Intro: Hello, everyone! I didn't took too much time this time, I was really happy that I didn't took that long and finally made another chapter. I did get some free time but still this is a record haha…
Also, I just noticed that it's past this story's 5th birthday, I procrastinated that long!
Thank you to those who faved and followed my story and continuing to support it! 3
Disclaimer: I do not own Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2 and Cardfight Vanguard and other material which came from the said Game and/or Anime it is owned by its original creators. The making of this story and this story plot is made for the fans and the writer XD. Although the plot and some changes in the story are from me.
Chapter 14: To Nagoya?
Noticing the shocked Aichi, Miwa decided to step in "Woah there… you sound like a mother scolding his child."
Alcor coldly stared at Miwa directly in his eyes "I am though." He answered making Miwa gulp at his response.
Seeing as Aichi's reaction was only of shock Alcor walked slowly towards Aichi "I am simply trying to put in his head that if he continues to act hastily without thinking first then it's all over be it for himself or for other people." Kai didn't protest to what Alcor had said, Aichi does need to stop his sudden impulses even Hibiki and Hinako although at this point they were more shocked than worried.
"Aichi please keep in mind that although I did said that I will be there with you always, doesn't mean that there won't be a time that I won't leave your side" Alcor bit his lip while looking at Aichi as he realizes that it won't come through to him, Alcor wanting to teach Aichi a lesson thought that it might be best to leave his side for a moment "Hibiki, I leave him in your hands." He said his farewell as he disappeared from the room and left the words "You are still too naïve…"
When Alcor completely disappeared Aichi finally realizes what is happening and stood up from the bed he was sitting while Hinako hastily stood up to stop him raising his hands to reach him "Alcor!" he trembled while he spoke his name.
Everyone at the room were very dumbfounded at what just happened, Aichi who is at a complete loss covered his face using his hands and never spoke, Hibiki, Hinako, Miwa, and Kai decided to leave the room to give them time.
"Aichi is scared and confused, I mean with everything that is happening now…" Hinako spoke upon leaving the room.
"I understand that very well, all of us were in that state." Hibiki paused for a moment remembering the seven days that they have went through "Although what we experienced is much more terrible than this, and I think that it just might get worse."
"I agree, that is maybe why Alcor is trying to prepare Aichi for the worse, hence his way of speaking there." Hinako agreed making the whole group fell silent.
With the gloomy ambiance Miwa was the first to break the silence "Well I'm going to check on Kamui." Miwa has decided what to do and then proceeded to go to where Kamui's room is.
"Me too." Hinako followed Miwa but before she walked away from Hibiki and Kai "You two better go to sleep, let Aichi rest and Alcor cool off. From what we know about Alcor I can say with complete faith in him that he won't leave Aichi alone"
Hibiki and Kai looked at each other, they both understood what the other is thinking, and that is it's best to leave Aichi, considering that they also needed a rest.
~Next Morning: Sunday~
At the JP's Osaka Branch dining hall. Everyone was called in to eat breakfast but then after minutes of waiting, there were still no Aichi Sendou at the hall "Where is Sendou?" who decided to speak as no one was wondering where the latter was.
And alas when he ask that he noticed reactions from Hinako, Hibiki, Kai and Miwa, as they were the ones who turned the other way than the others. If there is no Aichi there will be no Alcor.
"Does anyone know where he might be" he tried to press the issue as if trying to catch a prey.
And with that last "HHmm?" from Yamato, Hibiki was the one who gave up and spoke after sighing "Aichi fell into despair" was the simplest and most accurate answer of all shocking everyone in the room.
"But how?!" Io said looking straight on the opposite of her where Aichi was previously sitting. Though Hibiki wanted to share it, he decided it was the best not to meddle on it and let Aichi figure it out on his own.
Yamato smiled a little "Well most of you did fall into that state, so even if Alcor was by his side he still fell." At the moment of hearing where Alcor was by his side Hinako, Miwa, and Hibiki choked.
Noticing this, Yamato seems to have misunderstood it "I see… so his true color showed up and the latter did not take it well?" said the person who really doesn't trust Alcor.
The four of them looked straight to Yamato looking not pleased as to what he had said.
"Then what?" Yamato spoke a little agitated, wanting the truth.
"I believe that Alcor did really care about Aichi, so that kind of way of thinking is kind of insulting." Miwa spoke out of anger.
"We might not know what happened to your pasts, but we can clearly see that Alcor is Aichi's source of support right now even for Alcor." Kai knew this well and he believes that right now he is in no position to say anything other than trust in them even from the he have heard and seen from the reaction of the others about Alcor.
"We knew that you are actually looking out for Aichi since you know the feeling of being used so you are trying to see for yourself if he was indeed true, but from what I have seen it seems you haven't changed at all." With that Hibiki stood up from his seat "I lost my appetite." And left the room followed by Kai, then Miwa.
Yamato sighed then stood up from his seat "You can start preparing the food" he instructed then left the room. But the others weren't that too thrilled about eating breakfast anymore.
~Aichi's room~
"Goood Morniiing!" The female Tico greeted.
"Good morning Aichi-sama do you want a report about yesterday?" The male Tico greeted Aichi upon looking up at his phone.
Aichi sat up from his bed and leaned his back against the pillow near the wall "Good Morning" Aichi greeted the two "No I don't feel like hearing the report about yesterday today." Remembering about yesterday, he doesn't want to hear it now.
"I see, very well then" The two Tico's looked at each other "Is there something on your mind?" The female Tico asked tilting her head.
"Do you know where is the location of Alcor" The two Tico's muffled upon hearing the question, of course they would know but decided to keep quiet and at the right timing a knock was heard from the other side of the room who saved them.
Aichi felt hesitant about answering but "Come in" he decided in the end as there was no use.
It was Hinako, who decided in the last minute to leave and followed the three, Miwa, Kai, and Hibiki.
Aichi was shocked at the sight that it was the same four from yesterday, turning his head from the side avoiding eye contact thinking that he would be lectured again.
"Aichi…" Kai was the first to speak surprising the four "The reason you fight is to protect everyone right?" Aichi did not speak but it seems that he came around from his words.
"Then you do understand that that is also our reason for fighting right?" Aichi bit his lip not wanting to speak but Kai continued "Then didn't it cross your mind that it was also what Alcor want?" Aichi flinched as if was not expecting what was said to him.
Understating the situation of what Kai wanted say, Hibiki let outs what he wanted Aichi to understand "Aichi, Alcor cared for you the most and understanding that your life might be in danger if you act recklessly didn't you think it won't affect him? If you remembered what happened at Bickman, then what do you think will happen if you did die and Alcor was not on your side that time because of you acting without thinking?" Hibiki can't help it anymore.
Hinako knows very well from what she had seen there "Aichi, we might not trust him all that much, but from the incident at Bickman we all knew even Keita that won't admit it at first knew too well that that was an act of sincerity, that he truly cared for you and would be devastated if you die."
It was Mina who gave the last blow on Aichi "If you were to die Aichi, and it was either of your recklessness or him not being by his side at that time or worse both, didn't you think that because of the incident at the Bickman from what we heard, I think that Alcor would have been the one to be the first to destroy the earth." Miwa laughed inwardly thinking that it wasn't possible.
"Even if he has the Akashic Records, from what he said about your records, it can change and he might have found out in it that you would have already died and went on a rampage". Hibiki spoke shivering at the sight of said rampage.
Footsteps can be heard from the other side where they heard a voice "Didn't you say that you want to be together? And that you are overjoyed to hear that you have a promise that you won't leave each other's side, that he would protect and guide you?" It was Yamato's voice and footsteps who stopped in front of the room.
Aichi trembled at the words as if wanting to say something but he was cut off by Yamato was coming in through the room slowly "Then why don't you prove him that you don't need those? That his promise was only because of guiding you and protecting you? But because you two would be fighting with each other side by side because that he wants to be with you? Not because of a sense of responsibility but by a sense of want" Aichi gaped at what he had heard, the promise he made with Alcor was only because of the reason of teaching him and to protect him and nothing more, he didn't realize that it was because he want to "Don't you think that you have become a burden to him if it was only for protecting you and guiding you? Doesn't that show more reason to doubt the reason he was with you?" he explained to Aichi, no, to the others the reason of his doubt why Alcor was with him all this time, whereas they finally understand what Yamato's feelings are, that he indeed care for Aichi and that he was only looking out for him because of Alcor.
"Why don't you start by getting stronger yourself, on your own, and prove to me… to us… to him that you can become stronger, that you can change, and that you can do things right before acting first, so that you can proudly show him that you have gotten stronger without his guidance and protection but because you want him by your side because he is someone important?" Yamato smiled, a smile that is sincere and full of bliss something they aren't used to but not Hibiki though, he has seen this side of him but still a sight to see.
Yamato continued to speak "One by one you are all going to lose all hope and fall onto despair, but rest assure that everyone will be there for you" Yamato placed a hand on top of Aichi's and turned to Hibiki while still smiling, then to Hinako who was still surprised to see this, ruffling it slowly then decided to leave the room where his smile finally disappears.
Aichi stood up from his bed and bowed "Yamato-san! Thank you very much! Thank you for opening my eyes! And for changing my point of view!" Aichi thanked while returning to his standing position and saw Yamato raised a hand as if saying it's alright and at the same time saying farewell.
Aichi turned to the others and bowed to them too "I'm sorry about yesterday! Today I'm going to do my best and change to become stronger so that I won't be a burden and worry the others!" The four smiled at each other and finally was able to breathe again but then "Though I am sorry in advance if I ever do something reckless again, since at some point I know I will do something if worse comes to worst" Hinako hugged Aichi. The group finally felt hunger come and then decided to head to the dining hall.
~Meeting Room~
"Why don't we all go out and head to Nagoya next?" Yamato had a smile on his face as if in good mood he asked another outing and waited for the other's answer.
The others who didn't pay any mind of where Alcor would be when they know that he was supposed to be with Aichi always completely forgot all about it at hearing of another outing.
Everyone in unison "Yeah!" except Makoto and Kai.
"So are they going to be waiting for us?" Daichi asked.
Closing his eyes he spoke "Why don't we surprise them?" Yamato suggested that seems to be a good idea for the others.
"This will be interesting" Io chuckled and cannot wait for it.
Yamato slightly opens his eyes while in the direction of where Aichi is, and somehow he feels he can breathe normally seeing that he is back to normal and is having fun again.
~Nagoya Branch Terminal~
"Do you have any idea where they might be?" Hibiki asked.
"Hmm…" Joe thinks for a moment.
"Oh yeah, you have a girlfriend here!" Daichi said with no hesitation.
"Yeah" Joe answered.
Miwa and Kamui reacted upon hearing this "You sure it's not just your imagination?" Kamui snorted.
"It's real" Daichi quoted "Though it doesn't look like it, right?" Daichi snickered this banter made everyone in good mood but then again where are 'they' usually hanging out?
But then while thinking of where they should be mostly hanging out, they never noticed that some others wondered of or got left behind.
Miwa and Misaki were the first to get left behind, with a big group they couldn't have notice that they were already far behind when Miwa helped Misaki from the feeling of pain from her shoes.
Next was Kamui who was having a hard time following them, while Aichi helped with Kamui while Kai took notice and decided to wait for them, but then when they turned around, they noticed that the whole group was there no more.
In other words the Q4 with Miwa group was left behind by the JP's group and if this was bad already then they haven't seen it yet.
Upon noticing the others are missing "Aichi-kun?" Hinako looked around left and right frantically when they noticed a panicked Hinako "Oh no, where are the others!" the others started panicking too.
~Centering Park, Sakae~
"Well, we got left behind." Miwa rummages for his phone then dialed a number "Oh! Hello… are you with the others… really? You guys too… Misaki, right now… no, I have no idea… how about you?… who are you with?.. Oh, lucky you… yeah yeah you look like you have no chance anyway… you do know your silence is much more scary right?.. hhmm this place looks like a park with a tower upfront… alright, I'll leave it to you thanks.." it seems he was talking with someone.
"Is it Kai?" Misaki asked while sitting although she already has understood that it was him, she just made sure.
"Yeah and it seems they got left behind too." Miwa said putting his phone back. "He said he was going to tell Hibiki-san where we are so all we can do here is wait, although there are people here, it just feels weird to ask them."
Then again someone did notice that they were in a bind "Hey, you two!" A girl with long fuchsia pink hair with grey eyes wearing a white puffy long sleeves dress with a mini white top hat, and black shoes came towards them "Although I'm sure some people here already noticed but they are just too busy with their own world and couldn't care at all, but noticing from your gazes and body language I can already tell that you are tourists who got lost!" The girl lunged out earning stares from people.
Miwa placed a hand forward as if saying please stop "Humph" she said not caring what other people think placing both her hands closed at her side. "My name is Airi Ban, how about yours?" introducing herself then asking Miwa and Misaki's
"Taishi Miwa"
"Misaki Tokura"
"Alright I'll help you two get back on track." Airi proudly said "First, did you get lost or were left behind?"
The two looked each other as if she really has some experience with the lost people "We were left behind actually."
"So… have you already contacted them, since you know you are too panicked to even think straight?" Airi continued.
"We did call one, saying he would be calling the others since they were also left behind." Miwa answered.
"Then why didn't you call the others? Since the others who got left behind can't help you, hearing that they got left behind means they aren't familiar here either?" Airi placed a hand on her chin "Seems you guys are a large group if you got torn apart like this."
"We are…" Miwa said while Misaki rummaged through her contacts "Makoto-san, Io-san and Hinako-san gave me their contact, it might be better to call them since they are familiar here after all."
"Makoto? Hinako? Io?" Airi murmured the names that was uttered by Misaki who was now carefully listening to their conversation.
"Come to think of it, I already exchanged contacts with Hibiki-san and Daichi-san!" Miwa hurriedly rummaged through his contacts "Well I'm sure Aichi would have already contacted Hibiki-san, although I am afraid that this would anger Yamato-san" and then…
"Wait! The names you have mentioned are they people from Tokyo and Osaka?" Airi leaned closer to the two who was overjoyed when both Misaki and Miwa nodded at her question.
"I can't wait to see them personally, it's been so long, I wonder what are they doing here!?" Airi spoke but then she remembered Yamato's name spoken by Miwa.
"Wait, if you know Yamato then do you know about JP's?" she asked to the two and then her face full of light in joy was turned to normal and became serious.
"Does that mean, you are Demon Summoners?" Once again the two nodded then the seriousness from her eyes turned to sadness "So if you guys knew about JP's and you are saying that you are Demon Summoners…" Airi bit her lip and did not say another word.
~Yamada Park, Sakae~
"I'm sorry we got left behind" Kamui spoke, his head lowered feeling guilty of the reason they got left behind.
"It's alright" Aichi responded though his eyes and mind were elsewhere looking at the sky.
Noticing the gaze from Aichi "Aichi, could you contact Hibiki-san to tell them that we got lost?" Kai suggested to Aichi since that is the only way they could ask for help and wait for what they should do next.
Suddenly while he waited for Aichi to make the call, his phone suddenly rang "Miwa?... So you got left behind also?... who are you with… do you know where you are at?... I see… I have no idea either… Kamui and Aichi… Shut up… … Anyways I asked Aichi to contact Hibiki-san, describe to me where you guys are… got it, I'll tell it to Aichi so he can tell Hibiki-san."
"Is that Miwa-kun?" Aichi asked while still on the phone.
"Yeah, he got left behind with Misaki, and to tell the others where they are, right now they seem to be near a tower" Kai placed his phone back to his pocket while waiting for the time they would meet and Aichi also just finished his call.
While small talking ensues a meows were heard from below and when they lowered their heads to see if it's real and coming from below they saw cats flocking around them, specifically to Kai "Oh!" Aichi was surprised at the sudden mass of cats and somehow an orange furred cat was staring at him waging his tail before he was taken from behind while Aichi and the others follows the hand of the owner who took the said cat. They saw a tall young man with short black hair and gray eyes. His bangs covering his left eye, wearing a black hat, a black coat and a white turtle neck, wearing black jeans and a black leather boots. "They seem to like you" the young man spoke.
Aichi chuckled, "Although they seem to be much more attracted to Kai-kun than us" Kai hearing Aichi's laugh finally loosens from his stiffness from trying to support on how Aichi is mentally and emotionally exhausted right now, anxiousness filled movements that can be critical, but because of that smile he realizes and remembered that Aichi does not need those anymore.
Smiling a little while gazing at Aichi relieved from the sight, the young man notices the gaze and decided to introduce himself to the three "I am Jungo Torii"
Hearing his introduction the other three followed suit "Aichi Sendou"
"Kamui Katsuragi"
"Toshiki Kai"
"Are all of them yours?" Kamui asked while Aichi, Kamui, and Kai passes the time while playing with the cats, ruffling and petting the cats.
Jungo shakes his head slowly "This one is the only one Jungo owns" he said while petting the orange cat.
As time passes a little the group made small talks and are now having fun with the cats completely forgetting the fact that they were lost but then running footsteps and raged breathing was heard from behind, since they were focused on the cats and thought the sound has got nothing to do with it and ignored it, until…
"AICHI!" A shout can be heard from behind, hearing the familiar voice Aichi stood up and saw a running and panting Hibiki with Hinako, Io, and Daichi behind, while waving his hands Aichi decided to wave back, "HIBIKI-SAN!" Aichi shouted back as if to say everything is alright.
Although it didn't took that long since maybe they were running, and the others were not with them, maybe they decided that they would be the ones searching and waited somewhere else or maybe they have decided to split? Well only way to find out is wait for them to catch up to them and ask them directly what they should be doing next and where they should go next.
Outro: although I was very fast at making this I also hoped that I still can write right. Thank you for the continuous support!
I'm very sorry for my lack of vocabulary, wrong grammars and wrong spelling if ever, but I hope you like the story, and thank you for your continuous support everyone!
And that's about it! Thank you for reading Hope you like/love it :)! Pm, Fave, Follow and Review would be much appreciated ^_^