My story doesn't follow the tv show storyline exactly, I am a massive Bellarke fan. I hope you enjoy my story! Bellarke but slow burn!

"Clarke where are you?!" Finn's voice boomed through camp and Clarke took a deep breath.


Long story short, Clarke and Finn had slept together then low and behold Finn's girlfriend miraculously appeared and threw herself at Finn only hours after he had been with Clarke; safe to say that she was pretty pissed off. Things had been pretty tense between them since then, the rest of the camp seemingly oblivious or just ignoring them, either way. Clarke decided to just keep things professional with Finn, such as when he got stabbed. She spent as much time as she could away from the drop ship leaving him with Raven. It hurt seeing them together, but she was a big girl; she would get over it.

But here she was, hiding behind a tree, away from Finn.

She was such a wimp.


Clarke jumped about a mile away and turned around, her heart hammering inside her chest. Chocolate eyes stared back at her, and smirk plastered on his face.

"What do you want, Bellamy?" Clarke asked, trying to slow down her heart rate before she actually had a heart attack.

"Any reason to why you are hiding from Spacewalker?" He asked.

Clarke realised just then she was hugging the tree. Fuck sake, she was actually hugging a tree in front of Bellamy Blake. She was never going to hear the end of this. Clarke detangled herself from the bark, clearing her throat.

"Um, pretend you never saw that okay?" She said, her cheeks becoming flush. Bellamy didn't say anything but continued to smirk at her. Clarke sighed, realising she wasn't going to get rid of him. "I don't want to speak to him okay, Blake?" She snapped, just generally pissed off now.

"Why? Having a little trouble in lover's paradise?" Clarke stared at him. He knew. Bellamy knew that they had slept together, which meant that Octavia knew, and if Octavia knew then everyone was going to know.

"You know." It wasn't a question but Bellamy nodded anyway, the smirk sliding off his face. Clarke raised her eyebrows at his change of tune but decided to leave it.

"Everyone knows, Princess, all except that little mechanic girlfriend of his." He answered her honestly. He watched Clarke's expressions change from pure embarrassment to nothing.

"Well it's all over now so why don't we just drop the subject, okay?" She answered flatly. Bellamy was glad it was over, not that he would tell Clarke that, or anyone for that matter. He never really liked Finn and now he had more of a reason to dislike him now that he had basically shagged and bagged Clarke. Not that anyone knew he respected Clarke that much. Bellamy was well known around camp for taking a girl back to his tent then never speaking to her again, but at least he didn't lie about having a girlfriend and laid it out how it was going to be with the girls. He didn't have any respect for them. He had respect for Clarke Griffin though.

"If it was over, you wouldn't be hiding behind a tree from Spacewalker of all people would you, Princess?" He asked, leaning against the tree, watching Clarke glare it him. Her glare didn't affect him as much as it scared the shit out of the others. Even Octavia was a little unnerved by her glare, to which Bellamy burst out laughing when she told him.

"I just can't deal with him right now okay? I've told him that it's over. He just needs to accept it now. How is talking to him going to help?" Clarke gritted her teeth. She really did not want to be having this conversation with Bellamy Blake of all people. What would he understand about anything like this? He'd never liked a girl before in his life. Just liked sex and that was it.

"Okay, just hide from him then. That will stop him looking for you." He answered sarcastically rolling his eyes at her. Clarke balled up her fists. She was seconds away from punching his smug, stupid, arrogant-

"Clarke? Didn't you hear me? What are you doi-" Finn had appeared out of nowhere around the corner, nearly making her nails dig into the palms of her hands, she jumped that much. Even Bellamy was a little unnerved by how quiet he was.

"Why are you behind a tree with Bellamy?" His tone of voice accusing as he glared at Bellamy, who of course, was standing there smirking at him.

"Why worried I'm stealing your other girlfriend?" Bellamy asked, leaning closer to Clarke against the tree so their shoulders were almost touching. He was winding Finn up on purpose, and Clarke didn't know whether she wanted to punch him or hug him. Hugging him would be weird, she thought briefly as she quickly looked at him. Finn didn't miss that.

Finn walked over to Bellamy and pushed him, so he was pinned up against the tree.

"Don't you ever touch Clarke, Blake!" Finn spat out at him. He wasn't able to hold Bellamy for long, who had seen red and grabbed Finn roughly throwing him down to the ground. Bellamy hounded on him, ready to punch the living shit into him when Clarke grabbed his hand roughly. He felt her small, soft hand in his and he couldn't describe the feeling he had in his stomach. He turned to look at her. Clarke was watching their hands, as if she had just realised that they were holding hands, and quickly let go.

Clarke cleared her throat, ignoring the warm tingling sensation in her stomach. She actually thought she was going to throw up.

"He's not worth it, Bellamy." Clarke finally spoke up, looking up at him. Bellamy was taking in deep breaths. He wasn't sure if it was his anger anymore or the weird feeling he just had. Clarke mover her eyes onto Finn on the ground, who was watching them with disgust in his eyes. Bellamy seemed to regain his composure and turned to look at Finn.

"You don't own Clarke. You must be seriously deluded if you think that she is yours after you practically shagged and bagged her. You don't have any respect for her, and she deserves better." He finished. Clarke was stunned at his little announcement. She had no idea he actually had that much respect for her. As if realising what he had said, Bellamy turned gave Clarke his well-known Blake smirk.

"Try not to have sex with any more people that have girlfriends, Princess." He said. Then he turned away without looking back at Clarke and Finn.

Clarke was lying in her make shift tent, with her hands over her face, willing the headache to go away that was beginning to form. After Bellamy had left, she practically ran away from Finn, who thankfully didn't try and stop her. She walked straight to her tent ignoring the looks from the rest of the hundred and from Bellamy, who was sitting around the fire with Miller, Jasper and Monty. Jasper tried to speak to her but Bellamy shook his head.

So here she was in her tent, hiding away for the second time today, from everyone, especially Bellamy Blake.

Clarke closed her eyes, willing herself to drift to sleep when she suddenly felt someone watching her. She snapped her eyes open just before she saw Finn jump on her. She barely had enough time to such in her breath before his lips crashed down on hers. She clamped her lips shut and struggled to get him off. Finn had both of her hands clasped above her head.

Oh my god, he's actually going to rape me.

Clarke managed to move her knee a few inches and hit him right where it hurt, she flung herself off the bed, crawling across the ground towards the exit.

"BELLAMY!" Clarke screamed managed to scream before she felt his hands around her chest, groping and pulling at her. Finn had actually managed to rip her top in half, exposing her bra to him. Finn flung her around so she was lying on her back, with him straddling her. He held his hand over her mouth, leaning in close to her.

"Don't fight this Clarke. You know you want me." He whispered, leaning in closer. Clarke shut her eyes, tears falling down her face, when suddenly the weight on her chest was gone.

Clarke opened her eyes and pushed herself to her knees. Finn was on the ground with Bellamy punching the living lights out of him. If he didn't stop soon Clarke was worried he was actually going to kill him. She flung herself from her knees, pulling Bellamy away from him. He was breathing heavily and his fists were all bloody. He turned to look at her and saw the tears falling from her eyes.

"I'm fine, I'm fine Bellamy." She said shakily. She was gripping his arms tightly, looking up at him.

"He was attacking you Clarke!" He shouted, he pulled his arms away from Clarke and walked towards the bloodied Finn on the floor. She grabbed his hand tightly, willing him to turn back to him. Thankfully he did.

"Please Bellamy, just leave it I'm fine. Finn's not though. You need to get someone to take him to the drop ship, he needs cleaned up." Clarke stated matter of factly. She realised then that she was standing there almost topless and made a move to cover herself up. That's when Bellamy noticed she was standing there almost in her bra. He quickly averted his eyes, pulling his jumper off over his head and passing it to her. She pulled it over herself, trying to ignore his smell. Bellamy didn't take his eyes off of her.

"I'll go get Miller to take him to the drop ship okay?" When Bellamy didn't say anything, Clarke walked out to a crowd of people around her tent. Great, they had heard me screaming for Bellamy. Clarke ignored the curious looks and walked right up to Miller, who looked like he was trying really hard to hit on Octavia.

"Miller, I need you to go into my tent and take Finn to the drop ship. Octavia can you please clean him up for me?" They both nodded their heads, not bothering to ask what had happened. They would soon find out.

Clarke took three deep breaths and waited until Miller had hauled Finn out her tent before she slowly walked back. She was surprised to see Bellamy sitting on her bed, waiting for her.

"What are you still doing here?" She asked tiredly. All Clarke wanted was her bed now. Bellamy looked at her. He had never seen her look so deflated. He was going to kill space walker.

"I'm going to stay here tonight. Nothing like that before you say. I just want to make sure no one tries to get back in. I'll grab a cover and sleep on the floor. No funny business." He said, standing up from the bed to prove his point.

Clarke was too tired to argue. In fact she was glad he was here to watch out. Clarke didn't answer him but simply nodded and walked past him towards her bed. She pulled the cover right up to her chin and tried to control her breathing.

"Good night, Bellamy." She whispered, closing her eyes.

"Sweet dreams, Princess."