Chapter 11

Since Cora had threatened to take away Regina's happiness with Emma yet again, she had disappeared from sight. Knowing this information had left Regina on edge and had her question many things. One, being could she somehow keep Emma with or without her memory or two, how many times would this happen? Meaning how many times would her mother take away her happy ending? For Regina this was the third count and no matter how much she cared or was determined to keep Emma safe, three, would it ever be enough? Or lastly, should she just give up and find a way to give Emma a normal life she had deserved. Away from villains and demons.

While battling with what to do, for now all Regina knew was that it had been a couple of days since her showdown with her mother and was determined to not let the blonde out of her sight in fear of her getting hurt. All the while another weight gained on the brunette as she had not told Emma of her encounter with Cora or what was said, simply that she couldn't find the elder and she was currently off the radar.

For Emma however, it was a different matter as she had noticed since the day where Regina had been looking for her mother, the brunette became a lot like the old queen. Snapping at everyone who crossed paths with her. Growing concerned, Emma did not want to cause her anymore worry so she had continued with her office work as usual.

Having worked the day like any other Emma knew that although Regina was not 'working' in the normal sense, having sneaked a peek of her laptop when she weren't looking, it was approaching lunch hour. Walking to her office and knocking, the blonde stepped in to see Regina look up from her desk with a questioning look.

For some reason, given the current circumstances this made Emma feel uneasy. "Hi..its nearly lunch do you want anything from Granny's?"

Emma had attempted a smile until she noticed Regina's somewhat fearful look.

Regina shook her head as if answering the question. Emma nodded accepting, going to close the door. "...okay then.."

Regina watched and stood up. "No Emma I didn't mean no to lunch after all you cannot work on an empty stomach, I meant no you are not to go to Granny's. I will get it delivered"

Emma looks back to her frowning. "But it's literally two minutes down the-"

Regina sat back down looking at Emma with what seemed to be a determined look. " I will get it delivered..just let me know what you want"

Emma shrugged feeling a little too uncomfortable in Regina's presence. "..whatever your having is..fine" stepping back, Emma returns to her desk looking down and staying quiet. Regina simply watches Emma leave and lifts the phone to order, looking to the CCTV cameras she had installed to glance at Emma. Seeing the look on the blonde's face practically made Regina's heart ache at the realisation of what she is doing.

Placing the phone down when she is down, Regina gets up and heads to the door poking her head round to Emma who hasn't moved. "Emma? Can you come back in the office please?"

Emma bites her lip not wanting to look over at Regina as she is finding it difficult to not be upset. "it's my lunch break..."

Regina looks sad hearing Emma's voice quiet and shaky. "Emma..please come here.."

Noticing the softness in her tone, Emma looks over at her slightly teary. Regina looks back at her apologetically and holds her hand out. Emma takes a breath and standing taking hold of her hand. Walking back into the office pulling Emma with her, Regina wraps her arms round her hugging the blonde. Emma hugs back feeling Regina kiss the top of her head, an act she was happy to get used too.

"Regina what's going on? You're hiding something I know you are" rubbing the brunettes back gently, Emma hopes she can let her in.

Pulling back but taking Emma's hands, Regina looks at her. " I'm sorry Emma, it''s all this with my mother, I did see her but I'm sorting it..the less you know the better please just trust me on that"

Although Emma wants to know more not wanting her to deal on her own, she can see the worry in Regina's eyes. "I do trust you I just..don't want you to disappear on me again..I don't want to lose you"

Regina smiles slightly thinking how the statement should be said the other way around and touches the side of Emma's face. " I'm not going anywhere I promise you"

Emma smiles back reassured and leans forward kissing her with Regina is happy to reciprocate. Pulling the blonde closer at the waist, she feels Emma's hands gently taking hold of her face causing Regina to smile. Deepening the kiss, Emma pushes Regina back slightly with her body until she brunette is leaning against the desk. Gripping onto Emma's waist, Regina pulls back from the kiss for a moment for air smiling more at the blonde who happily rubs her nose against Regina's before being pulled into yet another kiss. Dropping her hands, Emma goes to wrap her arms around Regina's neck until she hears a knock causing both women to freeze in their spot.

Resting her head against Emma's, Regina lets go of her waist. "that'll be our lunch"

Emma pulls a face as she was more happy with what they were doing. Regina smiles again planting one more quick kiss on her pouting lip, then moves from her entrapment of against the desk going to the door and taking the lunch. Turning back, Regina raises an eyebrow as Emma has now made herself quite comfy on Regina's chair with her legs hanging off one arm. Walking back to the desk and placing the lunch down, Regina clears her throat causing Emma to grin.

"You are so lucky that your adorable Emma Swan otherwise I would be taking what you're doing right now as offensive"

Emma chuckles. "Oh?..well at least it's not your throne.."

Regina frowns. "Well here it technically is"

" you want to go back?..I mean if there is a way back where would you rather be?"

Regina sits on one of the chairs opposite the desk taking her portion of lunch. "Well it certainly is different here..more to do but...I miss there despite's home, where I grew up"

Emma sits up straight to take her lunch. "What do you miss most?"

Regina bites her lip thinking. "I think I would have to say..riding, you know how I love my horses and there is just something so freeing about being able to ride and keep going, with all the land of the kingdom you always find something new. You know whether it's forest or even new magic it never ceases to amaze me"

Emma smiles watching Regina's face light up while talking of home. " and you have staff and guards"

Regina laughs and shakes her head. "If it were down to me I wouldn't have them..maybe staff for the castle but not the guards, I only got them to protect myself from being killed as they all wanted rid of me for being 'evil'...what do you miss?"

Emma shrugs. "Apart from when I came to your castle, I had nothing to miss then there was you..but your here. I get what you mean though about the freedom part and I always knew there was a lot out there just never saw it..I was brought up in a not so pleasant village outside the kingdom and when I was old enough that was when I decided to explore but once I got to one of your villages I realised how foolish I had been as I had nothing to offer so I got work in the tavern, a small room and that was that"

Regina looks at her. "Have you always been alone?"

Emma nods. " as far as I can remember yes, I have no parents so I was taken in by a sort of workhouse.."

Regina looks guilty tidying up the lunch. "that must of been hard..and there's me complaining about being queen"

Emma shakes her head. " you have every right to complain you didn't deserve to be forced into a marriage after what happened"

Regina nods not really knowing how to answer but gets an idea and checks the time. Emma tilts her head to the clock. "Oh...well that hour went quick"

Regina can see the disappointment in Emma's eyes and stands. "Emma have you ever actually done anything else aside from work?"

Emma shakes her head." Not really..unless you count hiding..oh and that time we went on the horse"

Walking round her desk, Regina goes to the bottom draw retrieving the drink bottle she had shared a glass with Emma before and puts it in her bag. Grabbing her jacket, Regina looks back to a confused looking Emma passing the blonde her own. "Let's go.."

Emma goes to say something but stops following her placing her jacket round her shoulders.

Author's note: just thought I'd thrown in a bit of normal Emma and Regina before anything bad happens! :)