Graylu week day 8

Prompt: Decade

Here is a short and sweet little ending for you all (Also explains what happens to Serena after she wakes up)

:) Thank you for reading this story!

-Hours Earlier-

Serena woke up with a terrible headache. She clutched her head and moaned in pain.

"Lucy..." she said once the pain started to numb down. She looked at the clock and saw that it was getting late. She jumped up, ignored the next headache, and ran out the door. Once she reached the main area where all the Fairy Tail members were at, they narrowed their eyes at her.

"Why do you hold a grudge against Lucy?" asked MiraJane.

"I don't!" Exclaimed Serena as she threw her arms up in the air. She was getting tired of explaining herself. "If Lucy is anything like me, which I saw at first glance that she was, I had to help her with her romance by pushing it in a way that she would have to take the reins!"

"That makes no sense," commented Carla as she crossed her arms. The cat froze. She was having a vision.

"Carla?" questioned Wendy worriedly.

"What is she doing?" asked Serena with her brows furrowed.

"She's having a vision," responded Elfman. He was a bit sad that Evergreen left for the night. "She usually gets it when something bad is about to happen."

"No..." said Carla softly as her mouth curled into a soft smile. "It's not bad at all. Guys, Serena is telling the truth! Please, take her word for it!"

Laxus scoffed and walked away saying, "I am so done with this romance crap."

"Laxus!" scolded his grandfather. "I expect you to be married soon, so I want you to learn from this! You have to make sure that I have great-grandchildren before I die!"

"Dream on, old man!"

"Where is Lucy, by the way?" asked Serena, looking around the guild.

Wendy smiled and said, "She's getting ready for her date with Gray."

"What? Why didn't anyone wake me up?!"

"You were kind of out of energy," responded MiraJane. "And speaking of which, shouldn't you still be in bed?"

"No! I will not sleep while my cousin breaks the curse without me watching!"

They all sweat dropped.

"I have to go!" cried Serena. "I hope they haven't left yet!"

When Gray and Lucy walked into the Fairy Tail guild, they scanned the room and noticed everyone were looking at pictures scattered throughout the tables.

"I helped with the aerial shots!" exclaimed Happy.

"What's going on?" questioned Lucy. Everyone's heads snapped up and looked at the couple with a smirk.

"Why don't you see for yourself?" asked Serena, admiring the work she has caused, even though it made people stressed.

Lucy and Gray walked up to the table and then immediately fell over upon seeing that every single one was of them from the night before.

"I think I'm going to sell these to the magazine," said Makarov with a mischievous grin.

"Don't!" cried Gray and Lucy at the same time.

Makarov made a lot of money that day.

Despite all the teasing coming from their friends, Lucy and Gray looked over at each other and smiled. As long as they were with each other, they didn't care.

A few weeks later, Starry visited them, saying that she saw their picture in the magazine and just had to see the two.

"You guys are perfect for each other!" she exclaimed, wrapping her arms around the celestial mage.

"Thank you so much!" replied the blonde, returning the hug. "I'm so glad you came to visit! How have you been?"

Starry pulled away and said, "I haven't been this happy in years."

A small party was thrown for Starry, just like she was promised. Amidst all, Gray took Lucy's hand and pulled her into an empty room and shut the door. He pinned her against the wall and kissed her fiercely.

"I've been wanting to do this all day," he whispered after pulling away slightly.

Lucy was a bit out of breath from the excitement. "So have I."

Their lips locked again.

From behind them, someone coughed, causing the Gray to jump around. It was Happy, smiling from ear to ear.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but..." he started. Besides him were piles of fish. Probably stolen. "But I should probably go before you two go any further. Don't tell anyone about my fish though and I won't tell any one you're up here! Serena would probably pay me good money if I tell her though..."

"No!" cried Lucy. "Don't tell Serena! She'll come running up here with a camera!"

"So I can tell anyone but Serena?"

"You get what she means," said Gray.

The couple sighed when they realized how badly the mood was ruined and went back out, leaving Happy with his fish.

"Hey!" cried a young blonde boy. "Don't push me around! Just because you're older by two years, doesn't mean you're the boss of me!"

A young girl about nine with long black hair stuck her tongue out at him. "I can do whatever I want!"

"Tyra!" scolded her father.

Tyra rolled her eyes. "Dad, you're shirtless, again."

Gray Fullbuster looked down and shrugged.

The young boy was still not pleased. "Momma named you Tyra for tyrant!"

Tyra whipped her head towards the boy and scowled. "Well momma named you Yahir because it rhymes with baby!"

"It does not rhyme with baby!"

"Lucy!" yelled Gray. "I need help here! They're at it again!"

Lucy's sigh was audible from the kitchen. She walked out and put her hands on her hips when she saw her two children fighting. "Tyra! Yahir! You two better behave before the others get here!"

"Sorry, momma," said Yahir obediently.

Tyra, on the other hand, shot a small blast of ice at her brother, but missed. "Take that!"

"That's no fair!" pouted Yahir. "I don't have any ice powers like you and papa!"

"That's it!" scolded Lucy. She brought out Taurus's key and summoned him.

The large bull-man roared.

"It's the cow, Yahir!" exclaimed Trya. "Let's get him!"

"Lucy!" cried Taurus as he ran outside in fear, followed by the two children.

"Poor Taurus," said Gray.

"It was a sacrifice that had to be made. Besides, we need to get this place ready before they come."

"We're here!" exclaimed Natsu as he came through the open front door. Lucy's eyes widened.

"You guys are not supposed to be here for another hour!" the celestial mage exclaimed.

Happy and Carla were followed by their three kittens, and Wendy, now and adult, was dating Romeo and brought him along.

"Erza's out on a mission with Jellal," said Romeo. "I highly doubt they're really on a mission."

"That's too bad," said Lucy. "Where's Serena?"

"I'm here!" after years of trying, Serena and her husband were finally able to get pregnant. Her baby bump was large, and she was due any time soon. "I can't believe it's already been ten whole years since I hooked you two up!"

Gray and Lucy blushed, fully remembering that time of their lives. Though it did make many people angry at first, the two were brought close together in the end.

"I again apologize for my wife's behavior," said Serena's husband, Michael.

Serena jabbed him in the side with her elbow. "You're embarrassing me, Mike."

"No need for anymore apologies," said Gray as he draped his arm over his wife's shoulders. "We should be thanking you for bringing us this close."

"Hey, are we going to have dinner yet, or what?" asked Natsu after his stomach growled.

"I was actually still setting up," replied Lucy. "I had to send Tyra and Yahir out because they were fighting again. I just hope they don't wreck anything this time."

As if on cue, Taurus ran through the wall and collapsed in front of the group of people. The two children threw themselves on him crying, "We got you now, cow!"

Lucy face palmed. She knew that her and her husband had to collect more money to pay for more damages in the years to come.

Hahaha xD I don't know why but I kept laughing at the tyrant part.

I hope you guys enjoyed this story and I also hope you'll review ^^

Thanks for an awesome graylu week!