A Rev!Pines Fic
Hanna Crowe

Blood runs down his throat, slowly starting to stain his shirt. The knife in my hand is covered in the same liquid, the sharp point of it recently escaping the boy's body. There isn't a drop of blood on me or my clothes, unlike my brother, I can do this with dignity and respect and keep the excess blood away from my clothing. Heck, I can even do it in an all white outfit now.

His face is tear stained and it is slowly losing form, it'll fall soon, along with anything else keeping him up. His breathing slows as I grab his collar. I look directly at him, anger bubbling furiously inside me. "Don't you dare take anything that isn't yours," is all I manage to say to him. I hope he learnt his lesson.

My hair curls in front of my face, my headband has fallen off and is now around my neck, but I don't care. All I care about is fixing it and making it the same as it was before. I also made a mental note to use more hairspray. I stand up and smooth my hair back with my forearm and shake my head to put it back in place. This is a classic trick I use.

I look at the boy, who is now lifeless and still and stained red. I open his hand and I take back the crystal he stole. The stone is clean and heavy, I place it in my blazer pocket. I would put it back on my headband once my costume designer got to our rehearsal space today.

I hide the knife and walk away, lazily. What can I say? It's all a part of the act. And no one can ever learn our secrets, and if they do, they meet a fate they could never imagine a teenage could commit. Even an unusual teenager, like myself.

I wiped my hands on a small handkerchief in my pocket, I am careful to clean all of it off. I'll wash my hands when I get back to my brother. He would be proud of me and remind me that this is the fate of anyone who crosses us.

My name is Mabel Gleeful. And I'm a murderer.

A/N: Idk, I like this, I know it's jumpy but I tried aha.