~It was in the small things he did, that told her exactly how much he cared.~


She had nightmares sometimes about her silent time alone in their cabin. The rain incessantly pounding on the windows and her soul hanging precariously in the balance as she waited for him. And debated on stopping waiting for him… and ultimately just continued on waiting…

He'd never exactly apologized or made much comment on their time apart. It killed him inside and she knew it, so she never pressed. And yet when she had those nightmares, she must've let on, somehow, in her sleep. Because the morning after he'd always be there, either with a piping hot breakfast or pulling her close and burying his nose in her hair.

Because no, he'd never apologized, but it was the small things he did when she was hurting that were perhaps even better than hearing 'I'm sorry'.

The Duel World Challenge - Nightmare Penguin - write about a nightmare - "silence"

It kind of bummed me out that he never formally apologized to her in canon. However, Gray's not the open apology type so I guess maybe it would've been out of character. Either way, he's a sweetie and feels bad, I just know it. XD
