I started on a comic and thought it would be cool to maybe make a fanfiction along with it. Depending on the faves and followings this fic gets, I can't promise a chapter two. I guess you guys will be the determining factor on whether I'll continue this or not. Comments and reviews will also help! Just to forewarn: there's probably a LOT of mistakes in this and I have yet to review it. Give me a break, I made this thing in an hour around 2:00 in the morning, I'm exhausted okay? Lol anyways enjoy. Oh, and there is some graphic material in this fan-fic so viewer description is advised.

Marshall Lee paced back and forth in his living room restlessly, his hands a shaking mess. A frustrated hiss escaped the boy's pale lips as the unknown hunger once again ripped through his cold body. The wave of pain that tore through his undead nerves caused the vampire to convulse and collapse to the floor, his chest heaving as he continued to take blow after blow. Almost sobbing from the pain, he instinctively curled into a ball, and let out a frustrated growl. For weeks now, this mysterious hunger had plagued him. It was so bad that no matter how hard he tried, he could not distract himself from the ravenous hunger that had over taken him. Playing his guitar didn't work, neither did sucking the red out of everything he owned, even visiting his friends didn't seem to pull him away from this glob awful feeling. Nothing seemed to work and Marshall was near, if not past, his breaking point. As the pain began to temporarily subside, the vampire kings dark eyes lazily opened. Drawing in a deep breath, he continued to lie there on the floor motionless. Every move he made was painful, and every breath he breathed was agonizing. Although Marshall wanted to shove the thought to the back of his head, he had an idea of what this pain was...

this pain that he was feeling was blood lust.

Sure, he has experienced blood lust before. Every vampire experiences every now and then. There were times when he would crave the warm coppery fluid, but most of the time he could control himself. It scared him to think about what would happen if someone walked into his house right now. He wasn't so sure if he'd be able to stop himself especially if that someone was her.

Instantly Marshall's fangs lengthened and his heart began to race as a certain human came crawling into mind.

"Marshall? You okay in there?" Fionna called while she put her ear to the door to listen for movement. Listening carefully, she could hear a faint shuffling and what sounded to be heavy breathing. Fionna's lips dropped into a frown and her eye lids drooped in annoyance. Was he with a girl? She didn't want to interrupt; Either way, she had to make sure he was okay.

"Come on, open up! I haven't seen you in a week-"

"Go away." Marshall rasped, his eyes glowering at the wooden door.

"Marshall?" Fionna called again. "Stop joking around dude, that's not funny. You're really starting to freak me out.


Suddenly, the vampire convulsed and let out an agonized hiss as a hunger pain ripped through his body. Instinctively, Marshall retreated to the shadows of the nearest corner of the room.

Sweat poured down his face as he eyed the door warily. He knew now that is was only a matter of time that he was about to break.

"No!" Fionna persisted, tears forming in her eyes as she tried to understand what was going on. "What's wrong with you? I'm your friend, I wanna help!"

"Please..." His voice cracked. Marshall's eyes closed as he began to say a silent prayer. He was praying that she wouldn't walk through that door.

"Please just go away. It's not safe here."

Fionna put her hands on the door, her blue eyes staring a hole through the wood and paint. Right now the girl was facing two options: caving to Marshall's request or busting down that front door of his. Right now, option two looked a hell of a lot better than option one. What if he was hurt? What if someone was holding him hostage? Sure, Marshall Lee can take care of himself but the vampire always had a terrible habit of letting his guard down. Either way she knew she had to do something. Marshall could be a jerk sometimes but he was her friend. Her best friend (excluding Cake of course) and she had to help him.

Marshall's chest tightened. The silence that came from behind his front door was utterly nerve wrecking, and he knew Fionna was contemplating breaking his front door down.

Marshall growled as he heard the door break open, his fangs baring in anger. Fionna ran over to him, her eyes wide as she saw his form huddled in the shadows of the room.

"For once! Why couldn't you just listen to me?!" Marshall snarled, his body contracting into a shaking heap as he used the last of his energy to hold himself back.

"Marshall..."Fionna stared in shock. She couldn't believe the sight in front of her. Never before had she seen her friend in such a frightening state. He didn't look like Marshall Lee anymore...He looked like a demon. A monster.

But she wasn't scared. Despite looking into those horrible dark eyes, she still saw her friend.

"What happened to you? " Fionna asked. She bent down close to him, her face still filled with shock as she reached a hand out to him. Much to her surprise, her hand was smacked away by a clawed one.

"I-I thought I could do it. I tried." Marshall began to sob, his red pupils dilating as Fionna's scent filled his nostrils. He was so hungry...

"I wanted to be a better person. I tried to lay off the blood for a while...but it hurts so much. I'm falling apart."

Fionna felt tears start to swell in her eyes as she took in this disemmbled form of his. Idiot. now why would he do something like that? Couldn't he see that he was fine the way he was? Sure it scared Fionna to think that he drank blood but it wasn't like he drank it all the time. Anyways, there was no time to worry about thay. She had to figure out a way to help him and help him fast!

But before she could even rise to her feet Marshall Lee pounced on her. He was terrifyingly strong! Normally Fionna could toss or wrestle him off of her, but not this time.

The girl let out a loud gasp of pain as Marshall's fingers tightened their grip on her arms. The grip bruised her flesh, and his claws began to dig painfully into her skin...and that was when Fionna noticed it. The coppery smell of blood filled her nose and she cast a fearful glance at her right arm. Marshall Lee had already broken the skin on it, his razor sharp talons piercing the flesh like a knife in butter.

"Marshall..."Fionna called.

She tried to stay calm, but it was hard to. Especially when there was a blood thirsty demon vampire pinning her down on the ground like she was some wounded rabbit. His stare was violating, and Fionna could see that he was very interested, if not obsessed, with her neck-shoulder region.

Desperate to snap him out of the trance he was in, Fionna struggled against his grip.

"Marshall, stop! This isn't you!"

Before she even had time to breathe another word, Fionna felt an agonizing pain rip through her upper shoulder near her clavicle. It was equal to being stabbed by 30 steak-knives.

Letting out a harsh squeal she struggled violently underneath him, her breathes coming out in painful pants as he began to feed. "Ah! Please stop! It hurts!" Fionna could hear a soft crunching noise as Marshall Lee nawed on her shoulder. He was trying desperately to stimulate blood flow to the area, readjusting his fangs in the flesh every now and then so that he could get a better drinking angle.

After about five minutes, Fionna began to feel the effects of blood loss and her struggling ceased. Instead, she stared blankly at the ceiling, tears caused by pain falling silently down her cheeks. Her energy was leeched from her, and all she could do was helplessly wait for Marshall Lee to finish.

Finally, Marshall broke from her shoulder, his fangs dripping with the girl's blood. His face was also coated with the red fluid, and Fionna dully noted that it was coated with a lot of it.

Feeling the afterglow of his feeding start to take effect, the vampire ran a tongue across his fangs and growled in content. Fionna could only stare at him silently, her expression blank. She barely had enough energy to keep her eyes open, and she could feel her heart start to struggle in her chest.

"If I don't do something I'll bleed to death." She thought to herself anxiously. "But I'm so tired."

Marshall directed his focus to the human beneath him again, his dark eyes burning with unfamiliar desire as he watched the girl start to drift in and out of conciousness. Fionna felt something warm and wet press against her lips.

Letting out a small sound, she tried to turn her head away, but it was brought back by a clawed hand. Fionna's eyes struggled open, her eyebrows knitting together in confusion as she locked eyes with Marshall Lee.

His mouth was pressed against her's, his enlarged fangs pushing painfully into her lips as he took her into a demanding kiss. Much to her disgust, Fionna felt his tongue force entry. She could taste her own blood off of his tongue and it left a stale coppery taste in her mouth. Wanting desperately to break the kiss Fionna violently shook her head. She gasped for air, her eyes glazing over as tears began to swell inside again.

Marshall let out a low growl as he ran his tongue down her jawline to her neck, lapping up droplets of her blood here and there before continuing down to the nape of her neck. Fionna was numb at this point. She wanted so badly to put up a fight but she couldn't find the strength to. Her throat was dry and cracked and her words faltered as she tried to yell. Never before had she felt so helpless, so weak. Why couldn't he just get it over with?

After ravaging her neck, Marshall continued down to her breast, his chest rumbling in delight as he proceeded to rip her shirt down.

Fionna let out a shuddering sob, her head turning away as tears began to roll down her face.

Marshall Lee stopped.

Hearing her sobs, the vampire looked up at the human girl. His expression was a mixture of shock and confusion.

"Fi...Fionna?" He asked in a half confused dazed voice.

Hearing him call her name, Fionna felt her sobs worsen.

"P-please stop. Please..." Fionna cried, her chest heaving as her body tried to cope with the low blood levels.

Marshall stared in shock, his eyes still demonic as he watched the girl fall apart beneath him.

What's going on...What happened?