5. And the Stars Stopped Shining

Melinda paced the marble floor with the energy of a caged animal. Sitting on her hands and waiting around for others to do the heavy lifting was not something 'The Calvary' was accustomed to doing. Four hours had passed since Max's abduction and still there was no word of progress.

In addition, Phil's disappearance did not sit well with her. She did not doubt his abilities but she scarcely thought they would prove useful against a member of the Aesir. She shuddered as she recalled his last encounter with a pissed off demi-god. Loki's scepter literally tore his heart in half. She couldn't through the pain of losing him for a second time.

She could not blame him for his impulsive decision to join the search party. If she were in his position, she would have done the same. In truth, if there were any more horses left in the stables she would have joined them as well. Max meant a great deal to Melinda and Phil. Skye, Grant, and their children were part of their family. She guarded that family selfishly and with vigor. She would do anything to protect them.

The ironic part of this entire situation was that Melinda had been grateful for this trip. She hated watching Phil twist himself into knots trying to crack Hydra. He spent every free moment monitoring chatter, conferring with Director Fury, and formulating strategies. His fear was that the collateral damage would be more than he could personally bear. Hydra wouldn't be conquered easily. Phil still struggled with the mounting evidence that so many he called friends and comrades were actually Hydra operatives.

Presently, Melinda would have to be content with keeping Jemma, Leo, Jane, and Darcy safe. After news of Max's kidnapping spread through the palace, a group of guards shepherded them into the library for safekeeping at Odin's behest. The guards stood outside the doors to protect them from the unknown threat. Melinda knew nothing of what was happening. They heard only the occasional heavy footsteps and rushed words as traffic passed by the door.

She was wary of the palace guards meant to be protecting them. It was doubtful that Max's kidnapper was working alone. Security in the palace was stringent. If someone was able to get into Max and Kari's nursery, it was because someone allowed it to happen. As far as she was concerned, everyone was a suspect.

She didn't have a gun with her but Melinda never traveled without her knives. Her hands twitched at her sides as she thought about the gleaming blades strapped to her thighs. Who said dresses weren't practical?

Melinda glanced in Jemma's direction and was relieved to see her seated at a massive wood table with ancient tomes spread around her. When she first learned of Max's abduction, the young woman had been inconsolable. Melinda was eternally grateful for Jane's efforts to keep Simmons' mind occupied.

Jane and Darcy searched the endless shelves of books for information on elves and Alfheim. Jemma carefully studied the material they found and jotted down translations. However, the majority of the books where utterly useless to them because they were written in languages none of them understood. The books that were written in English weren't in the modern language as they spoke it but Simmons was capable of translating most of the text.

Leo stood in front of a large window and watched as darkness fell over the shining kingdom. Dark clouds now blanketed the sky and blocked out the light from the stars and moon. The darkness carried an ominous feeling that made the hair on his arms stand on end. He thought about Max being somewhere in the middle of whatever storm was approaching and it sickened him. He asked, "What sort of monster takes an innocent child?"

Melinda answered without looking at him. "Max is not simply a child here. He is the great-grand son of the ruler of this realm. He will be king some day. What wouldn't Odin give to retrieve his stolen heir?"

Simmons stopped translating and looked up at Melinda. "That's sick. He's a baby, not some pawn. I almost hope it is someone he knows so that at least he won't be scared."

Fitz regretted saying anything at all. Sometimes his mouth moved without his brain having a chance to think through the consequences. He walked over to Jemma's chair and rubbed her shoulders. "They're going to find him, Jemma. They have the whole kingdom looking for him."

Jane was still searching the shelves for any literature written in English. At this point, she would even settle for Latin. However, she paused after hearing Agent May's simple explanation. Jane was suddenly very glad that Thor chose to abdicate his birthright as Odin's successor and moved to Earth. One day they too would have children and she couldn't bear them living under this sort of threat.

Darcy quipped, "I hope they hang the bastard that did this by his thumbs."

Darcy saw the pensive expression on Jane's face and gently squeezed her arm in support. She knew the astrophysicist well enough to know what she was thinking. Jane had struggled with Thor's decision to give up so much to be with her. She worried that he would regret his choice one day when she died of old age and he still had centuries to live.

Odin had refused to give Jane an apple from Idunn's orchard because of her unwillingness to move to Asgard. It was a petty move on his part and most likely born out of his resentment of Thor's decision to stay on Earth with her. The Allfather viewed it as the ultimate betrayal but there wasn't anything he could do to change his son's mind. However, he made a concession. If Jane and Thor's children turned out to be mortal, he would provide them with Idunn's apples.

Simmons broke the silence that enveloped the massive room. "I just wish Skye was here so that I could give her a big hug. I can't imagine how she must feel right now. Did she go with them to find Max?"

Jane shook her head. "The gossip my handmaiden relayed is that no one is sure where Skye has gone. She just disappeared. Skye might be looking for Max on her own."

Darcy tugged her oversized sweater around her body more. "It is getting colder. I think I am going to stand in front of that fireplace to get warm."

Jemma sighed softly as her thoughts went back to Skye. "That's probably Skye."

"What do you mean?"

Jane explained, "Skye's powers are elemental much like Thor's. You know if he isn't in complete control of his emotions then we might experience a freak rainstorm or hours of thunder and lightning. Skye's powers are rooted in snow and ice. The cold snap is to be expected. I am actually surprised it hasn't started to snow. She must still possess some control over her emotions."

May's body stiffened when she heard the door to the library slowly opening. She rested her hand on a knife concealed beneath her dress and inched closer just in case she needed to launch an attack.

Amora walked into the room still cradling Kari in her arms. However, she was now wearing a thin sheet of metal mesh that was flexible enough to adhere to her form.

Fitz muttered, "Is she wearing armor?"

Darcy's eyes widened in shock realizing the woman was dressed for battle. She said, "Don't mess with granny."

Amora said, "I have come to ask a favor of you Simmons of Midgard."

Jemma shot up from her position at the table immediately. "Is there news about Max? What can I do?"

The Enchantress shook her head sorrowfully. "I have heard none. Heimdall monitors their progress. The search party has travelled beyond the forest and into the mountains."

Melinda asked, "What is the favor you need from Jemma?"

"A matter requires my attention in the throne room. However, it would be unwise to leave Kari in the care of anyone else. I swore an oath to my son that I would protect his daughter at all costs. I will not break it. I know Skye and Grant trust Jemma Simmons and Leopold Fitz of Midgard implicitly. I do not know them but I am inclined to trust their judgment. I ask that you keep Kari safe until such time as I can return."

Jemma stepped forward and took the infant into her arms. Kari whined in protest briefly before settling into the comfortable hold. She was swaddled in a turquoise and silver blanket with a curious symbol embroidered on it. Simmons cradled Kari close and said, "We will protect her."

She smiled made a bag of Kari's belongings appear on a table across the room. "Thank you. There are enough supplies in the bag to last you for a while. I will put an enchantment on this room so that it may not be entered by anyone except for Heimdall and me. If I do not return, Heimdall will come in my place and he will ensure that all of you reach Midgard safely. If you are returned to Midgard hide yourselves well because surely someone will be coming for Kari."

Melinda's senses were tingling at the dire tone of Amora's instructions. She asked, "How dangerous is this situation?"

"I fear my grandson's abduction was only meant as a distraction. Everyone's attention has been diverted to the effort to retrieve the lost Prince. There are few left behind to protect us and even fewer that I trust. There is something sinister afoot and I will allow no harm to come to my granddaughter. I cannot tarry. The Allfather requires my presence in the throne room. Stay vigilant."

"Kari will be safe with us," Melinda promised. Her gaze shifted and she watched as the young woman clung to Kari as if her life depended on it.

Amora stopped at the door and removed the sword from her belt. "You are a warrior on Midgard. Do you know how to wield a sword?"

Melinda nodded. "I do."

"Then take this and use it if the need arises," said Amora, she handed Agent May the sword. She exited the room and pulled the door closed behind her. Amora touched the door with tips of her fingers and muttered a spell under her breath. Moments later a green mist engulfed the door and shimmered as a visible barrier.

Melinda weighed the sword's heft in her hand trying to get used to the feel. If she had to use the weapon, she wanted to be prepared. "All of you need to be ready to run at a moment's notice. Your only job is to make sure Kari's gets out of Asgard safely. If Heimdall has to send all of you to Earth find Director Fury immediately. He'll be able to protect Kari."

Jane nodded somberly. She understood what the woman was neglecting to say. Agent May had no intention of leaving Asgard while Max was still missing. Jane didn't like the idea of leaving either but knew she didn't have the skills to be of any help.

She cleared her throat. "We should take pictures of some of the pages in these books. We may not have the time to continue translating the information while we are here. If the need arises we can continue translating the texts on Earth."

Simmons nodded in agreement. She looked over the books on the table and motioned to the ones of the most importance. "Those two books have the best information on types of elves and Alfheim. Pay special attention to the chapters on physiology and development. We need that information more than anything else I have read so far. According to those books if you are an elf Darcy you have a very long life ahead of you."

Darcy took out her cell phone even though it didn't work on Asgard and had a seat at the table. She started snapping pictures where Jemma left off. "Well, that's good news considering I haven't started saving for me retirement yet. How long a life are we talking?"

Simmons answered, "Centuries…"

6. This Bird Will Sing

Amora teleported to the throne room and had to stifle a gasp that threatened to escape her lips. It was worse than she could have imagined. Amora would have almost preferred any threat to this one. Desperation bred stupidity.

Lorelei was gracefully perched on the Allfather's throne. She was still fitted with the voice-cancelling collar but she did not look as weak as she had earlier. Lorelei was no longer dressed in the white cotton shift provided for female prisoners. She was clothed in a pale blue gown with gold accents made of fine brocade fabric. Her long red tresses were arranged in an intricate braid that hung down her back.

However, the true shock was seeing young Vali, Loki's surrogate son, at Lorelei's side with a smug grin on his face. Amora resisted the urge to wipe it from his face with the sting of her fist. He was a warrior but she was more powerful. However, Amora knew Vali wouldn't be stupid enough to stand there so unafraid if he did not have some sort of advantage.

"Don't the two of you look comfortable?" Amora quipped easily. She discreetly counted the number of people in the room. The Enchantress knew that at least some of these guards were working under Vali and Lorelei's authority. She felt sorry for the innocents, but if it came to it, she would kill everyone in the room to prevent the couple from escaping. She did not have the time to examine everyone's guilt or innocence.

Vali picked up Lorelei's hand and placed a feather light kiss across her knuckles. "I am sure as you have surmised that the disappearance of Prince Maximilian was but an elaborate ruse so that I might free my lady love from the healers' chambers. Thank you for allowing her to recuperate there, Your Majesty. She was growing ever so tired of languishing in those cells. Her own sister couldn't be bothered to visit her."

Amora growled. "She is no sister of mine! She breathes only because Skye begged for her life! Is this how you repay my daughter's kindness? I should have executed you myself you foul hag!"

The head healer, Eir, placed a calming had on her forearm. It wouldn't do for Amora to lose her temper. The woman was powerful and in her rage might not think clearly. They needed Vali and Lorelei alive until Prince Maximilian was safely returned. After the Prince was safe then she too would like a word with the young couple. They killed many of the healers under her charge to free Lorelei. She whispered, "The Allfather asks only that you stall them."

Amora knew her mission but it was too difficult to remain calm under these circumstances. She took a breath and said, "Well, she has escaped. Why are you still here? Do you mean to take Asgard by force? I've known you to be a fool the entirety of your insignificant existence but certainly even you would recognize a folly this grievous."

Vali bristled at Amora's jab but he preserved. "No, we have no use for this throne. Lady Lorelei is talented enough to acquire all that we could ever long for in all Nine Realms. However, the Allfather has taken my sweet songbird's voice away. We are here with a proposal. I will tell you where to find Prince Maximilian if you return Lady Lorelei's voice and her seidr. If you do not then I will alert Karnilla to where the young Prince roams on his own."

Amora felt her heart begin to beat faster. Karnilla loathed Amora and Loki. She was also the only sorcerer excepting Odin and Loki that was more powerful than Amora. The sorceress was not known for being merciful to any being, adult or child. She meant for Skye to die in that house all those years ago. Only Lorelei's intervention saved the infant's life. If Karnilla captured Max, they might never see him again. The wave of guilt that washed over the Enchantress was stifling. If it were not for Eir's steady hand on her arm, she might have visibly slumped under the weight of it all. She lost her daughter for 24 years because of this feud and now she stood to lose her grandson. She could not think of a misdeed so great that the Norns would allow such tragedy to befall her twice.

A few moments of silence was all Amora needed to collect her senses. She stepped forward leaving Eir's side. "Loki would be so disappointed in you, Vali. He is as self-serving and manipulative as the next man is. After all, he is the God of Mischief and Lies. Loki would respect you for doing what was in your best interest but it is a little pathetic to be Lorelei's lapdog. She will discard you the moment she stops having need of you. She will find some other hapless dunce to bend to her whims as she has since time immemorial."

Lorelei smirked softly seeing that her sister was ready to play the game. There was no better foe than Amora. They knew each other so well that often it was like fighting oneself. She remembered a time when they were allies instead of enemies. Amora mentored her and helped mold her into the sorceress she was today. However, that changed when Amora pledged her allegiance to Loki. Their relationship was never the same from that point forward.

Vali scoffed and hatred burned in his eyes. "I have served Loki since I was a youngling and he took me on as his page. I was his constant companion and always at his beck and call. It all changed when you brought your child back to Asgard. At first, I thought it a good thing. Loki wanted me to marry Skye. I would join the royal family and take my rightful place, but she brought a mortal and the Allfather caved and made him a member of the Aesir. Now two infants are poised to take the throne. I have watched as you have manipulated Loki into pulling Grant closer to him. He once hated the boy and now he calls him son when he thinks no one hears him. It is the God of Mischief and Lies that bends to a woman's whims. Not I!"

Amora sighed dramatically as an amused smirk settled onto her lips. "You kidnapped my grandson because Daddy doesn't quite love you as much as he used to love you. How sad? Shall I have the servants fetch a pram and a nappy for you? You were not fit to be Skye's consort of this there is no doubt. I would have never allowed you to marry my daughter because you are beneath her."

Vali's jaw tightened when Amora mocked him. She was pressing all the right buttons and he had the urge to pummel her into submission. He growled, "Loki did worse than I to gain the Allfather's love and attention. Save your scorn for your pathetic Jötunn husband. Perhaps this will drive him into a new madness and he will fail to take over another realm."

She hissed and a dagger appeared in her hand. "Speak ill of my husband again and I will rip your heart from your chest. Lorelei loves you not. She can bargain for her voice and her freedom without you. You are but a mannequin sitting atop her knee. Remember your place, boy."

A guard stepped closer to Amora as if to protect her.

Amora stabbed the guard next to her in the heart earning gasps of shock from those assembled in the throne room. She removed the dagger from his chest as his body crumbled to the ground in a heap. She tsked. "You just can't hire good help these days. He was very chatty in his head about what he would do to me if I got too close to the throne."

Vali went to open his mouth again but Lorelei squeezed his hand to silence him. She knew Amora well enough and understood her sister would not tolerate another ill word. Lorelei also feared Vali's anger would cause him to reveal too much information before the Allfather arrived.

Amora smirked and said, "And the dog heels."

Odin walked into the room and feigned disinterest in the proceedings. "Leave my throne, child. I grow weary of this display."

Lorelei refused to show fear at the Allfather's arrival. However, she wisely vacated his throne motioning for Vali to follow her.

Odin grunted in approval and walked up the stairs with Gungnir clutched in his hand. He heard Amora and Eir's quiet footsteps behind him as he took his position on the throne. He nodded at the head healer as he eyed Lorelei and Vali.

Eir stepped forward and released Lorelei from the voice-cancelling collar. Afterward she returned to her place beside Amora.

Odin's gaze fell onto Amora bidding her to undo the spell she put on Lorelei.

Amora steeled herself and muttered a few words under her breath.

Lorelei's hands went to her neck as she felt the magic unbinding her vocal chords. She gasped, "Thank you, Allfather."

Odin said, "You have committed treason against your King and you have wronged your own flesh and blood for a second time. What have you to say for yourself, Lorelei?"

Lorelei considered her response carefully. She was not naïve enough to tempt fate. They were only alive because Max was still missing. She needed to use this time to her advantage. She said, "Your punishment was unjust, Allfather. A lifetime imprisonment hardly seems appropriate for the crime I committed. I admit that I conspired with Karnilla to kill Amora but we did not succeed and she was exiled from Asgard at the time. She was an enemy to the throne because of her deceit and attempt to enchant Prince Thor."

Amora found it increasingly difficult to hold her tongue. Lorelei was not being dishonest. However, she was also not being completely honest. Lorelei and Karnilla knew that she had been granted a pardon when they went to Midgard to kill her. The two sorceresses wanted to prevent her return to Asgard.

Odin inquired, "And what of your niece? What of the wrong you committed against her?"

Lorelei knew that would not be as easy to explain away. "No harm came to Skye. She is alive and happy, is she not? She has married well and birthed two healthy children. What harm have I done to my niece? My actions saved her from Karnilla's wrath. I took her away when I thought Amora to be dead and bound her seidr so that Karnilla could not track her."

"You learned your sister was alive soon after, but you did not allay her suffering by telling her the truth. Now you put Skye's son in the path of the same mad woman that would have slain an innocent infant?"

"I want no harm to come to my own blood. I only wish to be granted a pardon. I will never return to Asgard if you would only release me, Allfather. My actions are not malicious but born out of desperation. Prince Maximilian can be home before first light if only you show mercy to me."

"Mercy? I showed you mercy by imprisoning you for life. I only cast you into the dungeons to stop Loki from murdering you. Surely, you know if I allowed you to roam free, you would have simply disappeared after some time. Loki cares not for broken promises if he can avoid detection. The same is true now. Loki will have every drop of your blood for what you have done to his family."

Vali prodded, "Can the Allfather truly not control his own son?"

Lorelei's head whipped in his direction and shot Vali a withering glare. His impertinence would not serve them well with the Allfather. "Please forgive Vali's offense. He is young and emotional, Allfather. He feels betrayed by Loki's abandonment of his responsibilities."

Odin was about to act when something struck him. "What responsibilities do you speak of?"

Amora eyed her sister suspiciously. Certainly, she couldn't be insinuating that Loki had any duty to Vali. The young man had been given more than he could have ever hoped for if it were not for her husband's kindness.

"Do you know how Vali came to be Loki's page?"

Amora answered because she doubted Odin would remember something so insignificant. "His aunt brought him to court seeking work for the boy because she could not afford to care for him and her own children. The Allfather rejected the request because Vali was too young for work in the stables or the kitchen. Instead, he gave the woman coin and told her to bring the boy back when he was older. Loki took pity on the woman and went to her village the same day to offer Vali a position as his page. He was too young for the position as well but Loki decided to make an exception."

Lorelei replied, "Aye, but that is only partly true. Loki knew of Vali before his aunt brought him to court. Prince Loki was well acquainted with the boy's mother before her death."

Amora's eyes darkened as she realized what Lorelei was saying. She stared at Vali intently as if trying to pick out some resemblance.

Vali smirked.

"Loki would not have tried to pair you with Skye if you were her brother. You are telling lies and I will hear no more of it!"

Vali chuckled dryly. "You have jumped to the wrong conclusion altogether. Loki is not my father. He is my uncle. He took me in because my father couldn't be bothered to take responsibility for his actions with a lowly tavern wench."

Odin's one eye looked as if it might pop out of the socket. He wished that he could scoff and discredit this story based on his son's virtue alone. However, in Thor's younger years he had sown many wild oats. His son had sullied many a young woman's reputation. Furthermore, although he was loathed to admit it there was the possibility that Loki would have attempted to clean up his brother's mess. There was a time when the two brothers were close and the younger of the two tried to keep Odin's heir from falling too far from grace.

Lorelei seized upon the uncertainty hanging in the room. She said, "We only want that Vali be recognized as a member of this family and for my seidr to be returned. After we have both we will tell you of Prince Maximilian's whereabouts and then we will disappear from these halls."