The Catcher and the Pitcher

Chapter Ten

Sawamura Eijun squirmed; his breathing coming out in small puffs. Wha—what is this? This nice, fuzzy feelings? This—this—

Ah! A-Again—!

He squirmed some more. He tried to move away, but it came back earnestly to torment him with it's—


So… so hot…

Oh God…

Sawamura couldn't help but let out a moan.

Hot… sweltering hot…

…and so wet…

…so unbelievably wet...

there's something... tickling my… something hot…and… wet…playing…moving… slithering… all over my…


feels… feels so… so good…

Oh God it feels so good!


W-Who? What—Ah! No… not there… don't touch me there..! aahh... Stop… licking… uhm…


W-who are y-you…?


E-Eh…? M-My name…?


This voice…y-you are…

'D'you like it?'


'Feels good?'

N-No… stop… c-can't…

'What about here…?'

I s-said d-don't… A-Ah! Miyuki…! It's t-ticklish…

'Heeh… and what about here…?'



I-I said… no… s-stop...or I-I'm g-going to… I'm g-going t-to…uhn!

'What about here—? Do you like me touching you here?'

"L-Like I said—s-stop…I-I'm…I'm…I'm GOING TO KILL YOU, TEME!" Sawamura snapped his eyes open, breathing heavily as he grabbed Miyuki over his neckline and proceeded to crossly strangle the smirking catcher he now realized hovering over him while he slept.

"What the hell are you doing here in our room, you stupid megane?! What time do you think it is?" He hissed, trying desperately to cover up his breathless state with his anger. He can still feel the hot and wet sensations of Miyuki's tongue slithering inside his ear; biting the lobe playfully, licking him oh so deliciously that the tingling sensations were still lingering strongly all over his body.

Sawamura still felt like he was burning.

Miyuki let out a choked chuckle, pulling Sawamura's resisting hands away from his shirt as he blew on his ears, sparing him a heated glance. "Had a pleasant dream?" Miyuki whispered huskily, his breath fanning dangerously close to Sawamura's still wet and still so sensitive ear again. Sawamura tried to jerk away, ignoring the slice of heat that ran through his stomach, but he then realized that he was trapped tightly in Miyuki's embrace. The other was straddling him securely on his bed that Sawamura couldn't even move any of his limbs.

Miyuki smirked from his position on top of him, his lips daunting the skin under the lobe of Sawamura's ear. The thought of whether Miyuki will close the gap and touch his skin with his lips or not, sent an undeniable anticipation coiling inside of Sawamura. The muscles on his stomach tightened, and he started to squirm, panting.

"B-Bastard, what are you trying to pull here? Kuramochi-senpai and Masuko-senpai could wake up any moment!" He spared Masuko-senpai a nervous glance, hoping that his voice hadn't been carried out towards him. His senpai's even breathing and loud snore ascertained his slumber state.

Miyuki, on the other hand, didn't respond. Instead, Sawamura felt a hand sneak in inside of his shirt. Gaping in disbelief, Sawamura struggled helplessly, but Miyuki's other hand grasped both of his wrist and pinned them over his head. Sawamura's eyes grew large from his now vulnerable position.

Miyuki smirked down at him. Sawamura shook his head, his eyes now pleading the other to stop.

"Now, now… What should I do first?" Miyuki teased in a quiet voice. Closing in on Sawamura once again, Miyuki bit his chin playfully, dragging his tongue over it to soothe the momentary pain and at the same time, sending Sawamura's body in a feverish anticipation.

"M-Miyuki—! If this is some kind of joke then I really—ah!" With feather light touches, Miyuki slipped his hand over his chest, gliding his palm deliberately slow over the flat of his stomach. In every skin he touched, a tingling heat followed, leaving Sawamura trembling. When Miyuki's thumb slid further and grazed his left nipple ever so slightly, Sawamura started to panic. He could finally feel his body starting to respond from the teasing touches.

His pajama suddenly felt tight.

"H-Hey—s-stop it—! Honestly—this is r-really not funn— Ah—! Miyu—!" Sawamura bit his lower lip tightly as he tried to cover up the loud gasp that nearly slipped out of his mouth. Miyuki's smirk widened, and he flicked the tip of his thumb's nail over Sawamura's left nipple once again, ever so playful. Sawamura couldn't help but close his eyes from the pleasurable sensations invading his body, the heat now pooling dangerously down to his groin.

Oh shit, oh no, oh no, no, no…

"M-Miyuki… p-please… I-I… s-stop…it…" He panted; now ready to beg just to stop the catcher.

But Miyuki didn't listen. Slithering his tongue even lower, Miyuki started licking, biting and sucking down to his neck, teasing the smooth skin as he went lower. Sawamura instinctively exposed his neck silently asking for more, his body now felt like it's was burning in pleasurable fire. In response, Miyuki sucked hard, leaving a mark so red and raw, Sawamura felt like it going to start to bleed.

Sawamura moaned out loud.

"Shhh… You're going to wake them up if you get any louder." Miyuki whispered over his ear, blowing a hot breath teasingly as he grinded his body against Sawamura closer. Sawamura let out a muffled groan. He could feel Miyuki's desire nudging on his leg. His body responded accordingly, and he could feel his own hardness grinding back against Miyuki.

Oh god, oh my god…

"Y-You—really n-need to s-stop n-now… uhmm… Miyuki n-no—! Not— p-please—!" Sawamura jolted when Miyuki's hand that was once teasing his nipple glided even lower. Sawamura let out a stutter breath when Miyuki started rubbing the skin over the rim of his pajama playfully, his nails scraping and gliding in circles. With his heart racing, Sawamura started to struggle once again, but Miyuki merely tightened his grip around his own.

Sawamura let out a whimper. Miyuki eyes softened, and he licked the corner of Sawamura's lips soothingly.

"Don't you know? In this situation, when one said no—" The catcher smirked lazily, "— it means yes." Miyuki murmured, his voice full of strained desire. His fingertips now started to slip on the rim of his pajama. Sawamura's heart jumped, his stomach coiling in tension and anticipation. Miyuki pulled his head back a little from licking his neck and looked down at him, his eyes dazed with yearning. Sawamura knew he had the same look on his face. Miyuki looked at him straight in his eyes and they stared at each other. Sawamura couldn't drag his eyes away, both of them breathing heavily.

Miyuki smiled and lowered his lips mere inch away from Sawamura's, their heated breaths mingling deliciously. He spoke, his voice coming out a bit rough. "Sawamura…" he whispered, slipping his hand down Sawamura's pajama a bit lower. "Can I—?"

With his breath hitching, Sawamura felt the goose bumps broke out of his skin. Miyuki skimming his fingertips over his skin and so close to his groin was just too much for him to handle. He started writhing, his breath clamping heavily on his chest. "M-Miyuki—"

Miyuki lowered his head and bit his lobe, brushing his hard desire on Sawamura's hip insistently. "Please…?"

And just like that, Sawamura melted; arching his back as he silently gave in his permission.

Miyuki didn't waste any time.

"Sawamura…" With voice so rough and husky, Miyuki slipped his hand even lower, his fingers started playing lazily on Sawamura's pubes.


"Shhhh…" Miyuki let out a stutter breath as they stared at each other. Ever slowly, Miyuki slid his hand further and further until finally, Miyuki found his shaft, his hand grasping Sawamura hardness in a surprisingly gentle touch.

Sawamura sucked in his breath, biting his lower lip so hard he felt like it may just bleed. Writhing, he tried to pull his hands trapped from Miyuki's hand over his head, Sawamura's eyes closed from the delicious fire now running all over his body. He could feel his whole body flushing so deeply he felt like he was going to burst. "M-Miyuki—"

"Sawamura…" Miyuki murmured, his voice fading a little as the hand holding his member started to move.

"M-Miyuki…" Trembling, Sawamura moaned in response. He helplessly tried to move his hips aching for more.







"Oiiiiii, Sawamura…."

Huh? Eh?

"Oiiiiiii, Oiiiiii, Sawamura—"

Huh? Huh? M-Miyuki—?



Sawamura jerked upright from his bed, eyes wide and disoriented. Panting, he looked around and saw Kuramochi looking down at him, his senpai's brows twitching like crazy.

Sawamura blinked, pushing the hazy fog clouding his brain. "K-Kuramochi-senpai…? E-Eh? Where—?" Where's Miyuki?

Sawamura just then felt a flash of pain run through his body from his leg. Looking down, he saw Kuramochi's leg aiming to kick him once more. He suddenly realized that his senpai probably kicked him awake.

That means…

Oh Shit— Tha—That was just dream? Everything that happened now was all just a dream?!

Sawamura flushed from the onslaught of images coming back to him.

"BA-KA-MU-RA." Kuramochi spoke in a dark voice, and Sawamura jolted and turned towards him in apprehension. Kuramochi eyes flushed dangerously. "You have some nerve to wake me up this early with your stupid wet dreams. Calling out that bastard's name over and over and over and over again—" Kuramochi cracked his knuckles. "I'm Going To Kill You."

"Wai—! Wait a minute senpai—!" Sawamura couldn't finish his words, and Kuramochi aimed a kick over his head. Sawamura ducked and bolted away from the bed. In panic, he forgot something really important.

Kuramochi's face immediately turned sour.

"Let's forget about killing you, huh? I'm going to crush you into tiny tidbit pieces just from showing that to me." Kuramochi growled.

"Eh?" Sawamura blinked back at him, his back flat to the door in case he needed to run outside.

Kuramochi twitched. With an irritated vein ready to burst on his forehead, Kuramochi pointed at his own crotch and looked at Sawamura's pointedly with a raised brow.

Sawamura blinked some more.

Huh? Nani—?

And then he froze.

It can't be—

Slowly, oh so slowly… he looked down at his groin.

Aaaaaand… what he saw nearly made him faint.

What the fuck—?

Wet spots. He's sporting wet spots. And not just simple wet spots. He—

Sawamura blanched.

He actually came.

Son of a bitch!

Still perplexed from what he was seeing, Sawamura hadn't notice Kuramochi stomping towards him. He let out a surprised yelp when Kuramochi cuffed him over his neck, at the same time opening their room's door behind him. Without warning, Kuramochi shoved him outside. Sawamura's eyes went wide.

"E-Eto—senpai?" He asked nervously, the cold from an early morning now starting to cling on to his skin.

Kuramochi smirked and waved. "Don't come back until you get rid of that, understand?" And without saying another word, Kuramochi slammed the door close in Sawamura's face.


"Wha— Senpai!" Sawamura called out loud in panic, banging at the door and nearly knocking it down anxiously. Shit. Shit, shit, shit!

What if someone saw him in this state? He wouldn't be able live it down. He was now starting to feel vulnerable outside wearing only his pajamas.

Not to mentioned, a pajama with wet spots.


"Senpai—!" Sawamura knocked harder, getting more frantic.

No one answered. Sawamura let out a pathetic sound.

"S-Senpai—! Onegai! Just let me take some change of clothes! Ne, senpai—!"

Still nothing.

"Wahhhh! Senpai you idiot! Please—! I can't walk arou—" Sawamura finally heard the lock clicked from the inside. He was about to let out a sigh of relief when the door opened in a flash and a set of clothes consists of a shirt and a jersey were shoved straight to his face. Sawamura spluttered as he caught the clothes, barely saving them from falling out of his hands.

"Eh?" He blinked down at the garments. Looking up, he flinched when at the second time that morning; the door was shut close to his face.

"Ehhh? T-This—"

"Good luck with your shower!" Kuramochi's called out from the inside, his voice sounded so evil in his ears.

The blood drained from his face. Sawamura whimpered as he clutched the clothes close to his chest. "Senpai you're so cruel! Baka! You—you— M-Monkey! Octopus! Game maniac! Pervert! Youkai! You—"

"Try saying another word and you're going to regret it, Bakamura!"

"—Glutton Demon-Face Cheetah!"


He didn't wait for his senpai to rush out of the door. Sawamura made a run for it.

"Kuramochi-senpai, you big idiot!" He wailed." You didn't even give me underwear!"

Kuramochi gritted his teeth, his hands gripping the door tightly as he watched his kohai running away awkwardly. Sawamura was fleeing with the clothes secured within one of his arm, while the other was clutching the front of his crotch as he looked around anxiously, trying to hide the wet spots. Despite his irritation, Kuramochi couldn't help being amused with the scene.

"Aren't you being a little harsh Kuramochi-chan?"

Kuramochi turned towards Masuko, his momentary amusement gone and his eyes glinting darkly. "That idiot deserved it. Groaning and moaning like that in his sleep. Stupid brat." Like hell he was just going to let that go. Just remembering Sawamura's panting and groaning in his sleep was enough to make his blood boil. He couldn't help but actually imagine that bastard Miyuki devouring their kohai with that stupid grin of his, no doubt.

And that pisses him off even more.

An irritated vein popped on Kuramochi's forehead. Masuko nearly jumped when the other suddenly snarled in an angry voice.

"AHHHHHH! I want to kick something really hard! I want to HITsomeone!" The shortstop banged his fist on the door, gritting his teeth. "Son of a bitch, I'm going to KILL Miyuki later!" Kuramochi snapped.

Masuko stood from his bed and strode beside him at the door, watching their kohai from the distance as well.

Their little sunshine.

Their no longer so innocent idiotic little sunshine.

Running away… with wet spots on his crotch. And definitely not with a little and limp mini-Sawamura.

Masuko's hands twitched. "If you're going to kill him, make it hurt a little, yeah?" He deadpanned, now also remembering Sawamura loud moaning earlier in his sleep and calling out Miyuki's name in gasping breath. It was now Masuko's turn to feel like crushing something hard. "On a second thought—" He went on, a bit irritated himself. "Make it HURT a lot."

Kuramochi threw him a pointed look and they stared at each other. Both coming up in an agreement, Kuramochi smiled devilishly.

"Leave it to me."

Sawamura pulled at the hem of his uniform while he walked towards his class alone, unconsciously still trying to hide the front of his crotch as he yet again cursed Kuramochi-senpai for the hundredth times that morning. He couldn't believe his sadistic senpai actually send him away from their room in that kind of condition. Sawamura couldn't forget what he went through just to get to the bathroom safely earlier.

It was almost like hell when he nearly had a run-in with Jun-senpai and Ryo-senpai, who by God-knows-what, decided an early start of training this morning. If the recycle bin wasn't standing close earlier, they would have caught him scurrying about sporting wet spots. God forbid, but Jun-senpai will surely spread the word to their other teammates faster than the speed of light gleefully, and onii-san would gain a lifetime worth of blackmail material that Sawamura's terrified he may just become his slave forever. Sawamura could feel a cold sweat running down his spine just thinking about it.

And that wasn't the worst of it. Oh no, no, no.

The worst was when someone tapped him on his shoulder while he was hiding from the two senpais and Sawamura, looking up in dread found Coach Kataoka and Tetsu looming down at him with curiosity, their brows raised as they watched him like he had finally lost his mind. Sawamura actually thought he was going to lost it right there and then.

Fuck, the humiliation! Thank God they believed him when he stuttered that he was only looking for something he lost the other night, and both his Coach and Captain went on their merry way without finding out the wets spots he was sporting. If they discovered about it…

He shuddered. Oh shit, the horror of that possibility.

In the first place, what had gotten into him dreaming something… so…so…err…

Sawamura blushed, feeling the heat started spreading to the tip of his ears.

No, no, no, not the ears! Shit, these stupid ears! Sawamura could still feel the ghost of feeling of something hot and lithe nibbling on them…caressing them… making them feel… feel… so frustratingly w-w-wet—


Sawamura crouched down to his knees, rubbing his ears furiously, and at the same time trying to control the blood pooling to his cheeks (and admittedly downwards too).

No, no, no, no please…

How could he ever stand beside Miyuki with a straight face ever again? What if Miyuki found out about his dream? He's going to think that he's a pervert! And he's definitely going to find out! Glutton Demon-Face Cheetah-senpai will absolutely tell him about it!

Sawamura felt like he's going to faint. He's finished.

What is he going to d—

"Arara, my, isn't it Eijun-chan?"

And just like that, everything around Sawamura froze. His heart jumped to his throat, and his entire body stiffened to the point that he almost stopped breathing.

Wha— it couldn't be—

"What are you doing crouching down like that? Are you in pain?" Mika's voice sounded worried as she approached the first-year, squatting in front of him as well. "You okay, Eijun-chan?"

No way. No Way. This isn't happening.

"Eijun-chan? Oiiii— Ne, Eijun-chan? You okay? Can you hear me?"

Sawamura felt like his body turned as heavy as lead. He couldn't move, he couldn't breathe, and he was even having a hard time answering back. His tongue felt like they got stuck down to his throat, the heaviness blossoming from his chest pulling down his ability to speak. It reminded him of each time Kuramochi-senpai strangling him as they wrestle. He felt like he was choking.

No, more like choking and panicking.

What the hell—? Why is she here?!

"Eto… Eijun-chan?"

Sawamura swallowed hard, trying to regain his voice. Closing his eyes tightly for a second to regain his composure, Sawamura let out a small breath and opened his eyes slowly, looking back up to his unknown rival, meeting her eyes boldly in an attempt to act normal.

What he saw nearly made him gritted his teeth. What rival? When it comes to appearance, Mika-senpai won gorgeously, hands down.

Sawamura berated himself. This isn't the right time to become stupidly hang up about looks. He needed to pull himself together or he will surely lose.

But despite his internal argument, Sawamura couldn't help a stutter as he spoke. "Mika-senpai…" He acknowledged her presence and tried to smile cheerfully, but it came out a bit strained and Sawamura looked like he was grimacing.

Mika lifted one of her delicate brow, noting how tense the other as he faced her. Eijun-chan cleared his throat as he once again swallowed hard, acting like he was facing someone he was most certainly not comfortable being with. Mika brow's twitched, intrigued.


Shaking her head a little, she once again gave him a small smile, one full of concern and subdued innocence. "Are you okay? You look pale." Mika grabbed his upper arm with an intention to help him up, but she felt him stiffening under her touch. Trying to hide her own thoughts and confused suspicions under her disarming smile, Mika didn't pull he grasp away. Her silent insistence making the other stood in hesitation.

"Thanks." Sawamura muttered, moving a step away to keep his distance.

Stunned, Mika shot her kouhai another look one of cool surprise. When Sawamura turned towards her with a wary look, Mika immediately schooled her face, her usual small smile gracing her lips. Secretly, her eyes became sharp, discerning the younger man before her, observing every little detail of him for the first time.

What was that all about? That feeling like he knows something about her? Like he hates something about her?

They only met each other once. As far as she knows, he's only an idiotic first-year pitcher that was unbelievably too full of himself. But regardless, Mika knew he was the type of person who was usually friendly; too friendly that sometimes other found him irritating. So what with the cold and dismissive attitude towards her?

Huh. Interesting. That's twice in row for her to actually think like that.

"Feeling better?" She inquired smoothly.

Sawamura gave a curt nod. "Yeah." He fidgeted, tucking his bag close to his chest like he was putting some kind of barrier between them. Mika observed the action, her brows lifting once more. Sawamura's throat bobbed as he swallowed, trying to hide his discomfort. "So… err… what can I do for you senpai?"

She blinked, suddenly reminded of the reason why she's sought out the first-year. "Eh? Oh! Actually…" Disregarding his astonished reaction, Mika snatched one of Sawamura's arms, pulling it close to her chest as she gave him one of her most charming smile, one she knew other men couldn't say no to. "Nee… Eijun-chan. I have a favor to ask. Can you listen for a while?"

Sawamura couldn't help but become frozen in her hold, his mind turning upside down. He couldn't believe that he was in a middle of a pathway leading towards his class, all alone with the most terrifying coincidence of meeting the girl whose relationship with the person he likes remain a mystery and in itself making this situation shitty as hell. Not to mentioned her pushing her full breast on his arm like it was the most gratifying thing ever and Sawamura felt like he was going to faint from all the horror.

Haha. This is just so fucking unbelievable.

Just kill me now, why don't you?

Feeling unappreciated, Mika gripped his upper arm a bit tighter, leaning her entire body towards him with a sly smile on her lips.

"Nee, Eijun-chan, onegai?"

Sawamura squirmed from her hold, pulling his arm casually as he laughed nervously, "Ahahaha… mah.. e-eto.. sure, I guess." He took a step back, now hugging his bag tighter in defense from any unforeseen sexual harassment.

Mika once again twitched, hiding her astonishment and watched as the distance between them widen another foot.

This guy… No way…

She glanced back at him, blinking. Huh. Okay, guess plan A is not working impressively. Is he already involved with someone else? It happened a few times with other men, but she was pretty sure no one had ever turned down her charismatic smile before. The way Eijun-chan was acting towards her, you'll think she hadn't showered for an entire month and stinking all over the place.

Hah. For your information, I enjoyed milk bath every day! But despite her silent indignant whine, she sniff herself secretly, sighing in relief that she smelled just good as she claimed. Mika turned towards her companion, now a bit wary to come near him. He's a guy, right? He's a guy, one hundred percent. He's just an idiot. Yeah okay, let's proceed to Plan B, shall we? The more time she stayed in his presence, the thinner her confidence turning out to be.

Moving towards the cautions pitcher for the second time, Mika clapped her hands softly in front of her, using all the charm she possess under her belt and smiled the most cutest and innocent smile she could actually pull off without grimacing, her half-lidded eyes now looking heavily seductive and she tilted her head in a pose every otakus out there would die of moe overload just from witnessing it. Mika giggled softly.

This time for sure, he's mine!

In a very sultry voice, Mika tried to spoke cutely. "Nee, nee… Eijun-chan, I want to meet someone in your club… Can you call him for me? Nee… It's okay, right? It's wouldn't be too much trouble. If you want—" Mika winked. "I can do something for you in exchange. Neee…" Mika gave him a girlish grin.

She was so busy in her act that she didn't even bother to look at the pitcher's reaction. Sawamura muscles became tense. And when Mika bit her lower lip in contemplation, trying to show off her full, and oh so kissable lips, Sawamura finally lost it.

"You know him. He's the catcher in your team. His name's Mi—"

But Mika hadn't been able to finish her sentence. With too much dust following on his wake that it nearly made her choke, Sawamura made a hasty retreat away from her, walking away backwards as he look at her with a horrified expression, his eyes wide, and cringing at her for all his worth.

Mika blinked as she gaped back at him. Her pouting lips frozen on her face.


Sawamura's horrified expression almost doubled as he shrieked. "Y—You—! Don't smile at me like that! You're being c-creepy! It's old school! Are you an idiot!? They don't even do that in shoujo manga anymore! Y-You—! You're underestimating shoujo manga, aren't you?!" He glared, looking more and more indignant. "Don't you dare underestimate someone who read all the 26 volumes of 'Everlasting Love' ahou! Are you underestimating me?!" He yelled, clearly appalled of her behavior.

Mika started sputtering. Eyes almost popping out from their sockets, her mind swirled in all the possible snarky response she could think of to rebuff those stupid accusations. But for once in her life, she felt like she actually lost her ability to speak.


Sawamura snorted. "Hah! I can even do that better than you! You don't look sexy at all! Should I train you?" He huffed, now completely forgetting who she actually was and why he was even wary of seeing her at the moment.

She was just a fake moe! Hah! No way was he going to lose to her! Miyuki or Shoujo aside!

Feeling a vein popping on her forehead, Mika felt her patience finally snapped, her face contorting in a murderous glower that nearly made Sawamura cringed.

"This is so stupid!" She shrieked back, making Sawamura took another step back from her in stunned silence, suddenly remembering who she was in the first place. Mika took a threatening step towards him, her own aura scalding hot. "I know you're an idiot, but I can't believe you're actually this big of an idiot! I can't believe this!" Mika stomped a foot, her hands flailing in every direction as her mouth fired off everything that comes to mind. "Look here! See?! I'm actually pretty if you hadn't notice! Are you a virgin or what?! Wait no; don't answer me because I already know!" She snarled sarcastically.

It was now Sawamura's turn to gaped back at her in disbelief. He was incensed. He opened and closed his mouth, trying desperately to come up with anything to say. He was probably the worst in English, but he was well-versed with sarcasm just as well, you know! Cheetah-senpai was born full of it. Sawamura had a momentary distraction of imaging Kuramochi as a newborn baby munching on a little harmless book entitled 'Sarcasm; Aim at Bullying Your Kouhais. First Edition,' but he desperately pushed the thought away. Instead, he focused his attention on Mika words, completely offended. She didn't just said—!

Ha! Bring it on, kura!

On the other side, Mika was abruptly snapped back from her sudden outburst, clearly realizing too late what she had done. Ah crap. Why did she have to open her stupid mouth? She's ruining all her plans.

But she couldn't help it! This guy made her want to reveal her true colors. He was so irritating, Mika wanted to kick him to the farthest country she could think of. Possibly as far as the North Pole.

Right. Not necessarily a country then.

Mika inhaled, trying to calm herself. Yeah, okay. Relax. She can still salvage the situation. He's an idiot. Nothing to worry about. Just be calm. Inhale… exhale...

Good. Once more.

Inhale… and another inhale… and yes, another inhale… gulp… exhale…


Mika turned towards the other, pushing her now messy hair away from her eyes. Finally finding in herself a semblance of calm, she let out another deep sigh. Mika shoot Sawamura a wry smile, her voice coming out as calm as she could manage. " Ahahaha… E-Eto… Gomen Eijun-chan, I didn't mea—"

But surprisingly—Mika twitched— she was once again crudely interrupted.

With his eyes burning from what he deemed was a challenge to his manhood—And he was proud of his size, thank you very much—(Although no one was sure how he drew to that conclusion about challenged manhood, but yeah, whatever)—Sawamura's own fighting aura exploded all over the place, blazing hotly. Sawamura turned towards her and snarled, completely pissed off.

"Who are you calling a vir—! Baka! baka! Just so you know—! I-I—I'm a man of great experience! I'd read the Bible of all the shoujo manga! A-and—! Hah! You don't know what you're talking about—! I'm a man of great experience! I'm being pursued by so many g-girls! I'm the future ace! A-and—yes! I'm a man of great experie—!"

"Yeah, you've said that already. Like three times." Mika deadpanned, trying to control her twitching brows. She watched as the first-year's fighting spirit was starting to diffuse as he stumble on his words, clearly not sure what he's talking about anymore. And wait, is he turning small?

Err… no. He was just slowly walking backwards again. Away from her.

Mika sweat dropped, letting out a small exasperated sigh.

Sawamura was now stuttering, fumbling with his words as he hugged his bag tighter, trying not to look defensive. E...Eto… A-Aree? What was it again? Gaaah! Shit! Why was he even here in the first place!? Without thinking, he shouted the first things that came out to mind. He pointed his finger towards her, her voice a bit accusatory.

"A-And don't you dare forget the great me could—! I'm a man of great experience! And— and—No way will I GIVE Miyuki up to you, you—you—eto… You—SENPAI from his past! No, I mean my senpai now from his past! No—! Huh? Aree? Aahhh! Whatever senpai from whatever past! Hah! I'm not going to lose! And—and—I'm not going to—Err… And I'm not—I'm not—" Kuso! He had nothing more else to add! Shit, at this rate he's going to lose to her!

Hah! Like hell! He's a man of great experience! Just this morning he's—

Sawamura suddenly blanched. Just remembering what happened this morning; or more specifically his dream of Miyuki's wicked tongue turning him into a pile of goo, Sawamura completely flushed scarlet. One thing is for sure. His ears were no longer a virgin!

Shit! Does that mean—? Nooooo! Sawamura shouted his next words out of embarrassment and pride, too agitated to think anymore than he already was force to do so.

"—and I'm no longer a VIRGIN! You old-hag shoujo- senpai!" Sawamura barked, puffing his chest for a minute, and amazingly proceeded to hightail out of there in a flash, blushing from what he assumed was a biggest confession of his feelings.

Crap. This is so fucking embarrassing!

Sawamura sprinted towards his building, combusting from the combination of indignation and, in his utter horror, arousal. Within moments he was gone, leaving his rival in dust.

Mika, for all her mental capacity to speak, finally made a move and blinked slowly.

And she blinked some more. And once more. And more and more aaaand more. As she watched the other running away in a hurry, Mika tried to process what she thought the young pitcher shouted just now.

Not going to lose—? Give up Miyuki—? Virgin—?

Eijun-chan. Not Virgin. Miyuki. Give up?

Ping. Ping. Ping. Ping.

Eh? Aree— Ehhhh? Wha—Ehhh? Did she actually hear that right?


Mika pinched herself. Yup. Not sleeping.

No drooling and no morning breath either.

Huh. Hahahaha. Hahahahaha.



Miyuki needed five minutes. No, three minutes. Yeah okay, just one minute. Just one minute to explain and Miyuki knew he'll get through Sawamura's iron-clad defense. One minute so he could kiss the living out of Sawamura and make that ever-loud pitcher to shut up and listen to him so he can finally apologize.

Simple. The most effective plan to woo his pitcher again. With the kiss as a plus, yes.

Perfect. Haha.

Yeah right.

Miyuki sighed as he walked. Now that it bell rung for lunch, his feet started taking him towards the first year's classrooms. Adjusting his glasses over his eyes, he tried not to once again pinch the bridge of his nose because he knew it will only reveal his anxiety.

Since from the beginning, Sawamura's ability to make him feel stressed out was probably the most admirable thing the pitcher practically excelled at.

And Miyuki adored him more for it, dammit.

And shit, he missed him more for it.

His pitcher was still mad at him this morning. Even after he discovered his bruises and mysterious black-eye, (Which by the way meant someone is going to die before the day is over) Sawamura blushed furiously and swatted his hand away when he tried reach for his injury (and suspiciously tugged his shirt on his front). Miyuki hated to admit it but the rejection stung.

He wanted to hold him just as always.

And who the hell hurt him anyway? No one was talking, although Kuramochi's cackling was highly suspicious that Miyuki wanted to grab his teammate and wring his neck like a rag just to drag the truth from him. The son-of-a-bitch better be grateful of Chris-senpai and Nori taking his attention away or there would have been bloody loose teeth Ryo-san had to pick from the floor. Okay, not really. Just a tooth will be acceptable, or the second-baseman might just pull Miyuki's perfectly aligned teeth in sadistic glee too.

His glower deepened. Fine. He was going to drag the answers from Sawamura's own mouth even if he had to use any possible appendages available— probably a tongue—

"ERO-CATCHER SURPRISE KICK!" A voice suddenly boomed, causing the entire students milling about the hallway to jump and turned towards the source of the yell, their eyes wide.

Miyuki on the other hand, ducked away hastily, trusting his instinct to dodge away from the oncoming danger. He was already use of the familiar shout and the accompanying kick that barely missed the back of his head.

Kuramochi eyes bugged out when he realized that his foot missed its target and unintentionally, connected to the passing first-year's jaw beside them, sending the young man flying to the end of the hallway. Some of the student yelped, while the others gaped in utter astonishment.

Kuramochi landed on his feet and blinked. "Ah."

"Waaah! Sakaki! Are you okay!?" One of the first-year's friends called out in frantic, rushing towards his now passed out friend. "What the hell do you think you're doing!?" He shouted at Kuramochi, while he and his other friends shook their fallen friend from the cold floor.

Before Kuramochi could answer and stutter an apology, an arm that suddenly appeared around his neck nearly made him choked. Miyuki smirked, a throbbing vein dangerously close to bursting now visible on his forehead. "Kuramochi, teme. I'm in bad mood right now, you know, and you're not exactly in my Friend's List today. And what 'surprise kick'? You practically shouted it out loud." He growled.

Kuramochi recovered from his shock. Struggling to pull the pressing arm around his neck, his own vein throbbed in irritation. He smirked back. "TEME Ero-Catcher. You have some guts attacking me from behind. I'm going to enjoy kicking you ass." He growled back just as viciously.

"You're the one who attack me from behind first!" Miyuki gritted out. "And who are you calling Ero-Catcher?" He demanded, at the same time defending a foot from being stomp by his friend.

They were now making a spectacle of struggling with their arms, Miyuki choking the other tighter, and Kuramochi fighting back from the chokehold. The other first-years watched in alarm, trying desperately to think of a way to diffuse the fight.

The shortstop huff a laugh, completely annoyed that he was starting to lose the battle to get free. Shit. This stupid megane was surprisingly too strong. No wonder he can throw those supersonic pass during games.

"You deserved it, asshole. I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU. D'you had any idea what I went through this morning, you bastard? I'm going to pummel you to the ground and enjoy every minute of it." With a twist of his free arm, Kuramochi drilled his elbow in Miyuki's plexus, sending the catcher stumbling backward.

He smirked and faced the other, readying his stance to kick the catcher for real this time. "You're too early to think you can defeat me in a fight, kunoyarou."

Miyuki frowned as he rubbed his aching stomach. "What the hell are you talking about just now?" He demanded.

Grinding his teeth, Kuramochi shot his foot in a kick, Miyuki yet again ducking just in time. Kuramochi clucked his tongue and tried another one, this one aiming at Miyuki's side. Miyuki seized his leg just in time and pulled, aiming his own kick towards Kuramochi stomach as well. Kuramochi grunted and yanked his leg free from the hold before the kick connected. Shifting his head to the side, the irritation was now gone from his face and Kuramochi started to grin. "Not bad, asshole."

With a small smile tugging on his own lips, Miyuki replied, "You too. As expected."

Nearby, all the first-year students watched bewildered as the two famous senpais started a kick-boxing match in the middle of the hallway; they were torn between letting them continue given that it wasn't everyday they've encountered such a live demonstration of a pathetic attempt to fight, or called one of the teachers to stop the two idiots from sending flying kicks and punches that, unfortunately, landed in different body parts of some of the spectators.

Although seeing the matching grins on both their faces, they all decided that the reasons behind the pitiable fight were probably just as pathetic, and begrudgingly let them carry on. Not to mention the girls were having a field day watching every minute of it and were probably just waiting for the right timing to appeal themselves to the two baseball regulars. The two was famous enough to garner the attention of all the female population, enough that once Ryo-san (and probably Sawamura) found out about it, they would surely bring down hell to anyone who even thought of trying to make a move. The guys hoped no one dared. Ryo-san wasn't particularly famous with just his looks and Sawamura's was an absolute horror to deal with.

"Stay still, Miyuki! Just let me kick you so we can get this over with!"

"Ahou ka! Who's going to do that!"

"Why are you even fighting with me teme! This is so out of character, even for you! You, Ero-Catcher!"

"I told you, didn't I? I'm in a bad mood right now! And who are you calling Ero-catcher!"

"Who else!? You probably did something to Sawamura, didn't you! You're so dead!"


Kuramochi and Miyuki both tensed, readying to spring at each other and continue their match.

Kuramochi sneered. I'm going to—Ah—!"

"Bring it on—Gah—!"

All the spectators gulped nervously and winced when out of nowhere; two figures ran forward and kicked each of the fighting players at the back of their head, sending them sprawled on their back from the impact.

Within seconds, Kuramochi and Miyuki found themselves flat on their back, blinking at the faces peering down at them. Jun foot was still on air from executing the kick, and Tetsu shaking his head with a frown. Masuko and Tanba had also just arrived, small grins tugging on their lips.

Jun looked down at his two kohai's, his brows' twitching madly while the sound of his voice as he spoke promised more pain to come. "Temera… Fighting here where anyone can see you…" He cracked his knuckles, his face looking livid. "I'm GOING to kill you."

Miyuki and Kuramochi gulped. "Ah."

The entire first years population scattered in every direction right after the sound of Kuramochi and Miyuki's pained yells and a series of unrestraint kicks echoed around them.

Haruichi gnawed his bottom lip, his eyes focused on Eijun-kun walking in front of them. His friend's shoulders were slumped in a resemblance of defeat and acting like it's an end of the world. They were on their way to cafeteria, but instead of an angry Eijun-kun that nearly kicked Furuya on top of his head this morning in revenge for last night, what greeted them was a— well— probably an 'Eijun-kun Zombie'. Haruichi shuddered.

He couldn't help but feel a bit worried. His friend had been acting strange since they saw him this morning. He was walking like he was dragging an elephant, his face scrunched in a grimace, and the crocodile tears actually made him look like a murder victim. Not to mention the depressing dark aura and Haruichi stayed clear away from his friend's side opted to trail behind.

And he hadn't talk to them at all! Eijun-kun not talking at all was kind of lonely and creepy at the same time. Haruichi wasn't even sure if Eijun-kun was aware he and Furuya were still following him from behind. Haruichi couldn't, for the life of him think of anything that could make his friend this down, unless it was about Miyuki-senpai again.

Haruichi tried to reach out to his friend anyway. "A-Ano… Eijun-kun?"


"A-Are you still mad about last night?


"But—but we already apologized this morning right?"


"Eto… um… Are you excited about tomorrow's practice game?" He persisted.


The pink-haired first-year wasn't deterred. Okay, change topic. "Have you decided what you want for lunch?"


"U-Uh… e-eto… Do you think they have puddings?" He asked enthusiastically, hoping that the mention of his favorite dessert will work.


Haruichi looked up at Furuya who was walking beside him, his gaze pleading. Furuya merely shrugged, completely uninterested. Haruichi own shoulders slumped. Mou... What to do?


"Ah… e-eh… Ah! Have you talked with Miyuki-senpai about yesterday's misunderstanding?" He inquired, sure that the question wouldn't be ignored.

Sawamura paused. Haruichi held his breath while Furuya lifted his brow at him in question, curious about what misunderstanding he was talking about. Haruichi just shook his head. He listened intently, hoping to finally have an intelligible response from the other.

"No." Sawamura replied dully and continued to walk forward.

Haruichi couldn't help it anymore and he halted on his stride, looking up at Furuya with eyes now glistening in worry. "F-Furuya-kun." His lips trembled.

Furuya sighed. "Mah, mah. It's not like this is the first time he sulk."

Haruichi shook his head frantically, fisting the pitcher's shirt tightly around his neck. "No, no. This is different! I can feel it! Do something!"

"H-Haruichi, y-you're choking me."

Sawamura ignored the lovers and didn't linger to listen to their mutterings and simply walked on. No, he was actually not listening from the start. He strode on, his mind full of something else.

Mainly, Mika-senpai and Miyuki.

She actually came to talk to him. Shit, she actually came. What was she planning, asking about Miyuki from him? Was it just a coincidence? Does she really intend to meet him?

He clenched his fist tightly, his nerves suddenly frayed with anxiety. Just thinking about the two of them meeting each felt like he was going to collapse from intense apprehension. His hands feel clammy, his breathing clamping on his chest.

No. no. No!

Sawamura grabbed a fistful of his hair and gave himself a loud thump on his chest, making the other students on the vicinity threw his an odd look. He let out a heavy sigh.

I'm not going to do this again. I said I'm going to trust him. NO need to be so worried.

So what if she wanted to meet him? There's nothing wrong with that.

But—but— Kuramochi-senpai told him that Miyuki didn't want to meet her. THAT meant something right?

NO! It doesn't prove anything at all. And Miyuki is—Miyuki—

…LIKES him right?

Sawamura gasped breathlessly, his face burning red. Clutching his shirt over his heart, he started to nod vigorously to himself. Now, even Haruichi and Furuya stopped in their conversation as they watched their friend acting weirder.

Sawamura ignored them. Shit. Of course Miyuki likes him! He even had that—that—dream—earlier—

Oh god. What the hell with that dream anyway! Is—is—that what's going to happen soon? Is—is—the real Miyuki going to d-do those things to him too? Does Miyuki have any experience about it? Wait, with whom? It can't be— Mika-senpai?

He gritted his teeth. Like hell! She had nothing to do into this! And if ever he actually discovered that she had, so help him, he' going to kill Miyuki!

He might not be the first, but he'll intend to be the most special, ever. Or else, there will be nothing FIRST Miyuki ever going to get from him.

He gave a pause. 'No, wait a minute, Eijun. Relax. Mika-senpai is just a troublesome senpai, deshou?' He slapped both his palm over his cheeks, hyping himself up. The other student's now started to take a step away from him.

"Nothing to worry about. Yosh, yosh, yosh… I didn't even say anything about Miyu—"

Sawamura froze with the sudden realization. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Earlier—He shouted at her that he was no longer a vir— Waahhhh!

No. No. No Way! So stupid! So embarrassing! What hell was he even thinking! Just because of t-that dream— they didn't even kiss in that dream! C-Can that be considered an experience?

Huh? Aree… in that dream, Miyuki was—he was doing something with his hand— around his—

He could feel the heat starting to spread around his body, making him tingling all over. W-Wrong! It was just a d-dream! There nothing special about it! That doesn't mean he's no longer—!

Oh god, Sawamura can even still feel the ghost of his fingers gliding around his shaft, almost making him cu—

He flushed, now more crocodile tears flowing from embarrassment.

It was close. Too close. If he Kuramochi-senpai didn't woke him up, probably— he—he—

Does—Does that mean—he's no longer— he's no longer a vi— vir— mentally?

T-That's impossible. Nothing happened. Yes, he lied to Mika-senpai, true, but—

Sawamura was suddenly gripped with an overwhelming fear that he nearly stumbled. He lied. He lied to her. He told her that he was no longer—


Sawamura wring his hands in panic. W-What is he going to do? What if she'll use that knowledge against him and tell Miyuki about it?

What if she'll tell Miyuki that Sawamura had already been with someone else and the catcher believed her?

He staggered, eyes going wide in mortification.

He had to tell Miyuki about the lie. He had to. He might not that innocent in his dreams, but still—!

But he was apprehensive. If he told him about it, then he had to tell the catcher that he met Mika-senpai again. Should he tell? No. no. Err.. Yes. Yes… Ahhhh! No, no, n—

"Ah, Eijun-kun! Watch out!" Haruichi called out from behind.

Sawamura yelped when he bumped into something solid. Before he could flail and regain his balance, an arm shot around his waist, pulling him close and steadied him on his feet.

"Oi, Oi, Bakamura, watch where you're going! Ahou!" Jun's voice echoed from his right.

"You okay?" A voice inquired softly, rubbing soothing circles around his back.

Sawamura stiffened, his eyes widening as he recognized the voice. Mouth agape, Sawamura started to look up, nervous to discover the person holding him flush against their chest. Sawamura's pulse quickened its beat. He gasped and nearly swallowed his tongue when his watering eyes met Miyuki's worried ones.

Oh shit, no.

You've got to be kidding me!

Not right now. He's not ready yet!

Not yet!

Blood draining from his face, Sawamura looked around and found Jun-senpai and their Captain on his right looking back at him, Ryo-oniisan and Cheetah-senpai on his left and Chris-senpai and Masuko-senpai a bit on the back, Chris' face mirroring Miyuki's worry. Sawamura could also hear his two friends coming towards them from behind.

Sawamura couldn't stop himself anymore. With crocodile tears flooding from his eyes harder than ever, he turned towards Jun who were near him, and bawl with all his worth.

"Waaahhh…! Spitz-Senpai! Sumimasen! I'm no longer a virgin!" He wailed, his voice reverberating around the entire hallway.

Everyone choked.

Chapter 10: Dream-'Catcher'

End of Chapter…

A/N: Yosha! I'm BACK in civilization! With shower! Good beddings! Electricity! And the best of all, Internet Connection! Wahhh… (TT_TT)… No more mountains to climb for the rest of the year!

So yes, new chapter, and yes, more chapters to come. I'm free till New Year! Banzai! Banzai! Banzai!