Seth and Punk start spending a lot more time together and even got Dean and Roman to agree to allow them to watch a movie at their house. Punk's father isn't as accepting of the relationship but he doesn't go completely against it. Mark was more reserving judgment due Seth's running away. Seth after talking to Punk and Dean decided that it was ok and He would prove to Mark that he wasn't some spoiled child. Things seem to be going good and month passes fast. Randy seems to be quiet. Seth though doubts this can last. Randy is furious but biding his time since he is waiting for the right time. Randy picks his time, waiting for punk not to be with Seth one day.

Seth is walking home with AJ and Dolph when Randy comes up with Hunter and David. Seth glares at him and watches as the boys form a semi-circle around them.

"Would you like something," Dolph asks keeping AJ behind him.

Randy glares at Dolph and then Seth, "you picked that little shit over me."

Seth raises his eyebrow, "what's your point Randy."

Randy smirks, "I'm going to have your ass one way or the other Seth. Or do I have to target Punk to get you to finally realize that your mine."

Seth glares at him, "Don't you touch him."

Randy smirks, "or what."

Seth doesn't even think as he punches Randy hard in the jaw. This breaks out into a fight but it's a losing fight for Seth and Dolph in the 3 on 2. Aj tries to help but she just gets thrown onto the grass. Dolph attacks Hunter, fights with him having wanted to get his hands on Hunter. David's pulls Seth off Randy and holds him as Randy punchs Seth hard in the ribs. A little old lady who is walking her dog see's the fight though and calls the sheriff. David keeps holding Seth as Randy slaps him.

Randy growls at Seth, "how fucking dare you."

Seth glares at him, "Fuck you."

AJ jumps on Randy's back and scratches his cheek, "LEAVE HIM ALONE," She screams.

Sheriff Mark arrives as Randy flips AJ onto the grass and almost kicks her. Mark and two of his deputy's pull the fighters apart. Dolph growls, "They started it. They threatened your son."

Mark eyes Randy, "that true?"

Randy smirks, "of course I would never do that, who you going to believe the whore and her troubled friend or us."

Mark shakes his head and then glares down at Randy, "you know if I had my way I would charge your ass with assault."

Randy looks shocked.

Mark growls, "I'm only going to say this once. You will leave my son and his friends alone and if I ever hear of you fighting or bullying anyone again or if I hear of you trying to drug some innocent person. I will throw you and your friends in jail so fast your head will spin. You understand me?"

Randy nods quickly and then him and his friends leave the scene quickly.

Mark then turns back to Seth and Dolph who's holding AJ, "You guys stay away from them. Do you understand?"

Seth and Dolph quickly nod.

After Mark leaves, Seth runs to Phil's house and knocks on the door. A little worried Randy may still follow through. When Phil answers and other then that fact that he's coughing, he looks fine. Seth throws his arms around him.

"um.. did I miss something?" Phil asks, "or you hear to get my cold so you have a couple days off school?"

Seth laughs softly, "completely going for the days off school by getting sick."

Phil wraps his arms around Seth, "well now that I can help you with."

Seth smiles softly and looks up at Phil, "Thank you Phil.. for everything."

Phil chuckles, "I didn't do anything.. well other than get caught trying to make a move on you by your father."

Seth whispers, "You did a lot and some of it you don't even know. Just thank you."

Phil looks down at Seth, "your welcome."

That is the end of this story. I think I will come back to this universe. I kinda love it. need a break from fluff though.