Almost twenty chapters! Excited! This is just a filler since the real deal isnt ready yet, so i hope that you enjoy! Thank for those who R&R-ed last chapter, i really appreciate it!

Sting watched as Lyon laid on the floor of the guild hall, visibly in pain as his multiple broken bones healed.

Only one thought raced through his head at that moment: Lucy.

In his mind, if Juvia had been changed and given the gift that they have been looking for, that could mean that another freshly turned Vampire would have the gift of peace. And the best place to start would be with Lucy Heartphillia.

The blonde had disappeared off the face of the earth around Christmas time and returned to school attached at the hip to the stupid pink-haired jock. The dark angel became enraged at the thought of Natsu Dragneel, as well as the rest of his shitty guild.

"Come on, Sting." Minerva, a good friend of his, pat his shoulder when gentle pulling him out of the room and towards the stairs.

"We need to find Lucy," Sting suddenly blurted out. "I know that she was the choice for the Dove."

"What if she isn't?"

"She is." Sting shot back, "and if you don't believe me- then don't help me."

Minerva gaped at the suddenly intensity of self-proclaimed boyfriend. "What's your problem Sting?!" The woman shoved him away from her, watching him grow in aggravation as she did the same.

"I have to get Lucy! I will destroy her and all those stupid little fairy freaks! I hate them! I hate them all!"

In a blinding flash of light, Sting was gone and Minerva was left in a crowded corridor with a bunch of Mythologens staring at her.

"What are you staring at, you little freaks?! Scram before I kill every one of you!"


Lucy immediately felt when the air was different around her- it felt like just before a lightening: when the air was charged with energy, waiting to be released in the most violent of ways.

Her first thought was to not give herself away and to keep moving in the most inconspicuous way that she could.

Except for the fact that she was in her room. Alone, since Natsu decided he was going to run out to the guild to get some things in order and pick up some dinner before they left in their mission later that night.

Her second thought was to immediately stand up and get confront whoever was there with her magic. Only if knew how to use her ab- if she did, that would make things so much less complicated.

In the end, she settled on the thing that got ever pretty blonde girl murdered in every horror film ever: she called out to the darkness (when did the lights go out?).

"Who's there?!" Lucy shouted. "Show yourself!"

"I see the little pixie has grown a pair, huh?" A man's voice resonated from by the door. "Where's your little guard mutt?"

"What are you doing here, Sting?" Lucy demanded.

"Nothing really, I just came to collect you head and say hello, ya know- like a friend would do."

"You are not my friend!"

"And your right- associating myself with the likes of you would bring a bad rep to my guild and myself- and I cannot have that," the familiar figure stepped out of the shadows and into the center of the room where Lucy could clearly see him.

Sting stood somewhat tall in the room, and would look completely normal if not for the white markings racing up the sides of his face and down his arms. Lucy took a deep breath; she was truly becoming concerned now.

If he attacked her right then, she would fall and die because she had no freaking means of defending herself from a White Light Dark Angel. Why did Natsu have to leave?!

"You said something about taking my head, right?"

"Why on earth would I even answer that dumb question?" Sting took another step forward.

"Why would you want my head?" She said, "I know that you hate me and my friends- but why would you want to kill me? Isn't that a little extreme?"

"The only reason you aren't dead right now is that I need you alive so I can take you to Master- he needs you alive so he can rip your magic out of you." A gruesome smile covered his lips before he spoke again. "Then, after you are frail and weak- almost dead, but not quite yet, I will have some of healers bring you back so I can torture for as long as I like- then I will executed you in the worst way possible. That is, of course, after having you watch your precious guild burn to the ground with all you friends and Natsu in it. Doesn't that sound fun, Lucy?"

The entire time Sting was spilling all of his plans; Lucy was thinking about a way to escape when a very annoying voice popped into her head and told to imagine a place where she would want to go.

This is the last time I help you! You need to hurry up and learn your freaking magic already!

Lucy tried to picture the guild hall with her eyes open as to not arouse suspicion from the man standing in front of her. Slowly she placed her hand on the bag she had packed and began her first attempt to use her powers.

Once she had the image clear in her mind, Lucy focused all of energy into that image.

Then she was standing in the middle of the guild hall.

Thank goodness she had gotten dressed before.

Please remeber to review, fav or follow! And check out my new story- its my first independent, plotless and cute, JERZA story.

(P.S: dont fret, i will be sprinkling in so jerza in this story to! may even have a dedicated chapter...? Hm?)