I had been on earth for 12 hours already, the whole time I was able to conceal my face from the people around me, but my chances weren't looking so good with everyone crowding one another. I ducked my head even deeper down as I sat down on a log, playing with a stick between my fingers. I wasn't a creep or anything; just bad things always seemed to happen to me when my face was involved.

I thought back to why I was down on earth in the first place. I had lived on the arc for 17 years, all of my life, until 12 hours ago when I was sent down here, along with the other juvenile delinquents. Some were down here for stupid reasons that made no sense and made me hate the society of the arc even more, while others should have been floated the second they were found out.

Now other people might claim, "they didn't belong there", I truly didn't. The only reason that I was there was because of a guard that was a little too upset I wasn't willing to go into his quarters to "entertain him". I wasn't a prostitute on any level of the matter; I was just a naive girl who didn't realize that the way I looked was actually a disadvantage. Not that I'm a narcissist, but I can be considered strikingly gorgeous. As in, my face and body make men (and some women) immediately throw themselves at me or try to take advantage of me. My long platinum blonde hair and tan flawless skin, then my petite frame and dainty well…everything. That's what made men go crazy, the fact that I was the definition of a woman. Curvy hips, skinny legs, short, tiny waist, flat stomach. I was 5"0 and around 100 pounds, give or take a few. But it was my eyes that allured people. They were an unexplainable blue with purple streaks that shot out at people and made them instantly notice me. Thinking of that, I ducked my head again.

The guard tried to rape me, and when I fought back, he arrested me. Told everyone I was crazy and out of nowhere tried to attack him. I examined my hand that still had a white scar running from the bottom of middle finger down to my wrist, from where the guard had scratched me with his knife. Oddly enough, I found it was my favorite part about me. The only imperfection I could count on to be there, to make me remember why I couldn't trust any of these people. Why I had to stay hidden.

I watched as conflict grew among the campers, all of them arguing with the chancellor's son, Wells. I, personally, had nothing against any one. I was neutral, and hoped to stay that way so no one would see.

I watched as a group left to go find mount. Weather. I wanted to go. But of course, I wouldn't say anything. I sat among the campers as they built a fire, celebrating freedom, but, of course, I didn't cheer any louder than the person next to me, keeping my hood around me and hiding in shadows when people began to talk and try to get to know one another.

I watched Bellamy Blake, a boy the exact opposite of myself, as he led a girl into his tent. He wanted to be the leader of the 100, but all I saw was a scared poser who didn't know what true leadership was. He wanted to protect his sister, that much was clear, and he didn't care about the 100, as long as they didn't hurt Octavia.

I then watched until my eyes grew heavy and I couldn't stay alert any longer, using my jacket to cover my face I fell asleep just as the moon began to show itself at its brightest.

I woke up to loud talking as people literally walked over me. But I didn't say anything to them; I just got up and flipped my hood deeper over my eyes. Keeping my head down I walked over to a water bin that I knew Wells had been responsible for getting. Taking a large enough sip to fulfill, but not enough to totally satisfy, I heard a voice behind me, "That's all you're going to take?" I tried to place the sound with the other voices I heard, recognizing it, as the "King" Bellamy Blake's himself.

Getting nervous from the close proximity to a dominate male, I ducked my head and stepped aside, not making the mistake of turning toward him and instead walking away from him quickly. I heard an incredulous sound, "Don't be rude, missy." I narrowed my eyes, without him seeing, but when he touched my shoulder my entire body went ridged and flashbacks of the guard came back to me. Trying not to go into a panic attack that would surly draw attention I tried to walk away but my body had gone so ridged I couldn't seem to move.

"Hey, are you going to respond?" His voice, I knew, was concerned, but all I heard was anger. Red-hot anger that wanted to hurt me.

My lips tightened together as I clenched my fists, my arms shaking slightly, I wanted to be brave and tell him my name, but I couldn't. Nothing would come out. Quickly, he drew his hand away from my arm and my body instantly relaxed. After some breaths, I was able to walk away from Bellamy, hoping that no one noticed.

Maneuvering around talking people I saw some people trying to take off the bracelets. Looking at mine carefully I headed toward them, willing to take mine off as well. I knew that if I didn't, it would bring attention to me. And, also, I didn't want any reminders of the arc. My memories were enough to last a lifetime of flash backs, any more and I might just travel back in time permanently. I walked up to the boy called John Murphy. I held out my wrist carefully, expecting him to just take it off right then, "You want yours off too?" I nodded, waiting for the slight pain that would accompany the removal.

Instead, I felt two large hands on both shoulders and all of a sudden my face was up close and personal with the fire. I tried pushing away from it, but when that didn't work I shrieked, not too loudly, but enough to be heard. I struggled against Murphy as I attempted to overpower him. I heard his voice, "If we want them to think we are dying, they should see us suffer first." Well damn, I should have had a warning! I continued to struggle but then I was pulled away from his angry hands and pushed to the ground. I heard laughter and my face immediately heated as I realized I was drawing attention to myself.

So much for that perfect record of 22 hours.

I felt myself looking up, exposing my face, and looking directly into the dark eyes of Bellamy Blake. His whole face was the picture of shock when he looked at me and honestly, I was a little star struck myself. Bellamy quickly tried to grab my hand, "Let me help-" I pulled away from him, quickly standing on my own. I wanted to glare at Murphy, who was staring at me, but I didn't and instead reached for Bellamy's knife that was hanging on his belt. In one small swipe, I had the bracelet off of me. I shoved both the dead bracelet at the knife at Bellamy before walking away, my head lowered once again.

Why had that had to happen? Now the most powerful boy of the 100 has seen me. I can't live like I did on the arc. In fear that every day I would be hurt. I wished there was some way I could take away how I looked, but unless I cut off my face with a knife, it wasn't happening.

I heard footsteps increasing behind me, "Hey, hoodie, wait up!" Bellamy commanded. Instead of my immediate want to flip him off, I obliged to him, hoping that I wouldn't tick him off any more than shoving a knife at him. Damn, why did I have to be so sassy sometimes?

"Whoa, you listened!" The king said stopping next to me. We were separated from the rest of the group and I began to grow more and more anxious. "Are you okay?" He asked. From where his voice was I could guess he was more than a head taller than me, around 6"3. Since I had such experience sucking my head, I could tell where sound was coming from fairly well. I nodded stiffly, not looking. "Why won't you talk? What's your name?" I didn't respond.

"Tell me your name." Bellamy said harshly. My whole body went ridged and I fought off the urge to punch him in his kingly jewels.

"Calista." I said gruffly.

Bellamy grabbed my wrist in a soft grasp, but still, my body threatened to faint, "I wasn't trying to-Look at me." He commanded me again. I could barely breathe. This was it; he was going to hurt me right then and there. It was over, I couldn't run, there was no one who would help me. Tears almost started to prickle in my eyes as I raised my eyes to his. He pulled my hood off and I didn't blink I was so still. My long blonde hair tumbled down my back, the platinum color attracting the sun as some layers framed my face.

Bellamy looked shocked as his eyes swept over me, "Wow." He whispered. I was right when I said he was tall. He blocked the rest of the camp from seeing me with his broad shoulders.

I squeezed my eyes shut, waiting for the inevitable to happen. I heard Murphy's voice come out from behind Bellamy, "Bellamy are you with the girl in the hood? I didn't good look but-" Bellamy quickly pulled my hair back into my hood and put my face into his chest, blocking me completely from Murphy.

"Stay away from her, Murphy. You shouldn't have done what you did, not cool." His voice vibrated against my cheek and although this was suppose to be where I should fear, being in his arms made me want to snuggle up even closer. Without thinking I buried my face deeper into his shirt and clenched the front part of the fabric with my small hands.

"Yeah but, you saw her-" "Murphy-"

"Do you think she's-"

"Murphy. Stay. Away." All I heard in his voice was command, determined to be followed, and no room for argument. Was he protecting me from Murphy? Why? Did he want me for himself? With that thought in mind I tried to push Bellamy away from me. He let me pull away a few inches but he still had his arms around me.

"Wait. Don't be scared, Calista! I'm not-I'm not trying-" Bellamy groaned deeply, "I'm sorry for being so bossy back there and making you stop and tell me your name I just, I just needed to. Are you sure you're okay?" I nodded again, turning my head away from him.

Bellamy drew in a shaky breath, "You can trust me, Calista."

That's when my bravery came to me, but only for a moment. I looked directly into Bellamy's eyes, my own narrowed, "Stay away from me. Don't. Touch. Me."

He quickly let go and began walking backwards, stumbling a bit as he did so. I turned quickly around and walked back, my heart hammering in a painful way, unknown to me, at the thought of Bellamy's hurt face.

I couldn't be noticed.

I wouldn't be noticed.

I would never talk to Bellamy Blake again for as long as he was the Alpha of the camp, we would not be friends or acquaintances of any kind.