Okay, this is the last chapter! Alias all good things must come to an end. Thank you to all of you who reviewed and for those of you who haven't , well this is your last chance!

I hope you enjoy!!

Disclamer: Yada, Yada, yada

Chapter 23

Gohan bristled as Pan spoke Geta's name, he followed Pan's line of sight and growled seeing the Young Prince standing at Pan's window with his arms crossed against his chest. Geta's gaze was on Pan but slowly transferred to Gohan as he stood and walked towards him.

"YOU! You monster, how could you force yourself on my little girl?" Gohan asked his voice quivering with rage as again his ki rose. He barely noticed as everyone squeezed into the room to see what was going on.

Geta smirked, "She's my mate and I'll take her whenever and wherever I feel like it."

An audible gasp was heard from behind him. Gohan looked at Geta's neck and felt a coldness creep over his heart as he saw the mark there. He growled low in his throat and took a step closer to Geta.

Pan climbed out of bed and placed herself in front of Geta with tears in her eyes. "Daddy don't," She pleaded. "It's not his fault. It's..it's what I wished for." The tears flowed as Pan took in the look of horror on her fathers face. She barley registered the blur as his hand connected with her cheek sending her to the ground. Geta roared as he placed himself between his mate and her father. The tips of his canines protruded from his lips giving him an animal like appearance.

Bra cried out and ran to Pan closely followed by Videl.

Gohan ignored all of them as he continued to yell at his daughter. "What the hell did you wish for huh? To have Vegeta's baby?"

Bra helped Pan rise shakily to her feet as she stood slightly behind Geta. Geta sensing her distress inter twined his tail around hers. Pan shook her head no at her father's question. She sniffed as she looked to Bra for support. Bra stepped up beside her and linked arms with Pan.

"Leave her alone! It was my idea!" Bra said her blue eyes sparkling. "We wished for our perfect mates."

"What?!" Gohan yelled in surprise. "Where on earth did you get a stupid idea like that?" He asked as everyone looked at Bulma accusingly. Bulma scratched the back of her neck nervously as Gohan's eyes landed on her.

"Ahh I don't know, you know how kids are." She said flashing him a dazzling smile which did nothing to lift the dark look on his face.

Gohan heard a deep chuckle and turned back to face Geta. "And what the hell are laughing at you coward? Traipsing around the woods with your little ki suppressor on. How pathetic."

Geta's eyes narrowed as he silently reached over and removed the band on his arm. He put his tail back around his waist and faced his opponent. "Let's settle this old man."

Gohan frowned at this, secretly he had always taken great pride in his youthful appearance. He smirked, "Why? Are you anxious to die?"

Geta actually smiled at this, "There are worse things than death."

"That's true." Goku said as everyone stared at him. "What?"

"Dad, can you transport us to an area where we can fight." Gohan said his eyes still locked on Geta.

''Uh..sure." Goku replied shrugging.

Pan's heart froze. "NO!! Father you can't do this!"

Gohan looked at his daughter, "This does not concern you."

"Like hell it doesn't!" Pan said moving to stand in front of her father. "You of all people should know that fighting won't solve anything, even if you do kill him, I'll still hate you." With tears streaming down her face she turned and launched herself into Geta's arms.

Everyone watched in surprise as Geta held the sobbing girl closely as he whispered to her so softly that even the Sayians in the room couldn't hear. Pan's sobs soon turned to sniffles as Geta gently wiped her tears with his hands before kissing her gently. He turned to Gohan with a look of determination on his face. "Let's go."

Gohan nodded as just about everyone in the room began to protest. A look of concentration came over Goku's usually cheery face as he used his gift.

A soft breeze blew the hot air of the desert as Gohan and Geta faced each other instantly.

Goku smirked as he disappeared to only reappear a couple of seconds later with everyone else. The others were located further away on a sand knoll. Gohan sighed.

Bulma frowned, "I can't even see anything from here!"

"That's cause you have weak eyes." Vegeta retorted.

Pan stood with her hands clenched together. She turned to her mother beside her. "Why is Daddy doing this?"

Videl sighed, "I don't know, at first I thought he was doing this for you but now I think he's just thinking of himself."

Vegeta snorted, "The boy is finally following his instincts. The male is supposed to challenge the father for the right to mate his daughter. Obviously these new comers don't care about the old ways." Vegeta said giving Raditz a deadly look. Raditz gulped and moved behind Bra.

Gohan attacked first dismayed as Geta agilely dodged his attack. He cursed himself for slacking in his training. Why couldn't she have picked a human? Getting into a rhythm the two matched each other hit for hit as they took into the sky and blurred out of vision.

Pan watched anxiously, she was happily surprised that Geta was doing so well. She smirked she couldn't wait until everyone found out that he could trans form.

Gohan growled, he was tired of toying with Geta and decide to end it quickly. He was getting hungry. "You know I'm going to kill you." Gohan said smirking as he powered up to super Sayian.

"You can try." Geta said as he followed Gohan's lead and powered up also.

"WHAT!?" Vegeta yelled causing Bulma to wince. "He's only on this stupid mud ball for a month and he's already a super sayian!"

"Quit pouting Vegeta." Bulma said patting his rear.

Gohan smirked "Well I see you're strong but not strong enough." Gohan said as he ascended to level 2.

Geta smiled "Well if you want to play rough.." Geta said as he formed a ball of energy in his hand. Gohan stared at the ball almost mesmerized by the swirling light energy as it continued to grow.

Vegeta was watching from a far. "OH SHIT!" he muttered as he pushed Bulma out of the way and grabbed Bra and Pan from behind covering their eyes. Raditz smirking looked away from the glowing sphere that Geta had just released into the sky.

Gohan watched as Geta released the orb. He looked on in confusion as Geta put his head back and seemed to be basking in the glow.

Geta felt his power increasing, and he stretched out his limbs as he felt them expanding. Gohan watched in amazement as Geta transformed into a golden oozaru.

"What are you doing? I can't see?" Bra wailed as Pan struggled weakly to break Vegeta's grasp.

"Unless you want to turn into a giant monkey and plunder the earth I suggest you two settle down!" Vegeta roared.

"Wow!! That's amazing!," Goku said watching as Gohan tried unsuccessfully to take out the giant beast. "Those KI blast aren't even fazing him."

Gohan tried to grab Geta's tail and was knocked into a mountain by a giant paw for his efforts. Geta opened his mouth and sent out a ki blast hitting Gohan and disintegrating everything around him. Gohan dazed climbed to his feet and barely missing being crushed by a foot.

"I've had enough of this," Gohan said. Pulling his hands to the side as he blasted into the air. "Kame-"

Geta roared.


Geta sent another ki blast at Gohan which he barely avoided.


Everyone watched Gohan shot up into the sky. The attack hit the make shift moon sending them both into space.

Gohan smirked as Geta transformed back into his regular form, black hair and all, his body lay in the dirt prone and lifeless.

Pan blinked as Vegeta released her and the bright sun blinded her for a second. Her eyes focused on the still form of her mate. She heard Bra gasp beside her but Pan only smirked.

Gohan flew down and stood in front of the young prince smiling as he held out his hand to land a final blow.

Everyone gasped as Geta sprang up kneeing Gohan in the groin and then hammering him to the ground where he lay doubled over.

"Ahhh that would suck!" Goten said as Trunks nodded in agreement.

Videl tried to hide a smile as Gohan lay quivering in the dirt.

"Well Videl, looks like he won't need that vasectomy after all." Bulma said.

Pan immediately covered her ears groaning as Chichi frowned, no more grand children, then remembering that she had two children she smirked eyeing Goten.

Goten saw the look and cringed.

Geta stood over Gohan not taking his eyes off of him. "Give up?" He asked smirking.

Gohan gingerly sat up. He sighed looking over at Pan and then up at Geta. He nodded watching as Geta flew over to Pan.

Pan scarcely dared to breath as Geta landed in front of her. She reached up and touched his swollen eye carefully. She could hardly believe that they could be together. Geta carefully pulled her to him taking in her essence. They had been apart for too long.

"Yeah!" Bra yelled hugging her friend.

Bulma stepped up to the couple. "You guys can stay at capsule, we have plenty of room!"

"That won't be necessary." A deep firm voice said as they all turned to look at Gohan. "You guys can stay live with us for as long as you want."

Videl squealed hugging her husband.

Pan turned to Geta again. "I guess wishes do come true."

Geta snorted as he captured her mouth with his and kissed her deeply.

THE END!!!!!