Crack fic... maybe kinda.. I dunno just an idea. Don't ask where I came up with it.. I'm seriously messed in the head because something about this story makes me laugh.


Dean groans as he looks at his husband and his son arguing over his son's choice of clothing. His son did have a unique style. Tight pants though and even tighter top isn't going to fly though with Roman. Roman finally backs their son down and yells at him to go change. Dean leans against the counter, holding up his hand when his son looks at him hoping to get him to take his side, Dean is completely not getting involved. He already took the heat for helping him dye his hair half blond.

Roman grabs Seth by the arm and landed a firm swat on his bottom, "Change now and if your late for school I'll make sure they give you detention."

Seth yelps but finally bolts to his room, "FINE."

Dean snickers, "Took you long enough."

Roman points at Dean, "you gave birth to him.. I blame you."

Dean smirks at him, "Hey I'm innocent this time. I didn't even buy those clothes.. what did he save them from kindergarden?"

Roman mumbles and gets his coat, "I'll drive him to school.. I want you to .. burn those clothes. Bad enough his hair."

Dean smirks, "he's just being a teen Roman. He's in high school. If this is the worst we have, we're extremely lucky."

Roman groans and looks at Dean, "I still blame you."

Seth walks in kitchen in his normal jeans and shirt. Roman grabs his back pack and opens it, satisfied the offending clothing isn't leaving the house. Roman then hands it back and gives Seth some money for lunch along with a package of pop tarts.

"We need to go. We will talk about this later," Roman states as he pulls Seth out of the house towards the car.

The family had just moved to this town a week before school started. Seth hadn't even meet any of the kids in the school or even really seen the town. Sometimes being shy had it's draw backs not to mention Roman's over protective father act. Seth rides in the car quietly, knowing tonight Roman would prolly have gone through his closet and lectured him on his clothing choices. Dean was fairly protective as well but sometimes like with his hair would support him. Seth was the only child they could have and it was after 5 miscarriages that he was brought into the world.

Roman parks at the school and walks Seth in. While Roman is registering him, Seth fidgets at the counter. He watches the kids filter into the school. There's a lot of kids in this school. A few that are extremely good looking as well. A boy with what looks like tattoos on his arms looks at him with intense green eyes.

He looks at Roman when Roman snaps his fingers in front of his face, "earth to Seth.. you need to give her your class choices."

Seth nods and hands over the paper that him and Dean had worked on. AP Chem, Math, English lit, and socials where his first semester. The Secretary was just very nice and smiles at him. She prints his schedule and had Roman sign a couple papers. Seth looks but the boy is gone.

"There you are Mister Reigns and Seth, everything is set up. I'll ask one of the student counsel to come and show him to his classes," She smiles gently and then goes to page someone.

Seth looks at the paper and Roman nods at Seth, telling him to have fun and hugging Seth before he leaves. Seth signs and pulls his backpack close. A small black haired girl bounces into the room and beams at Seth, "your the new guy?"

Seth nods and cocks his head, "Seth"

She grins, "AJ well April, but everyone called me AJ."

Seth smiles and AJ snatches his schedule and beams, "your in my classes, excellent. Just follow me and I'll show you all of them easily." She gives him back the paper and takes his hand, leading him through the hall way. She pulls him into his Math room.

She actually guides him over to a seat, "sit here I know no one sits here and your behind me." Seth nods and she grins at him, "So your Dad's are really cute."

Seth's eyes go wide and he blinks at her, "how?"

AJ chuckles, "I'm your neighbor also."

Seth pauses and then groans, "I'm sorry I didn't see you."

Aj smiles, "No worries, your father Dean, came over one day when my dog got out and he brought her back. I was grounded so I wasn't able to come meet you."

"what where you grounded for?" Seth asks putting his binder on his desk and watches her.

"Dolph brought me home late.." AJ blushes, "Our first date. Well official date."

Seth smiles, "you'll have to point him out to me."

Aj grins and looks up as people start filtering into the room. Aj squees and runs over to a bleach blond boy but his eyes light up when she sees him. Aj grabs him and brings him over, "This is dolph."

Seth smiles lightly and shakes his head, "Seth Reigns."

Dolph smiles, "Nice to meet you. Your Aj's neighbor."

Seth blinks at AJ and Aj Grins, "your hair is kinda one of a kind."

The teacher walks in and everyone sits down. Seth feels eyes on him and he looks behind himself and cocks his head at the same intense green eyes staring at him again. Seth blinks and then looks up at the board. After class AJ grabs Seth's hand and leads him and Dolph out. Aj shows him to the lockers and Seth looks at his locker, throwing his text book in.

Dolph smirks and pokes Seth's side, "So Punk certainly has taken a liking to you."

Seth blinks at Dolph, "Punk?"

Dolph smirks, "Tall guy, tattoos.. the guy starting at you in Math class."

Seth blushes, "Oh.. Uh.. Yeah I don't know why."

Aj smirks, "maybe he likes your hair."

"His hair is quiet.. unique," Rumbles a voice behind Seth.

Seth spins around and looks at a couple guys. One is large and with long blond hair, the other had a buzz cut and large shoulders and the last guy is huge and looks just pissed.

Aj glares at them, "Seth this is Hunter, Randy and David. They're part of the football team."

Randy smirks and steps up Seth, "cute hair new guy," he reaches forward twirling a strand of Seth's hair around his finger, "very cute."

Seth nods and takes a step back, "Thank you."

Aj frowns at the other boys and then takes Seth's hand and pulls him away, "come on or we'll be late."

Randy smirks and watches Seth go, "see you later Sethie."

Seth frowns and follows Aj and Dolph.

Aj spins around and looks at Seth, "stay away from them. They use and hurt people." She looks very upset.

Dolph pulls Aj close, and Seth looks confused.

Dolph sighs, "She dated Hunter and he just used her."

Aj nods and mumbles, "Stay away from them Seth."

Seth nods and smiles at her, "don't worry."

The rest of the day passes with out incident and Aj, Seth and Dolph walk home.

Aj beams at him, "you should come to the start of school party. It's Friday. Everyone will be there."

Seth nods, "I'll try. Promise."

Aj hugs him and then drags Dolph to her house, "see you tomorrow morning."

Seth nods and walks into the house, shutting the door. He looks around and throws his bag onto the couch and goes into the kitchen. Dean is sitting at the table, reading something, "good day at school"

Seth shrugs getting some milk, "Interesting day."

Dean nods and puts down the book, "Your father is bringing home dinner anything you want to talk about?"

Seth shrugs, "there's a party on Friday."

Dean raises his eyebrow, "hmm"

Seth bites his lip, "everyone is going. And it'd be a good way to meet some people and fit in."

Dean nods, "I'll talk to Roman on one condition. You don't drink or do anything stupid. You understand?"

Seth nods and holds up a hand, "Promise" he then runs over and hugs Dean, "thank you dad."

Dean chuckles and hugs him back, "I'm not promising anything Seth. Your father is still unhappy about this morning. And I went through your closet."

Seth frowns and sighs, "don't tell me you threw it all out?"

Dean nods, "all of it. Why did you think that you would be allowed to wear half of that. "

Seth sighs, "I didn't plan on actually wearing it.. "

Dean nods, "Damn rights Seth. Oh and your father already knows."

Seth groans and mumbles, "on a scale from 1-10.. how much trouble am I in?"

Dean smirks and pats Seth on the back, "your 15 and you had booty shorts, you tell me." Dean walks towards the stairs.

Seth winces, "10.. defiantly a 10."

Seth goes to his backpack and pulls out his math homework and sits at the kitchen table, He works on it. He finally picks up his cell phone when it rings and it's AJ texting him asking him if he wants to come with her and dolph out. He texts back that he can't he's already in a lot of trouble. He looks up as Roman enters the house. Aj texts back wondering what he did in such a short time. Seth sighs and texts back that he had some.. things in his closet that his parents didn't agree with. Aj texts back good luck.

Seth sighs and then looks up as Roman walks over.

Romans sits across from him and looks at him, "So son.. lets talk."