Disclaimer- Don't own anything that will pop up, nor is any money made off this story.
Authors note- This is a one shot for now, just testing it out to see what it works like. Let me know what you think, even if it is to say you don't like it.
Soul mates, the ones that will fill the void. The ones that will be the other half of your soul, some people may think that they don't have one but they do, it is just a matter of finding them and some people die before they even have chance to find them. Others give up on finding them believing them to be a myth, and yet despite all that they are real.
Some people will wait thousands of years to finally have their soul mates, others will bend the very fabric of time and space to get them, even Gods and Goddess have a soul mate. A soul mate of a God or Goddess is born with a mark on them, a tattoo that is a symbol of the God or Goddess, still they were rare. A true soul mate of a God or Goddess hadn't been born in millennia and they had began giving up hope that they would eve be born.
That was not true, in fact on Earth were three men that had fought in a war and were healing. Each one of the men had a mark on them, they didn't know what it was or how it had gotten there all they knew was that they each had one, had it since they were babies. The three brothers had hidden themselves away so they could heal in peace, or as peaceful as they could. Which was why they had moved across the pond to America.
Even though they had moved there were still complications, people stared at them due to the sheer number of scars that they had. People pointed and whispered behind their backs, this didn't affect them, they had gotten used to it from their time at Hogwarts. However when mothers and fathers pulled their children away it broke their hearts, just because they looked like they had been put through a meat grinder several times didn't mean that they acted like it. So they had bought a cottage near the beach, it was quiet and peaceful. There was no one around for miles, and that was how they were coming to like it, however good things come to those that wait.
Hadrian had been out near the sea, the moon was full and was casting a glow on the water. He felt at peace as he looked over at the ocean, the waves were gently lapping at his feet, he found that he was spending more and more time at the beach than in his bed, it didn't help that he had nightmares nearly every night. He laid down on the sand and looked up at the sky, it was cloudless and he was enjoying the sight of so many stars, they looked like small diamonds that had been sown onto a sheet of black silk.
"Beautiful is it not?"
Hadrian leapt up and whirled around a dagger at the man's throat before he even had time to move, it was times like this that old habits made a reappearance. But Hadrian had to give the man credit, he didn't even blink at the dagger against his throat. Hadrian slowly moved the dagger away from the man's neck, he placed the dagger back into it's sheath that he had strapped to his wrist.
"My apologies."
The man, whoever it was waved off his apology, as if it was nothing. Just who was he? Hadrian had a great dislike for liars, and people that hid things, he preferred the truth to be blunt and straight rather than lies sugar coated. Lies that could cost far too much.
"Do you come here often?"
Hadrian looked at him, the man made little to no sense to him. Still his brothers were asleep in their beds and he wouldn't be able to sleep for the rest of the night no matter how much he wished for it, still some company wouldn't be a bad thing. Not when the dark thoughts were beginning to creep back into his mind, not when there was a voice that sounded like Voldemort telling him how he and Voldemort were alike, how he could be great.
"Nearly every night."
The man hummed almost as if he was completing something, something that only he could understand.
"It is tranquil the sea."
Hadrian looked out at the waves that were illuminated by the moon, and found that he was right. It was tranquil and it was something that was rare these days.
"Indeed it is."
The two of them stood in silence as they each looked at the sea, the waves still gently lapping at Hadrian's feet. There was something about the sea that soothed him, like how music would calm a Cerberus and put it to sleep. Soon the sun began to rise, Hadrian turned to bid his silent companion goodbye but found that he was gone. Hadrian shrugged before walking back to the cottage that he shared with his brothers, he never saw the eyes on him.
~~~~~ Poseidon ~~~~~
He watched as the man that he had spent the night with move away from the beach and in turn the sea, he was God of the sea and like the sea he couldn't be controlled. Many had tried even his wife had tried at one point or another yet she had failed, the sea was not something that could be tamed or controlled, he watched as the man moved away from his sight and into the trees. There was something about him that called to him, something that made him want to seek him out, if he had been mortal he would have said that someone was messing with him. Yet he wasn't and knew that none of the other Gods and Goddess would do something like this, he looked around and noticed that the sun had finally risen and was beginning to cast it warm life giving rays onto the Earth. It was time for him to head back.
~~~~~~ Hadrian ~~~~~
He fell onto the couch, he was bone tired but nothing could be done about it. He heard the sound of feet hitting the wood floor, it looked like his brothers were up. Charlus came stumbling into the front room/dining room, his hair was in complete disarray and would be until he had brushed it several times.
Charlus yawned after he had greeted his brother and fell into a nearby chair, the sound of soft snoring could be heard.
He looked over the back of the couch and saw Harrison or Harry leaning against the doorframe, his long jet black hair tangled and knotted as he looked at Charlus and shook his head.
"Char passed out again?"
Hadrian nodded his head and went to the kitchen, he was going to need a lot of caffeine to help him get through the day, still they were family and that was what really mattered. Harry was flipping pancakes by the time Charlus came around, he stumbled into the kitchen nearly knocked over the coffee pot and fell onto a chair causing it to topple over dragging him along with it. The other two just shook their heads as they looked at Charlus who was blinking sleepily at them, as if he didn't know how he had gotten onto the floor.
That was how life went for them, slowly but surely they healed, Hadrian still had his nightly meeting with the mystery man, he hadn't learned his name and somehow doubted that he would. Things were good for them, they had peace and they were going to enjoy until. Still peace must come to an end, in one shape or another. For them it came in the form of a small screaming baby, that Hadrian had gave birth to. Since Hadrian didn't know who his other father was he chose a name that would mean something to them, after all the small bundle of joy was their shining beacon of light. And so he was named.
Perseus Orion Potter.
However since they didn't want anyone to find them they had changed their last name to Jackson, so to the rest of the world he would be.
Perseus Orion Jackson.