A Different Road Taken: Epilogue

DISCLAIMER: None of these characters are mine, but they are memorable. Thank you Mr. Marlowe.

A/N: Quite a few readers who stayed with this story asked for one more piece of closure, so this chapter, although not a part of my original story, is for each of you. There will be more stories in this AU, with California as the backdrop. Again, thank you to all of you.

The 12th Precinct in New York City, Jan 2, 2011, 9 a.m. EST

"You don't seem too surprised, Captain," she says with a smile.

Kate Beckett wasn't sure how Captain Gates would react to her news. After all, she and her team own the top closure rate in the city, something they obviously take pride in. But more than that, she knows that budgets are tight, and cuts could easily be based upon how successful a precinct is. However, not only does Victoria Gates not appear surprised by her news . . . well, if Kate were a betting woman, she'd place money on her boss actually being genuinely happy for her.

"Detective Beckett . . . Kate . . . I'm going to call you Kate . . . I'd be lying to you if I told you I was surprised by your news," Gates tells her. "There's a reason I approved a few extra days for you. We all agreed that you and Mr. Castle needed all the help you could get," she smiles, remembering a conversation with two other detectives – a conversation Kate Beckett was not privy to.

Gates nods at Esposito and Ryan, who stand behind a seated Kate Beckett. Sitting next to Kate is her best friend, Lanie Parish.

"What? You two were a part of this?" Kate asks, turning and smiling genuinely at her friends who – apparently know her probably better than she realizes.

"I may or may not have offered an opinion on your little getaway," Esposito smiles, placing his hands along Kate's shoulders. In response, Kate takes one of his hands into hers – still on her shoulder.

"Hey, you two, are you gonna do that right in front of me?" Lanie Parish laughs.

Kate laughs with her, and she stands up from her chair, turning to pull the two detectives behind her into a tight hug. When she pulls away, she finds herself face to face with two of the happiest, beaming smiles. Her brothers.

Then it hits her, and she chuckles to herself. She knows these guys. She knows them well.

"So . . . who won the bet," she asks, looking from Espo to Ryan, and back to Lanie, who still sits, cross-legged in the chair in front of the captain's desk.

Realization dances in both men's eyes. Kevin Ryan rolls his eyes as Javier Esposito laughs out loud. Ryan reaches into his back pocket, and retrieves his wallet, pulling out a fifty dollar bill. He hands the bill to the still-smiling Esposito.

"I could have sworn Castle would be coming back," he tells him.

"Wait a minute, guys!" Kate says with mock indignation on her face. "You're telling me I wasn't even the bet? Castle was the bet?"

The guys ignore her, as they are now in their midst of their little game.

"I told you Castle wasn't going to give up his project out there," Esposito says, placing the bill in his wallet and placing the wallet in his front pocket.

"I don't get it," Ryan says. "He could have replicated everything here. He could have franchised the whole thing."

"Franchise? What'd you think, he went out there and bought a McDonald's or something?" Esposito laughs. "That thing out there is his passion, bro. No way he walks away from that."

"Beckett here is his passion, Javi," Ryan whines. He hates paying up. It happens far too often.

"Beckett understands," Esposito says, his smile widening. "And it's better this way. She gets to be a part of it. It becomes their passion, together."

"Ah, I don't know, man," Ryan says, still arguing for his $50.

"They do know I'm standing right here, don't they," Kate asks, her eyes laughing as they dance from Lanie to her soon-to-be ex-captain.

As Javier and Kevin continue their playful discussion, Beckett moves towards the captain's desk, reaching her hand across to shake her hand.

"Thank you, sir," she states again. She's been thanking the woman quite often this morning. The moment turns serious as her captain begins to speak.

"Kate, when I was about twenty-three, I had an opportunity," Victoria Gates tells her. I was fresh into the force, and a call came from an old college friend. You know how it is in college, Kate," Gates smiles, as she strolls back a couple of decades.

"We wanted to change the world, we had all of these grand ideas," Gates continues. "Then we graduate, and we each go our own way. A year later, Anna calls me. She's starting a non-profit, going overseas. The plan is to build new orphanages in these countries, in their worst areas. More like upscale combination homes and schools for these children. Give them a realistic hope, a better hope than just 'I hope someone comes and adopts me'. "

Victoria Gates, for a moment, has a faraway look in her eyes. Kate sees the look and recognizes it immediately. Regret. A very painful look, indeed. She's worn this look before, many times. It doesn't wear very well.

The moment passes, and the precinct captain returns to the present; her smile returns with her.

"Today, it's one of the most prestigious orphanages in Europe. They duplicated it in East Africa. They've educated thousands of children in the past twenty or so years. Orphaned children who have found a purpose. Orphaned children who had the chance to grow up in a nice, clean, loving environment. Not the kind of orphanages we had here," she states, eyes still looking off.

"You think about it a lot, don't you, Captain," Kate says.

"Every day," her captain tells her. "Every day."

"I never knew, sir," Kate says softly, with sudden realization. Lanie Parish's eyes are misting. Esposito and Ryan have ceased their playful banter, and Esposito's eyes widen. Revelations are often heart-wrenching. Today is a day of revelations.

"You ever wonder what it would have been like, sir?" Kate asks her. She thinks she knows the answer. She is so wrong.

"No. I never wonder, Kate," Gates tells her. "It's worse. I wish. I wish I had gone with her. I wish I had done it," she says, her eyes fierce with determination.

"I knew what it was like to grow up in an orphanage. First-hand," she tells them. "Anna knew that. That's why she called me, gave me the chance."

For a few more seconds, no one says anything. Victoria Gates is thinking about her past, and what could have been. Kate Beckett is thinking about her future, and what is going to be. Two detectives and a medical examiner look at their precinct captain with a better set of eyes.

"I wish I had gone and built better homes than the ones I grew up in," she tells them. "That's why I'm so happy for you, detective . . . Kate. Go live your dream, with a man you love, no less."

The Old Haunt, New York City, Jan 2, 2011, 9 p.m. EST

Richard Castle enters the bar – his bar – and smiles as he walks through the familiar doors, down the familiar aisles. Cindy Mercado jumps – literally jumps – over the bar top. She hurdles the structure as she takes three long steps before launching herself into Castle's arms.

"Boss!" she cries happily, completely surprised to see the owner of the establishment. When Castle left, he elevated the forty-one year-old woman to manage the bar. First glance tells him it was a wise choice, as the place looks and smells clean, and is lively tonight, with a wealth of patrons.

"Hi there, Cindy," he says with a smile, hugging the woman gently, while she has somewhat of a death grip around his neck. "Still pretty spry to clear the bar like that," he chuckles.

"Hey, I'm still a young woman, I'll have you know," she tells him, a small pout crossing her face. She's unable to leave it there long, and they both release each other, laughing.

"So, what brings you back east?" she asks him. "Come to check up on me?"

"Not at all – I'm here for a couple of days," he tells her. "Tonight, I'm just visiting some friends already here, back there," he says, throwing a thumb toward the back of the establishment.

"Well, they are back there, all right, same booth," she says, pointing toward the back of the bar. "But no one told me you were coming," she says.

"I asked them not to say anything," he smiles. "Wanted to surprise you."

"Mission accomplished, boss," she smiles in return. "I'll bring your drink back to you. Same?"

"Yep, same," he tells her, and smiles as he heads back to the booth where his friends sit, cramped together. He finds Kate, Javi, Kevin, Jenny, and Lanie all together. Kate tries to scoot over to give Castle room to sit, but Lanie all but pushes her out into the aisle.

"Get out of my way, girl, so I can say hello to Mr. Handsome here," Lanie sputters, drawing laughter from the table. Javi and Kevin move to get out and stand as well. Javi reaches Castle first. They share a quick high five before Castle pulls the smaller man into a bear hug.

"Please tell me the Ferrari is still in one piece," he asks his friend, raising an eyebrow.

"My Ferrari is just fine, thank you," Esposito laughs. "Still in beast mode, bro."

Kevin Ryan is standing now, and Castle pulls him into a hug with Esposito. Kate Beckett, standing to the side, looks on with pride at the three men who have been so much to her over these past four years.

"House is great, Castle," Ryan offers. "It's just spectacular, man. Had Espo and Lanie up there a few times already. "

"Something you never did, Mr. Castle," Lanie says, punching him playfully in the arm, before pulling him down into a hug.

"Glad you are enjoying it, Kevin," Castle tells him. "I knew I left them in good hands," and his two friends nod enthusiastically in agreement.

"When's the wedding?" he asks.

"Next month. You're coming, aren't you Castle?"

"Absolutely," he tells them.

The group manages to squeeze themselves back into the booth, with Castle being the last one to sit – next to Kate, of course. He leans over and kisses her softly on the lips, and her tongue quickly rolls across his lips. The kiss only last a second or two, but it's full of passion.

"Oh – my – God!" cries Lanie, and the entire booth erupts in laughter.

"I guess you haven't seen that, have you?" Kate laughs, throwing her head back. Lanie is completely taken aback.

"Who in the world is this wild and free woman sitting next to me?" she wonders to herself, and she finds her eyes misting with happiness for her best friend. She's definitely going to miss her favorite detective, but wow – does the woman look happy or what!

"What in the world happened to you, Kate?" an equally surprised Jenny asks.

"He happened to me," Kate says softly, smiling largely, and pointing to the man seated next to her. For his part, Castle simply smiles, his smile every bit as bright as the one on the face of the woman sitting next to him.

"So you're going to California," Jenny continues, more a statement than a question. "What are you going to do there?"

"I'm going to live and love," Kate answers her, her response drawing a set of rolling eyes from most at the table.

"What, is that some of that California Zen?" Esposito asks.

"No. I think it was more a little California Castle," Kate laughs, drawing another set of rolling eyes and loud laughter.

"I'm going to do what I didn't do here," Kate says, now more serious. "I'm going to do what I should have done with you – with each of you – far more often than I did. I'm so sorry, guys."

"Ah, Beckett –" Ryan says, but Kate interrupts him.

"No really, Kevin. I'm sorry for not going out for drinks more often. For not taking you guys to dinner more. Or a movie. Or a play," she tells them, and the table grows quiet as they listen to heartfelt words from their friend.

"I'm sorry for not having you over for dinner at my place," she says.

"Uh . . . honey, you don't cook," Lanie whispers, causing another eruption from the table. Richard Castle bellows loud and long. Esposito smiles, as does Ryan. The last time they saw Castle, his mood and demeanor was very decidedly different. Their attention is drawn back to Kate, who continues, as the laughter dies down.

"I'm sorry for not living life to the fullest with each of you – for each of you," she tells them. "Because you deserved it," and tears are forming in her eyes. Tears of regret. The type of tears that she never wants to cry again.

"Because you put your life out there for me, day after day after day," she says with emphasis, her eyes searching for Kevin Ryan and Javier Esposito. "Because you gave me every piece of information I needed to do my job, and I know that wasn't easy," she tells Lanie Parish. "Because each night could have been your last night, and I know there were people at home, worried about you," she says, glancing at Jenny.

The booth is quiet, as heads nod slowly, and for a few seconds, there are a dozen eyes that are staring at the drinks on the table, reflecting on the words they have heart.

"So, yeah," Kate finishes. "I'm going to live, and love, and build little castles with Castle."

At that, Richard Castle's eyes widen, and his heart almost stops. He elbows his partner and leans in, speaking theatrically for the entire table.

"Uh . . . Beckett, this isn't your totally inappropriate way of letting me know you are pregnant, is it?" he asks, and Beckett laughs as she hears the nervousness in his voice.

"The Castles, Rick. Your project?" she questions him.

"Our project, you mean," a clearly relieved writer-turned-philanthropist comments, and she leans in closer, smiling.

Suddenly, Javier has raised his bottle of beer, high above the table. "A toast!" he says loudly. "To Castle, and to Kate."

"To Castle and to Kate," the entire table joins in.

"And to good friends," Castle adds, as bottles and glasses clink together, and the laughter begins anew in the last booth in the back at the Old Haunt.

A/N: Look for the next story in this AU soon.