"What the hell is this?" I asked Ian when he led me toward the side of a cliff, "If this is some kind of newlywed's trust exercise give me the divorce papers now." Ian visibly winced.

"No it is not an exercise…well not one involving trust anyway." He looked down at me with slight laughter dancing in his eyes. I huffed and crossed my arms, desiring to know just what was going on. But it was unlikely anyone would tell me. Apparently keeping the new bride happy was some kind of necessity / tradition because and unhappy bride meant unsuccessful marriage, at least in the month of the honeymoon. So, of course, around the village I had to be all happy and lovey dove and hold Ian's hand because, you know, it's physically impossible for me to be anywhere if my hubby isn't around. Duh. So, in recompense for my lack of grumpy moods, whenever it was just Ian and I, I would huff around and cross my arms. It had been three days of our marriage and I didn't know how much more I could take this. Happiness was pretty gross, but I did get a lot of free stuff.

"What are we doing here?" his broad chest blocked the sun from my eyes, but I noticed that he continuously squinted down at the cliff.

"Waiting" He responded in a dismissive tone. I glared up at his tall frame, tapping my foot impatiently. Even though our marriage had been short, Ian had slowly begun to pick up on all my signals. This foot tapping? It means I want him to be more specific. And the stance he's doing, with his legs spread wide and his chest slightly puffed out? It means he's not going to give into my demand. That stance and I don't really get along. My mind trailed back to the first time he used that stance on me.

It was the second night of our "marriage" and I was aggressively attempting to push him off of the bed so he would sleep on the floor. Finally he pulled away and gave me the Sturdy Stance above the bed and I knew he meant business. "I don't want you having another nightmare and me have to wake up and try and calm you down." His voice was so worried for me, making it not sound like he was taking advantage of me at all. Well I don't want my hormonal body pressed up against you in erotic positions like this morning. The stances that we were waking up in were progressively awakening something inside me, and I was scared to name what it was.

That morning, I was draped on top of him one of my legs was between both of his and my other leg was up on his lower abdomen, making a 90-degree angle. My cheek was rested firmly against his bare chest. But the worst, worst as in best, part was that one of his hands palmed my butt, while the other entwined in my hair. Yeah. Lets just say when we woke up both of us was embarrassed and a little bit of something else.

Instead of reminding him of that, I sighed loudly and scooted over, all the way to the other side of the bed. Ian was at my side in an instant, pulling me against him with one large arm under my head, the other tight around my waist. One of his powerful legs was thrown over both of mine and I found myself in a possessive spooning position that should have made me uncomfortable, but of course it didn't.

At fist I wiggled against him, trying to get away, but then I heard a muffled groan come from behind me as Ian strangled out, "I recommend you don't do that again, Calista." The way he said my name made me shiver and I gave in to his possessive hold, allowing the warmth from his huge body to lull me to sleep.

I came back to the present when I heard footsteps coming toward Ian and me. I turned around to see Aña and Mary heading for us. Ian instantly grabs my hand and intertwines my fingers with his. I ignore my beating heart and look up at him, confused. They both already knew this marriage was a hoax, why did he feel the need to put on the show in front of her? In response to my look Ian squeezed my hand and pulled me toward the two of them. When we met Mary smiled at me happily but I was still a bit on edge from our last encounter. I then knew exactly why we were here. I guess two days were enough for a honeymoon, and now it was time for the "training" to begin. "What emotion are we doing today?" I asked sarcastically slowly gravitating closer to Ian almost unable to not be completely next to him.

"Fear." Mary said.

I turned and glanced back at the cliff sighing, "Goodie, heights."

"We're not sure what action this emotion will bring to you, but we're hoping it will be something different than fire, even though there is a high chance it will result in the same because of the similarities between fear and anger."

"Then why not do something like happiness or joy?" I questioned, hoping she'd take the hint and bring us away from the cliff.

Ian stood behind me, his large hand coming to rest on my shoulder protectively, "It will be fine, no one's going to put you in any immediate danger."

"Yes we will." Mary said blandly.

"WHAT!?" I lunged away from them but Ian caught me around the waist, bringing me back in front of him but not releasing me this time.

Mary rolled her eyes at my drama and attempt at escaping, "It will be fine, you're powers will save you."

"Save me from what?" I asked, clawing at Ian's hands that held me to his annoyingly firm chest.

But all of a sudden my question was answered when I was flung into the air and off the cliff.

I screamed as I fell, my breathing stopped and my heart thundered like crazy. All I could think of was my desperate need to catch myself somehow and if fire was all I could use I'd definitely be a goner. In an instant though, it felt like I had slapped an invisible wall in the air.

I looked down and saw the river fifteen feet bellow me and looked up to see Ian a hundred feet above me. There I was just suspended in air, wind rushing from my finger tips causing a strange tingling sensation that was both addicting and dizzying. I tried to push myself up, but my body wasn't allowing it. All I could do was stay in that spot, with no movement.

When I called up to Ian to inform him of my predicament, I didn't hear a response, guessing that the waterfall behind me was obscuring any noise anyone was making. I sighed and looked around me as the air continued to rush out of my fingers like it was the most natural thing in the world. I wasn't concentrating on my fear anymore, though. But maybe my body knew that the second I stopped using the rushy wind thingy I'd be a pancake on the ground.

I groaned thinking about how to escape this situation when my air turned off. And I was falling again. I panicked and screamed only to slam against the ice-cold water.

I jumped up to the surface, spitting water from my mouth and shaking aggressively as I paddled to shore. My clothing was soaked through and I threw myself onto the sandy beach side as I tried to take long breaths. I groaned loudly as I flipped over onto my back and squinted up at the sun. I was counting on Ian to come down here and bring me back up because there was no way in hell I'd be able to scale that effing mountain.

As I lay on my back I heard voiced coming from the trees in front of me.

I groaned, sitting up, and stared, trying to focus in on where the noises were coming from. I heard arguing and mumbling.

Octavia growled at Bellemy as they trudged through the thick forest, "You don't even know where the hell we're going, Bellemy, stop acting like there is a GPS inside your brain." She struggled over a fallen tree that was two times the height of her. Bellemy shushed Octavia, as if that would ever keep her quiet. "Bellemy we're going to be killed at any moment. This is grounder territory what the hell are you thinking. I don't want to get in a fight with them because they're much stronger than all the 100 and no matter how much we struggle-"

"Octavia!" Bellemy growled, interrupting her, "Shut the hell up for once."

"Oh so me being quiet under the floor for sixteen years while you galloped about wasn't enough for you?"

Bellemy moaned and continued forward, catching sight of a waterfall in the distance. He stopped short when he saw a huge grounder walk out of the forest fifty feet away from them. The grounder headed toward the edge of the water and toward something. Bellemy walked quietly to the edge of the forest, catching sight of a small figure with dripping white blonde hair.


I turned around to see Ian walking toward me quickly. I pouted slightly, "That water is really cold." I shivered again, my teeth chattering slightly.

Ian laughed and held out a hand to help me up. He embraced me, trying to warm me up when we heard a voice yelling out my name. Ian jerked around, shielding me behind his back as I tried to look at the person that sounded suspiciously like Octavia.

Ian stepped aside slightly when he realized that I was in no immediate danger. I saw Octavia storming toward me in frustration, "Where the hell have you been?"

Telling her 'getting married' didn't exactly feel appropriate at the time. "Octavia!" I called out in happiness. I moved toward her but I was stopped by Ian who drew me back behind him.

"Ian." I growled, but was ignored as the giant turned his attention on the devilishly handsome Bellemy.

"Keep your hands off of her" Bellemy said, only a foot away from Ian, "She's coming back with us."

"No she isn't." Ian said.

"Um, She would like a say in this." I said concealed behind Ian.

"She doesn't belong with you. She's not like your kind." Bellemy glared.

Ian's hands flexed and then folded into fists, "Yes she is."

Bellemy was only inches away from us now the once large open space now seemed a lot smaller as the two fuming men faced off.

"Let her go, Grounder."

"Get over her, Sky Boy, she's mine now."

Excuse me? What's next, one of them is going to pee on me to make sure I remembered I was their property.

Bellemy's hand reared back in preparation. Oh shit. Ian mimicked the move, prepared to strike.

"You have no right!" Bellemy roared.

"She's my wife." And in a blur, there was a large smack of impact as Ian's fist hit Bellemy and Bellemy fell hard on the ground.


I'm fucking screwed.