A/N: The sequel has finally arrived. Winter's Vengeance will be updated every two weeks on Wednesday nights. The first chapter is meant to sort of catch the reader up on what has happened since the end of The Emerald in Ice. If you haven't read that story you might be a little confused by some of the things that are happening. This story does not follow cannon at all. It leans heavily on the mythology surrounding Loki and borrows from some of the Marvel movie franchise. I will clearly mark any chapter that contains spoilers from a movie.

1. The Chill in the Wind

Snow fell slowly from the sky and began to blanket the beautiful rainbow colored terrain. It was the signal of the changing of the seasons and it was welcomed readily by some and begrudgingly by others. The transition between fall and winter was more gradual now. The first signs of winter revealed themselves when the air became a little crisper and the sky adopted a darker hue. The icy winds whistled through the kingdom blowing the colorful leaves around carelessly and freeing them from the trees. Winter used to last but for a few weeks but now, it lingered for a full three months. As the season progressed, the weather turned frigid enough to chill even the Aesir.

Skye watched the falling snow from her bedchambers feeling a contentment that seemed almost normal now. This was her role on Asgard, she was Goddess of the Seasons. She determined the beginning and ending of all four seasons. Skye also controlled the snow and the rain. Her powers were immense but they were no longer influenced by her emotions. She performed her duties diligently and with great deference. Her newfound control was thanks in large part to her seidr. She practiced frequently with Loki and Amora to hone her skills.

Some of the subjects weren't pleased with the longer winters but the new princess was generally well liked. She often made trips away from the palace to interact with the commoners. Skye felt more at home with them than she felt within the glided walls of the palace. She was also incredibly generous. At the beginning of each new season, Skye hosted a festival to celebrate the transition and to endear the people to her father, the crown prince.

Thor willingly abdicated his birthright to the throne in favor of staying on Earth with Jane Foster. When Odin finally stepped down or died the throne would pass to Loki. Skye couldn't have been more happy for her father. He was born to be king and one day he would be. Loki often reminded the young princess that one day she too would ascend the throne and rule Asgard.

Skye would be the first female to rule because there was no other heir. Amora and Loki had no interest in procreating. They had Skye and she was more than enough in their estimation. Odin was slowly acclimating to the idea of a woman on the throne. He monitored her development closely. It was amazing how much her life had changed since the faithful day she encountered S.H.I.E.L.D. for the first time. She had a family, a legacy, and one day a throne.

However, all of that was centuries in the future. For now, she was a benevolent goddess, a dedicated wife, and a loving mother. Those roles appeased her far more than a hypothetical throne in some unfolding future.

She also played the part of foreign dignitary. Odin insisted that Loki try to make some sort of recompense with Jotunheim. The Jötunns were struggling in the aftermath of the destruction the crown prince caused there. Loki was resistant but Amora and Skye appealed upon his better nature. It was a slow process but they were making progress.

Grant and Skye married a few months after moving to Asgard. There was pressure from Odin because it was undignified for the princess to have a child out of wedlock. They were both nervous about rushing into marriage. Everything about their relationship had been out of the rightful order. However, the Allfather informed them that he knew Frigga for only days before they were married at Bor's behest. A long courtship did not guarantee a successful union. It was dedication and a willingness to sacrifice that gave longevity to any union.

The wedding was a lavish weeklong celebration of the couple's nuptials and Grant's ascension to the Aesir. Odin explained immortality was necessary for the young man to remain on Asgard with Skye. Idunn provided a golden apple at the Aesir ceremony and Grant was named God of Vengeance. The irony of his new domain was not lost on him. Odin made a point of instructing him to learn from his past mistakes when wielding his new powers.

Skye was not surprised that Grant took to his role among the Aesir easily. He was born to lead despite his tumultuous beginnings or perhaps it was because of them. In any case, he trained with the Warriors 3 relentlessly and worked with Amora to harness his seidr. It did not come to him naturally, as it did for Skye, but he was progressing admirably to have been born mortal. However, there was no doubt that battle was where Grant's true talents lay.

Skye and Grant enjoyed their roles as members of the royal family and members of the Aesir. However, they enjoyed being parents far more. It had been a little over two and half years since they learned of her pregnancy. In that time, she had given birth to a son, Maximilian Erik Grantson who was rapidly approaching his third birthday. He was a precocious toddler with curly jet-black hair and soulful brown eyes. Max often preferred his Jötunn form much to the chagrin of some palace guards. However, Loki made a point of walking the halls with his grandson in his Jötunn form as a silent invitation to say something improper. Skye knew her son would never feel the sting of exclusion if Loki had any say in the matter.

Grant and Skye treasured every moment with their son as he began to navigate the world around him. Max was smart, intuitive, bold, and adorable. His grandparents and the Allfather also spoiled him rotten. The spoiling only worsened on trips to Earth. Coulson, May, Fitz, and Simmons lavished the little boy with as many gifts as Skye and Grant could hope to transport back to Asgard.

However, now there was a second child to spoil. Skye had given birth to a little girl, Kari Jemma Grantdottir. Their precious daughter was only a few months old but she had already stolen the show. Amora and the ladies of the court fawned over Kari whenever they got the chance. Even the Allfather seemed smitten with his great-granddaughter, even if he was loathed to show it outside the privacy of the family's private quarters.

Kari's naming ceremony was set to take place in a few days. Skye still didn't care for large celebrations where she would be the center of attention. However, Odin had given his permission for her former teammates to attend the ceremony. Skye was always grateful for the opportunity to see them. She and Grant didn't get to visit Earth as much as they would like. They both had responsibilities on Asgard that required their presence. They tried to visit Earth one weekend a month, but often other things got in the way.

However, none of that would matter because in just a few days the entire team would visit Asgard for an entire week to celebrate Kari's naming ceremony.

She looked down at her little girl's sweet face and smiled. Kari was in her Jötunn form as she rested in Skye's arms. Much like her older brother the infant preferred her Jötunn form when she was sleeping. Skye always shifted to make her daughter feel more at ease. Skye admired the sigils on Kari's face and thought about how similar they were to the sigils on her own face. The little girl had a head full of inky black hair and light brown eyes that more resembled those of her father.

Grant walked into the room wearing a loose fitting turquoise colored tunic and a pair of fitted black trousers. A thin sheen of sweat covered his entire body and he looked a bit bruised. He kissed Skye's cheek and felt his lips tingle as they brushed against her icy cheek. Grant was used to the sensation now and quite enjoyed it.

Skye asked, "Did you have a good time sparring with Sif?"

"Yes, it was actually pretty great." Grant sat in a nearby chair and used a towel to wipe away the sweat. He stopped to think about her question as he drank from a jug of water. He asked, "How did you know I was sparring with Sif?"

"You've got bruises. Sif is the only one that ever gets the best of you. She's the best of the Warriors 3. Even my father begrudgingly admits Sif is the best. What were the two of you working on today?"

Grant smirked knowing that Skye got a kick out of the fact that Sif could still bring him to his knees. He didn't spar with Skye often but he could still easily best his lovely wife. "Well, today I decided to teach her Sambo. It is a Russian martial art. She doesn't know Sambo but she has a lot of great counter moves." He looked around the room asked, "Where is Max?"

Normally, their son would be a few feet away playing with one of his many toys under his mother's watchful eye.

"My dad came to get him at lunchtime. You know he has been slowly teaching him magic. I think they are in the library with my mother. After Dad taught Max how to turn people's clothes green Mom thought it would be a good idea to sit in with them. Although, seeing Odin's robe turn green in the middle of a proclamation was hilarious."

Grant said, "Odin was certain Loki was responsible until he heard Max's giggles."

In two years time Grant was no longer suspicious of Loki. The two men weren't close but they had a mutual respect and shared a common desire to keep their family safe. Occasionally, Loki worked with Grant to teach him how to use his seidr in battle. He found himself impressed with the older man's abilities. Loki was an exceptional fighter even without his magic but he was awe inspiring with it. However, he most liked the prince's relationship with Max and Kari. Loki loved his grandchildren and spent time with them every day. Grant and Skye both grew up feeling unloved and it was comforting to know their children would never suffer the same fate.

He said, "I am sure Max is having a great time. Was Kari cranky?" Grant knew his wife often shifted into her Jötunn form to soothe their daughter. It was something they had learned when Max was a baby.

Skye said, "She was a little cranky but I just felt like shifting. The Jötunn in me always craves freedom when I make it snow."

Grant looked out of the window and said, "I hadn't paid any attention. We should take Max outside before dinner so he can enjoy the first snowfall."

She nodded. "Max will like that. I am sure he will be thrilled with all the snow. I think I would like to take Kari out as well. This will be her first snow."

"I am sure she will like it as much as Max did his first time."

"I saw the healers this afternoon."

Concern filled his dark eyes. "If you weren't feeling well why didn't you send for me, Skye?"

"Oh, it was nothing like that. I'm not sick. It was just a check-up. They thought we should know that I am fertile once again and should take the proper precaution if we wouldn't like to get pregnant again."

Grant frowned and asked, "So soon? It was nearly six months before you were fertile after Max was born."

Skye said, "It is a Jötunn thing. Apparently, this age frame is the time when Jötunn women are their most fertile and produce the most offspring."

He asked, "How long does it last?"

She giggled and said, "This extreme period of fertility last for about 200 years after that it tapers off a bit."

Grant's jaw dropped in shock.

Skye laughed and said, "I am positive that is what my face looked like when she told me. There aren't as many female Jötunns so high levels of fertility are needed to maintain the population. It is sort of built into our biology. I talked to my mother and she offered to prepare a potion to help with that. I told her that I'd talk to you first. Personally, I think it would be better to wait a few years before having more children."

He said, "I agree. There is no rush to have more children. We have time but I will want more children at some point."

"I feel the same way, Grant."

"Are you ready for Kari's naming ceremony?" asked Grant.

Skye said, "The planning is tedious but I will be happy to see the team. I miss them. I wish we could spend more time on Earth."

"Well, we have a home there. We could spend more time there but I don't think Loki or Odin would be pleased with that."

"I know. They don't understand how I could miss it but I grew up there. I am from Earth even if I am not human. I miss the team more than anything else. Jemma keeps complaining that Max is growing too fast. Seeing them once a month isn't enough."

Grant nodded. "You need to talk to Mom and get her on your side. She's the only one that can exert any pressure on Loki."

Whereas his relationship with Loki was respectful but distant, Amora had all but adopted him after he married Skye. She insisted he call her mom and secretly he liked it.

Skye studied his face and shook her head. "You don't want to spend more time on Earth…"

He considered his answer carefully. "I want my wife to be happy and if that means being there then that is what we will do, Skye."

"But you don't want to. You honestly don't miss it at all?"

Grant scrubbed at his bearded face and said, "I was a double agent the entire time I was a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent. I have a lot of regrets there. My time on Earth wasn't all that enjoyable. I have been happy here. I don't see a reason to go back there but I will always support you, Skye."

She laughed softly. "I am so selfish. It was my decision to come here and now I am wavering and expecting you just to follow me again. I'm not being very fair to you."

"Don't worry about me…"

"It's my job to worry about you. You are my husband. I have to consider your feelings as well. I would never force you to go back to Earth if you feel so strongly against it. I think I just feel homesick because we didn't get to visit this month. I can't believe my father even invited us to go with him. I don't regret accompanying him but…"

The trip had been planned for weeks. However, Loki's suggestion that Skye and Grant accompany Amora and him was last minute. The Warriors 3 and several soldiers tagged along to ensure the royal family's safety. The meeting culminated in Loki's younger brother, Helblindi, agreeing to accept Loki and Asgard's help restoring Jotunheim. The two sons of Laufey had been in talks for nearly a year because Helblindi didn't trust Loki.

Grant stood and walked over to Skye's chair. He kneeled in front of her and said, "We will find a happy medium. You are right I have no desire to move back on any permanent basis but we could always go there on holiday. You have already hosted the Winter Festival and after Kari's naming ceremony, your duties to the court are done for a few months. We could go for a month and cure some of that homesickness."

Skye's red eyes brightened and she asked, "Are you sure?"

He smiled. "I am positive. Besides, if I'm not mistaken the Super Bowl should be coming up. I can catch a few weeks of the playoffs and the big game while we're there."

She playfully poked his chest. "The Super Bowl is the only upside for visiting Earth?"

Grant shrugged. "I miss American Football. I don't even know how my fantasy team is doing. We need some astral projection Wi-Fi around here."

Skye rolled her eyes. "Don't let my father hear you say that. He will go on a tirade about how you are too dumb to understand how astral projection works."

"I know how it works. I just like pissing him off."

Loki cleared his throat. "Reprobate…" He was standing in the doorway holding Max's hand.

The little boy released his grandfather's hand and raced over to his father with his arms up.

Grant got onto his feet and picked Max up for a cuddle. He smirked at Loki. "Madman."

The older man's lips curved into a smirk. "Tis a fair cop."

Skye grinned. "I love when you break out the Monty Python. I knew you would like it."

Loki said, "That portable contraption you brought here has its uses."

"Where's Mom?" asked Skye.

"Your mother has gone to visit Lorelei," he replied with disdain.

The young woman's eyes widened. Amora never visited Lorelei in her cell. "Are they speaking again?"

Grant snorted at Skye's word choice. Lorelei didn't have the ability to speak. She was wearing a sound-cancelling collar and Amora had used her powerful seidr to remove her sister's voice. Lorelei would never speak again. Odin's punishment had been to remove her ability to use seidr. Her two most prized possessions had been ripped from her.

Loki said, "Not as such. Lorelei has fallen ill. Amora and the healers are going to assess her health. Such care is only being taken for your benefit. Lorelei is lucky to be alive. There is no punishment great enough to remunerate us for 24 years without our child."

Skye's eyes softened as she looked down at Kari tucked safely in the crook of her arm. She understood their anger. Skye said, "She spared my life, Dad. Lorelei showed me mercy and it is only right that I show her the same."

Loki gritted his teeth but decided it was best to drop the subject. Skye wasn't going to change his mind and he wasn't going to be able to change hers. He looked at Max. "Maximilian, show your parents what you made today."

Max's brown eyes lit up and he clapped his little hands excitedly. Out of nowhere, an orb of light appeared and hovered in front of Max. He grinned at his father. "Ball!"

Grant laughed and said, "Yes, that is a ball." He looked at Loki. "Max made that all by himself?"

"I don't know what it is but he seems to think it is a ball. It's a ball of light but he had a fun time throwing it around."

Skye giggled softly and said, "That's great, Max! Good job."


Grant chuckled and placed Max onto his feet. "Yes, you can go play with your ball. Have fun."

Max ran off to his toy chest and the orb of light following him.

Loki asked, "Will you be taking supper with your mother and me tonight?"

Skye nodded. "We'll be there, Dad."

He kissed her cheek and smiled at Kari. "Then I will see you all then."

2. Reunion

The days leading up to the naming ceremony melded together into an indistinguishable blur. The herculean task of preparing for the naming ceremony thoroughly occupied every second of Skye and Grant's days. There was time for little else for the young couple. The palace was always alive with activity but it felt more pronounced ahead of an official event.

Odin decreed the full court should be present for Kari's naming ceremony. However, all Asgardians would attend the celebration afterwards and take part in the holiday that followed. It wasn't every day that a child was born to Asgard's ruling family. In truth, this was only the fourth such introduction of Odin's long and prosperous reign.

She smiled thinking of the painstaking effort taken to decide Kari's name. During her first pregnancy, Loki and Amora impressed upon them the seriousness of a name because that was the child's legacy. Apple or Rocket wouldn't be appropriate. Kari's first and middle names meant pure jewel. In the few months since her birth, the infant seemed to embody that very notion.

Skye walked outside enjoying the crisp wind that whipped past her. A thin layer of snow covered the ground but it was sure to melt soon. The heavier snowfall would come later in the season and certainly long after Kari's naming ceremony. She leisurely strolled through the palace's garden. It was her favorite place in all of Asgard. It was strange but she always sensed a warm presence there. The Allfather said he was certain it was some of Frigga's seidr left behind. She stopped walking hearing familiar laughter in the distance.

Skye smiled as she rounded a corner and saw Max playing in the snow with Amora watching over him. The wind blew Max's curly mane around and his light blue skin glistened in the bright afternoon sun.

Max waved happily at his mother but refused to abandon his merriment. He was gleefully chasing the orb of light he created days ago. Skye still thought Loki might be responsible for her son's dearest companion.

"Where's Dad?"

The older woman smiled mischievously. "Loki is meeting with Odin to finish the more tedious details of the naming ceremony. The Allfather believed he should enjoy all the benefits of being king, including the diplomatic ones. They have invited Helblindi to the ceremony as a show of good will."

Skye laughed. "I would think you would be there to keep them being civil to each other."

Amora sorely missed Frigga. She was the only one capable of negotiating peace between the two immovable objects. Amora was a poor substitute but it was better than letting the two of them castigate each other on a regular basis. She was not looking forward to Thor's return to Asgard. He only made them worse.

"They were working themselves into a right state. I preferred to spend my afternoon with my grandson. I cannot always be there to soften their rough edges. Perhaps they will learn some restraint if I allow Loki and Odin to cut themselves to ribbons every once in awhile. If I am to play peacemaker every time there is a row brewing I would have precious little time for anything else." Amora patted the space next to her on the stone bench. "Come sit with me. I understand there is much for us to discuss."

Skye laughed quietly knowing that to be true. Odin and Loki rarely agreed on anything. Skye was of the belief that both men liked to be contrary for the sake of being contrary. It was interesting to her to see Grant and Loki developing a similar relationship. She sat next to Amora on the bench. "What do we need to talk about?"

"Grant had a quiet word with me last night. I understand that the two of you would like to spend some time on Midgard with the children. The Allfather and Loki will not be happy." Amora laughed gleefully. "For once they will have something to agree on. That will be a day for the ages. I might even have a portrait commissioned to commemorate the auspicious occasion."

Skye was relieved that Grant took the initiative to talk to Amora. She hadn't found the nerve. It was unlikely her parents would be happy with her decision to spend time on Earth. They were incredibly transparent about their desire for Skye's family to remain with them. She couldn't blame them. "You aren't angry?"

Amora shook her head. "Don't be absurd. I do not share Loki's contempt for Midgard. I have always found it to be a quite pleasant retreat. We are your family but Midgard is your home. I will make Loki understand that. How long will you stay?"

She smiled softly and squeezed Amora's hand. She could see the trepidation on her mother's face. "We will only stay for a month at the most. I promise we'll come back."

Amora kissed her cheek. "I know, love. Your heart may be on Midgard but your duty is here. You would never abandon Asgard or your people no matter how much you might desire it."

The young woman nodded resolutely. Skye would never abandon her responsibilities or her family for that matter. They all meant far too much to her. She grew up having no one but now she had a family and an entire kingdom. However, that didn't stop her from missing the team. They were her family, too.

"I might not go at all. Grant doesn't really want to go back. I don't think he even likes the weekend visits we do. I guess I just didn't realize that until now or maybe I did and I was just too selfish to ask him for the truth."

Skye was incredibly perceptive. It was unlikely that she would have accidentally missed such an important cue from her own husband. It was so easy to ignore the warning signs since Grant seemed perfectly content with acqueising to his wife's whims. However, that hardly seemed the basis for a good marriage. One partner shouldn't relinquish all of their desires for the other.

Amora said, "Grant would do anything for you. However, you are right in thinking he doesn't enjoy your weekend visits, he dreads them because of what is still hanging over his head. There will come a time when Coulson learns of his betrayal. You have a future with those people, he does not."

Skye's eyes widened. "I would never tell A.C. about Grant working for Hydra."

Amora smiled sadly at her daughter. Loki would be disappointed at this uncharacteristic shortsightedness on her part. There was little doubt that John Garrett would expose Grant as a former operative just out of spite when it all came tumbling down.

Director Fury and Agent Coulson had spent the last two years secretly investigating their own agency. They both decided it would be foolhardy to expose the shadow organization without knowing how deeply it was woven into S.H.I.E.L.D.'s structure. They wanted to be able to root out everyone. However, as their investigation progressed from weeks to months and then years they realized the entire agency was compromised. There were operatives embedded at every level.

Skye saw her mother's sad smile. She shook her head. "Agent Garrett will not be a problem. I promise."

The older woman studied Skye's face with interest. She knew that look well. Loki often got the same look when he was feeling particularly proud of himself. Amora asked, "What have you done?"

She shrugged. "He was a threat to my family. I couldn't just let him continue to walk around with so much damaging information about Grant in his head. What sort of wife would I be if I allowed that to happen?"

A smirk flickered across her lips. "What have you done?"

Skye's eyes searched the snowy terrain for Max. The little boy had gone quiet and that was always a cause for concern. He loved to explore but that often meant having the tendency to wander off. She relaxed seeing him studying some poor creature. Skye was certain whatever it was would be in a jar within the hour and tucked safely in Max's room.

The younger woman returned her gaze to Amora. "I had Dad's help mixing up a little potion that causes amnesia. I asked Heimdall to locate John Garrett and then I sent Vali off on a little trip. Heimdall tells me John roams around not knowing who he really is. He's started a new life for himself in Berlin from what I understand."

Amora's eyebrow rose. She was certain Loki didn't know Skye's intentions when he helped her craft that potion. However, Vali going to Midgard without Loki's knowledge was unlikely. She would need to have a quiet word with her dear husband. He never kept secrets from her. "Why haven't you said anything to Grant? He is worrying unnecessarily."

Skye chewed at her bottom lip and shrugged her shoulders.

Her mother tsked in disapproval. "Come now."

"I was worried that he wouldn't approve. I know that somewhere inside he still cares for John. Whether he will admit it or not the man is the closest thing he had to a father. He was an abusive father but a father all the same. I thought he wouldn't be happy that I took the man's memories and pushed him out to sea like an abandoned dinghy."

Amora said, "Well, I suppose that I see your point now, but you still need to tell him. Secrets in a marriage are untenable. They have an ugly way of popping out when you would least like them to do so. Although, I wish you would have come to me for help on the potion. I could have shown you how to excise only his memories of Grant."

Skye's eyes went flinty and she shook her head.

It was as if a bolt of lightning struck Amora. Her lips curled into a mischievous smile. "Oh, dear. You are every bit of your father, aren't you? I could have sworn the Allfather made Grant the God of Vengeance."

Skye said, "I don't look at it as vengeance. Vengeance would have been taking his life. I just restored the balance to his seasons. John had been living years of summer. I just decided to bring winter."

Amora was about to speak when Max came barreling toward them with his chubby little hands clutched together.

Max squealed in excitement as he came to a stop in front of Skye. "Look!" He shoved his hands at her and then revealed the curious little bug he had captured.

Skye laughed softly and scooped her son up into her lap. "Have you found another little friend?"

Max nodded. "Mine…"

Amora chuckled and opened her hand. A jar appeared and she held it down for Max to place the insect inside. "If the prince would like a new pet then he shall have one."

"I think we should just get him a dog and maybe he'll stop finding new pets in the garden. The shelves in his room are filled with his little friends." Skye cleaned Max's hands off.

"You could always ask Loki to make him something special. It has been years since he made Fenrir but I am sure he could be inclined to do it again for Max," said Amora. She fastened a perforated lid on the jar and handed it over to her eager grandson.

Max clutched the jar to his chest and then leaned back against Skye languidly. His thumb found his mouth as he closed his eyes.

Skye smiled. "I think I will ask Grant about that. It might not be a bad idea. In the meantime, I am going to go lay Max down for his nap."

"I will see you at dinner, sweetheart. I'll have a talk to your father about your holiday on Midgard so be prepared."

The younger winced slightly but quickly nodded. "Thank you for talking to him for me."

"What are mothers for?"

Skye hugged her mother. "So much…"She got ready to walk away but stopped. "Dad mentioned that you went to see Lorelei because she was sick. How is she?"

Amora smiled after the hug but the expression soon faded when Skye inquired about Lorelei's health. She stood up and smoothed out her dress. "Lorelei isn't physically ill. It appears her sanity is what has weakened. The healers are monitoring her health."

"I would like to see her."

"No, your father will not allow it and nor will I. Lorelei is not to be trusted even in her frail state."

Skye said, "She is my aunt."

Amora said, "She is your kidnapper and nothing more. Loki would have parted her head from her body were it not for you interceding on her behalf. Leave her alone before he changes his mind."

The younger woman stood up holding her son. She said, "She is your sister."

"She is a sister that tried to kill me and ripped you away from me. I don't want to see her dead but I would not personally shed a tear if she ceased to exist. Believe me when I say this…what you feel for John Garrett is but a tenth of what you would feel if your own flesh and blood took Kari from you for 24 years. She took you from me and left you to a life among mortals that mistreated you. You did not have a happy life with a family. You were bounced around like luggage on a conveyor belt. I will never forgive Lorelei for as long as there is breath in my body."

Skye nodded in understanding. She could see the pain shining through as her mother spoke. They could never make up for the time already lost. They would never have all the firsts that parents cherish. They lost Skye as an infant and found her as a fully formed adult.

Skye hated the sadness on her mother's face. She hugged her again. "I love you. You're the best mother I could have hoped for."

Amora joked, "I don't know if I can believe you. You say the same of Loki."

Loki walked out into the garden. "Are you speaking ill of me to my only child?"

Amora shrugged and flashed a smile. "It's nothing that she does not already know, my love. You are impossible."

He stopped in front of Amora and kissed her. "And you married a sociopath because you are one."

"I do miss mayhem and destruction. There is nothing to rebel against when you are married to the crown prince. Your success has ruined all my fun. I am relegated to being a boring lady of the court."

Loki's eyebrow rose and he smirked mischievously. "You could never boring, Amora. At any length there is always mischief available if only you look for it."

Skye laughed softly. "It's weird when you guys flirt in front of me. I'd like for you to know that."

Loki chortled. "I assure you it is no more uncomfortable than your mother preparing a potion to prevent pregnancy for you."

She giggled. "Point taken. I see you are in one piece. I take it your meeting with Grandfather was a success."

He sighed dramatically. "There are times when I wish he never awakened from his last Odinsleep."

Skye said, "Don't say that."

Amora laughed. "Why are you here now? You cannot be finished with your planning."

Loki smiled. "Our planning has been postponed because the great oaf and his party have arrived early."

Skye's smile brightened. "Uncle Thor is here? Did he bring my team?"

He waved her off dismissively. "Yes, he brought Son of Coul and the other ragamuffins. Go on. I know you want to see them."

Amora laughed softly. "Perhaps you should hand Max over to me before you dash off to greet them."

Skye looked down at her sleeping son and passed him over to Amora. "Thank you."

Loki watched as Skye ran full speed towards the palace. "Did you tell Skye that we will be accompanying her family on their holiday to Midgard?"

Amora laughed softly. "No…"

He chuckled in amusement and pressed a kiss to her temple. "And you say there is no mischief to be had…"