Little Darcy's, I feel a profound sadness as this story draws near it's end. I don't know that new works will be as successful. I doubt my newest scribbling's. And I've bonded with my characters. And yet I am excited for new beginnings. Thank you all. Keep an eye out for my new works, already I am at work on a new ROGAN fic, first chapter goes up tomorrow. And wishing you every happiness.

Chapter 38: The first step in a long journey

As the dawn rose on a new morning, Logan felt a presence settle into the chair beside him.

"You're kinda late brother."

"Cat's not doing well. I had to be with her last night."

"In case you haven't noticed, Marie's not doing so great either."

Victor leaned back, giving his younger brother a long look. The younger feral was tense, hunched over with his elbows on his knees and and head resting on the bed beside his mate's stomach.. Exhaustion was on the end of every exhale, the worry in his scent hanging thick on the air.

"What's the word?"
"Almost lost her in the night. Round 3:30, she started flat-lining. Hank and his people worked on her a long time. Got her back but she hasn't woken up yet…"

Victor continued to watch him. Something was.. different.

"What else is there?"


"There's something else. What aren't you telling me?"


He stopped. Swallowed hard, but couldn't get past the lump in his throat enough to speak without sounding hoarse.

"She was pregnant Vic. She.." He broke off, shoulders shaking with silent tears. Crying for the lost one who'd never had a chance. And for the first time in decades, Victor Creed was there again to rub his little brother's back and try to make it all better.

Later on that afternoon Lola ventured down to the medbay, sitting vigil alongside her pack. Doctor McCoy had come in to check vitals and offer words of reassurance, but the truth of the matter was that it was up to Marie now. Only she knew if she had the strength left to fight her way back to consciousness.

"The doctor said she can hear us?" Lola asked. Logan nodded.

"Maybe you can give it a try, say a few words?" Victor suggested.

"Um.. okay. Hi Marie. I'm sorry I didn't come see you sooner. I was kind of.. well anyway. You just- you really gotta get better please. Cause I never got to thank you for saving us. You kept us alive, and me safe. You said our mates would come, and they did. Please. Please, you did so much and I really really like having you for a big sister. I'm so glad we're all a pack, a family. So please wake up. Cause I think Logan wouldn't be the same if you were gone. I know I wouldn't." She finished up, teary eyed and hiding her face in Victor's chest for support.

"That was real nice Lola. I think she feels the same about you." Logan murmured.

Victor rubbed her back and managed to get Logan out of the room long enough to say a little piece of his own.

"Hey little one. You need to get your ass up. Jimmy needs you. You promised me you'd take care of him. Can't do that from this bed. And.. you're not so bad. You're pack. Pack isn't right without you. Remember that."

Eventually, Victor and Lola went back upstairs to get something to eat, Victor insisting he would come back once Lola was tucked away to get some rest. While he appreciated their support, Logan was thankful to be alone with his mate once more. If only for a little while. He watched in silence as her chest rose and fell, still holding onto her hand. It wasn't getting any easier to see her in this state. But the words were coming more freely as he wracked his brain, saying anything and everything to see his Marie once more.

"Darlin'.. I waited too damn long. For stupid reasons. When the only one that matters to me is you. I need you to wake up Marie. I want us to have a life. I want to marry you, I want you carrying my children. I want that more than anything. And we can go on your timeline, I'll never rush you or pressure for anything. But I want humans and feral's to know you're mine. That some how, by the grace of god and a lot of luck you agreed to be my love and my heart and my life."

He kissed her palms,resting his head on the bed again. Inhaling deeply, trying to pick up any trace of her scent and finding only the sterile odor of the medical bay. Taking in another breath and losing hope.

"Ah guess ah'd better find a dress huh?"

His neck snapped up so fast Logan was surprised it didn't break. Marie was smiling weakly, still too drained to open her eyes. But eyes or not, she was here with him. She was alive.

"Marie! Kid you're- Darlin'.. my sweet Marie. My beautiful Marie." He peppered her face with kisses, seeking her mouth out like a man half-starved. She could do little more than accept the displays of affection, but her mutation pulled on him and that was all the reassurance he needed.

"Easy cowboy." Her voice came out broken and in whispers, but Logan didn't care.

"Yes, you need a dress. You absolutely need a dress. Or better yet, let's just do it now huh? Get it done as soon as possible."

She smiled a little wider.

"Oh no. Ah want flowers and yah gonna dance with meh Logan Howlett."

"Anything you want. I'll get you the most beautiful flowers you've ever seen."

"Yah better."

"I will. And I'll marry you and I'm never letting go Marie."


"You must stay still, I almost took your eye out." Storm chided gently. Marie blushed and did her best not to wiggle anymore.

"Sorry. Can ah look now?"
"Almost.. there."

The weather witch stepped back, nodding in satisfaction at her handy work. It was two months after the kidnapping, and two months after losing their child. Marie's wounds having finally healed enough for 'strenuous activity' (the wink Logan had given her in front of Hank had her entire body bright red in blushing) was more than enough reason to be excited but today was special. The day of a very happy occasion indeed.

"Oh Marie you look so pretty! Logan's gonna just die when he sees you!" Lola crowed. The spunky red-head was in her new dress, courtesy of Victor and very pleased with how the violet chiffon of it looked against her skin. She was in therapy now, dealing with the after effects of her trauma but Victor was there every step of the way. She'd also been there to support Marie's recovery, and no one had been more excited than she to help with planning.

"Can ah look?"
"You sure can." Storm turned the full length mirror towards her, smiling at the wonder in her eyes.

Marie, for her part could only stare in disbelief. Everything about this day felt surreal, most of all the woman staring back at her. Still… something was missing.

"Forgot these." Logan's hand appeared around the door, fully adhering to Lola's insistence that he could not be seen before the wedding. She smiled and made her way over, taking his dog tags and slipping them over her head.

"Can't get married without those. Ah'll see yah in a few minutes?"
"See you in a few."

He paused, taking her hand in his and bringing it around the door to his lips. A sweet small gesture, reminiscent of so many times on the road to this day. Of the first promise he ever made her, and a new promise today to continue onward as one.

Logan James Howlett would remember that day for the rest of his life. Even Victor's ribbing did nothing to soothe away the nerves. And yet, when he looked back on their wedding, the thing that stood out to him was those tags. Marie had come down the aisle, beaming angelically and looking like heaven. She'd searched for a long time, trying to find just the right thing to be married in and had finally settled on a tea-length gown. The lace top was off the shoulders, partial sleeves showing off her smooth and milky tone. The skirt was fluffed out, gossamer and there was a rose on her hip, dyed and sewn to match the violet and white orchid bouquet she carried.

Her hair was in soft curls, her shoulders looked creamy and everything about her was perfectly put together. The tags had no place in wedding attire. But she wore them anyway. Because that was his girl, always working to make him happy. To take care of him.

They were married in the gardens, on the grounds of the school. It was a small affair, with Hank giving her away and the Professor doing the ceremony. At Marie's insistence, their wedding song was a thousand years by Christina Perri. As a compromise though, no one else knew that. Because when the little reception was over, and he'd taken her back to the cabin with the hot springs, it was just the two of them. Making memories. On the road, and belonging to one another. No more warring with one another, fighting emotions within themselves.

They were one. And finally, at peace.