"It was a normal day. Nothing was out of the blue. I hunted for my food and some for the bandits. Then, I went to the village to help Makino out with the party bar, for some extra cash. And then it happened." She said closing her eyes, "A pirate ship pulled into the docks and some of the pirates entered the party bar. I was asked by Makino to go and get some of the Sake out of the cellar. Because that's what pirates usually want so I did. I came back up with a few bottles of Sake and Makino turned around to take them from me with a small smile on her face... One of the pirates sent a sword through her chest and killed her instantly. Then the mayor rushed in and watched Makino fall and immediately went to her. Then a sword was sent through his chest. And he died slowly. A few of the pirates held me down to watch him die, and watch them destroy the bar. I was then brought upstairs. I broke out of there grip and began pounding the ever living crap out of anyone I saw. Sent a few of them threw the walls. But, then they released some type of gas and I slowly lost my sense's and I was scratching everything I felt. The walls, the bed, them. Then, I finally lost my balance and fell over. They cut my wrist and used the blood to draw a warning for Shanks and Ji-Chan, and I was carried out of the bar onto the ship and was forced to watch them set everything but the party bar on flames." She explained.

Sabo and Ace grimly nodded. They didn't really want to hear that, but they needed to know what had happened.

"Why leave a warning?" Sabo asked a little pale.

Luffy shrugged, "Revenge maybe. I didn't spend enough time with them to know. I was other places." She said.

Sabo sighed, "Why can't you tell us where you've been?" He asked.

Luffy shook her head, "Because my brothers have a sister complex." She said with a teasing smile.

Both brothers shook their heads disagreeing, "Nonononononono, we." They pointed at each other, "Don't have a sister complex." They denied.

Luffy nodded sarcastically, "Hai, Hai. I believe it when I see it." She smirked at her brothers with a small twinkle in her eye, "Now then, Pineapple-San. What is he? He smells good." She asked curiously.

The brothers pales and looked at each other conversating with their eyes on whether or not to tell her that he's a flaming turkey.

"He's a phoenix." Sabo said finally.

"So, a bird on fire?" Luffy asked with her head tilted to the side.

Ace nodded with a mischievous smile, "Hai, a flaming turkey." He said.

Her eyes sparkled, "So he's a flaming turkey with a pineapple hairdo." She concluded.

Sabo and Ace laughed. "Exactly." They laughed in unison.

Luffy tilted her head to the side thoughtfully, "But, why a pineapple?" She asked.

They shrugged, "You can't understand how a turkey thinks." Ace answered.

Sabo nodded.

Luffy shrugged. Then her shoulders straightened out and she stood up with an amused smile and made her way towards the gallery.

Sanji was showing Thatch a few things in the kitchen. Nami and Marco were trading navigation tricks at the table, while Chopper and Usopp were crushing powders. And Vivi was putting the bento boxes they got for Luffy away for later.

Then Luffy walked in with an amused grin while her confused brothers followed after her.

Her crew stopped doing everything they were doing when she walked in.

And the Whitebeard Pirates followed confused.

Luffy sat down in her seat and leant back on the wall.

"There are two marine ships heading towards us and we have a treasure chest that needs splitting." Luffy informed her crew with an anticipating smile.

Her crews reactions where immediate.

"Dammit Luffy, your by yourself." Nami yelled with beli signs in her eyes.

Usopp nodded, "Yeah, you paired with Zoro last time and we didn't have a chance."

Sanji sighed, "Not that we ever really had a chance."

They all sighed and slumped.

Marco looked at Ace and Sabo, "What are they talking about, yoi?"

The two shrugged.

Vivi walked over to them, "There games." She explained.

"Games?" All the Whitebeard pirates questioned.

"Hai, you see when they find a treasure they play a game. The winner of the game gets half of the treasure while the other half goes into saving." Vivi answered, "When someone attacks them, or is a Marine, there used for a game. The crew individually, or as teams play pranks on the 'attacker' and prank away until all them have been pranked." She explained.

Thatch's eyes sparkled, "Seriously?"

Vivi nodded, "Luffy's the reining champion. Every time she participates she wins, so there are certain times she doesn't play and just sits back and watches."

Usopp walked over after he heard what they were talking about, "She'll always sit back and watch when Mihawks here. She finds him more amusing than the games, which is why Nami welcomes him with open arms. She loves her treasure after all."

The Whitebeard Pirates nodded and turned their attention back on the argument before them.

"Are you sitting back this time Luffy?" Chopper asked excited.

Luffy nodded with a smile, "I'm going to sit back this time, since we have guests and they can't join in." She explained.

A round of relived sighs were heard.

Chopper nodded a little disappointed, "Awww! Are you sure your not going to join?" He asked.

Luffy nodded and bent down to his eye level, "I'm sure, but I'll join in the next one, Okay?" She asked.

Chopper nodded vigorously with a smile, "Hai!"

She stood up and ruffled the top of his head.

She walked out of the Gallery and into her double doors she came back out on deck with a chest.

Her crew came out onto the deck and the Whitebeards watched in amusement.

She set the chest down and opened it. It was half full with gold coins and different jewels.

The Whitebeards weren't unimpressed.

"Okay!" Luffy yelled, "These are the rules. You can't incapacitate the 'attackers' you can only play friendly pranks on them. If you want a team it can be no bigger than two a team. Any more than that and your disqualified. The game lasts until all the 'attackers' are pranked. And you can only prank an 'attacker' once." She explained.

She received a round of nods.

She nodded back just as the Marine ships came into view. When the ships came into range she yelled, "Let the games Begin!"


She and the Whitebeard Pirates sat over the railing of the ship and faced the Marine ships.

Puffs of different colored smoke could be seen and frighten screams could be heard.

Marco turned to Luffy, "How do you know who got who?" He asked amused.

"We put our initials on their backs in black marker. Sanjis is B.L for Black Leg, Nami's is W.W for Weather Witch, Choppers is R.D. for Reindeer Doctor, Vivi's is P.P for Princess Pirate, Zoro's is D.S for Demon Swordsman, and Usopp's is L.S. for Lying Sniper. Mine is just a C for Cheshire." She explained with a grin, "And the markers perminate. And if you've ever seen a Marines closet that has come across us you'd find out who pranked them." She laughed.

Thatch whistled, "Damn, I like the way your crew thinks. Why is the treasure half empty though?" He asked.

Luffy rose a brow, "Would you like to pay for all the food the crew use's because your the cook?" She asked.

Thatch paled and shook his head.

Luffy nodded, "So, we take half of it and put it in the crews spending. The other half is yours." She explained.

Thatch nodded.

Luffy looked back onto the Marine Ships and saw that her crew was coming back, and Vivi was a little pale. She rose a brow.

"Luffy." Sanji said with a blow of smoke, "Chopper and Usopp won." He said.

Luffy nodded and looked at the two youngest males. "Chopper, Usopp, the treasure gets split between the two of you." She said.

The two nodded with self satisfied smiles.

Luffy turned back to the Whitebeard pirates, "You want to see how they won?" She asked.

They all nodded vigorously.

On the Marine ships the air still had a little bit of the different colored smoke.

Ace was sneezing every time he took a breath of air through his nose.

Sabo holding his nose from the smell.

Marco was smirking at the fallen marines who probably just experienced the most experienced thing in there lives.

Thatch was laughing his ass off.

Luffy was walking ahead of them a little surveying the damage her crew did. Until she stopped at a fallen marine that had green hair.

She bent down and turned him over and read the initials off his back. Then she busted out laughing.

The others walked over to her and each followed her example and busted out laughing.

Luffy stood up and whipped fake tears out of her eyes, "I'm so proud." She sniffled, "I had pranked this guy before, you can tell cause my initail has been crossed out." She faked another sniffle, "But, this was genius." She said as she headed off the ship with the others following her.

Luffy walked onto her ship and into her room and opened her black chest. She grabbed a small bag and put a few gold beli coins in it and loosely tied the bag.

She closed her chest and walked into the gallery and promptly threw the bag at Sanji who caught it with ease. He rose a brow.

Luffy put her finger's to her lips and made the 'poucha' like Italian cooks, "That was genius my good friend." She said and sat down at the table.

Sanji turned back around to the stove with a self pleased smile.

Back on the Marine ships the marines just started waking back up.

They all reluctantly went back to there stations, except the ones that were ordered to wake the others up.

So, a random marine walked up to the Marine with now green hair and shook him to wake him.

The guy didn't wake up, he just turned over onto his stomach and stayed asleep.

The random marine bent down to read what his back said.

Do not wake me! I want to sleep! I will not work, for I am a mosshead!

The initials B.L. were signed over the crossed out C.

The random marine promptly busted out laughing waking up the sleeping Marine.

"What?" He asked.

The random marine shook his head and told him, "Nothing." And got up and walked away still slightly laughing.

The now awake marine got up and looked in a mirror to see who got him this time. The second he got to the mirror and saw his back he screamed, "WHAT THE HELL?!"

Somewhere heading towards Alabasta Palace, Sanji was in the gallery laughing by himself of his work this time in the prank games.

And he was very proud of the work he did to that once bruenette marine. He'll have green hair for a good 6 months.

He snickered to himself.
