In Our Arms: Their daughter was kidnapped at six-years old after getting ice cream from a trick on a summer day. Ten years later, Finn and Rachel searched for Hannah until the police department closed the case. What happens when a familiar face walks in McKinley High where Finn teaches?

Chapter 1;

"Ice cream! Ice cream!" Rachel Berry was being pulled by her oldest daughter Hannah Joy after hearing a ice cream truck driving by. It's a hot summer day on a mid-July. Rachel thought why not give her girls a treat. Her daughters have a sweet tooth and if they can, they'd eat sweets all day. Rachel grabs her wallet and closes the door behind her. Inside she left Finn Hudson laying on the couch with their youngest daughter Sophia Grace as she fell asleep on his chest.

Hannah skipped her way to the truck squealing. "Hannah, sweetie? Do you want your favorite bubble gum flavor?" Hannah nods her head. "Yes!"

"Okay." Rachel kisses Hannah. "What about sissy? What do you think she'll like?"

"Sissy?" Hannah thinks for a bit. "Chocolate!"

"Okay." Rachel orders her ice cream. She worried that she doesn't have enough change and she still has to pay. "Wait here baby girl." She says to Hannah stroking her back. Hannah's waiting patiently eating her bubble flavor treat while Rachel rushes inside to get more change from her wallet .

She finally grabs change but drops every single one of them when she no longer sees Hannah or the truck out side. She runs out of the house searching for Hannah and starts to panick. She shouts for her name and neighbors come to help with the search.

"HANNAH!" She yelled at the top of her lungs. Finn wakes up by Rachel's scream with a sleepy Sophia in his arms."Rachel? Babe, what's going on?!" Finn asked worriedly. Rachel can't find the words to speak.

Finn suddenly asks the neighbors what happened. One mother said she believes their little girl has been kidnapped. Finn's heart breaks. Why would anyone kidnap their sweet little girl? What has she done? He sees Rachel collapsing down on the ground still screaming out for Hannah. Finn tries comforting her but she pushes him away.

It's not until when Rachel starts feeling weak and Finn holds her with his protective arms and Sophia by their side She covers her ears as the next door neighbor helps to call 911 to report about the missing of Hannah Joy Hudson.

Rachel takes a breath of fresh air knowing that ten years ago Hannah was snatched in front of her home. She was only gone for a minute. All of this time, Rachel blames herself for everything. She should of just tagged Hannah along with her.

The fresh air felt relaxing. Something Rachel hasn't been doing since the last time she saw her daughter. After two years of searching, the police department closed the case, and convincing the family that Hannah might be dead. Finn and Rachel refuse to believe it .

Sophia, who is fourteen, was too young to remember anything that happened. As she got older she heard more and more of her older sister's tragic story. She wished most of the time that kidnapping never existed. And the reason why is because her parents are so overly protective. For her, it can become a bit embarrassing.

Rachel shivered realizing her daughter may never come back. She smiles shyly feeling Finn's arms wrapped around her. "It's cold. Why don't you get inside?" He asked cuddling. Rachel rest her head on Finn's chest.

"I'm always inside. This is nice for a change." Rachel responds looking at the neighborhood where everything changed.

Finn takes off his sweater and covers Rachel up. "I don't want you to get sick. It's November."

"Thank you baby." Rachel places a sweet kiss on Finn's lips. "Do you miss her?" She painfully asked. Of course he does. Sometimes he'll sneak in the lock bedroom of Hannah's. It's still the same pink room, with her queen size bed, and a lot of Barbie dolls and stuffed animals.

It smells like her favorite scent of perfume. Warm vanilla sugar, she'll always ask Rachel to spray it on her every morning. He stares at the pictures they have in their home. The living room, the refrigerator, the walls, and even in his and Rachel's room. In all pictures, Hannah is always smiling.

As years gone by, Finn imagines what Hannah will be like now. Is she safe? Is she being treated well ? Is she eating and drinking enough water? Is she being warm when it gets cold out? Does she look more like him or Rachel? Or even both? Does she sing and dance? Is her favorite food still pizza? All the little things he'll never get to know.

"Always, always, and always." Finn says. "I think a bout her all the time." He strokes Rachel's arms a fter feeling the tension in her body.

"I'm the reason why Hannah is gone. I'm sorry." Rachel lets go of Finn's arms and rushes back inside the house.

All Finn wants Rachel to know is that none of this is her fault. It's the guy who kidnapped Hannah ten years ago.

The very same guy has taken their sweet precious little girl and the happiness they once had.