it is once again the Amazing Lord of Fanfiction and Cats, CATSRAWESOME! WHOOO!

So, I am here with yet ANOTHER Heroes of Olympus story for your enjoyment. I hope you like it!


I had fought in the Giant War. I had let countless armies into battle. I even saw Octavian without a shirt on (that was pretty scary).

But none could have compared to the terror that gripped me so hard that I was surprised my blood was still flowing.

I didn't know what was wrong with me. The Dining Pavilion in Camp Half Blood was clean. The table was set. The food (vegetarian) was out. I was wearing a clean, casual outfit. My hair was combed.

Everything was set for my date with Piper.

I once again looked at the machine that lay hidden in the wall. If it worked properly, it would shoot miniature fireworks over the table. Leo had built it himself, so that put me a bit at ease. I don't always trust him, but he is an amazing mechanic, and I trusted him with this.

The previous day, when I had told Leo my request, he just smiled his usual cocky smile and said, "On it! The Super Mcsnizzle will have your little date be magical!"

I think he had said that last part just to piss me off.

At least he made it. If Piper found the note (I told her that I had to meet with her in private. Something about finding more Celestial Bronze… Wow, I must be really nervous if I don't remember what I wrote), she would arrive in only a few minutes. As the minutes ticked by, I got more and more anxious. Where was she? Would she even come?

My question was answered when I heard footsteps. They were light and even-paced, and had some energy to it. No doubt about it, it was Piper. Yes, I know the sound of her footsteps. No, I am not a stalker.

Soon, she emerged into the room. She was wearing a short, brown, spaghetti-strap dress that went above her knees and black leggings underneath. A bit fancy, yet still casual.

I love Piper.

At first she just looked at me. She started to say, "Hey Jason. What do you-"

Her eyes trailed to the table. First they grew wide, and then trailed back to me. Her eyes were a little glassy from tears, but a huge smile was on her face. She ran over to me and hugged me tightly.

"Surprise," I whispered into her ear as we hugged.

We broke apart and then walked to the table. I pulled out Piper's chair like a gentleman and let her sit down (she gave me a playful glare at the gesture, but sat down nevertheless). I then sat in my seat.

"Vegetarian," I said, indicating to the meat-free delicacies laid out in front of us.

"You planned everything, didn't you?" asked Piper.

"Every last detail," I admitted. Piper let out a laugh.

We each took a bit of food and then sat up. I lit a candle in the middle of the table, took a small bit of food from my plate, and threw it into the flame while saying, "Jupiter."

The food magically disintegrated on contact with the fire and let out an aroma that smelled like the cafés in New Rome and Piper's perfume. Piper did the same, this time saying, "Aphrodite", and we started eating.

"This is delicious," said Piper, "Did you make it?"

"No. Hazel did," I replied.

"That explains a lot," said Piper, laughing at my expression, "What? She is amazing at cooking!"

"Well, duh," I said, "But I am not that bad either!"

"Well, I have never tasted your cooking, but maybe you can cook for me sometime."

Of course, you just had to say something, I thought, Now you have to cook something delicious for Piper! AND YOU HAVE TO MAKE IT!

Piper can read me like a book.

"Just kidding," she said, smiling.

After a few more minutes of eating and talking, I saw the moment approaching. I waited a little longer and then…

"Piper," I said.

Piper looked up from her food. "Yes?"

"I have a surprise for you."

"These surprises never seem to end!" she sounded exasperated, but she looked excited.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out a button.

"What's that?" Piper asked.

"You'll see," I replied, smiling.

I pressed the button.

Five tiny pipes revealed themselves in the wall. At first they didn't do anything, but then the insides of the pipes started to glow. Then, in a shower of sparks, small rockets were shot out of them and exploded in a bunch of colorful lights. Piper shrieked a little at first, but then gazed at them in wonder. I just watched them alongside her, gazing at her every now and then. We didn't notice the distance between us getting smaller and smaller until we were nearly touching. We gazed into each other's eyes for a moment, and then leaned in and-


A huge explosion threw us back, and we both ended up being sprawled up on the floor. Black soot spluttered from the explosion and covered both me and Piper. I watched in horror as smoke that was caused from the explosion cleared up to reveal the pipes bent and half melted, glowing cherry red. I looked at Piper. She didn't look hurt, but she did look a little dazed. I ran over to her and helped her up.

"Are you ok?" I asked her as I pulled to her feet.

"Yes-yes I'm fine," she said, "Was that supposed to happen?"

"No! Of course not! I don't know how it could have gone wrong! It was built by-"

I stopped. My panic was replaced by anger.

"Leo," I growled. Piper started to look nervous.

"Are you ok?"

"No," I muttered quietly. I was shaking now from my anger. I stormed out of the pavilion and ran towards Bunker Nine, where I knew Leo would be working.

Or at least, where he will be working, because there wouldn't be much left of him after I was through with him.

I heard Piper running behind me with her light, even-paced footsteps. I forced myself not to become memorized with the rhythm. When I got to the bunker, I rapped on the door furiously.

"Open up!" I said, not bothering to be polite. The door was answered immediately by The Idiot of Idiots himself.

"Hey!" he said, grinning, "How was your date-"

He stopped when he saw me covered in soot, fuming.

"It went horribly, thanks to your stupid machine!" I yelled at him.

Leo looked horrified for a moment, and then it changed into a look of dread.

"Oh no," he muttered to himself, "I forgot to tighten the stabilizer! That is why it happened. I am so, so sorry. It won't happen again."


Leo now looked hurt. He didn't meet my eyes.

"Jason," said Piper, putting a hand on my shoulder, "Calm down."

Her charmspeak worked, but only just. It only slightly calmed down, and I was still furious with Leo.

"You just can't handle anything big without help, can you?" I spat at him.

"That-that's not true!" he stammered.

"Oh yeah? Name one thing you ever did without help!"

Leo opened his mouth like he wanted to say something, and then closed it and turned away.

"I knew it," I said, sneering.

"But I can do things on my own!" Leo protested.

"No you can't. You're worthless. You can't even handle a tiny project like a small fireworks machine."

"I-I'm not worthless!" he shouted, but he didn't sound convinced himself.

"Jason, stop!" said Piper.

"Thanks a lot, Repair Boy!"

A single tear ran down Leo's chin and silently fell to the ground.

"I am not worthless," he said calmly, "I can do things myself. I can be a success! And I can prove it."

"Really?" I said, slightly unnerved by his calm tone, "How?"

"I want to make a bet," he said, surprising me, "If I am not a success in five years, you win the bet. If I am, I win. I am putting down two thousand drachmas.

The price surprised me more than the bet. Two thousand drachmas!? Is he crazy?

Nevertheless, I buried my shock deep down inside of me and said, "Deal. And you can't get any help from anyone."

We shook hands, and the deal was struck.

Right after our hands left contact with each other, Leo bolted past us and ran into the woods. Piper immediately shouted, "Leo!" and ran after him. I then heard a loud SMACK! I ran outside to see what happened. Piper was on the ground, sobbing hysterically into her hands. Leo was nowhere to be seen.

"Piper, are you ok?" I said, gently lifting her hands away from her face. On her right cheek was a red mark.

"Why?" she said, "Why did you have to do that to Leo?"

"Do what, tell him the truth?"

"He must be devastated!"

"Who cares? He will show up tomorrow and we will all forget what happened!"

"What if he doesn't? What if he really ran away, in the mortal world, with nothing to defend himself with?"

"He may be an idiot," I said through clenched teeth, "But I don't think he is that much of an idiot. And he didn't run away, so stop worrying yourself over it!"

She broke into sobs once again, so I picked her up bridal-style and carried her to her cabin. Luckily, the rest of the Aphrodite Cabin was asleep, as it was well past twelve, so I didn't have to deal with the shrieks from the 'Jasper' supporters. I laid her down on her bed and kissed her forehead. I went to my cabin in sour spirits. I slowly drifted into a restless slumber, my last thought of Leo, and his tear-streaked face.


When I woke up, my anger had completely vanished. I stretched, and then reality hit me. I immediately regretted yelling at Leo, and promised myself that I would apologize the next time I see him.

I didn't know it would be so long.

As I exited my cabin, I immediately realized that something was wrong. People were running from cabin to cabin, calling out to each other. I saw Annabeth among the people, so I ran up to her and confronted her.

"Hey, what's going on?" I asked her.

I got a glance of her worried expression before she glared at me.

"I thought you would have known," she said, not taking her sinister eyes off of me.

"Of course I don't!"

"Well, if you must know, one of the campers is missing, and the whole camp is searching for him."

That sounded a little odd to me. Losing a camper is serious, but I didn't think it was serious enough for the whole camp to be looking.

"Speaking of missing camper, have you seen Leo? I need to talk to him."

"Oh you do now, don't you?"

"Yes, so do you know where I can find him?"

Annabeth now looked grief stricken. I now saw that her cheeks were wet.


"Oh. Well, what about the missing camper? Can I help look?"

"I doubt you will find him."

"Why not? Who is he?"

Annabeth looked at me with a cold, hard stare before saying, "Leo."



I wasn't scared. I had my trusty hammer in my hand. I wasn't upset. I was too focused to be sad. I definitely wasn't happy. That was probably the opposite of what I was. I wasn't angry. I understood how Jason was feeling.

I didn't know what I was.

All I knew was that I had my goal set out in front of me, and nothing can stop me from achieving it.

But first, I had to rescue a certain goddess.

Seriously, if there isn't Caleo in one of my stories, it isn't a catsrawesome fanfic.


(If you don't know where it is, look just a little lower. There is it! That is where you write reviews!)
