Disclaimer- Don't own anything that will pop up, nor is any money made off this story.

Authors note- For everyone who has faved, followed, reviewed and anything else thanks, and I really mean that, originally it was a one shot but due to everyone supporting me and this little ball of love and fluff it was turned into something more than what I thought possible.

Question, do you want Nico and Harry to bond, or do you want Nico to rebuff Harry's attempts at being a family.

Chapter 24

Have you ever been hit by a bus? A elephant tap dance on you?


Well that's good! However it was not good for the demigods of camp Half-Blood, many of them were groaning in pain, they felt as if they had just went ten rounds with a titan and lost. Dionysus was stood off to the side, a smirk was on his lips as he looked at the demigods that were groaning on the ground. He didn't care if his sentence got made longer, he didn't care if he was banned from drinking wine for the next 1000 years, it had felt good to put the demigods in their place.

But he knew that it wouldn't bring them back, Dionysus had lost something very dear to him and he knew that it wasn't coming back, it was why he had took his frustrations out on the demigods. It had been their fault, he had seen what was going on, he had tried to stop it several times. But each time he put his foot down or issued threats they didn't seem to care or pay any attention, they didn't see him as a God.

Dionysus looked at his sword, there was a few flecks of blood on it and he wasn't sorry that there was blood on it. It had felt so good to finally, knock the demigods down a peg or two. Dionysus looked up at the black sky, he knew that he was going to be punished.

But it had been so worth it!

So Dionysus left the camp with a smile on his face, when he appeared back on Olympus he still hadn't removed the smile and he wasn't going to.

"Dionysus! What do you think you're playing at boy?"

Dionysus rolled his eyes and cleaned the blood off his sword with his toga, he looked at the now clean blade.

"What I was doing was teaching the brats there place, not only were they disrespectful to me and Chiron but they also drove people away from the camp."

Dionysus put his sword back into its sheath, Dionysus idly wondered when he got such a mouth on him. He had never talked back to Zeus, he had never been cheeky to the God. Yet here he was answering back and being cheeky, perhaps he should stop hanging out with the brothers, but his fathers face was a very interesting shade of purple, Dionysus wondered if he had ever seen that shade of purple before.

"What pray tell do you mean?"

Purple eyes met coal black ones, Dionysus toyed with being cheeky it was something that either Charlus or Hadrian would do, Harry would answer back. Dionysus rolled his eyes and looked at Hades.

"The brothers left the camp."

Stormy sea green eyes looked directly at him, there was suppressed rage in the eyes, Dionysus wondered if anyone was going to die.


Dionysus stuck a finger in his ear and wiggled it about before he looked at Poseidon.

"Hmm, apparently the brats were planning on burning down the cabin with them in it."

Dionysus pulled his finger out of his ear and looked at it, he didn't even pay any attention to the silence or promise of imminent death that was floating about the room, Dionysus yawned and looked at them.

"If that is all I am going for a nap, I need it after that."

He was stopped by a cold hand on his shoulder, Dionysus looked up at the burning eyes of his uncle. Hades looked ready to wage world war 4 and 5 never mind world war 3, Dionysus sighed so much for his nap.

"Do you know where they are now?"

Just as Dionysus went to answer there was a beeping coming from his toga, which made him wonder what had the brother managed to hide in his clothes? Since a toga didn't have any pockets, Dionysus had to change his clothing to what he normally wore, he rummaged around in the pockets of the shorts until he found a mirror that was glowing green. As soon as Dionysus touched the mirror a image appeared of the brothers, the three of them looked well, rough.


The three of them smiled as they looked at Dionysus, the God in question merely rolled his eyes and looked at them.

"Where in the name of Tartarus are you?"

The three brothers looked at each other before both Harry and Hadrian pointed to Charlus.

"His fault! He got us lost and now we are stuck in the middle of some Deseret!"

Charlus held his hands up, and glared at the two of them.

"I wasn't the one with the map!"

There was a cloud of sand as Charlus began coughing, there was something akin to a war cry as Charlus went flying away from the mirror. Harry looked and Dionysus, his eyes pleading with Dionysus to save him and leave the other two behind.

"Charlus had the map, so we didn't think we could get lost next thing we know Charlus has us in the middle of a Deseret, I think it's the Sahara."

Dionysus gaped at Harry, he couldn't help it, Dionysus took a deep breath and asked in a strangled voice.

"Where were you supposed to go?"

Harry gave a wry grin as he looked at the other two which were fighting off to the side of him.

"We were supposed to meet Percy in Los Angeles, we said that we would treat him to lunch before we headed off again."

Dionysus blinked and he wasn't the only one, what? How? That wasn't possible! How did they move from America to the middle of the Deseret? It simply was not possible! Athena looked as if someone had fried her brain and she wasn't the only one that looked like that, Poseidon was snickering at his niece's/rival's expression. He had waited years to see something like that and now he had, it felt good.

"Could you please come and get us? If we stay here any longer I think we might end up killing each other, none of us can stand the heat."

Dionysus gave a numb nod of his head, his brain was still trying to find out just how and what had happened, Dionysus flashed out of the room. The rest of the gods looked at each other, Zeus looked as if someone had just told him he was no longer awesome any more.

Poseidon was quietly snickering, he had been used to Hadrian and knew that he didn't have a sense of direction so it stood to reason that neither did his brothers, although he and to admit even he had no idea how the had managed to get to a Deseret.

Hades didn't know whether to smile or frown, Los Angeles was his city, it was after all where the entrance to the underworld was. Hades wasn't sure how to feel, he had planned for Percy and the others to get to the underworld, but his family might cause a few…problems.

Dionysus flashed back into the room, this time he had the brothers with him who took one look at the floor and fell onto it.

"It's so cold!"

"This is better than sex!"

"Your foots in my face."

Poseidon snickered as he looked at the brothers that were laid on the marble floor with smiles on their faces, honestly? They were funny. Dionysus sighed and looked at them, he did not want to know what was going through their heads and he wasn't going to ask.


Said God looked at the brothers who were still laid on the floor, none of them were going to move any time soon.


Three sets of green eyes looked at him as Charlus asked.

"Marry us?"

There was sounds of choking and laughter as some of the Gods struggled not to laugh, some Gods such as Hermes didn't even bother to hide his laughter as he looked at the shocked expression on Dionysus's face.


The brothers pouted and rolled over on the floor, before they moaned. Cold marble was far better than slice bread in their opinion, but they couldn't linger on the cold floor for too long, they still had to go and meet Percy. Who by now was probably worried that they weren't where they said they would be, so it was with great regret that they sat up and got up off the floor.

"Time to go."

They gave sad looks to the floor and began walking out of the room, they hadn't even glanced back at the Gods who were still sitting there mouths agape. The brothers got to the elevator and looked at each other.

"So who has the map?"

Harry pulled the map out and looked at it, he tapped it several times with his finger.

"We should get there in a couple of hours, or we could just apparate"

They shared a look before shaking their head.


So it was light hearts and joyful spirits that the brothers set off on their next adventure.

To find Los Angeles.

In the throne room Poseidon turned to Hades and smirked.

"They do know they could of just asked you don't they?"

Hades groaned and walked out of the room, he needed to find them before they got lost again. His long strides made easy work of the trip to the elevator, Hades hoped that he would be able to catch up with them before they some how got lost once again. However Hades had the feeling that he had failed very badly as he heard from the throne room.

"What do you mean you're lost?"

Hades laughed.