I know I've posted this on my other story but it's also the first chapter of this one and it's for anyone who is reading this as a stand alone story. Future Emison guys here we go!Please follow/fave/review etc it's very appreciated!

It's just after five on Halloween when Alison hears the hurried footsteps behind her as she leaves the Rosewood Police Department after visiting Emily at work. As she turns around she sees Toby coming towards her with a dinosaur attached to his hip. Not a real dinosaur, of course, but rather his and Spencer's two-year-old son TJ, who is dressed in a sickeningly cute green dinosaur costume which is completed with yellow fabric spikes that ripple every time he moves.

"Are you okay Toby?" she asks slightly confused before she reaches across to tickle the little dinosaur's face. She watches as TJ giggles before burying his face in Toby's neck. Even two year old boys can't escape the flustered feelings Alison causes.

"Emily told me I would catch you before you left. I've been called out to patrol a neighbourhood, you know what it's like at Halloween and Spencer's meeting is running hours late and this is the first time he can go proper trick or treating like walking and talking. So can you take him until Spencer's home please?" Toby asks as he shifts TJ into Alison's arms for her to hold. "Emily said it would be fine." Before she can mutter a reply Toby is half way out the door shouting thank you to her over his shoulder.

For the first time in her life Alison thinks that the next time she sees Emily she will be tempted to strangle her because Emily knows Alison doesn't do kids. It had taken the brunette years to even get Alison to agree to having their own children.

She had always been afraid that she wouldn't be any good at it, would pass down the DiLaurentis gene's and she wouldn't wish that on any child. She doesn't want to be a second Jessica DiLaurentis and as TJ wriggles in her arms again Alison is almost convinced that she is going to pass out in the lobby of the Police Department.

After taking in a few deep breaths and giving herself a mini pep talk on how taking TJ trick or treating is no big deal she walks towards the front entrance just as Emily saunters around the corner into view. "Emily," she hisses as she makes her way over towards her wife, one of Rosewood's finest.

Emily who had decided after college that she wanted to join the police force because after all their - A trouble it had been completely revamped. Gone were the spineless detectives and officers, they had been replaced by people like Toby and Emily and Alison had to admit that Rosewood felt a whole lot safer. But that argument is for a different day because right now she is furious at her wife.

"Hey TJ," Emily coos as she avoids the thunderous look that Alison is giving her. "Emily I mean it." Alison says again and this time brown eyes meet sparkling blue.

"I guess Toby found you then," Emily says nonchalantly as she scoops TJ into her arms to tickle him.

"Yes and you're coming with us I can't do this alone Em." and Emily can tell that Alison is genuinely in a panic mode.

"I would if I could but I'm on patrol too you know how crazy people get at Halloween Ali," Emily replies as she hands TJ back over to Alison.

"No I can't do this alone," Alison huffs "I'm not good at this type of thing I dressed up as Lady Gaga for Halloween never mind going trick or treating with kids," she adds as she looks back down at TJ in her arms. Emily would feel a little bad if it wasn't so adorable to see Alison fret like this.

"I'm sorry babe," Emily assures the blonde as she places a gentle kiss on her forehead. "I will ask for our neighbourhood so I'm around and close by but if not you will be fine I have every faith in you. I need to go but I will see you both later," and as Emily kisses her Alison can feel some urgency behind it and it reassures her that she will be okay. That she can do this. The reassurance lasts until Emily disappears out of view and then another wave of panic sets in when TJ lets out an excited squeal.

As they leave the house Alison can see the excitement dancing across TJ's eyes as he watches the other kids trick or treating. "Okay little man, are you ready for your first trick or treating Halloween?" He lets out another squeal and Ali can't help but smile.

"That will be a yes then," she says more to herself than TJ as she extends her hand and they begin their walk down the neighbourhood and she can't help but think that maybe this won't be as bad as she thought. Maybe Emily was right; maybe she can actually do this.

Around ten houses later she kneels down to tie a sneaker lace that has come undone and as she stands she picks up TJ's bag that is now over flowing with every kind of candy imaginable. He toddles a few steps in front of her and Alison knows what is going to happen before it does. His feet hit a loose bit of concrete on the step and she watches like it's slow motion as he hits the ground with a thud, the cry he lets out startles her into action.

Rushing over she kneels beside him again while she runs her hands up and down the yellow spikes on his back in an attempt to soothe him. "Oh honey it's okay, TJ you're going to be okay," she speaks and Alison is unsure of who she is trying to convince more her or TJ. It's when he stands that she notices the hole in the green fabric at his knee and she can't help but shake her head because this is exactly what she was talking about when she said she couldn't do this on her own.

"Is he okay?" a familiar voice calls from behind her and as she turns she see's Emily striding towards them, her face full of concern.

"Emily what are you doing here?" Alison asks and Emily can hear the relief dripping off Alison's voice.

"I managed to swap so I was in the neighbourhood but when I seen you both I didn't want to interrupt you looked adorable together," she answers as she reaches for TJ who has his arms outstretched towards her.

"Well you could have came over, I told you I couldn't do this by myself." Alison argues and she watches as Emily tilts her head at her as she's speaking. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Ali, I watched you with him tonight you're a natural, face it," Emily states and she can see a little crease beginning to appear on Ali's brow and that only ever happens when the blonde is thinking something through.

"Really?" Alison replies and Emily cant help the grin that appears on her face.

"Really," she confirms before settling TJ back onto his feet and taking a step towards Ali.

"But look at his knee Spencer will never let me look after him again," Ali argues again and Emily shakes her head because she wishes that Alison could see herself the way she see's her.

"Every kid bumps their knee, it happens plus you were right there making it better as soon as it happened. You're a natural…" and the rest of her sentence is cut off when Ali presses her lips against her own.

"So you really think I'm a natural?" Ali mumbles when she pulls away and Emily can hear the waver of uncertainty behind her wife's voice.

"Yes I really think you're a natural." Emily replies as her hand moves from Ali's hip around onto the blonde's stomach where a small bump is beginning to form.

"I can't wait to be a Mom with you Alison." Emily whispers against Alison's neck before she leans up to kiss her and there's a smile playing on her lips because despite it being ten years later she still can't believe that Alison is hers and the potential of having a mini Alison in their lives next Halloween makes it even sweeter.