Warning: The following contains spoilers to The Clone Wars season five final arc and overall finale.

Letters To Ahsoka

Chapter 1

Letter From Ahsoka

Dear, well, everyone I guess.

You're probably wondering why you've received this letter from me and to be honest, I'm not really sure why I'm writing it. I miss you all so much, and I'm not sure if this is the best way to let you all know how I'm doing, but I think I need to, I owe you all that much at least.

It's been nearly two whole months since I left the Jedi Order and it hasn't been an easy time for me. After spending about a week doing odd jobs and sleeping wherever I could find decent shelter, I was finally able to barter passage off of Coruscant and return to my home planet, Shili.

During the trip, I had a lot of time to think while wiping away the tears. Watching the Temple disappear below me while the transport ascended through the clouds was a lot harder than I thought it would be and I still don't think I've fully come to terms with the fact that I probably won't ever set my eyes on my old home ever again, though maybe that's for the best.

After I landed, I decided straight away to try and track down my family tribe, knowing that I probably wouldn't be able to return to the Order after turning down the chance to be accepted back, but then again, I think I prefer it that way, despite my feelings which I still battle against.

It took a while, but eventually I discovered the location of my tribe and decided to journeyed there as soon as I was able to get some help from the locals. The trip took me almost half way across the planet to find them, and in that time I've seen so much. Shili is such a beautiful and peaceful place and the people here are so friendly and accepting.

I haven't told my story to anyone, yet, I don't think they need to be burdened with my problems, plus, I want to leave my past behind me and begin a new life away from all the fighting and death that I've been forced to whiteness while fighting in the war.

If you're wondering, yes, I found my tribe and my family just fine and safely. It was a little strange at first, my father wasn't sure what to make of me, but my mother was overjoyed. She wrapped me in her arms the second I walked through the door of their… our… home, I don't think I've ever cried as much as I did then, though they were tears of joy for a change.

My father eventually came around too. He's strong, he's a leader, but he admitted that it broke his heart when he was forced to watch me walk away all those years ago and that he missed his little 'Soka more than anything else in universe. It was funny, I always thought Master Plo had given me that nickname, but I'm glad that he used it in place of my father, after all, I always looked at Master Plo as my father figure when I was growing up in the Order.

I've been living with my family for about a week now and I can't say I've ever been as happy as I am right now, well, that's a bit of a lie to be perfectly honest. I miss my Master; I miss Obi-Wan, Master Plo, Master Ti and everyone else who is now reading this.

It's hard even now to write this letter, but again, I think I need to; I don't want to leave anyone wondering if I'm safe or worrying about me (Anakin) and I also want to know how everyone else is doing.

I won't waste anymore of your time, but if you would allow me one last request, I need to make it clear that I don't want anyone to look for or to try and come find me on Shili. I'm happy here, there's no war, no fighting and no death and I want it stay that way for as long as it's possible so my people can be safe from the fires that burned all around me while I was a Padawan learner on the front lines.

That's why my exact location will remain a secret. My tribe is far away from most of the populated areas anyway and my father has told me that we've remained in seclusion for centuries without ever being disturbed by anyone outside of our own Togruta people. Force willing, I'd like that to remain so for as long as I can help it.

I'm pretty sure Master Plo is really the only one who knows where I am right now, but I hope he can keep his silence and respect my wishes, while I also hope that no one approaches him about it and tries to force an answer of him.

I know that whoever is reading this now is someone I can trust to respect my decision and my request, but I also realise that there may be one or two of you who might still want to find me and to those, I can only beg you not to. Not because I hold any ill will towards you, quite the opposite, but our way of life is such that I would like to save my new friends and extended family from anything that may disturb the peace they've worked so hard to keep.

Anyways, I guess I'll end it here. I hope that maybe I'll receive a few replies from some of you, but I'll understand if I don't. Only one member of our tribe is allowed to leave our village to run errands to the capitol city, Corvala, so I won't promise that I'll be able to reply either, though I promise I will try my absolute best to do so.

I hope you all are able to read this message and that maybe this letter has given you some closure, if you needed it.

Be safe, all of you, and may The Force be with you, always.

Ahsoka Tano

Disclaimer: Disney and Lucasfilm Limited own all Star Wars characters and concepts. I do not own the rights to any of the characters, locations or anything to do with Star Wars. Any Original Characters and or locations however are my own.

Author's Notes: Hey guys, hope you all enjoyed this intro chapter to what I hope will be nice little collection of short letters to Ahsoka which I have of course re-written from a version of this story which I unfortunately felt I needed to take down a few months back.

I still have a plan to re-write a few more replies to Ahsoka from some of the characters she had been friends with before leaving the Jedi Order, but I also wouldn't mind taking a few of your suggestions from you guys.

I deliberately left out aiming the letter at anyone specifically, so any character from the show could potentially have been sent the letter, though of course I won't be expecting to have write a reply from the likes of Dooku and such :-P.

I'll try to update when I can and again I hope you all like this little idea, also, a review with your thoughts is always very much appreciated also.

Anyways, thank you all for reading and I will catch you guys next time, cheers!