Dream Demons - A Gravity Falls Fanfiction...

A/N - Well everyone here is chapter eight! Thanks so much for all the reviews from the last chapter you guys are AMAZING! Sadly this is the last chapter for this story but don't worry the sequal is coming up soon! Look for it either tomorrow or sometime next week :) A lot happens this chapter mainly just a lot of explaining but yeah. So enough talk before to much is given away as normal I own nothing from Gravity Falls it all belongs to Alex Hirsch who is amazing for making this show! But yeah so pleas enjoy chapter eight! :)

Chapter 8

Previously on Gravity Falls...

"Okay okay fine." Stan said as Mabel backed off at looked at him. "The truth is...Bill is my brother - " Stan whispered.

"Wait - what!?" Mabel asked in confusion an shock as she looked at her Grunkle Stan. "What are you playing at Grunkle Stan?" Mabel asked once more.

"I'm not playing at anything kid, I'm telling the truth." Stan explained as Mabel squinted her eyes at him like she was trying to figure something out.

"Really?" Mabel asked as Stan nodded.

"Sadly yes." Stan said as he turned and sighed. " - And ever since my brother became Bill, well he's been trying to find ways to destroy me." Stan said.

"Okay now I'm really confused." Wendy stated suddenly making Stan and Mabel jump; they forgot Wendy and Soos were even there.

"Yeah dudes how can that evil triangle thingy guy be your brother?" Soos asked making a triangle shape with his fingers over one of his eyes.

"Look guys it's a really long story and I was hoping you would have never learned about him." Stan said as he crossed his arms.

"So does this mean you wrote that journal Dipper found?" Mabel asked with hope.

"Journal? What journal? You mean that book you're brother always has his head in? I don't even know what you're talking about!" Stan explained.

"Oh..." Mabel said with a disappointing look.

"But that still doesn't explain how you know who this Bill guy is." Soos stated as Stan eyed him.

"Yeah and why you claim him to be you're brother!" Mabel added as she pointed to Stan.

"Alright, alright, I think you kids deserve and explanation and that's just what is going to happen." Stan said as he sat down on the floor.

Mabel, Wendy and Soos all joined Stan on the floor of Dipper and Mabel's room. Together they formed a small circle and Stan continued to watch everyone's movement while trying to think of a way to explain his story. No one said anything as they waited for Stan to start his story and finally learn at least some truth about him and his past life. Stan almost decided to run out of the room with no excuse at all, but he knew he owed it to them.

"You see it all started when my twin brother Stanley and I were twelve." Stan began with a frown at the memory.

"Stanley?" Wendy asked with interest.

"Yes, and we came to Gravity Falls for the first time for summer vacation." Stan added as Mabel smiled.

"Just like me and Dipper!" Mabel said with excitement.

"Just like you kid." Stan said as he rubbed Mabel's head with a smile. "But our summer wasn't like your's at all." Stan added suddenly.

"Then what was it like Grunkle Stan?" Mabel asked with confusion.

"It was bad, one day Stanley wanted to go on a nature hike and somehow he talked me into it." Stan explained once more. "But our fun ended soon, because while we were on the hike Stanley found something that had seemed to be hidden for a very long time." Stan said with a look.

"Really? What was it?" Wendy asked as Stan sent her a look.

"That's not really important." Stan stated suddenly. "What was really important was that it told us all about magic and many other things that no one would believe in. Stanley of coursed believed in it, while I could care less about the item he found." Stan said as Mabel looked at him in amazement.

"Why didn't you care about it?" Soos asked. "Wouldn't you have worried if you're brother had it?" Soos asked again with confusion.

"You would think that, but sadly I didn't think that at all." Stan added. "Day after day we would have strange and weird adventures thanks to the item Stanley found and one day Stanley became too addicted to the thing. Before anyone knew what was happening to him, he was becoming a monster. A monster that thrived for thrills, power, and magic." Stan explained as Mabel, Wendy and Soos listened. "Heck! He even wanted to do magic himself!"

"But magic doesn't exists." Soos said as Mabel faced palmed, from all the adventure's they had, he should know that it does exists!

"That's what I thought too, at least until Stanley decided to try and summon a demon beyond any ghost you've ever learned about." Stan added.

"You mean Bill right?" Mabel asked as Stan nodded.

"Wait, if Stanley summoned Bill, then how can Bill be you're brother?" Wendy asked once more as Stan sighed.

"Because when Stanley summoned Bill he wanted to be so powerful that Bill offered him a deal which - " Stan began as Mabel cut him off.

"You should never make a deal with him." Mabel stated as Stan looked at her in shock.

"Yeah...but how did you know?" Stan asked as Mabel looked at him in fright for a moment.

"Um...uh... - " Mabel stuttered as Wendy sighed.

"That doesn't matter, can you continued with the story please?" Wendy asked as Stan nodded.

"Right and well as Stanley made a deal with Bill, Bill decided to use Stanley as his puppet and he took over Stanley." Stan explained again. "But over time Stanley began to disappear as he gained more power and since Bill took over him, and well, he turned into Bill." Stanley finished with a frown.

"Wow." Wendy said in shock as Stan finished.

"Oh my." Mabel said with fright as she thought about how Bill almost took over Dipper's body.

"Dudes I think I just found my new nightmare." Soos stated with worry.

"So what do we do now Grunkle Stan?" Mabel asked with thought and interest as she looked at Stan.

"I-I don't know kid." Stan said with a frown. "Now that Bill or Stanley or whoever he goes by now has Dipper, I don't know." Stan added once more.

"We need to fight back!" Wendy stated suddenly making everyone looked at her with confusion.

"What are you talking about Bill is too powerful too stop and no matter what happens he'll stop at nothing to destroy us." Stan explained suddenly.

"I don't care! Dipper is my friend and I'm not letting anything hurt him." Wendy stated once more with courage.

"Yeah besides I want my brother back!" Mabel added with a look. "Without him it's like my other half is missing." Mabel explained with a frown.

"Well kids you do have guts I will say that." Stan stated with a smile. "But you do realize that were about to go up against something so powerful that we might not even make it back alive." Stan added as he looked at Mabel, Wendy and Soos.

"Bring - " Wendy started as Mabel cut her off.

"It - " Mabel added as Soos cut Mabel off as well making them all look at him.

"On!" Soos stated as Stan smiled at all three of them, he had a feeling they were going to get Dipper back and defeat Bill once and for all...

To Be Continued...

A/N - Wow that was a lot! I bet none of you were expecting that kind of explanation! And I wonder what item Stan was talking about that Stanley found? Hm...I bet you all know what it is :) Anyway thanks so much for reading the first part of my installment series! The sequel that's named "Into the Bunker" will be up either tomorrow or sometime this week that's coming up! So yeah keep an eye out for it! Finally thanks for reading and please remember to REVIEW! I still love to see them! :) - DisneyChannelLover