Jason "Jay" Walker- 18
Ed and Edna Walker- 51
Eugene "Gene" Stoltz- 16
Albert Stoltz- 49
Adele Strack Stoltz- 47 (deceased)
Sparky Mitler, Paul Rebolledo, and Chandler "Electra" Surge- 19
Ash Ketchum, Leaf Greene, Ritchie Nojima, and Gary Oak- 18
May Mitsuko, Skyla Quinn, Louis Gonzalez and Selene Martinez- 17
Cilan Griffith and Falkner Novak- 21
Dawn Tsumura and Mathias "Volt" Surge- 16
Serena Yang- 15
Kellyn Kumai, Kate Brown, Iris Moreno and Clemont Liscio- 20
Max Mitsuko and Bonnie Liscio- 13
Keanu Schroeder and Shauna Daniels- 19
Volkner Nojima and Elesa Natochenny- 24
Miles Quinn and Wattson Ogata- 55
Winona Birnbaum- 22
Sensei Wu- 61
Misako- 60
Lord/Sensei Garmadon- 63
Q and A:
1. Who are Albert and Adele Stoltz?
Answer: Gene's biological parents.
2. I looked at Adele's initials. Dirty, aren't we?
Answer: I didn't feel like listing her middle name. "Strack" is her maiden name, so get your mind out of the gutter.
3. Why can't Albert take care of Gene?
Answer: Albert can't take care of Gene because he's a criminal.
4. Does the Pokémon half of this crossover have a prequel?
Answer: yes and no. Yes if you count Ash's Unova journey with an AU event. If you don't, no.
5. Does the Ninjago half of this crossover have a prequel?
Answer: yes and no. Yes if you count the pilots/mini movies-season 2's ending. No if you don't.
6. Why are Serena, Bonnie and Clemont in this if Ash hasn't traveled to Kalos yet?
Answer: Clemont is in this because he specializes in Electric-types. Bonnie and Serena are in this because someone had to be shipped with Max (Bonnie) and Ritchie (Serena).
7. Does this story have any related one-shots?
Answer: yes, two. "Nuckal's Crazy Kids" and "Venomari Family: Acidicus."
8. Will this story have a sequel?
Answer: no.
9. Is Team Rocket in this?
Answer: it depends. If you count Lt. Surge being a former member in Pokémon Adventures, then yes. If not and if you don't count flashbacks, then no.
10. Does this story have any OCs?
Answer: yep.
11. Will any dexholders appear in this story?
Answer: as much as I love Red, Yellow, Gold, Pika, Chuchu and Pibu (Red's Pikachu, Yellow's Pikachu, Gold's Pichu), they will not appear in this crossover. Sorry.
12. Will Sensei Wu and any of the other ninja appear?
Answer: yes, in the beginning and throughout flashbacks/mentions. Otherwise, they won't appear until the end.
13. Will Nuckal appear?
Answer: yes, in flashbacks and at the end.
14. Will the Venomari appear?
Answer: yes, in flashbacks and at the end. Also in ways you wouldn't expect.
15. Will any male protagonists appear?
Answer: yes. All of them will.
16. Who is Gene?
Answer: Gene is one of Lloyd's old classmates.
This story is rated T for: violence, death mentions, mild language, craziness and possible fourth wall breaking.
If this is your first time reading this story, please disregard the message below (if you want to read it anyway, feel free), read the author's note and enjoy the story. Otherwise, please read this.
Plot twist: A change to the plot. This includes character removal, addition, substitution, name changes, disclaimer announcements, information added or removed, etc.
Revision: a chapter with minor plot changes and pretty much sticks to the original chapter. Text will be spaced out.
Rewrite: a chapter that has very few components from the original and practically has a different plot. Text will be spaced out.
As you can see, chapter 1 falls in the rewrite category. Now, if you remember the first time I posted this chapter, it didn't make much sense. I then rewrote it and it still didn't make sense. I threw in those ages so I didn't have to do it in chapter 3. Anyway, version 2 still doesn't make much sense, so here comes the rewrite. Third time's the charm.
Author's Note: this is the second crossover I decided to write. This takes place after Lloyd and his parents go for their private reunion. If it's said in a disclaimer (for this fic) that I only own part of the storyline, it means that I am using context from an episode/mini movie and that it (what I am saying) doesn't belong to me. It also means that I may have changed the context. So any original context (that you may recognize) from an episode/mini movie belongs to Ninjago and its rightful owners.
Ash, disclaimer!
Ash: QUEENSPELLER67 only owns part of the storyline, Kate's last name and OCs.
Chapter 1: Jay's Resolve
(Ninjago City. Third person P.O.V.)
A boy in a blue gi with messy –albeit hidden– reddish brown hair starts to look around. 'We did it. We really did it, but where are they?' the boy thinks to himself. Nearby are some citizens and the boy's teammates. (1)
"Hey, Jay, we did it!" a brunet boy in a red gi shouts, snapping the boy in the blue gi now known as Jay out of his thoughts.
"Uh-huh," Jay replies, taking off his hood. "It's pretty remarkable, Kai," he adds, identifying the brunet as Kai.
A girl is with Kai and notices the look of distress in the Blue Ninja's eyes. "Jay, what's wrong?" she asks.
Jay points in the general direction of their other teammates. "I haven't seen them in a while, Nya," he says, identifying the girl as Nya.
"We'll be on the lookout, Miss Take," an old man says to an older woman. (2)
"It looks like the white one is struggling, Wu," Miss Take says, identifying the man as Wu. He's better known as 'Sensei Wu' by his students and 'Uncle Wu' by his nephew. (3)
"I still don't get it, Jay," Kai says.
"Look closer," Jay replies. The Smith siblings go to either side of Jay and look. Their remaining teammate in black is hugging an older male, whereas their teammate in white appears to be shocked. It takes a moment to process things.
"Where are Jay's parents?" Nya asks. She looks at Jay and doesn't notice their teammate come by them to speak with Kai.
"Zane, what's wrong?" Kai asks their teammate clad in a half white gi now known as Zane. (4)
"I think my father has passed away," Zane answers. "For real, this time," he adds. (5)
Kai silently pulls his teammate/brother into a comforting embrace. (6)
Nya isn't trying to compete with her brother, she is trying to cheer her boyfriend up. "Let's make this official," she says, pulling Jay in for a hug.
"What are," he begins, but is interrupted by the Samurai's lips meeting his. Not that he's complaining. The two manage to drown out the fangirls booing Nya. (7)
Nya breaks away quick enough to give them a look that reads 'Back off. He's taken.'
"I hate to interrupt a romantic moment, but it seems Jay's parents are nowhere in sight," Sensei Wu says to Jay and Nya. He then turns his gaze to Kai and Zane separating, noticing tears beginning to fall on the nindroid's face. (8)
"What's the big idea?" their teammate clad in mostly black asks. He then looks at the group and doesn't really need to be told twice. (9)
"Cole, have you seen my parents?" Jay asks, identifying their final teammate as Cole.
Cole looks at his teammates and sensei, trying to think of the last time he saw the blue ninja's parents. "Honestly, I don't know," he replies. Normally, the gang would tease Jay for his parents' behavior-
"Get on with it!" Jay shouts.
"Hey!" Kai shouts, once realizing what was just said. Despite this, they all show a look of concern when Cole really doesn't know where Jay's parents are.
"I fear it may have something to do with what Miss Take was telling me. Go to the junkyard, Jay," Sensei Wu says.
"No need to tell me twice," Jay says, not asking Cole's permission to borrow the Ultra Dragon. (10)
As if picking up on the distressed environment around him, the Ultra Dragon lowers himself for Jay, who mounts his Lightning Dragon, Wisp.
"I believe time has caught up with your father, Zane," Sensei Wu says, not having forgotten about the blue ninja.
(The junkyard. Jay's P.O.V.)
I bring Wisp down for a landing. "Ho-ly can-noli," I say, stunned. I look around.
"They're not here," a voice says. I turn and look for the source of the voice.
"Over here," the voice calls. I see one of Lloyd's old classmates.
"Gene? What are you doing here?" I ask.
"Read this," he answers, handing me a note.
'Hey, Blue. Your folks have been trying to take what's rightfully mine: my son, Eugene. I have them and a few new friends. If you want them back, bring Eugene, the papers and his belongings to me. Go through the damn vortex and try to find me. Signed, AS,' I read in my head. The postscript catches my eye. (11)
'P.S. Don't bring any of your little ninja buddies or else,' I continue, but the page is done.
"Turn it over," Gene says.
I do. 'Don't bring any of your little ninja buddies or else you want your folks to meet their maker,' I read in my head. "Meet their maker?" I question.
"It is?" I ask, thinking.
I don't really answer. I instead focus on the boy in front of me. "What is he talking about?" I ask.
"I'll give you the short version. My mother died shortly after I turned four. My father left me at Darkley's soon after that. He doesn't know anything about me," Gene begins.
"Not even your birthday?" I ask.
"Nope. I only found out when it was when my grandparents started sending me things, most notably, this," he says, pulling out a bracelet with a very clear stone.
I look at it and say, "Are you sure it's not cubic zirconia?"
"Positive," he answers. "It rated an even 10 on the Mohs hardness scale. Cubic zirconia has a rating of approximately 8," he adds. (12)
I decide to feed Wisp. "So, what happened to your grandparents?" I ask.
"They were 'accidentally' killed in a fire," he replies. "My father became a bit of an arsonist and is evading capture pretty much as we speak."
"Why aren't the police taking care of this?" I ask.
"Do you know the competence level of the police force?" he retorts. Before I can answer, he continues, "Keep in mind they took you and the others to the police station when you were turned into little kids."
"Duly noted. So, why my parents?" I ask. (13)
"I was walking around the streets one day and they found me tinkering with Grand Sensei Dareth's hot rod. They said that that reminded them of you. I told them I didn't have any surviving family. No siblings," he says.
"Then that must mean the papers he's referring to are adoption papers," I say.
"Bingo," he says as I finish feeding Wisp. I get Gene to show me where the papers are so they don't get stolen and I grab my lucky pendant from my mom.
"Get on," I say.
"You mean it?" he asks.
"It's the right thing to do," I say. He climbs aboard and gets behind me. "Hang on tight," I say. We fly up into the vortex…
(Somewhere in Almia. Ash's P.O.V.)
I'll be fine, I had told them. I should've taken my Pokémon with me. Well, other than Pikachu.
"You're outnumbered, baby," Lt. Surge says.
"Just hand over the powerhouse," Miles says. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a vortex open.
"Electabuzz, about face!" Lt. Surge bellows.
"Gliscor, stand by for battle!" I hear Paul and I see a Fearow, but it's not his.
"Big deal. Unfezant, come out and play," Miles says.
"Fez!" Unfezant says. How useful my Unfezant would be right now. Snivy, too.
"Electivire, I need you!" I hear Gary. I look up and see the Fearow.
"Capture, on. Vatonage!" a voice shouts. I see a Pidgeot and the capture is unsuccessful.
"Ash, go with Kate," Paul says.
The Pidgeot swoops down.
"P-Pidgeot?" I say, feeling relieved.
"No time to lose," Kate says. I nod and get on Pidgeot, not looking back at the battle that's about to unfold. Kate and I fly to the vortex. Pidgeot helps catch the one kid, while Fearow effortlessly catches the other.
"W-what happened, Jay?" the kid says. I look over as we land about a mile from where we were.
"He's not responsive," Kate says. The kid rushes to him.
"Jay, you've gotta wake up. Please," he says, shaking him. The other guy opens his eyes.
"Where are we?" the other guy asks, sitting up.
"Almia," Kate answers. The guy's name is Jay, so I guess that's what we'll call him.
"Ranger base to Kate. This is Kellyn, do you copy? Over," Kellyn says. Kellyn. I remember him.
Kate picks up her walkie-talkie and presses the button. "Copy, Kellyn. Ash and I just saved a couple of guys from falling to their deaths. Over," she says. (14)
"As for Paul and Gary? Over," Kellyn asks.
"They're holding off Miles and Lt. Surge," I say.
"We'll be back as soon as we can, over and out," Kate says. I watch as Jay pulls out a necklace with a dark blue stone in it. (15)
"Good, it's safe," he says.
"We should introduce ourselves. I'm Kate Brown and the boy you heard me talking to is my boyfriend," she begins.
"Wait, what?" both boys say, looking at me.
"N-no. I'm Ash. Kate's boyfriend is also a Top Ranger," I say. (16)
"His name is Kellyn Kumai," Kate explains. "What are your names?" she asks.
"I'm Eugene Stoltz, but my friends call me 'Gene'," the younger kid says.
"I'm Jason Walker and I mostly go by 'Jay'. Gene, you won't have that last name for long," Jay says.
"What do you mean?" I ask.
Jay looks at me. Silence. "Since you saved Gene and me, I can trust you, despite having just met you," he says firmly. He turns to see Kate making sure Gene is okay and then his eyes meet mine.
"What?" I say.
"I made the decision to protect him. I hope you'll help," he says. I nod.
…Yeah, I'm ending it right there, sorry. Okay, of the rewrites, this one actually has a pretty good title, if I do say so myself. If you're reading "Fiery Destiny" (and have read the rewritten version of chapter 1), you probably noticed something: I changed things with a relative. In this case, I did it with Gene. Don't get me wrong, the idea of Lt. Surge being Jay's father was original, but it was also inexplicable, really. Thus, the creation of Adele and Albert Stoltz. Also, I removed Brad's little cameo because it's really irrelevant to this story. It might be mentioned in the epilogue, but no promises. Also, I removed the scene with Gene being one of Dareth's students, and that's more likely to be referenced. Rundown time!
1. I know Jay's hair is brown in appearance, but in a few circumstances, it looked like it had a reddish tint to it, so I decided to make it reddish brown.
2. How many of you remember the episode "Child's Play" of the second season? It's okay if you don't remember the whole thing, but remember how Sensei and Nya went to get the "tomorrow tea" to reverse the aging spell/curse? Well, Sensei Wu addressed (and identified) the shop owner as Miss Take (pronounced: tawh-key). Also, it seemed that she was older (this is my opinion) than Sensei Wu, so that's why I said that.
3. Keep in mind that although Lloyd stopped calling Wu "Uncle Wu" for a while, he (Sensei Wu) is still his (Lloyd's) uncle. He said "Uncle" in a few episodes, but in the others, he's said "Uncle Wu".
4. Zane's gi in the final battle "saga" (for lack of better phrasing) becomes black, but it's still white, so that's why I said half white. It's pretty arguable.
5. Zane mentioning his father passing away "for real" is an allusion to the episode where he unlocked his true potential and saw through his memories: that he wasn't a complete orphan. Who he is. Why he is that way. There's more, but the most touching: Dr. Julien on his deathbed before resetting Zane. Of course there are lots of things to be discussed about with that, but this is Jay's crossover, not Zane's. One more thing, though: Dr. Julien was shown alive in episode 22.
6. That scene was NOT INTENDED to appear yaoi in any way. If I disappointed you with that, I deeply apologize. If I offended you, I deeply apologized. However, Kai just reacted on what can best be summed up to be instinct. I will touch on Kai's soft side in FD and in "Rising Hunters" (Lloyd's crossover) when the time is right.
7. Don't deny it. You know the ninja have fangirls and Nya probably gained herself a few fanboys once she revealed herself to be Samurai X.
8. In relation to number 6, Sensei Wu wouldn't have said a romantic moment to Kai and Zane. This is pretty much because he (Sensei Wu) was the one who told the ninja (save Lloyd and Nya; the former wasn't with them, yet and the latter really didn't mind) that Zane is their brother, no matter what.
9. Somewhat in relation to number 4, Cole's outfit for that little saga stays mostly black. Instead of white, he gets silver, though. Keep in mind, Lloyd's first set of armor was gray, but it later changed to gold. The other two ninja to have gold on their armor were Kai and Zane. Cole and Jay got silver/steel.
10. Jay would've asked Cole to borrow the Ultra Dragon if he found out earlier that no one knew the whereabouts of his parents. My original intention was for that to be a segue (pronounced like the scooter, spelled differently; means "transition", basically) to something being awry. I changed my mind because I think it would've backfired.
11. Ever wonder what "P.S." actually stands for? Now you know.
12. Cubic zirconia is often mistaken (and substituted) as (in place of) diamonds. The Mohs hardness scale is just one of the differences. Also, because it is an actual diamond (because diamonds rate 10 on that scale), Gene's birthday is revealed to be in April.
13. Where were the police on things that the ninja were called for? That's one thing both have in common, however, Pokémon seems to have less of that problem, or more. Leave any debates about that in the review section, please.
14. If the rangers don't have walkie-talkies, they do now. I really see the logic in it and if you don't like it, sorry.
15. Jay's birthstone is (indirectly) revealed to be a sapphire, meaning his birthday is in September. I originally was gonna give Jay a November birthday so he could have topaz or citrine, but then I remembered that lightning is usually seen to be blue. Also, Jay's spinjitzu tornado is blue. I did that in Kai's, and I'll be doing it in Cole's, Zane's and Lloyd's as well. What their birthstones will be revealed in their fics.
16. This is the first time that I've made Ash introduce himself without revealing his surname. This will happen in future stories. Also, it seems that Ash is aware of Kellyn and Kate being a couple. I don't think that that means he (Ash) is an AlmiaShipper (Kellyn/Kate supporter).
Well, that's pretty much all from me. I could use some help, though!
Dawn: this chapter was originally titled "Flying Electricity", but you can't see that in the chapter navigation.
Maylene: QUEENSPELLER67 spent less time thinking of this chapter's new title than she did for the title of chapter 21 in "His Distance".
Paul: the final rewrite of this chapter was done on 7/27/15. Minor details were edited on 7/28/15.
Skyla: read, review, fave, follow, vote and ask!