a tomb and guessing by how decorated and how much treasure there was this was probably a tomb of a farao. Shadow couldn't wait to find out just which farao this was.

Upon entering through another opening he came opening a big room which was obviously the tomb chamber. Shadow looked around in the room. It was bigger then the ones he has been to before. And instead of one sarcophagus there were two. Shadow figured that this was because the farao and his queen were laid to rest in the same tomb. The hedgehog walked closer to the two tombs and kept looking around.

He soon stood in front of the stairs that laid to the two sarcophagus. He walked up the steps and stopped in front of them and leaned a bit closer to inspect them. He went to stand next to the sarcophagus of the farao and stroked over it. "i wonder from which time you are. every tomb has secrets. and soon we're gonna uncover yours." He said and leaned closer as he saw a writting on the sarcophagus that was strangely enough written in english. "neither time nor death can seperate our love." Shadow read and as soon as he finished that sentence he became dizzy and his head started to feel heavy. "what's happening?" He said to himself and saw his vision starting to blur. He fell to his knees and tried to get up again, but soon fell to the ground unconciouse.

"shadow, did you go ahead of us again? shadow?" The archeologist said upon entering the tomb chamber. But the hedgehog was nowhere in sight.