A/N: Well, here's the next chapter everyone. I don't have a lot of people reading this story at the moment but for the people who are sticking around to see what happens, I hope you enjoy. :)

Yuma was watching Clem and Duck play with each other on the swing while he suddenly heard footsteps coming towards him. It was Trey.

"Hey Yuma. How are you doing?" Trey asked in a somewhat cheerful way.

"I'm doing okay, just really hungry at the moment. I wonder, do you think what these people are saying about all the food they have is legit? I mean, I know they have a cow and all that gives them milk, but still."

"I honestly believe them. Think about it, it's been three months since this whole zombie apocalypse has started, and these guys managed to survive to pretty well. Better than us actually." Trey remarked.

"Well, they still have to deal with 22 people to get fed everyday. I don't envy that position. I guess I could see why Lilly is a little stressed..." Yuma trailed off, thinking about Lilly's situation.

"A little? She's acting as if just because she helps out with the food situation means that she can control the entire group. I know food is important and we need it to survive, but I don't believe that someone should be in charge of everything just because they do something that helps everyone out. Katjaa manages to help us when we're hurt, or worse, and you don't see her arguing over who should be in charge of the entire group." Trey rambled.

"I guess I can see where you're coming from. But anyways, I hear Kenny's still working on that RV back at the Motor Inn. If he got it up and running, do you think it would be a good idea to, you know, leave? I mean the Motor Inn is fine and all but...I just wonder if something might go wrong." Yuma questioned.

"Well, I think the Motor Inn is totally fine. Do I feel safe there? Not really. Is it a bad place to stay in a world this? No. In fact, it's one of the best places to stay besides here. But I dunno, that place is fine, but that can always change." Trey remarked.

"Well, I'll talk to you later Trey. I'm gonna go wait until Lee comes back and then we'll see where that whole bandit situation goes." Yuma went on to say.

"Will, don't go out there looking for him if you get to impatient. I hear dinner's almost ready and I would hate for you to miss out on our first actual meal in weeks." Trey cautioned. Yuma nodded, than headed towards the farm.

Before he did however, he spotted Kite sitting right next to the entrance of the farm. He seemed to be in deep in thought.

"Hey Kite." Yuma greeted with a smile. Kite looked up, a little surprised. He must have not heard Yuma's footsteps towards him.

"Hey Yuma." Kite greeted back, only he sounded as if he wasn't really paying attention to what he was saying.

"Are you okay? You look pretty down right now." Yuma asked, concern in his voice. Even though he may not say it, he appreciated that Yuma was concerned enough to ask him if he was feeling alright.

"Hmm? Oh uh no, I'm fine Yuma. Just thinking too much." Kite stated in a somewhat "I don't want to be bothered right now" kind of tone. Yuma noticed this and wasn't buying anything he just said.

"Well then, what are you thinking about?" Yuma questioned as he sat next to Kite on the other side. If he had sat on the right the entrance would be blocked, so he made sure that he didn't sit there.

Kite grunted in annoyance. He knew all too well that Yuma wouldn't let the situation go so he decided to just tell him.

"I was thinking about Hart." Kite simply stated, not really caring if Yuma heard him or not, seeing as how he muttered it to the point he almost couldn't hear.

Yuma's expression saddened. "I had a feeling." He knew Kite had been worrying about his brother ever since the apocalypse started. Kite looked at Yuma with a blank expression.

"I can't believe I actually left him. I mean, if I could change things and actually bring him with me, than maybe he would be safe right now."

"Kite, you didn't leave him and you know it. You couldn't have known that all of this mess would have started. And to be honest, it's my fault. I dragged you all to Atlanta thinking that it would be a fun trip, and I thought you guys would have enjoyed it after everything that went down in the past...But now Ray's dead because of me." Yuma explained with a swift hand through his hair, trying to look back on how all of this started.

"Yuma, you did what you thought was right. I bet Ray would understand what you did." Kite assured with a smile.

"Thanks Kite. I guess I shouldn't look down on myself that much. I understand that people died to get us this far, but all I can hope is that their deaths won't be in vain." Yuma closed his eyes, thinking of all the people that died so far. Shawn, Doug, and Ray. Kite shook his head.

"Pretty sure they didn't. You and Lee chose to save Carley and Rio at the cost of two others. I guess you can say that you can't save someone's life at the cost of another one's. It's just how life works, and we can't do anything about it." Yuma didn't say anything. He looked at the ground in sadness.

"Yuma, can I ask you something?"

"Yeah, of course." Yuma nodded, wondering what was the question.

"You know what that kid Ben said, right? On how it doesn't matter how you die and that you're gonna turn unless you destroy the brain? What do you think about that?" Kite asked as he gave out a sigh.

"I think it's horrible. I mean, I always wanted to die peacefully in my sleep, but now that's impossible without getting my head smashed in or shot. I guess that's the only way you die without coming back." Yuma remarked in distress.

"Well, I just want you to promise me something. If I were to get bit or..." Kite trailed off. He obviously didn't want to finish his sentence. Yuma's eyes widened in disbelief.

"N-no, that won't happen! Don't say stuff like tha-" Yuma was interrupted by a now annoyed Kite.

(A/N: Turn on The Walking Dead song - "message". It's part of the soundtrack for the game. It's not mandatory, but it just helps with the atmosphere.)

"If it does, I want you to keep me from becoming one of those...things. I don't care what you do, just make sure I don't come back." Kite stated in a remorseful tone.

"Kite..." Yuma didn't want to hear this.

"You have to promise me Yuma. Please Yuma...I don't want to be one of them...You'll do it, right?" Yuma was now close to tears at this point, but held them in. He had to be tough in a world like this.

"Y-yeah, sure." Yuma stuttered, a little taken aback by the question.

"Promise?" Yuma sighed, thinking. He should do it. Kite deserved to rest in peace.

"I promise." Yuma promised, putting his head down.

Kite smiled and sighed. "Thanks Yuma." He soon got up and went into the barn.

"...Don't mention it." Yuma muttered, Kite not hearing him.

A/N: Sorry if not much happened this chapter. I just thought I should give Kite a chapter seeing as how I've been neglecting him throughout the entire story. Well, I hoped you all enjoyed this chapter. Reviews would be appreciated.