Title: Persuasion

Rating: R/NC17

Summary: It took some gentle persuasion, but they both agreed to keep their affair a secret for a little while.

A/N: A rewrite of a very old story, that was lost (I believe. It could be out there somewhere). I also found it on an old USB stick. It was a slightly dirty story, and what can I say... I feel slightly dirty.

Chapter One

"Jack... it must be really terrible for you to be stuck on this island." Elizabeth Swann said, her head resting on Captain Jack Sparrow's shoulder.

"Oh, yes... but the company is infinetly better than last time, and the-" His arm snaked around her shoulders, pulling her close, and he took a peek down the front of her dress with his drunken eyes. "-scenery has definitely improved."

"Mister Sparrow!" Elizabeth exclaimed, and Jack hummed in response. She pulled away from Jack, even though afterwards she felt cold. "I don't believe I've had enough run to allow that kind of talk."

He pointed at the governor's daughter and squinted his eyes, to see better. "I know exactly what you mean, love."

Jack slowly twirled his moustache, which made Elizabeth giggle. He reached out and grabbed her shoulder to steady himself, bu this hand ventured across her back. Elizabeth smiled, held out her bottle of rum in salute.

"To freedom." She said simply.

"To the Black Pearl." Jack replied, clinking his bottle against hers. He took a deep drag from the bottle until he fell back, dead asleep.


"Might I inquire as to how you came upon these?" Jack asked, waving the letters of marque in the air.

"Persuasion." Elizabeth answered, not sure if she was beginning to get annoyed or beginning to flirt. Elizabeth believed it could be a little bit of both.

"Friendly?" Jack asked and smiled when Elizabeth closed the gap between them.

Her face was inches from his own. "Decidedly not."

Jack smirked and turned around, folding the letters and pocketing them. "Will strikes a deal for these and uphold it with honor, yet you are the one standing here with the prize. Full pardon! Commission as a privateer on behalf of England, and the East India Trading Company." The pirate turned and started walking away from the blonde. "As if, I could be bought for such a low price-"

"Jack, the letters, give them back." Elizabeth said, chasing after Jack.

He stopped. "No. Persuade me."

Elizabeth stepped closer to him, her front touching his back. Her scent enveloped his senses, making him close his eyes in pleasure for a moment. "You do know Will taught me how to handle a sword."

Jack's smile faultered a bit at the boy's name, but he remembered that he could beat Will in a swordfight. If he tried really hard. His smile returned. "As I said." Jack turned around, so his face was inches away from hers. "Persuade me."

Elizabeth frowned. She nodded and walked away, leaving Jack to stifle a laugh. He felt distressed, he didn't exactly get what he wanted, and it made him feel... uncomfortable.


Night had fallen. Elizabeth made her way toward the Captain's quarters. She was in her pirate attire, save for a few missing buttons on her top. She was getting dressed when she decided to do this.

She made a quick scan of the deck, then turned to see that the door to Jack's private apartment was unlocked. Elizabeth gently turned the handle, opened the door, and went inside. The door clicked shut softly behind her.

Jack had his back towards her, so he had no clue at all who was behind him. His eyes were pouring over a map, his compass opened next to his hand.

"No, Mister Gibbs, I do not have a heading yet." Jack said, thinking it was his first mate. The Captain took a pull from a bottle on his desk and set it down. "I'm about to lose my head. This bloody compass keeps pointing towards the- keeps pointing elsewhere."

Elizabeth walked over. She reached over Jack's shoulder, took the bottle from his desk, and took a sip from it. She placed it back down on the desk. "Who said it was Mister Gibbs?"

Jack followed the hand wrapped around his bottle and found it was attached to a very attractive arm. He followed the arm up and found that it belonged to the lovely Elizabeth Swann- and felt his heart jump in his chest.

"Miss Swan." Jack dropped his charcoal pencil and leaned back in his chair, folding his arms together. He appeared very casual. "Might I inquire on why you are here?"

Elizabeth coyly smiled at Jack and walked back over to the door. She locked it. This caught Jack's interest and he stood up, smiling. He knew what she wanted, and was all to happy to oblige her.

"Elizabeth?" He asked softly. "To what do I owe this pleasure?"

Jack reached up and stroked her hair away from her face. He saw that her first few buttons were undone, revealing her tanned skin. Jack felt his interest perk up even more.

"Persuasion." Elizabeth answered and pressed her body against Jack's, causing him to lean back against his desk. "The friendly kind."

Her moth hovered above his, ready to meet and start this adventure. Something snapped in Jack's mind just then- William. He had been gone for a year now, thanks to Jack. He was the man he had placed on Davy Jones' ship- and this was his girl. Jack took a deep breath and gently pushed her away.

"Lizzie," her pet name rolled off his tongue, "I would love this..." Jack glanced at her bare shoulder poking out of her shirt. "... and I would love to do this... but you belong to William."

Elizabeth's spine snapped straighter, making her stand completely still. This gave Jack a chance to straighten up and walk hesitantly to the door. Jack went to open it, but felt Elizabeth's arms wrap around her chest. In spite of himself, he closed his eyes and enjoyed the sensation of her hand roaming his front.

"I don't belong to anyone." Elizabeth slid her hand down his front, making Jack tingle with the action. "Savvy?" She smiled, loving the use of Jack's favorite word.

Jack felt like he was melting. He turned around, her arms still wrapped around his body. Elizabeth accepted his kiss, meeting it passionately. Elizabeth opened her lips slightly to allow Jack to explore her mouth with his tongue. His eyes closed and an image flashed in his mind- William, and how upset he would be if he found out that Jack had relations with Elizabeth. A feeling of guilt washed over him, and he broke the kiss.

"No!" He said, and broke out of her arms. He walked over to his desk, keeping his back to her.

Elizabeth sighed and sat down on Jack's cot, a little upset. Will had done this to her also. He wanted to wait until they were properly married before they expressed their feelings in that way. But Elizabeth did not want to wait any longer- she was in belief that if you had feelings for someone, you should be able to express them however you want, freely. Elizabeth wanted to be free to do what she wished.

Elizabeth bit her lip. It was time to tell Jack the truth, that it had been a long time since she had love for William. After almost a year, it was hard to be in love with someone who wasn't there. She knew Will was lost. Elizabeth had accepted that, and was ready to move on.

"I don't love Will like that anymore." She sighed. "I have not felt love for him for a very long time now."

Jack turned to her and frowned. Her head was down, her foot absent-mindly rocking in a rhythmic pattern, her hands laying in her lap. It distressed him.

"I thought you were searching for him." Jack stated, confused.

"I just... wanted to see if he was dead. I mean, at first I wanted to find him, to start things over with him." She glanced up at Jack, who was making his way over to her, and looked back down at her hands. "But now, I just... the truth?"

"The truth, please." Jack asked and sat down next to her.

"I wanted to break off the wedding. I am in love with someone else. Have been for almost a year now." She turned her head to look into Jack's eyes, but they were guarded.

"Elizabeth..." Jack started, but was shushed by Elizabeth. She leaned in and kissed him sweetly, yet there was a sadness behind her sweetness. When they broke apart, she bit her bottom lip.

"Please don't say anything. I already know. You have the Pearl." Elizabeth got up and unlocked the door, walking away from Jack.

Jack just sat there and watched her walk away. "No, you don't know." He muttered and got up. He closed the door and walked back over to his map, resuming his captain duties. Nothing could persuade him away from it.