Homestar and Marzipan were on a date at Marshmallow's L'est Stand. Marzipan had ordered the Tofu Homestar Jr. while Homestar was chowing down on swiss cake roll and General Tso's Chicken while awaiting his third refill of melonade. Suddenly, Homestar had to pee and told Marzipan so before running toward the bathroom. On his way, he noticed Strong Bad and Pom Pom sitting at the back table.

"Oh, hello, Pom Pom," said Homestar. "And hello, Stwong Bah."

"Good evening, crap for brains," said Strong Bad. "May I suggest you order our fine special of get the crap out of my face?" Pom Pom bubbled in agreement.

"Pom Pom? What awe you doing with Stwong Bah?" asked Homestar. "I nevaw saw you and Stwong Bah togethew befowe!"

"Well, there's a lot you don't know, Homestaw, I mean Homestar," said Strong Bad. "For instance, you don't know how intense your pain will be if you don't leave Pom Pom and myself alone within the next one nanosecond."

"I don't know what a nanosecond is, but it suwe is gwood to see you hewe, Stwong Bah. I nevew see anyone else here, on account of the fact that Mawzipan is the only giwl and she's my giwlfwiend. Ow at least she was as of today, 'cuz we bwoke up fouw times this week alweady."

"Fascinating anecdote, compadre," lied Strong Bad, shaking both of his boxing gloves in the Free Country, U.S.A. air. "Look, if you don't give Pom Pom and me some quality time to ourselves as soon as freakin' possible, I'm going to turn your brains to crap and your crap to brains!"

"Okay, okay, Stwong Bah, you could have just told me wight away," said Homestar, and returned to Marzipan.

"I heard you talking to Strong Bad and Pom Pom back there," said Marzipan. "I hope you weren't intruding upon the privacy of their alternative lifestyle."

"Oh, wight, wight," said Homestar. "Oh, cwap, I fowgot to pee."

The Poopsmith, who was currently working his second job as a janitor for the Marshmallow's L'est Stand, staggered over to Homestar and Marzipan's table to mop the floor.