Well, this was supposed to be a fic for Aomine's birthday, but blehhhhh I didn't have the time to post this. Sorry for being unforgivably late. I didn't mean it, Mine-kun~

Anyway this will be an Aomine x OC fic, based off my oneshot 'Mistakes', but don't worry, you don't have to read it to know what's going on. This is sort of a prequel, I guess, and everything will be explained along the way, so fret not!

Please note that this will not be a long fic, probably spanning around 13 chapters. Seeing as to how much I currently have, I'd say each chapter won't exceed 1000 words. I doubt this fic can hit the 10,000 word mark, but enjoy! (I'm aiming for a short and simple style this time :P)

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my OC

[Prologue: January]

It all begins, as most things do, with Satsuki.

As far as Aomine knows, Momoi isn't the most popular person.

It actually comes as a surprise when Aomine spots a girl with her one day, the unlikely pair standing at the secluded corner in class, deep in conversation.

The other girl, Aomine notes, has hair blazing like embers; a tangerine shade of orange so bright that it actually burns his eyes.

Titian hair, titian eyes, she stands slightly taller than Satsuki herself, yet her demeanour is utterly defenceless, as if she constantly needs someone by her side to protect her.

Aomine's eyes zoom into her chest, whereby after intense scrutiny, he deems a C-cup.

"Satsuki." he calls lazily out to his pink-haired friend, but Momoi doesn't seem to hear, focusing instead on smiling widely at her companion. The unlikely pair continue talking, as if they're the only two people in this world, even when Aomine's standing barely two feet away catching snippets of their conversation.

"Oi, Satsuki."


He walks over and grabs Momoi by the sleeve, but the female simply tugs it off, scowling. "Dai-chan! I'm having a conversation."

"Che." comes his usual reply, but the orange-haired girl frowns a little, folding an arm over her very C-cup chest.

"Sat-chan and I are busy." she states a little impatiently, nothing like the vulnerable and weak girl he makes her out to be.

"I know Satsuki more than you ever will." he says rudely, because of all things he hadn't imagined starting a pointless argument with someone he didn't even know. "So fuck off."

She looks like she's going to give him a piece of her mind, but after a moment or two, simply bites her lips, fire burning in those cinnamon irises. She's probably murdering him in her mind now, not that Aomine cares.

"Not so tough now, are you? Ginger~" he taunts.

Scowling, she flashes him a middle Finger—something he had never expected, and from a girl, no less.

"Go to hell." she says sweetly, sickeningly, vindictively.

("I will." he almost retorts, but stops himself just in time.)

"Let's talk tomorrow, Sat-chan." she announces simply, before turning on her heels and leaving.

Staring after her disappearing figure, Aomine thinks vaguely, Well, that was a nice first impression, while Momoi rants and rages in the background. ("Look what you did, Dai-chan!")

Somehow he can't quite tear his eyes away.

'tis inspired by life experience muahaha

Just something to get started on. I hope everyone enjoyed :P this is my very first OC, so I hope I didn't make her really horrible.

Do review, everyone!

(Word count: a pathetic 300+ words but this is the prologue so I promise it'll be longer next time!)

The last ever chap for KnB came out *sobs* why did they have to end it so soon. I can't believe this will be the last time I see my smexy GoM loves again, but there's always the anime if I'm patient. TuT It's okay, I still have my ships.

Thanks for reading everyone! The chapter 1 will be up soon!