This is for the guest who requested a story about Rex and Holiday. Since he/she was not specific and I had no way of contacting him/her I literally dreamed this one up.
I have extremely vivid, lucid dreams. I once dreamed a whole entire series of my own made up show over the course of several months. So this is one of those dreams I had. I just got rid of the parts that didn't make sense (like why is David Foley in Gen Rex?). Anyway, this can be a one shot but if anyone is interested let me know and I can write the rest of it.
This takes place during Season 1.
I do not own Generator Rex.
Rex sat on the exam table with a thermometer in his mouth. Holiday was checking his pulse and recording the information on her clipboard.
"Looks like everything is normal. Well, at least for you, Rex." Holiday patted him on his knee.
"Thanks doc. You know, you must be tired." Rex commented.
"Tired? Why Rex?" Holiday frowned.
"Because you've been running around my mind all day." Rex leered at her.
Holiday choked back a laugh. "You're done Rex. You can go."
"Are you busy tonight?" Rex leaned forward.
"I'm always busy Rex." Holiday answered while flipping through some pages on the clipboard.
Rex pouted.
Holiday saw his expression on his face and felt bad. "But if you want we can eat at the cafeteria together."
"Like a date?" Rex brightened.
"No, not like a ..." The EVO alarm went off before she could finish.
"It's a date then! See you then." Rex ran off before she could change her mind.
Holiday shook her head then chuckled as she put away her equipment.
She went over to her computer to keep an eye on his biometrics. At first everything was normal. She monitored the activity via the comlink. There was the usual chatter of plans, commands, and briefing. She heard Six's monotone voice asking for information on the EVO. Rex as usual spouted his bravado.
Holiday could hear Six warning Rex about being over confident.
Holiday smiled. It was typical. Then the conversation turned. A grunt announced that the EVO was spotted.
"I see it. It's a big one." Rex said. Holiday detected some hesitation.
"Take it out." Six said flatly.
"No problema." Holiday could hear the Keep's door open. Then there was static. After a few minutes the comlink picked up sounds of things breaking.
"Woah! Oof! Oow! Arrgh."
Holiday winced as she listened to the sounds of Rex fighting or getting pummeled.
It wasn't helping that Six was ordering him in his usual monotone way
She looked at the monitor. She gasped as his biometrics dropped like a rock.
"Six, Rex's biometrics are dropping. What are you doing?" She knew she sounded accusatory but she couldn't help it. Rex was a kid. And even if White Knight or Six won't acknowledge that, she did.
"Rex is fine. He has the EVO cornered," came Six's monotone voice.
Holiday bit her lip. Despite Six's reassurance she couldn't help but worry. His biometrics went up slightly but then started plummeting again.
"Six," Holiday said with warning in her tone.
"Helping now doctor." Finally. But it must have been bad for Six to involve himself.
Holiday pinched the bridge of her nose, a habit she picked up from Six. She then looked up at the monitor again. Rex's bio- energy stabilized but it was still lower than when he started.
"Rex? Are you okay?" Holiday decided to skip the middle men and go straight to the source.
"The thing's tougher than I thought." Rex tried to sound nonplussed but Holiday could detect a hint of panic.
"Take it easy Rex. I know you can do it." Holiday interjected. She couldn't understand why Six refused to encourage Rex. Sure, she wasn't sure if Rex could actually do it but it wouldn't hurt to say it.
His biometrics went up a little as more sounds of fighting came over the comlink.
"I got it!" She heard Rex yell.
Holiday held her breath.
"OK, clean up team move in." Six's voice came through.
Holiday let out the breath she was holding. It meant that Rex was successful. Holiday leaned back in her chair. She was relieved that Rex had done it. But from the sounds of the after conversation it had come at a great cost. Holiday knew that there will be repercussions.
Holiday heard loud arguing as footsteps came closer. She could hear Rex's angry voice raised and Six's monotone voice. But she could tell from the tightness in his tone that he was annoyed.
When the lab door slid opened, Six had a hand firmly placed on Rex's shoulder. He lead the EVO teen to the medical table. They glared at each other.
"What's going on?" Holiday looked from one person to another.
Suddenly it was as if a switch was flipped. Both looked away and became tight lipped.
Holiday sighed exasperated. She went to exam Rex.
"How are you feeling?" She asked carefully.
"Great," he muttered.
"Well, your biometrics dropped dramatically before. Do you know what happened?"
Rex shrugged not making eye contact.
Holiday turned to Six. "What happened out there?"
"Nothing. Rex just needs more training. He let a minor EVO get the better of him."
Rex's head shot up eyes hot with anger. "It wasn't a minor EVO!. If it was, they wouldn't have sent me in."
"If you keep causing this much damage, they won't be."
"Fine! You don't need me then." Rex hopped off the table and pushed his way past Holiday and Six. He formed his rex ride.
Holiday knew he was going to run. "Wait, Rex. Don't forget we have a date tonight."
That made Rex pause. He turned around and gave her a sad smile. "Sorry, I'm going to have to take a rain check." Then he was gone in a puff of smoke from his muffler.
Holiday coughed from the exhaust. When she turned around, Six had an eye brow cocked.
"Long story. Not important. What's wrong with you? Why can't you see that he's just a kid?" Holiday had her hands on her hips. She was trying not to yell. She learned a long time ago that Six didn't respond well to yelling.
"Me? The kid's just got to keep his emotions under control."
"Six," Holiday rubbed her temples. Was he really so dense? "Rex's a teenager. Do you remember what it was like to be a teenager? Everything and anything that happens is major. Couple that with his powers he needs …"
"What he needs to do is grow up." Six interrupted her.
"Maybe. But it's not going to happen overnight no matter how much training you do. And it certainly isn't going to happen when he thinks we don't care a lick about him." Holiday turned around abruptly. She didn't want Six to see the tears that were beginning to form in her eyes. She made it look like she was busy with her equipment. After a few minutes of silence broken only by the sound of medical equipment being shuffled around, Holiday heard Six's footsteps walking out the lab. When the swoosh of the door closed behind him, she slumped over. She took a few deep breaths to steady herself before she continued to put away her equipment for real. She hoped Rex was okay.