The Dangers of Being an Elf

Chapter 1: A New Predicament in Camelot

Okay, first thing's first, I probably shouldn't be making this story, since I'm currently working on two others, but this just came to me. I hope you enjoy, even if it seems a little weird. By the way, this is shortly after the episode The Sorceror's Shadow, from season 3, as another heads-up.


"Honestly, Merlin, how you even manage to traipse around on two legs, is beyond me!" Arthur yelled in frustration, after his servant had tripped while holding a basket of laundry and had knocked his head into the leg of the table in his room.

"Well, sorry if I don't meet up to your perfect expectations. I suppose that you think that you're the most perfect person in the world," Merlin retorted, gingerly rubbing his head, wondering how the person who was destined to save Camelot would be the biggest klutz in the entire kingdom.

"Well, at least I don't trip over my own two legs constantly!"

Merlin had to fight back a witty remark about how imperfect Arthur was, while he picked up the laundry. It was the truth, after all. He had long ago lost count of how many dangers he had deflected from the prince, without him ever figuring out his servant's capabilities. Not that that was a problem, because if Uther found out, Merlin would be done for. It wasn't easy keeping it a secret, especially with all of the pairs of eyes in the castle, watching his every move.

As he was passing through the kitchen, Merlin had to avoid the head cook, who was busy preparing for the celebration feast after the tournament that had happened just two days ago. It would not be a pretty picture if he ran into her now, seeing as how she would be greatly peeved at being disturbed, especially by the likes of him.

All this preparation reminded Merlin of how Gilli, a young sorceror seeking his fortune at the tournament, had been close to murdering Uther. It reminded Merlin, deeply, of how other people, just like him, suffered under the King's wrath. When Gilli had accused Merlin of being a traitor to his kind, it had struck a sensitive chord within him. Indeed, Merlin felt deep loathing for Uther as well, but was only protecting him for the welfare of the kingdom. Morgana, on the other hand, had tried, and failed, several times, to murder him, and yet was able to keep her malice for him hidden under an adoring mask. At times, Merlin had to admire Morgana's acting ability, having been in a lot of situations where that skill would be necessary.

Just as Merlin was pumping water out of the town squares' well, Camelot's alarm bell began to ring with a passion. Wondering if Morgana had decided to execute something else, Merlin was distracted from his thoughts by a squad of knights entering the city. Merlin instantly recognized them as being the ones who were in charge of patroling the borders of Camelot. The head of the group, Sir Leon, raced to meet the King, who was just descending the stairs to the courtyard.

"What is the meaning of this, Sir Leon? Have there been any intruders?"

"No, Sire, nothing like that. We had stumbled across a group of magic practitioners on the border, however."

This information managed to reel in Merlin's attention, as he listened in for more.

"How many of them?" Uther asked, hatred evident in his tone of voice.

"Not many, Sire. Five, six at the most. We could've handled them with no problem, but.."

"But what?"

"There was… someone helping them, your Majesty. Just as we were about to arrest them, arrows came from the woods. We couldn't see where they were coming from, so we had to retreat. I have never seen arrows fired as accurately as that before."

Wasting no time, Uther ordered his son, who had arrived to hear this last bit of news, to fetch more guards to deal with the situation.

"I won't stop until whoever is helping these traitors burns at the stake. Do I make myself clear?" Uther asked, turning his gaze toward Sir Leon, who promptly nodded his understanding of the orders given.

Having overheard all of this, Merlin was fighting the urge to interfere. After all, it might compromise his secret of what he really was. On the other hand, he couldn't just leave these people to die.

Heading toward the the physician's room, Merlin ran into Gaius, the court physician, who was also keeping his magic powers a secret.

Having explained the situation at hand, Merlin continued,

"Gaius, I can't just let these people die. Whoever is doing this has no idea what they're getting into."

"I appreciate your concern, Merlin, but unless you want to risk revealing yourself, I'm afraid that there's nothing you can do. Even if you did manage to warn whoever is protecting this group, that wouldn't mean that they would cease what they're doing."

"I have to at least try, Gaius."

Knowing that he wouldn't be able to restrain him from doing what he thought was right, he just sighed.

"Alright, Merlin. Just be careful."


Later that night, shortly after dusk, Merlin began to make his way to the surrounding woods, again thanking his good luck that he hadn't been spotted. Whipping his head around, to check if he was being followed, he treaded into the underbrush, making his way toward an open clearing, where he began to call for Kilgharrah, using his skill as a Dragon Lord. When the great dragon alighted on the ground, he faced Merlin with a knowing look on his face.

"So, young warlock, you wish to discover who is aiding magic-wielding humans, correct?"

"I do. I also need you to take me to him."

"Be warned, young warlock, he will not take too kindly to anyone from Camelot. From what he has heard from the brigade of Druids, he believes that Uther is a cold-hearted king, and therefore no one from his kingdom is to be trusted."

"I have to try. I can't just ignore what's going on."

"You are most certainly right, in that regard. However, if you were to be discovered…"

"I know the risks. Now, take me to them."

"Very well."

As the great dragon ascended into the clear, night sky, with Merlin on his head, the warlock could clearly see soldiers progressing from the castle, intent on hunting down the wizards on the border. Knowing that they would arrive at the border soon, Merlin urged Kilgharrah on, a chill settling in his spine, praying that he wouldn't be too late. A few minutes later, Kilgharrah found a clearing where he could land. Knowing that the lives of several people were in the balance, Merlin shot a quick thank-you over his shoulder, as he plunged into the depths of the forest.

Stopping for a few moments to catch his breath, Merlin suddenly became aware that he was not alone. Whipping around to his right, he was stunned to see a little girl, five to six years old, with short-cropped brown hair, who was already starting to slowly back away, fear evident in her expression. Just as he was about to reassure her that he meant no harm, he heard the sound of a bowstring being pulled taut.

"Do not try anything, or you will soon regret it. Turn around and show yourself."

Doing as he was commanded, Merlin peered into the shadows to see who addressed him. The first thing that caught his attention were the piercing sapphire eyes, which gleamed in the moonlight, followed by flowing blond hair, which would've made any woman jealous. As the mysterious man stepped out fully from the darkness, Merlin further observed that he had fair features (a rare sight amidst a province of hard-core warriors), clothes that blended in perfectly with the surroundings, and an elaborate bow, which now had an arrow pointing straight at his heart.

Realizing that he had been staring, wide-eyed, at the man, Merlin began to explain himself.

"I'm not here to harm anyone."

"You come from that kingdom called Camelot, whose king would not hestiate to strike down a child. Why should I trust you?" the other retorted, eyes narrowed in anger.

"Because I'm one of them," Merlin replied, gesturing to the little girl behind him.

"Prove it!"

Not wasting time, Merlin cupped his hands to his mouth and whispered an incantation, with the man watching him all the while, ready to release his arrow. Slowly lowering his hands, he showed his captor a tiny flame, which flickered on his hand, dealing no damage all the while. Lowering his bow, the man swung his arrow back into his quiver, and began to eye Merlin with interest.

"Alright, I've proved myself to you. Now, if you don't mind me asking, what's your name?"

"I am Legolas, heir to the throne of Eryn Lasgalen."


Well, so starts this story. I hope you're enjoying it so far and please review!