A/N: Hi there! This is my first time writing any form of fanfiction so any suggestions and reviews would be nice! Critique it too, it'll only make it better! This idea has been in my head for a while and after reading tons of Faberry fanfiction I wanted to give it a shot. This is an apocalyptic world, there will be flashbacks and all of that amazing stuff. I think of this chapter as more of a little glimpse as what's to come, I don't want to write a lot just for no one to read so if you like it tell me and I will continue. Thank you for your time!


The roof top is cool against her pale, bare feet. Her hair has grown to just below her shoulders and blows in the warm summer breeze, although it's laced with a taste of the approaching fall. She watches as the last of the sun disappears from sight.

Perched on the ledge of a skyscraper with her black skinny jeans and ¾ length tissue thick shirt with a sleeveless hoodie atop it, she looks the part of a teenager up to no good. She can hear the soft whispers of a mother trying to calm her panicking child on the street below. Soothing words such as "Shh my love" and "We are safe, you can sleep now." The mothers heart beat clearly gives away the fact that she finds no truth in her own words, while the child's starts to return to its normal pace. The sound of their heart beats only spurs the fire inside of her further. This would have tugged at her heart mere months ago but those memories no longer exist. The memories of Beth being born, and holding that bundle of perfection in her arms for mere moments. Knowing then and there that she would protect her with her life, even if giving her up would make her dead inside. If she still had those memories she would have jumped down and protected the mother and child from the red head with glowing eyes on the building across the street. Instead, Quinn returned the woman's sickly smile with one that would make the devil himself cringe, and dove from the skyscraper onto the unsuspecting family.


Screams. Blood curdling screams for a few seconds and then nothing. Jolting upright from her sleeping bag and making the body next to her stir, she gasped for breath. She was unsure if the screams would ever be blocked out by her mind so she could have a decent nights rest. The rest of her group seemed to have no problem sleeping through them. Although she suspects it's because they get to sleep by the ones they love every night. Don't get her wrong, she has Finn right next to her every night along with Burt and Carol who treat her as if she's their own, but she can't deny the aching she feels whens she searches for a familiar blonde head of hair and gorgeous hazel eyes only to come up empty handed every time. She sums up that she only feels this way because they finally had procured some form of a friendship before the world became a nightmare, and that it in no way was guilt tearing her apart.
Rachel Berry always appreciated the drama of situations, however, this was not one of those times. In fact, for the past three months she has wanted nothing more than for her life to, dare she say it, be ordinary. She wants to go back to being 'man-hands' and fighting for solos. Arguing and throwing tantrums over the silliest little things.

Letting out a dry laugh she lies back down starring up at the ceiling of what used to be a bakery. This is definitely not how she imagined herself in New York, but then again she also didn't imagine the end of the world, at least not before she reached full EGOT status. No, this definitely wasn't what she had in mind, and as she closed her eyes she couldn't help but wonder if she'd make it to the next day without having her neck plunged into and being drained of all her blood. Or those haunting hazel eyes piercing hers, begging not to leave her there alone at the mercy of some unknown red headed devil. Those screams from that angelic woman, were ones she was absolutely certain would never be silenced by her mind.