Sorry that i wasn't able to fulfill my promise (one that i made in my other fan fiction)

I had a little incident with my skin, a rove beetle decided to travel to my bedroom and died squished by the sleeping me. I got a nasty and painful rash on my skin because of his poison and wasn't able to do much and lost my focus too.

I did this all by myself since Crimson will be busy with editing the other fan fiction. My English doesn't improve that much but I tried lol.

Hope you enjoy it and thank you so much for you all who enjoy this fiction. I have to say, even though Secret Romance has lesser reviews than the rest of my fan fiction, it's the most favorited one so far.

So again, Thank you! i love you all!

6 years later….

The day hasn't been brighter than it was, or maybe that's what they think as the formerly school idols prepare for the biggest day for two of their precious friends. It's not their first time to visit a foreign country—especially New York.

"Ahhh…it feels so strange to be here again!" Honoka said as she stretched her arms up to the air once she arrived in the airport.

"Don't slow down!" Umi yelled as she stiffly walks out and push Honoka forward eagerly,

"U-Umi-chan! Slow down!" Honoka complained.

"No! We need to hurry up to the hotel! We need to catch up with the taxi, then with—" Umi continued to rambles as she keeps pushing Honoka forward.

"Umi-chaaaan! Honoka-chaaann! Wait for meeee!" Kotori said as she tried so hard to catch up with the heavy loads that she brought with her…"

"Sheesh….do they even know how to get there?" Maki said plainly as she walks behind Kotori who is still trying too hard to catch up with Honoka and Umi.

"It's been a few years now, you people should've done some studying, right? So use English!" Niko said somewhat mockingly as she steps her feet on the shining bright ceramic floor.

"I believe Umi could do something about that, but…Honoka… really? Does she even remember which hotel she has to go to?"

"Hehe…Honoka-chan is so excited! Me too-nya!" Rin said as she came out with lots of bag with her, then she ran away without any delay.

"R-Rin-chan! You don't have to carry my stuff!" Hanayo protested as she came in to the airport.

"Ok, then I'll carry you too-nya!" Rin said as she returned and take Hanayo with her

"S-Someone please help!" Hanayo shouted loudly as she got dragged by Rin.

"Sheesh… aren't we all too old for that kind of stuff already?" Maki said.

"Don't you just feel glad that we're here to help your journey?" said a familiar voice—one that she knows well.

"Huh? Tsubasa-san?" Maki turn her sight to her side.

"Hey!" Tsubasa said. She is currently wearing black glasses and a beanie, then brown coat and dark brown jeans along with black boots. She seemed to be in disguise.

"Yahooo!" Anjuu said cheerfully as she appeared next Tsubasa—with very similar disguise with Tsubasa.

"It's been a while…" Erena followed up.

"Oh…. you're all here…what a coincidence…" Maki said—without any single enthusiasm.

"You sounded as bored as ever, sorry about that…" Tsubasa giggled,

"Uh-huh…" Maki replied.

"Say, is it because you're using economy class again?" Anjuu asked teasingly.

"Seriously, they don't even have television…and the seat is just too rough for my back…when are they going to upgrade it…"

"Uh…'s just how it supposed to be…Maki-san…." Anjuu replied with an awkward smile.

"Hmmph…I'll just make sure that I'm going to home with the premium class. I can't take it to stay for another time…"

"We already ordered the ticket for the returning flight though… did you forget that?" Niko said.

Maki smirked,

"Is there any VIP seat? I'll just switch mine to that."

"You need to pay extra for that… just stick with us, damn it… you can use my pillow next time…" Niko said loudly to her.

"No—your pillow smells!" Maki said.

"W-what did you say?!" Niko yelled.

"Smells! I hate it!" Maki yelled back.

Then the two keep yelling at each other as they walk together.

"I guess, they don't actually grow any older inside…"Erena smiled awkwardly as she watches the groups ran off from them.

"It's fine to stay like that…" Tsubasa whispers as she smiled faintly.

The next day at the dressing room,

The bride—with her long white dresses, transparent veils and bouquet of bright purple roses, standing near the clear windows as her make up artist work on her. Her eyes keep looking at the other side of the room—with the blonde haired 'groom' on her white suit spaced out as she look at her bride.

It surely their happy day and also surely something that they will treasure forever….once in a life time, to wed in such a fashion—supported by each of their family and friends, also to mention about their fans who seemed to be joyed by their decision too. Perhaps not all of them are—but what is it for them to care about they who do not appreciate them?

The other thing about today is that they will have their muse friends coming to lead every single important part of their wedding.

With Maki taking the charge of the music, Niko and Rin as the MCs, Honoka and Hanayo on snacks, Kotori on the overall wedding fashion and Umi as one of the entertainer—a singer to be exact.

When the 'groom' approached the bride, they stare into each other with their sweetest smile they ever have for each other.

"Today is finally the day for us…." The blonde said gently.

"Oh—Ericchi…my darling… even though you look so gentle right now, I still get the feeling that you will mess up so much today…" the purplenette replied.

"Eh? I didn't expect you to say that—especially in our special day…" Eli said.

"Look at you, Ericchi…. you don't even button your shirt…" Nozomi said as she pointed to the shirt that Eli wears, its buttoned perfectly—too perfectly until it looked so tight. Flustered, Eli looks back to her bride—a hand reached into her shirt and unbuttoned the first two from top.

"I like it that way though…" Nozomi continued as she winked at her groom suggestively—it mades all the make up artist somewhat nervous as they works on her.

Eli sighed at her though she giggled after as she thinks…

[I have to remember that I'm marrying a naughty and shameless girl!]

Adding some spice to your life, right Ericchi?

Nozomi thought as she let out a soft giggles.

Then a moment later, the door opened and an older woman came in,

"Eli…." She called,

"Mother…." Eli replied to the woman as she quickly approach her,

"Ssh-ssh…. Don't move too much, you shouldn't work too much today…" Her mother said.

"Oh…sorry…" Eli replied shyly,

"I just want you to wear this…" her mother said as she reached for Eli's suit—then attaching a small blue rose brooch on it.

"This is…..?"

"Yes, it was your father's….don't lose it…" her mother said—somewhat coldly, or at least that's how Nozomi hear it since Eli's mother doesn't seem to make a single hint of smile as she said it.

"Thank you, mother…" Eli replied.

Then after Eli's mother left…

"Uh…Ericchi, she doesn't look happy?" Nozomi asked,

"Who?" Eli asked back.

"Your mother…"

"Oh…her? She is happy… why do you think she is not…?" Eli asked again.

"She didn't smile…." Nozomi replied.

"She was…." Eli replied again.

"Eeh…?" Nozomi tilts her head,

"She just hardly looks like smiling when it just a faint smile… you just need to get used to her…" Eli replied.


"…and…don't worry about the accent, that's always be how she talks when she talks to me…" Eli giggled.

Then just within a second, another woman came in and this time….

"Mama?" Nozomi called her.

"Oh my sweet daughter! You look so beautiful!" she said as she went in without a single doubt—reaching to her daughter and hugged her.

"W-Wait! Mama! I'm still hasn't yet finished with the make up!

"No one is touching your make up! Maybe your breast though—it calls me….!" her mother said as she grabs both of Nozomi's breast and squeezes it playfully.

"Uwaaaa!M-Mama!Stop!" Nozomi complained.

Eli chuckled at them…

[Both are shameless!]

She thought.

"Oh—now now, where's the groomy?"

"A groom, mama, a groom..not groomy!" Nozomi complained.

"Groomy is here mama..!" Eli replied with a chuckle.

"There you are, groomy!" Nozomi's mother swiftly approached her and hugged her tight.

Nozomi rolled her eyes.

"What's wrong, mama?" Eli asked playfully too.

"I'm just so happy that you decided to take Nozomi as your wife! I mean…. it's hard to find a beautiful groomy like you…." she said along with giggles,

"I believe it was hard for you two to get through the relationship, right? With the varieties of opinions from the society…." Nozomi's mother continued again,

"It's not… the society isn't that bad when we got some great friends going around us…"

"She mean, we can always ignore they who are ranting their 'opinion' to us…" Nozomi chuckled,

"….who needs to listen anyway? It's not like they could win the world with just their words being said loudly… people have their own mind…" Nozomi continued with somewhat a sarcastic tone.

Her mother chuckled,

"Sssh…hun, you shouldn't be like that in your happy day… now, all I want to say is that you two should be glad to be able to reach this far… remember that we will always support your decision and that's all that you need…." She said.

"Ok, Mama!" Both of them replied with their biggest smile.

"….Hmm… your mother also told me this… by the time you two started a life as a family, you two will also forget to make visit to us…" Nozomi's mother said to Eli.

"E-Ehh…? Why would we?" Eli retorted,

"Because Ericchi probably just thinking about work-work-work and work…." Nozomi said playfully.

"…and you'll be slacking all day while taking care of your children…" Nozomi's mother said.

"E-Ehh…? Why would I be slacking all day while taking care of—…" Nozomi paused for a moment, thinking of what she just heard.

"….children….? How can we even make children…?" Nozomi asked to her mother.

"Adoption…?" Eli added.

"Is that even legal? I thought we're not allowed to do so…" Nozomi added again.

"What are you saying, the Groomy should be able to give one right?" Nozomi's mother spanked Eli.

"W-whoaa?!" Eli raises her eyebrows.

Oh…she just wants to mess with us….

Nozomi smirked.

Eli still flustered as she rubs her own butt.

"Good luck, ok? We don't mind to wait forever!" Nozomi's mother said as she left them.

Then the two sighed and look at each other again.

Meanwhile at the hall;

The decorations are nicely arranged—and it was all Eli's design. With flowery themes and dominated with white colors, everything looks almost like a heaven. Not all of the guests are who Eli knows—some are from Nozomi and her family and some are from the family of µ's member. A part of the ceremony are sponsored by Maki's family as they wish to be able to share their generousity, but most of their money are used for the flight tickets for the µ's member and family.

For a few times, they're trying to convince that they're able to support it all since they've saved a lot for it, Eli and Nozomi really feel bad for being so much a trouble for them—but they both having no choice to but to accept other's kindness as people always insisted that the two will need their own money to have fun with their honeymoon.

They would complain that people treats them like a child, but they can't actually do so since maybe—if they say that, people will think they are ungrateful—in fact, they are very happy to live around people who cares about them.

Putting all that behind the scenes trouble, the ceremony is about to start, the bride and the 'groom' stayed right in front of the door—next to each other.

"Ericchi, are you nervous?" Nozomi whispered,

"More than ever…" Eli replied.

Nozomi giggled,

"I expected that… the card told me this morning…" Nozomi giggled,

"What does your card says about our overall wedding?" Eli asked,

"It will be funky…." Nozomi replied again—still with a sweet giggles.

Then after a few minutes, the door opened and they started to enter the room along with the beautiful classical music that played.

On the other side of the room;

"Ok, Rin! You remember our practice yesterday?" Niko asked.


"Don't screw up, ok?"

"Of course-nya!" Rin said cheerfully.

The kitchen;

"Honoka-san, is this seriously all the food for this ceremony?" The chef asked as he pointed to a menu,

"Yep! I'm very certain!"

"They're all sweet…we need some variation…" the other chef replied.

"Then, we can just add rice to the menu!" Hanayo said energetically.

"Oh, maybe give a sour strawberry jam too!" Honoka said.

"Ohhh! Yes! Then, Rice Smoothies! They're so good!" Hanayo said.

"Uh….excuse me…?" The chefs flustered.

Behind the singer stage;

"Umi-chaan! Pleaseeeee!" Kotori begged,

"No-way! There's no way I went up to the stage with this kind of clothing—and all by myself! It's too embarrassing!" Umi replied.

"But…it've adjusted it with all the other uniform too… it will be perfect!" Kotori said.

"It's a short skirt, Kotori! We're no longer a kid!"

"Ehh…but you look just the same with a few years ago… just a little taller and… looks a little mature…that's it…. you're still beautiful.. Umi-chan…"

"W-What are you saying Kotori?! I don't want to perform in this! I'm going to wear my own clothing!" Umi said as her face blushes madly.


Back to the hall;

Nozomi and Eli walk side by side on the purple carpet in such a graceful and classical fashion, the music fits with the entire room and wedding themes. Maki who sat on the piano proudly smiled at them as she watch the two headed to the altar.

Then as their feet stops the music faded and they are supposedly to wait for the MC to make their greeting…. Well…they do make a greeting…but…..

"YOooooooooOoooo!" Niko shouted so loudly as she came in—in a rapper fashion.

"Waaaazzzuuuuuuuuuuuupppp-nyaaaaaa!" Rin added as she joined in the same fashion.

Eli swears her jaw just dropped while Nozomi giggled at them. Maki couldn't do anything but to put her palm on her own face.

Rin and Niko started to beatboxing as they walk to the altar in a funky way.

The guests are also jaw dropped and they just don't know what to comment on it. Supposedly, the wedding goes in a classical theme but… with the two completely giving out such a contrast…

"W-whoa….I didn't expect that!" whispered one of the guest.

Some of them started to laugh at the MCs who seemed to still enjoying themselves as they present themselves.

"Nozomi…. what are you telling them to do?" Eli asked.

"I just told them that we want them to lead a ceremony and make it unforgettable…" Nozomi giggled,

"So…this is their idea of unforgettable…." The Blonde smirked.

"YoHoho-Ho! Sup Peoples! Welcome to New York!" Niko rapped,

"It's been waiting for you-Nya!" Rin added.

Then they started to beatboxing again.

Eli still astonished by the amount of confidence that they shows off, but at the same time, she wonder what she should do to that.

"Just enjoy it, Ericchi… what ruins the party is when someone couldn't make what supposed to be fun a fun…." Nozomi said.

"Uuh…..w…what am I supposed to do now….?" Eli asked to Nozomi.

"Nothing… just get along…" Nozomi replied with her sweetest smile.

Eli sighed, but because the one who told her to do that is her wife anyway….


Then as the two look at Rin and Niko who seemed to have too much fun on their stage…

"Hey-hey-hey! You two!" Maki said as she walks in and pinched both of their ears.

"W-wha-wha…Maki-chan!" Rin said.

"O-Oiii! That Hurt yooo!" Niko still in her funky way of talking.

"This wasn't what you two told me about MCing yesterday!" Maki said as she released the two funky MCs.

"Plan changed, Maki-chan…! Kotori-chan approves-nya!" Rin said.

"Eeeeehhh?! When?" Kotori suddenly pops out from the curtain behind the singer stage.

"Anyhow! You two should stop messing around and call the priest already! We don't have forever!" Maki said.

"Got-it, Maki-chan!" Rin said as she made a salute to her.

Maki is about to return to her piano, but….

"Then… let's welcome… the priest!" Niko shouted loudly.

"H-hey! I said—…!"

Then the priest came in and started to beat boxing.

"Oh God…" Eli rolled her eyes.

Nozomi couldn't help herself to not laugh at the scene.

"Yo-yo-yo! Sup! Yo ready to make a vow yo!" The priest rapped,

"Seriously…." Eli smirked.

"Yes—we do!" Nozomi replied playfully.

And the blonde just responded with a heavy sigh.

A year passed,

The time passes so fast for them and it was also the time when the young couple somehow managed to adopt a child. With help from both of their parents, the two are now legal parents who live in Tokyo—opening a handcrafted accessories shop.

It was just a small and simple shop, but it provides everything they needed in life. First floor for the shop, then second floor is their home—plus Eli's workshop. Placed at the heart of the city, their shop mostly be visited by the young generation. Nozomi advertise and tend the shop by herself while Eli always works to supply the stock. Sometime, they accept people who wanted to take a part-time job. Their daughter often helps around, but the two always prefer her to enjoy her teen days than helping them around.

In all honesty though, that wasn't really their intention…they don't mind if their daughter prefers to help around than to play with her friends… but…..

"Just…go out, hun… the shop will be fine!" Nozomi said in her motherly way as she pushes her daughter out of the shop,

"But….I haven't help around this week….?" Her daughter replied. Her blonde hair tied neatly as her clothes was also nicely designed to fit her cute and innocent personality.

"There's still Friday, Saturday, and Sunday…." Nozomi replied.

"Oh…" her daughter replied.

"Plus, we'll be having a few part-timers to come by, I don't want you to outwit them…" Nozomi giggled,

"Alright, mom…" her daughter replied again in a somewhat sad manner,

"Why are you sad now? Most of the kids are happy when they're told to play…" Nozomi said gently,

"Well…mom, I just…fell like…. well…. I must do something to pay off everything you've done to me…" she replied again,

"Enjoy your youth and find your trueself is what we wanted…" Nozomi replied,

"Find my…what?"

Then suddenly a few tomboy-ish girls shouted,

"Oiii! Ayase-chan…! Do you want to play basketball today?"

"I'm coming!" Nozomi's daughter replied.

"Hehe, just go, Lily, Go!" Nozomi cheered.

"Sheesh…Mom, I'll return by four today… you better give me a job around the house after!"

"Sure-sure…! I'll make sure of that!" Nozomi replied cheerfully as she watches her daughter running off with her friends.

A few hours later;

The room is messy and yet artistic in a way. A lot of materials banked on the rack, blueprints attached on the wall and some are rolled into a scroll then kept on the empty wine barrel—which was never made for an actual wine. Eli in her white shirt, brown leather trouser, belt and gloves, along with her black rubber boots then a hat with thick bronze goggles attached on it walking around her own workshop as if she is currently looking into something,

Nozomi came in to the room and found her wife—or a female husband she may says, going around like a lost kid which makes her giggles softly. She is about to say something or to be clear, something that she needs to say out today, though the current event took more of her interest….

"What happened, Ericchi? Did you lost anything?" she asked,

"My goggles… I need to wear it because I need to fix a little part of the ordered accessories…! It's going to be due next week!"

Nozomi immediately focused on her hat, wondering if that goggle is the one that she is looking for—but it wouldn't be fun if she tells it right away.

"My! Looks like you're growing older than I expected, Ericchi…"

"No time for joke, Nozomi… I really-really need to find it…!" Eli replied.

"Hmm…ever since we're married, you're not any different than before… or maybe, worse than before… you should stop working for a while…. Take care of your wife…"

"We have that time in any night, Nozomi… this is still too early to relax…"

"That's similar to what you say at night… 'we still have time tomorrow, Nozomi…I'm too tired to do anything!" Nozomi mimicked Eli's sleepy accent with her playful expression.

Eli stopped and sighed at her,

"Fine… I'll stop now…until I found my goggles…at least…" she said.

Nozomi giggled again,

"Now-now, Ericchi, you made me want to hide that if I ever found it anywhere…" she said as she approached the blonde, placing both oth her hands on her shoulder then trailing them up to her lover's cheek.

"If this is going somewhere, you better have an explanation about who is taking care of the shop…" Eli said sternly.

"The old part-timers are there, they know what they should do and what they shouldn't do…" Nozomi replied as she picks Eli's hat—along with the goggle. Then she swiftly throws it—which accurately hung onto the hat hanger.

With Eli's eyes glued on Nozomi's seductive smile, she wouldn't care about the strange sound that made by her soft hat when it was hung into the hat hanger.

"It's been a while, isn't it?" Nozomi asked as she sticks her breast into Eli's.

"Have you lock the door?" Eli asked.

"Are we going to do anything here?" Nozomi replied playfully.

Eli sighed and she just walks to the door—but Nozomi held her back.

"Honey, the door must be locked, we can't show—…"

And before she finished, the purple haired woman presses her lips on to the blonde.

Have she forgotten about this warm and amazing sensation?


It's really been a while for them to not do anything as playful as this. Not only because they don't have that much time to play around, but also because they're always accompanied by their daughter—and they just don't think they can do anything like this in front of her.

When the play continues to where the entrance of the depth began to demand for a finger to touch, they both know that the game could be more passionate than it is.

Eli, though, still wondering if it's really fine for them to left the door unlocked...alas, she remember that people will always knock the door first anyway so it should be fine to be left like that. They moved all the way to the corner, where boxes are arranged neatly and tools are shoved down like it won't be used anymore.

Their clothes stripped down by each other's hands and placed on the box. Eli sat on top of it, then pulling her lover to her embrace. Kissing her from her neck—with all of the lust she has abandoned for long. She has forgotten about how soft her wife skin is, or how warm and exotic she is. While Nozomi, enjoying the feeling of the strong grip against her, it's like Eli will never let her go until she is satisfied and that is what she always love from their intimacy—being dominated.

The blonde explores her lover with her kisses and hands—she probably has also forgotten about how much she loves the voice of her wife moaning softly to her ears.

"You're so beautiful, honey…" Eli whispered to her wife before she continue trailing her kisses down to her favorite part—the breast.

It wasn't enough to make Nozomi responds more than with her moan. Then she could feel her breast being suckled so gently. If she may have to say, Eli is the only person who have ever done that to her. In her playful way of talking though….

"My….Ericchi, you still love doing that to mine… even our daughter never done that, you know…"

Eli didn't respond and instead, she switched to the other one while massaging the previous one.

"You're such a big baby…" Nozomi continued again with her playful teasing smile,

Then from that, the blonde swiftly turns her wife around, gripping on her breast and let her other arm travels down to her waist—locking her as she continues to enjoy her wife's soft and wet neck.

"Sheesh, you surprised me, Ericchi…"

Once again, Eli didn't respond and keep doing what she is currently doing.

"You're quiet now? I remember you are so talkative when—…" and suddenly, Eli's hand that gripping on her breast moved—into the purplenette's mouth.

"I've learned enough about how you like it… quiet and full of action…" Eli whispered again.

Nozomi could only smile at her,

And you get that idea because you enjoyed it too…right?

She thought in her mind.

Ericchi…. she just never changes…

She said again as she watches the other hand of the blonde's trails down to her groin and—….

At the other side of the city,

Lily—in the middle of her basketball play with her friends, keep thinking about what her parents just said to her.

It's true that she is now enjoying her youth, but she really still thinks that she should do something to pay all of their kindness—knowing herself as an adopted daughter who is loved as much as how every other daughter is. After all, a true family is a family that loved her…no matter how it truly was.

She really wanted to do something, but what she actually could do? Ignoring the fact that her mother already told her what she should do…

Then without her realizing, a ball passed to her and she wasn't ready enough to react—which caused her to get a rough hit on her head.

"W-whoaa! Ayase-chan!" said her friends as they ran to approach her.

She remained quiet as she touch where the pain placed at, though she was still all quiet until now.

They helped her to get up and ask,

"Are you ok? You look pale…" one of them asked.

"Oh…well…I was just… uhm…spacing out…" she replied.

"Sheesh, is it about your parents again?" the other asked.

"Pretty much…" she replied again with a wry smile on her face.

"I've never seen your father, but… I think I've seen your mother and she seemed to be a kind person…"

"They are…" Lily agreed.

"Then, what's the problem?" Her friend asked again,

"It because they're so kind… I don't know what to do to pay them back…."

"Oh!" They raised their eyebrow,

"That's a rare occasion, you know… Not many peoples are confused with that…. I mean… parents are just parents and that's about it… then we all just lives with them, learn and do what they're expecting us to do…." One of her friend said as they all sat down around her to listen to the conversation, one of them hold the basketball on her arm as she sat down.

Lily seemed to be sad as she heard it—feeling like there will be no one that able to understand her…

"Actually…" the other friend said,

"….can you tell us about your parents?" she asked to Lily.

"Well… about them…" she paused for a moment, trying to think of how she supposed to start from…

"They're not my actual parents… they just adopted me from the adoption center in my home country… I was like eight years old by then. My actual parents are died in accident…." She said.

He friends astonished, though they tried so hard to keep their expression as natural as possible.

"At first, I've never actually like them, because… well… they're just… hmm… how to put it…" she tried to think of her words,

"…..not the same kind of parents that I had…" she continued again.

Her friends remained silent in their confusion.

"I wasn't nice to them… I swear I caused more trouble than being a help to them back then. I stole their stuff, ran away from home, then started looking for a way to be adopted by someone else that I thought to be… how parents are supposed to be…" she continued again,

"How parents are supposed to be? What do you mean?" one of her friend asked again.

"Parents are always be a father and a mother, a man and a woman. Father is supposed to be someone who hold and protect the family while a mother is always be one that provide comfort and supports. We can't have two fathers or two mothers…" Lily said again,

"Eh…? You are saying that….?" her friend stopped—her face seemed to be somewhat disgusted,

"Did your father acted like a mother? Or… your mother acted like a father?" the other one added immediately.

"Uh what?" the other flustered from the statement.

"Sheesh! I can totally imagine the trouble!" the other one said again.

"Yeah! They must've done a lot of bickering by now!"

Lily was about to say something, but looking at two of her friends who seemed to know something as they averted her gaze…

"Ohhh!" her disgusted friend no longer made the same face,

"Then, you should just tell your father to man up if he is acting like a mother…or… tell your mother to be a woman if she acted like a father… as simple as that!" her friend said.

Lily remained quiet and giggled after a while. She knows that it can't be as simple as that—alas, that's not even the problem. But at least she knows that there's two of her friends that she probably able to rely on with the actual story.

At almost 4:00 PM;

Lily had to say goodbye to her friends for today, she promised that she will return at four. Two of her friends—who seemed to know something accompanied her to her home, she listened to what Lily has in her mind…

"So… other than because you feel like you owe them a lot, you also think that they deserves something more than who you are right now?" her friend asked,

"Pretty much…" Lily replied.

"To be honest, it will be hard… I've never actually helped anything other than doing the dishes and tidying up my own bed…" her friend replied again.

"…oh..and…I think, you may want to apologize too because you've hurt them before…I mean… by not accepting them because who they love… it must be painful for them…." Her other friend added,

"The fact that you've changed though, I think they must be proud of you already…"

"Really?" Lily tried to confirm what she just heard.

"Yep, really. There's nothing more pleasant than being accepted. In friendship, in a family… both are nice!"

"Wow, aren't you sounded like you've experienced something like being rejected?" her friend asked to her other friend.

"Eh…well…how do I put it…" the other friend started to think.

"My family is true—lineage wise… my mother is my actual mother, my father is my actual father… but we've never actually acted like a real family. Each of us likes to do what we want to do, refusing to understand others until…. Well….until that day…" she gloomed,

Lily and her friend seem to feel bad to ask her…but it has happened anyway….

"….My father passed away and no one knows… because we were too busy taking care of our own life…. Then by the time we realizes it, it's already been ten days of his funeral—and no one came to his funeral other than they who found him…"

"Sorry to ask this, but… why is he…?" Lily stopped,

"He died in an accident, his phone crushed and he didn't bring his wallet. People assume that he was on the way to return home to pick it up. They contacted the police but they can't identify him, his identity was revealed after me and my mother decided to look for him…"

"Ah…" Lily and her friend gave her a concerned look.

"That was the most depressing part of my life, then ever since that, we just realizes that we should start acting like a family. It's true that we may clash in some part, but life isn't smooth anyway. We can't always be on top of the wheel… we have to fight our way and aim for what we wish to."

"No wonder you're so mature!" Lily's friend appreciated.

"Hehe! Yep! I agree! You've been through a hard time!" Lily said.

"Not that you're any luckier, Lily! I mean… you lost both…" her friend said.

"Eh—you're right…but… I've got over them!" Lily replied with a smile,

"Eeeeehh!? That's somewhat wrong, but….. uh…how do we put it…." her friend flustered,

"Hnn…like I said before, I like them now…. they're so kind…so I suppose I'm lucky to meet them? I don't hate them anymore…."

"We…we know that…but… to the person who gave birth to you…." they stopped there—leaving her with the hint from their face.

"I still respect them, of course, we still pay a visit to their grave… but what I have to face is what I'm facing now, right? I mean…I'm living with my new parents, not them… so….I have to somehow be useful to my current parents and grow up as what I'm expected to be…"

"Eh…now you said it, you look like you know what you should do, Ayase-chan!" her friend said.

"Not quite… I still don't know about what exactly I should do…"

"Uhnn…. Well, we don't know what you should do either… I mean… we're still too young to think about the details….but maybe, just help with anything that you can do?"

"hmm…anything I can do…huh?"

Lily began to think…

At home, afternoon;

Nozomi is been busy with preparing for dinner while Eli has already returned to her work. The store has been closed for the day and they've made pretty good amount of money— it may not be too much, but it's a little bit more than enough for the family.

Eli still remained as one with the wit— one who always knows what she should do to make profit. She has a lot of order from clients, which makes her capable of making extra cash for various things.

Nozomi, on the other hand, have grown mature enough yet still liking her old hobby—the fortune telling. From time to time, she offered her services to the young who came to visit the shop. Eli could always complain about it, but she has proves her that it somehow helps them to sell the goods too.

When the door opened and Lily came into the house— her shirt stained with her sweat and mud. She smiled at her mother and say,

"Mama! I'm home!"

"Welcome back…" Nozomi said with her gentle smile.

"I'm going to take bath and help you out! Leave me with something to do, ok?" Lily said before she ran off.

Nozomi didn't make any remarks about how she makes the floor dirty—assuming that she just forgot to take off her shoes. But just before Nozomi picks a fabric to wipe the floor….

"Aaahhh! I forgot to take off my shoes!" Lily yelled and she ran off to the front, placing her shoes on the rack then taking the fabric that Nozomi about to take. She cleaned the floor quickly then ran off again to take her bath. The floor is somewhat cleaner—but still dirty because she forgot that her knee was also stained by the mud.

Nozomi smiled at her and continue the cleaning on her own.

Night time;

The family has finally gathered, Lily got what she wanted— something to do around the house.

She was tasked to help Nozomi preparing the food— a vegetable and fruit salads. It has become a custom for them to have it as dinner. Then their drinks… it's always be low-fat milk without sugar.

Lily, who are somewhat still clueless about why it always be the same type of food finally decided to ask tonight…

"Uhm…Papa, Mama…." She called.

"What is it?" both replied in the same time.

"Why are we always eating salads at night? Then what with the low fat milk?"

"Oh… that…?" Eli smiled playfully,

Nozomi blushes slightly, knowing where it is going.

"It was all started when I and Mama still engaged to each other… We were still a free soul by then, never think of anything but to live together. Mama has this hobby of hers— eating meats whenever her mood is right… Well, I was there too, but I don't really mind since I always spend enough to keep myself in shape… but for her….."

Eli stopped before she started to giggle,

Lily raises her eyebrow in shock,

"M-Mama…did you….?!"

"Yep, it was like almost two numbers added to her weight. What worse is that she realizes it about three months before our actual wedding… she was so panic and frightened. But lucky, she managed to get it back at a week before the ceremony…."

"That was close!" Lily said.

"Exactly what I said, Lily… just imagine the trouble if she has to remake her wedding dress!"

"W-wah! Wedding dress! Is it pretty?" Lily asked.

"It's nothing compared to her beauty…" Eli said with a chuckle,

"Sheesh! Ericchi! Flirting out of nowhere… but, you should've seen papa-chika, she was handsome… she was cute too! Especially when she pouts for the entire ceremony…"

"Eh… pouting… why?" Lily asked.

"Because, the ceremony turns funky… I didn't mean it in a negative way, it's just funky and people are getting a long with it… except for her…" Nozomi giggled.

"Uhmm…I don't get it…" Lily said sadly.

Eli put her palm on her own face.

"Please let's just skip that topic…" Eli said.

"Papa is just being a spoilsport, the wedding was a blast and everyone had a lot of fun… it's one unforgettable wedding…" Nozomi said.

"How was it exactly?" Lily asked curiously.

"Hmm… let's just say— everything was so classic at first, then it turned out to be somewhat musical…" Nozomi said with a giggle,

"Even though our singer that we hire ended up to not shows up on the stage— she paid her debt with recording her singing specially for both of us. We listened to her singing during our honeymoon… the best thing is that we can repeat it over and over… plus, we got a professional idol group came to replace her, they truly are something too because they get along with the sudden turn of wedding themes..."

"W-waah! I want to listen too!"

"We can do that later… but for now, what else do you want to know about us, Lily?" Nozomi asked.

"uhm…well…" Lily started to think,

"I want to see your wedding album! I remember that my mama and papa had it before!"

"Oh… that should be in the room too, we can do that later too… anything else?"

"Hmm… then, maybe… about… how was it for you two when you two are engaged to each other?"

"It was tough… and it was also a long story…but to put it simply, we were always scared that people would react the same way with how you were…" Eli replied.

"Ericchi! That's not how you say it!" Nozomi whispered.

"Huh? Then…how?" Eli raises her eyebrow.

"It's fine, Mama… I've realized that I was wrong to react like that…." Lily said.

"I mean…I has never met anyone like you two—then I was always been told that normally… people who're different are ….uh…well..different…. it's scary and somewhat humiliating….but now I'm proud and glad! If I've never met you two, I'll never open my eyes to a possibility!Then I probably will always judge people from who they love…"

Nozomi and Eli lifted their eyebrows, they couldn't reply to the innocent sincere words that came out of their child. Also, it's probably the last thing they expect from someone like her— one who are always too shy to say her true feeling because she wasn't that comfortable with them at first.

Nozomi and Eli smiled and they giggled at her— a hint of tears came out of their eyes though they pretend that everything was fine to them. Lily notices it,

"W-What…?" she blushes as she turns her sight away.

"Nothing, I was just…well…surprised you said that…" Eli said.

"S-shees, papa, you need to man up…. don't get teary so sudden!" Lily said.

"Sorry…but really… I still remember how you reacted when you figured out that I'm the one that going to hold the role as papa…" Eli continued as she wiped her own tears that keep coming out of her eyes.

"You were like… looking into a chaos— a dead man or something… then you just ran away from home immediately… you didn't even think of how Nozomi probably will feel on your reaction…" she continued again.

"I…I'm sorry…. did I made mama cried that night?" Lily asked.

"No, she wasn't. None of us did…" Eli replied again.

"We were just…disappointed and already expect something like that will happen… knowing that…well… we're just not always accepted by everyone around us… you're not the first to show that kind of expression, you know…" she continued,

"But it's not always bad though, some people actually respect our decision… they didn't look at us weirdly and they don't make us feel bad too…" Nozomi added,

"Putting that topic aside, Nozomi… all we want to say is that we're glad that you have clear up our doubt. It's nice to hear that directly than to be left guessing…" Eli said.

"Was it really that hard for you two to survive in the relationship? I mean… isn't it ugly to be bashed around…?" Lily asked innocently.

"You will never be able to please the society, that's what we always believe…" Eli replied.

"That's why, we both decided to not live in fear of being judged or bashed around, what we fear is when we couldn't survive on our own feet…" she continued again as Lily seemed to be still flustered with it.

"That's too heavy for her to process, Ericchi…" Nozomi giggled,

"To put it simply….we don't really care… we both knows that caring about they who are irresponsible with their points are as pointless as their ranting. We have to filter about what we need to care about and what we need to ignore…" she continued as she look into her daughter.

"Uhm… question again, how do you know which is right and which is wrong…?" Lily asked again.

"That will be….uhm…. must be learned through experiences and reflection. But the easiest way to know it is by asking to yourself—will you be happy if someone do that to you? Then, to remember, each people has their own feeling…" Eli replied.

"But sometime is necessary to become a stubborn, especially when we know that we're doing something right. It's not always a bad thing…" Nozomi added.

Lily tilts her head again, she seemed to be still confused.

"Again… you really need to experience things to understand. That's why you need a lot of time to learn about life…" Eli said.

"…or asking to people who you trust to be someone you can rely on…" Nozomi added.

Lily raises her eyebrow,

"I still don't get it… but I'll remember that…!" she said with a smile.

Then suddenly, the phone is ringing.

"Ah, I'll get that…" Nozomi said before she quickly heads to the phone.

Accepting the call— Eli and Lily stares into Nozomi quietly and expecting to know what might be up.

"Hello… Ayase residence here…" Nozomi said.

Eli could hear a familiar voice from the phone while Lily is still clueless.

"Oh— You are all coming here… that's so sudden!" Nozomi said somewhat cheerfully.

"Ah… µ's…." Eli mumbled.

"µ's….?" Lily tilts her head confusedly,

Nozomi notices Eli's remark and winked at her to give her a confirmation about who's calling them.

"….alright, I'll get the door then!" the purplenette continued with a big smile before she quickly closes the phone and ran out.

After she opened the door for them,

Each member of µ's came in with a box of present, then they had some extra food and cakes prepared as well. They had their dinner together, but Eli and Lily still look flustered on what exactly happen today,

"…so...what day is today?" Eli asked

"You forgot what day is today?!" Niko said loudly.

"It's your birthday, Eli-chan." Kotori said calmly.

"Huh? Yeah?" Eli replied as she quickly looks into the calendar. It really is her birthday and Nozomi even marked it with a heart shape drawn on it. There was also a Happy Birthday written near it.

"I was about to tell you last time when I went to your workshop, but something else made me interested so I save it for tonight—but turns out, a better surprise was prepared…" Nozomi said with a giggle.

Lily is still somewhat surprised with it and a part of her telling that she feels bad to not know anything about today.

"We were debating about it last time—about if you remember your own birthday or not. I suppose I totally won the debate now…" Maki said.

"I was somehow believes that you will forgot too-nya!" Rin said energetically.

"O-Oi! You didn't say that before!" Niko protested.

"Ahaha…I suppose, Eli-chan is really an extreme hardworker…" Hanayo said with a faint smile.

"Hehe…I totally understand that, Umi-chan tends to forget hers too!" Kotori said.

"That's bad though, Eli-chan! You shouldn't forget your own birthday especially when you get your present!" Honoka said.

"Putting that aside, Eli…. How are you?" Umi asked politely.

"Hmm… Life is been ok…I suppose, but I'm happy…" Eli replied with less emotion added to her words.

"Just ok? That's mean, Ericchi, we had our privy fun time today…" Nozomi said playfully.

"Heh—You mean… pervert fun time?" Maki said sarcastically.

"Oi! Not in front of children!" Niko said.

"Don't worry, she will grow to look more like an adult than you, Nikocchi…" Nozomi said teasingly.

They all giggled to it except for Niko who pouts hard enough to disagree,

"What about you, Nozomi?" Umi asked politely again.

"Me…? Well… I can't ask more than what I have… Life been great and satisfying…even though Ericchi constantly makes me worried because she tends to overwork herself… but she survives anyway so that's all that matters to me…"

"Sheesh, Eli-chan, you really need to take a vacation… especially because winter is coming up soon! We all should go out and have fun!" Honoka said.

"Honoka… your plan isn't bad…but, really… can you really take a vacation at winter? What about your shop?" Umi asked.

"Hehe, don't worry-don't worry! I've got Yukiho! Then...Alisa-chan also going to help out! She said, she wants me to take Eli-chan to a vacation!" Honoka said.

"Alisa did that?" Eli raises her eyebrow.

"Yep! Your family was really worried about you! But they know they can't tell you… they wanted to tell that to Nozomi-chan too but looking at how she works hard to support you makes them think that the attempt will fail somehow…"

"Eh? Really? Do I look like I'm working hard?" Nozomi asked.

"Yeah! They said, they saw you cleaning up the street in front of your shop, then opening it up in the morning, overhelmed by customers until dusk, then unseen for the rest of the day or sometime went to the shrine to do more cleaning and some praying…." Honoka replied again,

"My co-workers also told me that your shop tends to be busy because a lot of people ordered for specialy made accessories…" Hanayo said.

"Ah–yeah! My company also really depends on Eli-chan's shop! It be trouble if we had to make our own accessories for each fashion! I mean… we've already burdened with tailoring job!" Kotori said.

"Kotori, you're saying it like you don't like your job…" Umi said.

"Ehh… well…I like it, but sometime it just too stressful for me to handle! I want to make my own design!" Kotori said somewhat stressfully.

"Uhm…there's still more promotion to go for that, Kotori…" Umi said.

"Haaaaah….At least you're just dealing with something dead— I mean, those fabric won't screams or being more dead than it is. My work been hard too and you know….those patients won't be quiet before they're told about what to do to cure themselves…." Maki said.

"Uhh….Clinic sounds scary…." Hanayo said.

"Yes! Exactly! Then, guess what? They just have to be taken care of as soon as possible! It's way harder for me to get some nice sleep and vacation!" Maki complained again,

"On the bright side though, Maki-chan is still rich and getting richer-nya…" Rin said.

"I guess that's true, but anyway, Eli! You're going to take a vacation at winter holiday, right?!" Maki asked—somewhat giving out a persistent face at her.

"U..uh…. well, that be depend on—…."

"Yes, we are…" Nozomi cuts in.

"H-Huh?" Eli surprised to the sudden answer,

"I'll go contact my parents and tell them I'm going to take a break at winter holiday…" Maki quickly takes out her phone and start calling.

"I'll go tell my company too that I'm taking a break, I hope they don't mind if!" Kotori said as she also quickly picks her phone.

"Me too!" Hanayo said as she quickly picks her phone too.

"Wait…I still have a few orders lined up…" Eli said.

"Don't worry- it's not going to be that bad to stop the line from growing…" Nozomi said.

"I guess that can't be helped, huh? I'll help you out…" Niko said.

"…and I suppose if you need to make some work done, you can always hire her…" Maki said.

"H-Huh?! Hey! I'm not that desperate!" Niko yelled.

"Wait… Nikocchi is unemployed?" Nozomi asked,

"No way!" Niko said loudly.

"She is just in danger of being one…" Maki said.

"Y-you don't need to say it like that!" Niko complained at her,

"Heh, in all seriousness though, you need to take care of that problem before winter holiday…" Maki said.

" it just me or… we all just don't know what exactly going on with Nikocchi?" Nozomi asked again.

"Hehe, it's something personal, don't worry about the details. But at least you all know that she is currently being in a trouble…" Maki replied.

"Like always…" Eli said with a chuckle,

"It's not always, sheesh!" Niko smirked,

"Uh…then..good luck, Niko-chan…." Kotori said cheerfully….

Then they giggled again as Niko complained that everyone still treats her like a kid. Lily who've been quietly observing how amusing everyone seemed to be, starts to wonder about what makes them called as µ's…

She is about to ask the question, but then she feel like she shouldn't interfere the fun banter…though her clueless face didn't go unnoticed by Honoka…

"Hey-hey, you are… Riri-chan, right?" the energetic ginger haired girl asked,

"Uhm…it's Lily…" Lily replied.

"Oh…. Miri?"

"Lily…" Lily said again.


"Lily!" Lily pouts at her,

"Ahaha, I'm joking, I'm joking…" Honoka giggled to herself,

"….so how are you?" Umi asked the question as she knows that Honoka is just trying to make her a part of the conversation.

"Uhm…good? Mama and Papa re so kind to me!" Lily replied to Umi.

"How's your grade going?" Maki asked.

"Uuh…that…" Lily averted her gaze.

"Ohh! Come on now, Maki-chan, you don't need to ask that sensitive question!" Honoka said.

"It's fine…It just not that good and not that bad either…" Lily replied.

"Ah? Then, you're just an average student, huh?" Maki replied.

"That's one way to say it, Maki….but hey, now… I was just an average student too!" Niko said.

"Huh? You would call 56, 60, 21, 23, 29, 40 as an average student score?" Nozomi said teasingly.

"O-Oi! You don't need to mention that detail!" Niko yelled again.

"Wow…that score sounds amazing…" Lily said.

"You think so?!" Niko asked with sparks on her eyes.

"Yeah! I only got like from 7 to 10!" Lily said cheerfully.

"Uhm…isn't that because the score range is from 0 to 10….?" Maki asked.

"Yeah! 10 is the highest everyone in my class can do!" Lily replied.

"Oh…." Niko smirked,

Then everyone giggled to her again except for Lily who still remains clueless.

"Anyway… Eli-chan! You should open your present-nya!" Rin said.

"Ah...sure…" Eli replied as she turns her eyes to the pile of presents that placed on the table.

For a moment there, she felt like something is so nostalgic. The box of present resembles the one that she received long ago when she was still a high-school student. Then she also remembers the place that she used as a party. It's true that every birthday party back in those days are always specially planned by everyone in µ's… without exception, they celebrate each of member's birthday…they don't even care about how much money are spent for it… but now that they're all have grown up, they started to think of it and things goes as simple as possible.

"Ahh…it's so nostalgic, don't you think?" Nozomi said.

[You've read my mind, honey…]

Eli replied in her mind. Nozomi smiled to her,

"What are you waiting for, Ericchi? Go open it!" she said.

"Alright…. Let's do it!"

Eli quickly stood up from her place and head to the box. She picks up the biggest box and process to open it up,

"Go-Go! Eli-chaan!" Her friends cheered,

Then as the first box opened…

A goofy looking thing jumped out of it then a funky music with a record of Niko and Rin's beatboxing played.

"W-Whoaa?!" Eli shouted,

The rest of µ's started to laugh.

"You all! We're already this old and still into playing prank, huh?!" Eli complained,

"Can't be helped, you're too stiff everyday so we want to spice things up!" Niko said with her laughter...

"Just enjoy it, Ericchi…just enjoy it…" Nozomi giggled,

"All of youuuuu!" Eli's voice deepen,

"W-Whaaa!" The µ's started to get up from their seats and scatters around the house as Eli began to chase them. Lily who remains in her seat only could laugh to the event.

Either way, now she knows— perhaps, she really just needs to enjoy her life and be herself for now. There's must be still a lot of things that need to be learned out there, especially, a way to enjoy life while surviving in it—just like how the µ's are...


Bonus Event:

The Night falls darker, µ's decided to stay for the night just for the sake of the fun. The Bedroom is full and they just slept anywhere after all the fun they had. Firstly because Umi still a big loser when it's about playing a card game, then even if they have another game like Monopoly or Snake and Ladder, Umi is still persistent on trying to defeat her long life Card-Game-Nemesis, Kotori.

Even though the night has gone quiet until now and the dark room helps each of members to sleep, Niko has an idea that came across her mind. She just felt that the earlier prank wasn't enough to spice the day up since the chase are ended just when they're all too tired to run around.

"Oi...Rin..." Niko whispered to the childish-adult who still remain as cute as a cat when sleeping.

"Nya...?" Rin replied tiredly.

"Want to plant another prank?" Niko asked,

"Sure!" Rin replied energetically.

Then the two woke up,

Either they ignored the fact that there are actually two person missing from the bedroom or they are just too ignorant with such detail, or perhaps about the possibility that might be currently happening when that two persons are missing.

The two prankster headed to the workshop which seemed to have a faint dim light lit inside the room.

"Ah...Eli must be inside right now!" Niko whispered.

"Oooh! She must be working again tonight-nya..." Rin replied with a whisper too.

"Such a hard worker she is... but really, we will now make this day special... I bet Nozomi will approve this..." Niko said.

"Yes, I'm very sure too-nya!" Rin replied.

"So how are we going to do it?" Niko asked,

"Let's just wear a white blanket from the bedroom, then scream at her-nya!" Rin said.

"Alright, that's a great idea, Rin! Now we should hurry up before Eli decided to stop working!"

"Ok-nya!" Rin replied before the two swiftly and quietly move to the bedroom.

The two returned back,

Now fully covered with white blanket. They sneaks back to the door of the workshop, then Niko figured that the door is unlocked which make her decide that the situation is in her advantage.

Well...maybe that's what she think.

She slowly opened it and enter the room without hesitation, then when her eyes figured that there are two shade of figures doing something on the floor...

"W-WHOA?!" Niko shouted as she quickly open her disguise to look at what is it exactly.

Eli with unbuttoned white shirt, black trouser and a strap-on attached on her, currently stopped on doing her wife as her eyes half closed and frowned deeply into Niko who stood in shock. Nozomi crossed her arm to cover her breast, her legs are spread open as it lets the blonde hold it for her while something penetrated deep inside her, but more important detail she doesn't seem to be amused with the arrival of the black haired girl.

"We will demand an explanation of why there's no one that knock the door or why are you under a white blanket..." Eli said.

"Well uh...uh...surprise?" Niko said awkwardly. Then she turned around to look for her ally who is already gone from her place.

"Wow...damn...she beats me to it.." Niko smirked.

"Nikocchi... looks like you want to feel something you've never felt since-..."

and before Nozomi finished, Niko quickly escaped from the room and closed the door tightly, hoping that everyone will pretend that there was nothing happened just now.

Alright, that's all for the Bonus. Thanks again for reviews and faves! If you forgot to add as fave, please do as it makes me sooo happy!