Chapter 1 is here people. Read it, review it, and tell me what you people think. This is just here for people to enjoy. Enjoy! :)

NOTE: I don't own Godzilla or Pacific Rim! Both movies go to their respective company creators.

Chapter 1: The Beginning of the War

Back when most of us human beings were little kids, most of us would look up at the stars and dream, wonder. Wonder if there was life up and beyond our world. But it turned out we all looked in the wrong direction.

In the Philippines of 1999, Project Monarch scientists, Dr. Ishiro Serizawa and his British assistant, Vivienne Graham arrive by helicopter at the Universal Western Mining site. Ishiro just spends all his time staring down at his old watch, his father's watch, as if it reminds him of what purpose in life he has and the responsibility he has. His assistant Vivienne always understands the painful struggle of learning from the past. When they arrive, from below everyone was like ant in anthill. The helicopter lands and Ishiro and Vivienne get off. They are then met by an American supervisor named Jerry Boyd.

"Dr. Serizawa?" He shouts through the noise of the helicopter blades. Ishiro nods in response. "I'm Jerry Boyd!" They shake hands. Boyd then guides them to mining site. "I'm just warning you, it's a real mess! Just a total mess! Monarch sent me in this morning to look around, I told them we need you." He explains while guiding them. "They picked up a radiation pocket out here last month. They got excited thinking they had the uranium deposit. They started staking up the heavy machinery and then, well the...the valley wall collapsed into a cavern below. It just dropped away. It's just gone." Boyd shows them the collapsed site. Ishiro and Vivienne stare in complete shock. "Best guess right now is about forty miners went down with it."

After a while, everyone got their protective suits on and Boyd guides them into the underground cavern.

"This way. When I first discovered this pocket the radiation levels were only half this strong. It's almost as if contact with the outside air started catalyzing something." Serizawa shines his flashlight on what appears to be a giant skeleton carcass. Vivienne takes pictures for research. "Some kind of fossil, right? I've been digging them for almost thirty years, never seen anything like it." referring to the skeleton as it fills the cave as far as the eye can see.

"Oh, my God. Is it possible?" Vivienne gasps in awe. She turns to her teacher. "Is it him?"

"No. This is much older." Ishiro answers. He continues to search around the huge carcass. They speak as if they met this "him" before.

"Hey, guys. You gotta see this?" One of the mining team members calls. Pictures were being taken at this grand sight. Ishiro, Vivienne, and Jerry make their way to find two egg-shaped pods hanging from the cave ceiling.

"What is it? Is it some kind of egg? The giant's spawn?" Vivienne asks. Ishiro was unable to answer. "The bones are fossilized, but this...this formation seems to be perfectly preserved."

"This one looks broken, like something came out of it." One of the mining team members points out. As they walk further into the cave they notice a something massive has crawled out of the cave and left a massive trail across the landscape as it headed towards the sea.

At the same in Janjira, Japan, there is an American family living in Japan named the Brody's. A young boy named Ford prepares to put up a 'Happy Birthday, Dad' sign for his father Joseph Brody. However his hopes are dashed by the sound of a telephone call.

"I'll get it, it's probably for me!" Joe calls out as he answers the call. "Moshi moshi." He speaks in Japanese. There's a pause as he listens. "No, Takashi... No, Takashi! Just listen to me for a second! I'm asking for the meeting because if I have to shut the reactor down, you're not gonna want to read about it in a memo. Because I've been following these tremors since they started in the Philippines and now they're in our own backyard." Ford quietly watches Joe from behind as he talks on the phone "No, no, no, no! Hayato says I need to go through you about this. Look, I'm just...I'm just trying to follow the protocols that were set forth by the company, that's all. It's my job." Ford's mother, Sandra, finds him standing by the door just outside the room.

"He's awake." He whispers to her.

"Oh, I know. He got up early." She stares in awe.

"What are we gonna do?" He asks looking upset.

"Get dressed, I'll figure it out." She said looking slightly upset.

"Okay." Ford nods and walks back into his room to get ready for the school day. Though he felt disappointed. He worked so hard on his dad's birthday sign and now he missed that chance.

Ford was already for school as he rushed towards the bus. Joe is still talking on the phone, as he walks to the car.

"See you later, Dad." Ford waves and rushes to the school bus. Jo waves goodbye to Ford as he carries on talking.

"With all due respect, Takashi, and honor. Respect and honor, with all of that, I'm an engineer and I don't like unexplained frequency pattern in your plant, where I'm responsible. I need a meeting, make it happen! Arigatō. " Sandra unlocks the car door and they both get inside, Sandra looks at Ford as he runs off to catch the bus to school and quickly turns to wave goodbye to her and she waves back.

"He made you a sign." Sandra straightens her husband's tie.


"Your birthday sign. He worked so hard."

"Oh, God." Joe sighed. He obliviously wasn't paying attention. He turns to his wife with worrying eyes. "Listen, I need to know that it's not the sensors. Okay? I can't be calling this meeting and look like the American maniac. So when we get there, don't even bother coming up. Just grab a team and go down to level five."

"You're not a maniac." Sandra smiles at him. "I mean, you are, just not about this." She joked as she fastened her seatbelt.

"There must be something we're not thinking of." Joe struggled with his thoughts

"Happy Birthday!" Sandra beamed.

" it?" Joe snapped out of his trance. He was then struck in awe.

"Yes, it is." She giggled.

"Oh my god! I forgot all about it!" He panics a little. She laughs and kisses him.

"Happy Birthday, dear!" She smiles.

"Aw, thank you sweetheart." He smiles back. She kisses him again.

"I'm gonna come home early, I'll take the car and pick him up and we can get a proper cake. Okay?" She explains.

"I should have a birthday tomorrow." He jokes. They both laugh as they drive off to work.

At the plant Joe looks at a seismic graph. This information may have something to do with the tremors that started near the Philippines. One of his employers is also American, Stan Walsh.

"What is this?" Joe asks one of the engineers.

"Seismic anomaly. This graph is says minutes, not days. This is now." He nervously points out.

"Wait, hold on. Seismic activity? Seismic like an earthquake? Are you talking about earthquakes?" Stan asks in confusion.

"No, earthquakes are random, jagged. This is consistent, increasing. This is a pattern." Joe explains.

At the same time Sandra and her team get ready to go down into the reactor zone.

"Alright, let's make this quick." She informed her team. They start heading towards the reactor zone to level five.

At the same time Joe enters the engine room.

"Takashi, what the hell is going on? Have you seen this?" Joe hands the seismic graph.

"Yeah. Maybe not such a good time for a meeting." Takashi says. Joe looks at a monitor which is showing the seismic graph's activity.

"What's the source? Where is the epicenter?" Joe asks.

"We don't know, but it keeps getting stronger." Takashi explains.

"It's gotta be centered somewhere." Joe then turns to Hayato. "Hayato?"

"No one else is reporting it. We are contacting every other plant in the Kanto region. Tokai, Fujiyama, they are unaffected. But my guess is these readings are just aftershocks from the Philippine earthquake." Hayato explains.

"Are we at full function?" Joe asks.

"Yes, we are. But perhaps we should be drawing down to be safe." Takashi suggests. Suddenly a tremor hits the plant. Everyone looks around while also holding on to the nearest object. Lights and computers start flickering on and off.

"Take us off line." Joe ordered.

"Now, Joe, we gotta..."

"Do it now!" Joe interrupts Stan. "Wind it down." Joe rushes over to contacts Sandra through the walkie-talkie. "Sandra? Sandra, are you there...?" suddenly another tremor hits the plant, only much more powerful.

At the same time in the reactor zone, Sandra and her team feel these tremors too.

"We're turning back! Let's go!" Sandra orders. She notices a massive radiation cloud rushing towards them down the corridor. "Oh, my God! Sandra and her team turn and make a run for it in the opposite direction "Joe, are you there? Joe, we've been breached! We're heading back the containment field!"

Joe picks up the right walkie-talkie.

"Sandra, listen to me. You need to get out of there. Run. If there's been a reactor breach you won't last five minutes, with or without the suits. Do you hear me?" Joe orders her.

"I hear you! We're coming!" She hollers back. Sandra and her team are trying to stay ahead of the radiation cloud another tremor hits the plant.

The tremors keep getting worse and more powerful. The plant starts to come apart. Everyone decides it's time to escape the plant and to safety.

"I'll meet them down there myself. Put the safety doors on manual override." Joe orders Takashi. He turns to make his way down to the reactor zone.

"Joe, I cannot do that!" Takashi pleaded.

"Keep the doors open! My wife is in there!" Joe he shouts as he rushes out of the room.

At the same time Sandra and her team are frantically trying to stay ahead of the radiation cloud.

"Come on, let's go!" She hollers.

Joe arrives at the door but Sandra and her team haven't made it yet, he contacts Takashi.

"Takashi, tell me these doors are on manual." He says through the speaker.

"Manual, yes. But, Joe, we have gotten a breach!" He reminds him from the other line.

"I'm right here, as soon as they're through I'll see to it." Joe then speaks into the walkie-talkie. "Sandra, honey, can you hear me? I'm at the door." There's no reply. "Sandra! Sandra, I'm waiting for you. I'm at the check point, you have to run now. You have to run as fast as you can!"

"I am!" She yells. Suddenly another tremor hits and Sandra and one of her colleagues, Kenji, stumble. "Kenji! Kenji, we need to go!" As Sandra goes to help her colleague up the cloud looms in closer

Joe still waits for Sandra.

"Joe! Joe! Doawoshimeru!" Takashi calls.

"Nani!? Mou Ichido!" Joe replies back. He didn't catch the message.

"Close the door! Seal the corridor or the whole city will be exposed!" Takashi pleads. Joe is then struck with a fear to choose. He tries to contact Sandra again.

"Sandra!" After a moment's pause.

"Joe! Joe, can you hear me?" Sandra calls.

"Yes." He whispered a response.

"Are you there?"

"Sandra. Sandra, I'm here. Can you hear me?" He frantically talks through the walkie-talkie.

"Yes. Joe, it's too late. We're not gonna make it."

"No, don't say that! Don't you say that! Run as hard as you can, honey!" He pleads.

"Joe! Joe, you have to close the door! You have to live, for our son!" suddenly there's another tremor and Joe sees the radiation cloud heading towards him.

"Joe, seal the door! Now!" Takashi shouts.

"Oh, my God." Joe stares in complete horror.

"5 seconds!... 4 seconds!" Takashi shouts the count. Just as the cloud is about to reach the door, Joe screams and shuts the door, as he cries he hears the Sandra and her team banging on the door window, with tears in his eyes he turns to them.

"I'm sorry." Joe weeps as he watches Sandra being surrounded by the toxic radioactive cloud.

"Take care of Ford. Be a good father and tell him we didn't make it." At that moment the door are sealed and Joe can no longer see Sandra, as continues to weep. Another tremor hits the plant, outside the plant's cooling towers start collapsing. At school the teacher then instructs everyone to evacuate.

"Dare mo auto! Let's go everybody out!" She instructs. Everyone grabs their things and runs to the exit while Ford, gathers his things too. But then he notices the plant crumbling from the window. He watches helplessly as the plant is destroyed while his classmates flee. Fear and despair filled his eyes, wondering if his family got away alive.

However from the trembling earth came something no one saw coming, nor could believe their own eyes. A huge behemoth arose from the rubble and crumbling power plant. The first Kaiju landed in Japan. Later on it would be codenamed "Trespasser." When alien life entered our world it was from the deep beneath the Pacific Ocean.

And there we have it! Chapter 1! I think I did and ok job on this, but I want you people to be the judge of it. Read it, review it, and tell me what you people think. This is just here for people to enjoy. :)