A/N: Okay so this is take two of Death's Companion. So the reason I am redoing it is because I lost the notes telling me what I was gonna do for the plot so instead I decided just to redo it completely, I lost my inspiration for Death's Companion and although some elements will be the same, a lot will be different. I'm so sorry to those of you who wanted me to update Death's Companion and to those of you who have joined me on the journey of its creation, I feel this one will be so much better so I hope you like the new version!

We're going where the sun shines brightly

We're going where the sea is blue

We've seen it in the movies

Now let's see if it's true

~Cliff Richard Summer Holiday

She was falling but at the same time she wasn't. She knew she was falling, her mind remembered the shove into the well and the voice that spoke to her, but it didn't feel right and she knew the sensation of falling well. After all she fell off her broom when the dementors attacked her. But this wasn't falling, there was no rush of wind, no surge of adrenalin nothing but the purple haze that surrounded her. Once again she began to question her existence, her purpose in this world and she found herself wanting to be back in England, eating Kreacher's beef pie and sitting by the large fireplace in the library reading. No apparently the simple things in life was beyond the reach of the girl-who-lived. Bitterly she smiled, nothing was her choice in the end and now she found herself regretting the decision to come back to life after meeting Dumbledore in the dream-like King's Cross Station. She wished she would have moved on with Dumbledore but she couldn't have her friends suffer at the hands of Voldemort. So she came back and she won.

Still it seems as if that wasn't enough for fate, so once again the girl-who-lived had another task to fulfil and another prophecy to live up to. Another sigh escaped her as an image of her bushy haired friend appeared in her mind's eye. Sometimes she envied Hermione with her simple life, there was no prophecy to fulfil in the life of Hermione Granger, no expectations just the bushy haired muggle born girl who got lucky. Green eyes closed as a smile lit up her face, nostalgic and warm, in fact the blame for this little trip down the well could all be attested to the book loving woman, it was her bright idea that the saviour of the wizarding world needed a break. Hermione had been so excited when she came with the idea, so being the good friend she was, Ana let the other woman plan the trip.

She had smiled and listened as Hermione rattled of places they could visit and Ron gave his girlfriend exasperated smiles. America, where there was a plethora of supernatural creatures but Ana had quickly decided against that after finding out about the hunters who kill those creatures and after seeing Hermione's 'State to State Guidebook of Fun and Muggle things!' Both Ron and Ana had looked at that fearfully. Italy came next, 'it's so romantic and full of love' Hermione ad said wistfully and Ron, realising he would 'get lucky' the whole trip was all for it. Ana however had put her foot down, refusing to be the third wheel on a trip that was supposed to be for her. New Zealand had been the most appealing choice, with both women having a shared bond of their love of all things Tolkien and Middle-Earth related but, as Ron so kindly pointed out, it was a thirty six hour flight with three planes to catch to boot. Not to mention the fact that the Lord of the Rings films had been filmed at different locations across New Zealand and, as with the problem with America, they didn't want to go searching around for the film locations.

It was December when they finally settled on a place, though it happened by coincidence but it was this exact moment that Ana would be able to say it all went wrong. December 25th found the three friends at the Burrow, sitting around the kitchen table opening Christmas presents surrounded by happy laughter and cheerful banter.

"Oh my," Hermione had gasped at opening her present from Ron, beneath the clumsily wrapped paper sat a book. It was a battered old thing and obviously second hand and apparently well read by its previous readers. It was a rich purple in colour and had no name on the front cover but inside was a detailed description of the history of youkai and miko's.

To think, Ana's problem right now wouldn't have occurred at all if Ron hadn't stumbled across that quaint little book shop while walking down Hive Alley. But alas, Ron did stumble across it and the shop keeper had been eager to point him in the direction of that little purple book. The purple book that would be a catalyst in the events to come. As soon as Ron appeared home the book was wrapped and stored away but that book shop disappeared as if it had never been there to begin with. After all it had served its purpose now. But Ana didn't know this. Ana had no idea that things had been so meticulously set up by fate. She didn't know that fate had now set the wheels in motion and could at last sit back and enjoy the story of the girl-who-lived that had now and truly begun.

"I want to go to Japan," Hermione had declared on New Year's Day, having read the book a grand total of twenty times since she received it. Of course Ana had no wish to go but it was the eager gleam in her friend's eye that made her say yes. Though she couldn't say that watching Ron get there the muggle way had no part in her decision.

So it was early summer that found the trio in the waiting lounge at Gatwick Airport waiting for their two pm flight to Tokyo. Amusement shone in green eyes as she watched her ginger haired friend, he would stand by the large window and watch the planes before pacing up and down worriedly muttering under his breath about the size of planes. Hermione's attempt at calming her boyfriend down only amused Ana further. Though she herself felt panicked at the thought of being confined in what was essentially a metal bird. She was too glad to be getting out of the UK to allow it to creep too far into her mind.

She found she enjoyed flying on the plane but nothing compared to feel of being on her broomstick. She liked the inflight entertainment, watching a muggle film certainly passed the time but the food wasn't appealing at all. Sausage, mash and gravy looked like someone had put plastic food but she was hungry and regrettably swallowed it all. It wasn't until the plane landed in Narita Airport at nine am the following day that Ana found the pain of sitting too long, her legs where numb and made walking very slow.

It wasn't until the fourth day in Tokyo the events fate had set in motion really began to take shape and had fate suddenly taken form it would be that of a woman, giggling and clapping he hands as she watched the events unfold before her eyes. But sadly, fate does not have a form and only does what it is supposed to do; mess with people lives.

"Today," Hermione had declared as they got out of the taxi, "we are going to visit a shrine!"

"Oh yay," it was really hard for Ana to contain her excitement as she stared, bored out of her mind, at her excitable friend.

"You could at least try and be enthusiastic about this Anastasia," Hermione said, placing her hand on her hip.

"Sure thing mother," she responded sarcastically, "which shrine is this oh great tour guide?"

"Higurashi Shrine," Hermione began and Ana immediately shrank back, she was going to get a big history lesson right now, she could feel it. "Legend has it that the tree on these grounds dates back to the feudal era and is said to be magical in some way…"

Ana zoned her out as the woman continued her lesson, walking towards the shrine entrance she stared at Ron jealously, the man looked asleep as he followed behind them slowly. She paused suddenly as she reached a flight of stairs, her mouth falling open as she followed them up and up and up some more. "Hey Hermione," she said loudly, cutting of the other woman mid speech, "Did it mention in that guidebook of yours that we had to climb up to heaven to reach this shrine?"

"Of course not," Hermione sighed before looking up at the stairs, "it did say there were a lot of steps though."

"And why didn't you mention this before?"

"Because I knew you wouldn't come."

"Eh you're probably right," Ana looked at the stairs as if staring at them for long enough would turn them into an escalator. "Can I apparate?" she asked, whining slightly as she pouted, Hermione never answered instead she just began to ascend the stairs. "I will take that as a no," Ana muttered before following sullenly.

"Why on Earth would you have so many stairs?" Ron muttered, out of breath, as the trio continued their climb up.

"Well it's a shrine right?" Ana said rhetorically, "perhaps this is god way of punishing us. You know being all ha puny human mortals, I will make you climb the stairs of doom before making you worship me mwahaha." Her voice becoming deeper as she did her interpretation.

"Don't be stupid Ana," Hermione said impatiently, her face flushed from the climb.

When they finally made it to top of the shrine all their legs were burning and their breath leaving them in hurried pants. They were greeted by a woman who took one look at their flustered state and quickly brought them some water. The woman waited quietly for them to recover before asking "Anata wa jinja o mitemawaru shitai shite imasu ka? (1)" The three brits paused slightly, not understanding the fast spoken Japanese words.

"Eigo ga hanasemasu ka?(2)" Ana asked slowly, using the few Japanese sentence she knew from the guidebook.

"A little," the woman said hesitantly, "You want look at shrine?"

"Yes," Ana nodded, though the English the woman was using was heavily accented and poor she was able to understand.

"Ah, you look round," the woman said smiling before pointing to herself and continuing. "My name Kimiko."

"Kimiko, it's a pleasure to meet you," Ana said bowing slightly, "My name is Anastasia." As her friends introduced themselves green eyes peered around the shrine and after appraising it she found it boring. The only thing that caught her eye was the huge tree and not because it held any significance to her, she just had the childish urge to climb it. She walked away from Ron and Hermione as they continued to converse with Kimiko and walked around the place. She breathed a huge sigh and continued round the back of the shrine as a voice shouted out in Japanese and quickly Ana hid in the shadows of the house. She watched as another black haired girl stepped from the house, a huge yellow backpack fastened securely round her.

"Ittekimasu, (3)" The girl shouted waving her hand behind her. Ana watched confused as the girl disappeared into what looked like an abandoned well house. She waited in the shadows for ten minutes before curiosity got the better of her and she approached the well house. She hesitated before it with her hand on the door, wondering if the girl was still in there, it was one thing to get yelled at in your own language but it would an entirely new experience to get yelled at in a language you don't even understand. An experience Ana didn't want to live through. She sighed quietly before embracing her Gryffindor side and slide open the door before stepping in. It was dark inside but there was enough sunlight peeking through the cracks in the wood to make out the place was empty. Her curiosity growing slightly she wondered where the girl had gone. She stepped down the steps before her and approached the well with caution, expecting to see the girl's body laying at the bottom. She was shocked when she found an empty well, frowning she peered closer into the darkness of the well.

Slowly, magic began to stir around her and unbeknown to the green eyed saviour, a hand appeared from the shadows. Long spidery fingers reached out and with a hard shove to the back Ana was falling. Death looked down at the girl, a small smile appearing on his pale face as he heard her screams and the magic of the well take her form into the time vortex. He remained standing there as her friends burst into the well house, wands drawn, but they did not see him. How could they? He was after all Death, hidden to all who were living, but he could see them, he always saw for Death was also omnipotent. Though the girl-who-lived often escaped his sight, he knew that like her ancestor she would join him in eternal slumber as an equal. That's not to say she won't live a long life for she would as the owner of the Hallows, she will even see her friends again. Though she will be far older than them. Ah, he was getting a head of himself, he looked at the brown haired girl and the ginger haired boy and smiled, they would just have to wait a little while to be reunited with their best friend and her lover. Humming a merry tune Death departed from the well house even as the clatter around him began and chaos entered the room. He walked down the long flight of stairs, placing his fedora hat onto his head, he would not return to that place, for like the book store clerk, his job there was finished.

She had been falling for a while now, in that never ending stream of purple nothingness, though she knew she wasn't really falling. It was more like the space around her as moving while she stayed still. Ana Potter was left to question her luck for what seemed like the billionth time in her short life, she wondered briefly if Karma was responsible but she didn't believe in it. She sighed again and wondered when the purple haze would stop, it was like being on a merry-go-round, after the first go round you just wanted to get off but no, it just kept spinning and spinning. Finally she saw a white light, happy for the change of colour as it sped towards her before enveloping her in a cocoon of pure white.

Slowly colour seeped into her vision, dark brown and as she touched the ground she realised it was soil. Looking up she realised she was still in the well. "Did I just fall down the well?" she asked in disbelief, she peered up into the opening above her and noticed it was blue, "the sky?" She frowned, wasn't there supposed to be a wooden garden shed above her? She huffed unhappily before realising her only way out was the climb up so, mentally preparing herself she grabbed onto the vines that hung down the sides and began to pull herself up. "Damn," she muttered, "I seriously need to lose weight," she grinned as she continued to haul herself up the side of the well.

She panted and huffed harshly as she threw herself over the side of the well and onto the grass below, she lay on her back breathing in air as if it were the sweetest thing on Earth. Her eyes stared up at the blue sky above her, watching lazily as the clouds floated by her and slowly her breathing returned to normal. Though she remained on the ground watching the clouds float by smiling serenely at them, she had never cloud gazed before and she found herself wanting to continue to do it, finding peace in watching the different shapes go by.

"See, I told ya I smelt something wench," It was a loud voice that broke through her peaceful mood and groaning regretfully Ana sat up. Her eyes widened as she found herself staring at the black haired girl from the shrine, noticing the bright yellow backpack immediately.

"You," Ana said angrily pointing at the girl and standing quickly. "You're that girl I followed into the well house!"

"You followed me?" She asked hesitantly.

"Well yeah," Ana said, sheepishly rubbing the back of her head, "See I watched you leave your house and when you went into the well house and didn't leave, I got curious and went to have a look inside. Then I get pushed into the well and am surrounding by a purple light."

"Oh dear," the girl muttered and began to pace, "this is bad."

"Huh?" Ana muttered, her head tilting slightly as she stared confused at the girl, "what's bad?"

"You being here."

"Ah yeah about that…where is here exactly?"

"You're in Sengoku Jidai wench," it was the boy who had broken her peace that spoke, looking tense as he gripped the hilt of sword.

A/N: So that's the first chapter. Personally I think its much better than the original but what do you think? Please review and tell me!


(1) Do you want to look around the shrine?

(2) Do you speak English?

(3) I'm leaving or I'm leaving and will come back.