Me:Hey guys!I 'm sure you guys are hoping for an update on this! Okay today 's chapter will also consist of a surprise…
Mark:Cygnus also hoped that you will come and take a look at Nebula Device:Pain.
Calvin: She will also like to thank those fanfiction authors who had submitted OCs to her.
"Finally, the last day of the school!" I said as I jumped out of bed, "Mum! It's the last day of school!I m going to school!"
"Never mind…"I said as I jumped back to bed.
Next day,
"Come on Bao!" Jin said as he pulled on Bao's shirt. "No I'm not going to …um…wherever you are going to bring me…"
5 minutes later…
Somehow Jin tempted Bao all the way to their destination,it went like this…
Bao:I'm not going…
Jin:Huh…fine if you go I will give you some blood …
Jin:*Virtual light bulb on his head shines*Bao! There is a body parts shop at the mall.
Bao: Okee…let's go!
Bao stared at the sign outside the shop, "What the?!You brought me to the doctor…wait no…NO…you brought me to the vet?!" Bao felt faint, "Why the hell was the vet your choice?" Jin grabbed Bao's hand and shoved him through the doors.
It was a long queue and Bao got agitated, Bao had transformed bat and was rubbing his fur against Jin's jacket.
"OMG!That guy is SOOO HOT!" some random girl with a pet rabbit screamed as a few other girls also started to looks at the ghost element Yangmeng(who is feeling pretty much uneasy right now), he could 'see' virtue heart shapes forming around the girl's eyes. *Gulp* Jin swallowed.
"You can go first…" the girls said generously and they started drooling from the looks of Jin.
"Okay thanks girls…" Jin winked at them making them all faint, "Okay Bao…let's go…we can't have you biting the other OCs can we?"
"wo yi ding hui yi tian sha le ni,ni zhe ge mo gui!(One day,I will slay demon!)" Bao muttered under his breath in Chinese.
"ni yi wei wo bu hui hua wen ma?ni si ding le…(I 'm sure you didn't think that I speak Chinese too,you are dead…)" Jin said as he pulled the frowning Crown blader into the room.
Loki and Mark meanwhile went to the airport to fetch the other bladers, Loki was driving the limo while Mark was reading a book next to him.
"Mark…I know some of the bladers may start to fangirl over you so I suggest you have some restrains."
"I have plenty of restrains…I have…" That was when they past by a sign, "HabourFrount" which made Mark laugh, "Lozhu ,are we going to the harbour?You drove the wrong way…"
"Mark…even though today is your birthday…I won't hesitate to hit you…" Loki said as he made a U turn and drove in the opposite direction.
"There is nothing wrong with your…pet…Mr Yangmeng" Dr Snow said as Bao gave him death glare, Jin thanked the doctor as the duo exit the room to find a group of screaming fangirls, "May I get a Jinzam?" A random girl asked as she held up her hand, Jin's left hand glowed purple for a while, "Jinnnnnnzaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmm!"Jin gave her a hi five which made her fly to the moon, Bao just stood there amazed, "Oh wow…" he muttered out of pure shock, "Do you want a Jinzam?" Jin said, raising his left hand to Bao's eye level, "Nope!" Bao said as he disappeared from view making Jin cringe.
It is the last hour of school,but I thought that SCHOOL WAS OVER! "Finally!" I said gleefully, "School is OVER!"I screamed,throwing paper everwhere. "Cygnus!Just sit down and shut up!" the teacher said as she continued to distribute the report cards, "And stop taking your selfies!" she yelled pointing to a group of female students.
An hour later,
I don't believe it…I won an award for discipline?
Of course my class was shocked, can't wait to see the expression of the other OCs…
Oh…and there is homework…*Sign*Who gives homework during the end of school holidays…?OH FOR THE LOVE OF ART!IT IS CALLED AN END OF YEAR SCHOOL HOLIDAY!
Loki and Mark finally reached their destination ,leaving poor Loki pale as Mark had insisted to turn the speed up to 150 km/h.(Definitely speeding)(I'm sure that the traffic police must have fined them unless it was a female…:/)
Loki was shivering and curled into a ball at the back of the vehicle.
Mark calmly walked over the group of bladers that were sitting at Burger King(Now I am hungry) eating burgers(Duh,and stop talking about food!). "Hi and I suppose you are…"
A girl call Liala Zendera walked up to Mark and introduced herself."Hi Mark,I 'm Liala." She then proceeded to stroke his chin which made Loki nearly throw up.
Two girls called Sandra and Atemu respectively shook hands with Mark and Loki, another female blader called Bry had given up her limo ride and rode her monocycle instead.
Two more girls also followed Sandra and Atemu into the car, one name Sky and the other one called Frieda who had a packet of Famous Amos cookies in her left hand, in her right she had a cookie that was already bitten, "Can't wait to see Masamune…" Frieda said before taking a second bite out of her cookie.
"Huff Puff…sorry we are late…it is…huff…Masamune's fault …he went to buy cherry flavoured ice cream for Frieda…" Kyoya said as he dragged Masamune and some other boys along. Dynamis was also strolling with Ryuga, until Loki called both of them into the limo.
Ryuga found a sit next to Sky,who started wacking him with Jin's crossbow that she found lying around(Jin:Where the hell is my crossbow?).Ryuga started to act like Dynamis, "This is not the will of the heavens…" Sky found a tranquilliser dart that knocked Ryuga out as she had fired it from the crossbow.
"Wait aren't we missing out on Alice and Faust?" Mark said as he looked at the list, "There they are…" Kyoya said as he pointed at the duo, who were strolling towards them , "Where were you?" Loki asked , "We went to the butterfly kingdom in the airport." Faust said, as he continued to eat the licorice candy that he was eating.
"Well hurry up…"Mark said opening the door once again and the couple went in.
Skeleton Key and Cobalt Sparks were bored to the point that they actually started singing Nightmare Night by Wooden Toaster.Top of Form
Cobalt SparksBottom of Form
Yeah, what you know about nightmare night, son?
Welcome fillies and Gentlecolts
No reason to scream
Your Favorite Princess is back
She's walkin' up on the scene
She has been stuck on the moon
But that's no reason to fret
She's not a nightmare no more
So buckle down and get set
She's comin'
Gracin' her subjects
She aint leavin' no choice
She's gonna blow you all back with her Equestrian Voice
So Cover all of your fears
And stow away all your fright
The Lunar princess is back
To bring the nightmares tonight
Skeleton Key:
She's living in the past
So you won't last
Without the proper care
With a royal Farewell
And an Animate spell
You won't have long to Prepare
Cobalt Sparks:
Now little fillies this is nightmare night
Your ruler Nightmare Moon is back
To come and fill you with fright
So hurry
Now get your goodies
And fill up all your bags
And go and leave a candy offering for that big old hag
Get run'n
And pray above that she's not comin' back
To come and take away your soul
And eat you up for a snack
So run away and go hide
Just keep your head out of sight
The Darkness is rising again
Cuz this is Nightmare Night!
Skeleton Key:
She's living in the past
So you won't last
Without the proper care
With a royal Farewell
And an Animate spell
You won't have long to Prepare
"OMG…YOU TWO SUNG NIGHTMARE NIGHT?!WITHOUT ME?!" screamed Point Blanc who ran out from the kitchen. "You guys are weird…" Snakehead said as he started his video game.
"Neptune?" Mark said in shock as his favourite little cousin popped out from the back of the limo along with Honey(Ouran Highschool Hostclub)and Kaneki(Tokyo Ghoul). "Honey!~"Frieda screamed making Loki to nearly drive off the road.
Neptune accidently tumbled forward,hitting the accelerator button. Making the limo to drive in full speed. "I VE SHOULD HAD FOLLOWED BRY!" Ryuga screamed before Kaneki hit him accidently making him faint again.
"Finally we are here…" Sky said as the OCs stumbled out from the car,exhausted, "Finally…we are back…"Loki said as he opened the gates to the garage and reversing the car.
The OCs entered the mansion called 'Cygnus Hall'.Dragging their luggage behind there was a loud banging sound and Jin and Bao crashed through the window. "JINZAM!" Jin launched another Jinzam, making Bao fly out of the house.
"Oh wow…" Honey said from behind Masamune. "Oh the guests are here?Nice to meet you…Do any of you want a Jinzam…?" The OCs and other bladers shook their heads and moved to one side.
Bao fell back into the Cygnus Hall, cursing and swearing in Chinese and fainted soon after Jin fired using his crossbow.
I soon went back home and spotted Honey who was like, "Oh wow a random girl who are you…?" "I'm Cygnus…your host and I write this story…" "Oh wow…that is boring…" Ryuga said,earning him a slap from Sky. "WHAT?!I control whatever he says…"I said pointing Loki, "She sells seashells by the seashore…" Loki said,dwerping his eyes before covering his mouth.
"Alright guys…today is someone's birthday…and we must all be ready for it…" I said gathering all the OCs and bladers.
(Secret meeting)
"I don't really call this a secret meeting…" Jin said as he peered in through the window.
"SHUT UP!" I said to him as I pulled him into the room via the window before hammering wooden planks everywhere.
"Mark?" I called out as I entered my dark element OC's room, he was reading Nebula Device:Pain on his bed,eating a cookie from Famous Amos, "Yes?" He said as he went over to the mirror to fix his messy black hair. I blind folded him and pushed him to the living room and then untied the blindfold.
"Wow!Thanks guys!" Mark said as soon as he saw this, the OCs and bladers had decorated the living room with jack o lanterns and dark coloured banners , a huge white chocolate cake sat in the middle of the table, fifteen candles were already lit and Calvin walked over to his younger brother with the Yangmengs.
"Happy Birthday Mark…" Calvin said as he then signalled the other bladers to start singing the birthday song.
As soon as they stopped singing, Mark cut the huge cake and gave it respectively to the bladers and OCs.
Mark sat in between Spencer and Brendan and watched as Honey ,Yu and Kenta started to eat the gigantic pizza.
Skeleton Key was trying to get Vinyl Scratch and Wooden Toaster's autograph.
Kaneki and Discord(MLP) were playing chess .
The OCs were having a fun time, Calvin was filming everything ,he slowly whispered to me, "Check your phone"
The last thing I knew was Wooden Toaster and Vinyl had brought along the Living Tombstone and started playing music.
I went back to my room back to check my phone, a single text message was written,"Remember there is school holiday homework…"
This made Snakehead,who was laying the last level of his videogame to lose the final boss fight, "No…No ….NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!CYGNUS!" Snakehead cried , "Twelve hours wasted…"
"Do you want to play again…?"
"*Sniff*Okay…"Snakehead said as he pressed the restart button
Happy Halloween and Happy Birthday Mark
Me:Anyway…Honey belongs to Ouran HighSchool Hostclub,Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul ,Discord and Vinyl from My little pony.
Wooden Toaster and The Living Tombstone are two of my favourite brony musicians.
Harbourfrount is a real place in Singapore in you guys hadn't been there before.
Changi Airport is the airport in Singapore and Cygnus Hall is my fictional house.
Mark:Happy Halloween and Happy Birthday to me
Jin:Thanks for reading,hope you like it…now anyone want a Jinzam?