Author's note.

DISCLAIMER : I do not own any rights on Divergent series or any of its characters. This is a full fiction story on my own.

This story follows my first attempts of a sequel to Allegiant (Title is : Be there on choosing day) if you want to have a go.

If you start from here, just know that Tris has been saved by Matthew and has been living in Indianapolis with her baby girl (born as she was in hospital) for 3 years before coming back to four. She has been seriously wounded and her hip had to be replaced with prosthesis. They now live happily together in a big apartment in Chicago with Natalie, 4 and a half.

I hope you'll forgive my style as I usually write in French and read the books in French too. Feel free to give me comments on any big mistake about that.

Please review a lot…I love it

Monday March 21st (2 months after Broken Chap. 20)

1 Tris : Breaking

I'm getting worried, Matthew's late, it's 8 PM already. He usually takes care not to do this, because he knows I'm easily getting paranoid if anyone I care of, seems to be in danger. He took so many risks to save me, that I always fear the government finds out and make him pay.

There are just a few people who really know who I am: Caleb, our close friends Christina Zeke and Shauna, Cara, Amar and George, and of course his mother. I'm Grace for everyone else. Evelyn still doesn't like me that much. I think she'd better have me dead for good, because she would have had her son all for herself.

Now, she has to count with me and Natalie. And no one can ever beat Natalie in Tobias's heart. I'm afraid she won on me too. He melts like ice cream any time she looks at him with her deep blue eyes. I shall keep an eye on her, she gets anything from her father, beyond reasonable. I don't want her to be spoiled, we were Abnegation born. I can't blame him though. He missed so much of her life already, he wants to make the most of it now.

The bell rings. Matthew at last! I let him in. My smile evaporates when I see his stern face and swollen red eyes. He looks terrified and keeps looking all round as to check no one's watching us. "Get in." I say.

"Is Natalie sleeping?" He asks. "Yes."I say, "Matthew, what on earth happened to you?"

"Please, get Four and sit down, both of you." My stomach clenches. I feel something bad coming. I call Four with a croaked voice. He is coming out of the kitchen with drinks and halts for a second when he looks at Matthew.

"Guess you need that, Matt." He says, giving him the glass. "Thanks" says Matthew. "Please sit down."

He takes a deep breath and starts "Remember my friend Fred who helped me though saving you and trying to fix your hip?"

"Yes" I say "He got to cut into my body about 10 times at least."

"Well, …He's dead !" spits Matthew."He was hit by a wild car, in front of the hospital 2 days ago." I share a tear. I owed him.

Matthew goes on with visible suffering. "And today, I received a letter from him along with this file in my mail box, he says showing us a plain blue file with a barcode on it. Please read. Believe me I didn't know about that."

He gives the letter to me, puts the file on the table and adds…"Four, promise me you won't break anything. I had to come straight away. I'm so sorry…Had I known…I…I." He cries looking on the floor.

We read

Dear Matt,

I you got this, it's because I have failed in making things right and I'm either dead or in jail. What you have here is my fault. They said they would kill me if I spoke about it and I was afraid of them. When they took the baby I should have fought back but I didn't. They said they would give him back when he reached 3, but they lied to me.

I should have known.

I tried to threaten them to reveal everything I know, but if I'm dead that means it didn't work.

Please help me and give the file to his mother. I hope they'll succeed where I failed.

I'm so sorry. I'm a monster.

Hope this will help, tell them I'm sorry.


Then I take the file on the table and it looks like a medical record of some sort. I read but I fear I already know what's in.

Subject : PRIOR / EATON Adam

Category: High divergence(female) with strong self influence (male)


Mother : Beatrice (Tris) PRIOR

Father : Tobias EATON (JOHNSON)

Sister: Natalie (twin)

And it goes on with dates and facts, and charts…pictures. I recognize the hospital where I gave birth to Natalie and the doctors on it have two babies in their arms.

I drop the whole thing. Pain is everywhere. I'm getting out of breath and start moaning helplessly, like an animal about to die in a trap.