AN: Here is Chapter 7. I'm hopeing this is a good place to stake a break from the story & switch it to complete. I will work on it again down the road & add more Chapters think of this as the season finale Everyone belongs to Four Leaf Studios except Hisashi & Kado they belong to me.

I get up the next day earlier than usual to run with Emi. We have been having to work my exercises around my breaks during the day from work & classes I would like to get back to my fixed schedule so moving running even earlier in the morning helps. Emi agreed to it back when I was still in the hospital. Emi sees me when I leave my apartment in my old Soccer clothes.


"Hey Hisao. Are you ready to start our runs again?"

I nod an agreement


"Yeah now that I'm out of that hospital I'm ready to get moving. Plus not holding off till later in the day will probably help a lot."

Emi smiles brightly


"That's the spirit come on. We are going to take it easy at first since you have been out of action for over a week."

I salute her


"Yes ma'am"

We start our jog. I can tell Emi is trying her best to keep up with my slower pace but as I heal I can start to slowly push my self again. I keep my breath steady as we start on our second lap. Even though I'm slower right now I am still making a good pace. After my second lap I'm feeling a bit run down. I let Emi know I'm going to stop & get ready for work then leave to let her continue her jog.

I come back in seeing Hanako is up cooking breakfast. She turns hearing me close the door.


"Did y-your run go OK"

I run my hand through my hair & smile.


"It was Ok. Not like before. I can't wait till I finish healing. It feels like I'm starting all over again."

I set the table while Hananko finishes cooking.


"I'm going to take a quick shower before we eat."

She nods but looks a bit sad probably about my frustrated state of starting over. I walk to the bathroom undressing as I do. I shower then change the bandage on my chest. After I dress I come back out to the living room. Hanako is sitting at the table waiting for me to join her. I sit down across from her.


"Looks good. Thank you for waiting."


"I-it's OK."

I look at her as we start to eat she still looks like something is bothering her.


"What is wrong?"



I shake my head a bit.


"Hanako I know you better than that."

She sighs a bit.


"W-when I woke up y-you were gone. Then I r-remembered you w-were on your run. B-but you seemed unhappy w-when you came back."

I nod a bit I know I should have woke her enough to let her know I was going for my run.


"Sorry for not letting you know I was leaving. I was upset because when I was on my jog it felt like I lost all the work I put into my exercise & it's just disheartening to be doing so well then something yanks you back to the starting line."

Hanako stops eating for the moment.


"I-I understand. I f-felt like that after m-my brake down in c-class. I f-felt I was doing so g-good then it was yanked away.


"What helped?"

She smiles


"Y-you came to see me the n-next day then my party. Even when I s-slipped a little after our first time I was able to c-come back from it."

I think I know what she means.


"Support not giving up because there are people not giving up on you."


"S-something like that"

I lean over & kiss her forehead then sit back down continuing to eat.

I finish Breakfast grabbing the lunch Hanako made me. I give her a quick kiss


"Lilly & I will be by the shop after classes this time we will be there I promise."

She hugs me still being careful for my chest.


"Good. I'll feel better when you get there."

After we break off the hug I leave to head to Yamaku while she goes to our room to get ready for her shop.

The day went well it was good to be back in the grind of things. When I got to Yamaku there were welcome back cards on my desk from the students. I know for sure this time I was missed. After school let out at Yamaku I caught the bus to Ogeyahio to finish up my classes. I did get a few looks from my classmates that knew what happened to me but I'm done caring what they think. I am walking beside Lilly after classes let out. Today is less crowed than last week so that is good. We make it to the bus heading to the Shopping street.

The Shopping street has a good turn out today. Even the Bakery is doing well. Hisashi dealing with costumers. Hanako in the back making new Lunch boxes, bread, & tea to replace what is bought. I walk in to the back where Hanako is. She is sitting at a table drinking a cup of tea. As soon as she sees me she runs over hugging me almost knocking me over. She did contain herself enough not to lay her head on my chest but just barely. I guess she was worried about me & let her imagination get the best of her.


"See I'm here & safe"

She smiles at me almost making me laugh.



Lilly walks into the back using her cane to make sure nothing is in her way


"It seems you have a lot of business here Hanako"

Hanako lets go of me hugging Lilly next.


"Yes I-I think t-this is a rush though."

While Lilly & Hanako talk in the back of the shop I head out front to help Hisashi with Customers. Lilly is a good cook in her own right so she will probably be able to help Hanako. As the costumers at our shop thins out Kado comes over. He smiles big when he sees me. His blood red Cat eye contacts & tooth cap fangs make him seem a bit creepy which is the look he is looking for.


"Hey Hisao I heard you had a problem with your heart last week how are you doing now?"

I smile at Kado.


"I'm doing much better now, thank you."


"Good I'm glad. I got something for you."

He turns walking back to his own shop. He looks around for a few minutes before pulling out a wooden box & walking back to me.


"Here you go this is a good one."

I open the box seeing it is a Halloween decoration prop heart. One of them that almost looks real. I can't help but laugh.


"Thank you Kado I really need one of these."

We shake hands before we enter back into our own shops. I take the Heart in a box placing it on one of the Shelves in the back to take home later. Hanako looks curiously at the box but doesn't ask. I guess she feels its not her place to.


"Kado gave me a gift. Want to see?"

She nods. I take the box from the shelf taking it over to her. Sitting it on the table I lift the lid. She looks at the heart then to me.


"A Heart?"

I smirk a bit.


"Yep he said it is a good one too."

She giggles a bit. It may be morbid but Kado's sense of humor isn't lost on us. After all we been through the past few weeks her smile is very healing for me. Hisashi comes in with Four lunch boxes.


"Hey guys I thought since we are free for the moment we could have dinner together so I bought four of the Lunch boxes. I hope that is OK."

Hanako Nods


"Y-yes I trust you."

We sit around the table Hisashi sits where he can see the front of the store from the back. The meal is nice. Having meals when its Me, Hanako, & Lilly is normal for us. It is good Hisashi can join us.


"This is really good. It is no wonder everything sounded so busy here."


"These o-ones Hisashi helped c-cook. H-he is m-much better t-than me."


"I use to work in a restraint before I went to Scotland. But the meals Hanako makes on her own sale just as fast as mine. You need more faith in your self. Hisao doesn't look like he missed a meal."

I look up from my meal. I think he just called me fat.


"Hey I'm not fat."

Hisashi, Lilly & Hanako all laugh at my defensiveness.


"No you're not but your not skin & bones either."


"OK OK true."

We continue to eat with little conversation. After our meal there is not much to do. It is getting late & most of the people have gone home letting the shop owners relax a little in this down time.

It's closing time. We sweep up, wash the pots & pans, & take Inventory. Hisashi has been doing a good job in teaching Hanako the ins & outs of having a business that works with food. We lock up & Hisashi drives us home. I place my new heart on the top shelf in the living room.


"All in all today was a good day. Even the students missed me. I was really surprised."

Hanako comes up behind me putting her arms around my waste. She lays her head against my back like she normally does my chest. I guess this has to do until my chest finishes healing.


"Can you hear my heart?"

She nuzzles my back a bit.


"Y-yes but it's n-not as good as the o-other side"


"I know but once this Key hole thing finishes healing you can lay your head on my chest to your heart's content. I'm just glad I was well enough to come home."

Her arms wrap around my waste tighter. I can feel her nod against me.


"Me too. I-I don't like hospitals"

I put my arms behind me putting them around her best I can. I can feel that my hands are laying on her butt a bit but neither of us care.


"Me either. When I start getting down about being in them I feel bad & tell myself you had to stay in one longer then I ever did & you are still strong."


"What should we do now?"


"Well we have time left before bed. We can go into our book room & read or we can play chess."

She loosens her grip pulling away from me then takes my hand leading me to our reading room. I have to admit it would be good to read. I haven't had a book in my hands except textbooks since since the last time I went with Hanako during her appointments with Miss Takawa.

We both pick a book & sink down into our bean bag chairs. We don't need to talk to enjoy each others company. We talk a lot yes but some of our best times are when we are just close to each other. Reading, playing chess, snuggling on the couch, or even having sex. The times where silence isn't awkward where we can feel each other & know how the other feels.

Hanako & I lean up against each other as we read. The only thing I can feel out side the world of my book is her body against mine as she quietly reads her own. The hour seems to fly by as we read. If I didn't stop to look at my watch I never would have known. I look over to Hanako to see her book is laying on her chest as she has fallen asleep against me. She looks so peaceful & cute. I put my book on the shelf next to me then do the same to hers making sure to mark the pages.

I slowly move standing up. I would pick her up & carry her but I would never hear the end of it if I pop a stitch. I crouch down next to her face as she now lays on both bean bags.


"Hanako time to wake up so we can go to the bedroom"

She moves a little but doesn't wake up.


"Beanbags aren't very comfortable to sleep on & I don't want to sleep alone."


"Hmmm? Sleep where."

Her eyes stay closed I'm not even sure she is awake. I shake her some to finally get her to open her eyes. She looks at me sleepiness still in her eyes.



I smile


"Yeah it's me. Lets go to our bedroom. I can't carry you right now."

She slowly sits up. I help her stand as we walk to our room she falls asleep a few times wobbling. She did say she didn't sleep well while I was away then today she worked. I sit her on our bed undressing her down to her panties then slipping her nightgown over her head & down her body. I then help her lay down covering her up she drifts back into full sleep.

I change into my own Pajamas before climbing into bed. I look over to my girlfriend. Even with her dealing with her bully me ending up in the hospital from a heart attack. I can't help but love how my life is going. I know I don't plan to give any of this up.

AN:I hope you liked this. Let me know what you think. Just remember this is not the end of the story. It is only a season Finale. I will be adding more to it down the line. Keep subbed to me & this story so you know when that happens. If you haven't already please check out my other Katawa shoujo Story "Meet the Nakai's" It will be having another chapter coming up soon.