written in 5 minutes at 5 in the morning because why not. this is a 100 word drabble. i'll be writing 1 drabble a day for the designated pairings. schedule is below.
For Shipping Week at Caesar's Palace.
Sunday 31/8- Cato/Clove
Monday 1/9- Finnick/Annie
Tuesday 2/9- Haymitch/Maysilee
Wednesday 3/9- Katniss/Peeta
Thursday 4/9- Johanna/Finnick
Friday 5/9- Cashmere/Gloss
Saturday 6/9- Your Choice
"Our strategist chose the wrong one," he says quietly one night. "We could've been like them. Special, you know?"
"We are what they want to be, you mean," she replies, trying to feign nonchalance. "Her and his little fake romance gets me every fucking time."
Silently, the two struggle to accommodate this unfamiliar expression of affection.
"Don't say anything unless you mean it." She chokes on her words and they're thick and they shake when she breathes out, trying not to sob. He understands.
"We'll get them."
"And then I'll have to get you."
"Not if I get you first."