The Hunted

Disclaimer – The characters from Charmed, belong to Constance M. Burge/Brad Kern, and the WB. However any characters you don't recognize belong to me. I am merely borrowing the characters and hoping they'll stay for a long, long, time….lol.


I spun around, searching through all the shadows. Where was she?! I couldn't afford to lose her as well. Not after everything that had happened. Oh god. There she was.

"Lin!" I whispered hoarsely, scrambling towards her. My heart went out to her, this little girl. She was so like her mother, and her aunts.

"Uncle Darryl!" She flung herself around me, her eyes wild and terrified. I smoothed down her long brown hair, and then motioned for her to keep quiet. The voices overhead were getting louder by the second. I hoped to god that they wouldn't see the trapdoor. I moved back into the shadows and wished for not the first time in my life that I had the power to teleport or orb or shimmer or blink, or whatever it was that they did. A small seed of hope sprung into me then. I could try it, and maybe he would come. I mean, he did come last time we needed his help. I smiled reassuringly at Melinda 'Lin' Halliwell-Wyatt, the little girl trembling in my arms, trying to soothe away the fear that was ever present in her warm brown eyes.

"Cole! Cole, damnit! Get your self centered ass down here now!" Oh sure Darryl. Insulting him is the best way to get him here, isn't it. I looked guiltily to Lin. If Piper ever found out I swore near her daughter, there'd be nothing left for the hunters and their dogs to find. No. No. The dogs. How could I be so stupid?! I can't believe I forgot the dogs! They'll catch our scent. I can't let them take her. I'll do anything, but I won't let them take her. I made one last desperate attempt to call him. "Cole! C'mon, help us out here! If not for me or Lin, at least do it for Prue. You know she'd want you to save Lin. COLE!!!" The last part was said in a harsh whisper, and I regretted using Prue as soon as Cole shimmered in. His eyes held a barely concealed anguish, and though they brightened when he saw Lin, they still looked haunted.

"How much time?" His voice was urgent, and he was already reaching for Lin. I passed her over and shook my head when he started to hold my shoulder.

"Get her out of here Cole, and keep her safe. It's me they want, and I'm not putting her in anymore danger. She doesn't deserve it." My eyes pleaded with him to understand, and when he gave Lin a thoughtful look, I knew I had won. The trapdoor swung open and my blood chilled. I could feel them coming. I shuddered in revulsion, and almost gagged at the disgusting stench. The hunters reeked with blood and flesh, their dogs not much better. I gave Cole a quick shove to hurry him along, and discovered that it was a mistake.


So, what'd ya think? Should I write more? Plz R/R